Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 34 The garbage you brought back



" a...survivors please pay attention...zizi..."

"The military has... the shelter... evacuated..."


After a burst of noise, the radio in the living room began to play news about evacuation and shelter on a loop.

Because of the noise interference, Jiang You stopped repeating the message for a long time before he could hear it clearly.

A survival base has been established near City A. Now the official is calling on everyone to evacuate and find a way to get to the nearest gathering place in three days. There will be military escort for evacuation.

Once you enter the base, you will be protected.

There are four meeting points, located in the east, west, north and south directions of the city.

At that time, there will be troops stationed at the assembly point, and the survivors need to find their own way to reach the assembly point, and then go to the base together.

But there is only this one escort opportunity. If you miss it, you need to go to the base by yourself.

Compared to going to the base by yourself, there will definitely be military escort, so the safety will be higher.

This piece of news was like red-hot iron falling into water, making everyone's dead hearts boil again.

You can imagine how surprised people will be when they hear this news.

This is no different than a dead tree found by a drowning person. Anyone would cling to it and not let go.

But Jiang You didn't plan to go to the base.

Entering the base does not necessarily mean safety. Compared to the crowd, she prefers to stay among the corpses.

After all, zombies are easy to distinguish, but good guys and bad guys are hard to tell.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are disputes.

After she heard the news of the evacuation in her last life, she took Li Tianming and the others to the last moment of evacuation and set off with the army regardless of the cost.

The evacuated survivors gather together, which will naturally attract many zombies along the way.

Coupled with the overt and covert fights between the same kind, there was no peace along the way.

They escaped death many times, and it was during that time that Jiang You continued to be injured and grew.

Later I learned that even under the escort of the army, less than half of the survivors at all evacuation points could reach the base alive.

And after entering the base, it was not as good as expected.

There is a shortage of food and clothing in the base. If you want to get food, you must have your own value.

People with superpowers have a slightly higher status and can perform various tasks, at least to support themselves.

But life is not easy for ordinary people, and there are many survivors in the base who starve to death or kill each other.

Li Yingyue had space, but she didn't dare to expose it.

Li Haochen has superpowers, but he doesn't dare to face zombies.

There are six people in the group, and the funny thing is that the person who goes on a mission is always Jiang You, an ordinary survivor who has not yet awakened his powers.

Ge Chunhua was very kind to her. It seemed that after experiencing a series of things, he suddenly understood and accepted his niece, and even regarded her as his biological daughter.

She would greet Jiang You, care about her every injury, and tell her to be careful when going out.

Sometimes people are so ridiculous, just because they are not taken seriously, because after gaining strength, they would rather paralyze themselves for that little bit of false warmth.

Does Jiang You really not understand the hypocrisy of his uncle's family?

not necessarily.

If it weren't for the fact that they had collected some supplies and placed them in Li Yingyue's space, they might have starved to death.

Later, Jiang You learned that every time she went on a mission, she would fight between life and death just to bring back some food.

In fact, there were a lot of uneaten food in Li Yingyue's space, and the whole family ate it while hiding.

Every time he brought back supplies, Li Yingyue would always hide a little bit quietly.

Anyway, her space cannot be seen by others, and it is impossible to count it.

Later, a teammate who went on a mission together accidentally said that Li Yingyue was very beautiful, and it was like living in two different worlds with her, and Jiang You became suspicious.

She observed carefully and found that the two brothers and sisters were indeed much healthier than she looked.

Obviously everyone ate about the same thing, but the better supplies she brought back were given to the youngest, Li Haoxuan, to eat with her uncle and the old couple.

She, Li Yingyue, and Li Haochen all ate the same thing.

Why haven't those two people lost any weight at all?

Is it because the two of them are superpowers and have better physical fitness?


Ma Wuye's grass is not fat, he must have eaten it secretly!

Jiang You looked down at the red mole on the inside of his wrist.

Now that the space is in my hands, I don't know if the family can just wait for food at home like in the previous life.

Li Yingyue has space powers?

Ho ho, that liar!


the other side.

Li Yingyue scratched her hair irritably, which had not been washed for many days. The long, silky hair that was once waist-length was now greasy and smelly.

Ge Chunhua put a pair of scissors into her hand.

"Yueyue, how many times have I told you to cut your hair, but you just don't listen. What time is it now? I don't even have enough water to drink. Where can I get water to wash your hair?"

Ge Chunhua sighed helplessly. He looked much thinner and his hair was gray. Compared with before, he felt at least ten years older.

Li Tianming and Li Haochen ran back into the house one after another, and then quickly closed the door behind them.

Li Haochen took off the backpack on his back and took out things from it while cursing.

"What a bastard! That bitch is so fucking mean. She dares to steal supplies from us. She deserves to be bitten to death by zombies!"

"Now there are more and more zombies outside, and food is getting less and less. Uncle Li, who went out to look for supplies with us before, heard that he was stabbed in the back by his own brother. He seems to be in a miserable state, tsk tsk tsk..."

With a stinky face, he took out a pack of biscuits, half a bottle of water, and two moldy steamed buns from his backpack.

Li Tianming also took off his backpack and took out some supplies from it.

There is a small amount of food, and most of it is other daily necessities.

Almost all of these things were dirty, filled with dried yellow mud.

Li Tianming explained, "This steamed bun was soaked in water before and turned black, but it should be edible. I saw them bringing moldy rice back to eat before, and it was just as fine."

Ge Chunhua nodded, "The water rose before, and many things were submerged. Anyway, if you don't get poisoned, you will starve to death, so what else do you want to do?"

Li Yingyue curled her lips in disgust when she saw the supplies on the ground.

"Mom, I want to eat the unopened package of biscuits. The other items are soaked in water, so I won't eat them."

Among the small pile of supplies, a pack of unopened biscuits stood out.

It is the only food that can be considered clean.

"Yueyue, don't be ignorant. Your father and brother have to fight zombies every day. They need good food and physical strength.

They must eat these clean foods, be good, we eat other foods the same way.

There are many people who don’t even have food to eat now. "

Li Haochen looked at Li Yingyue with a sneer, "Li Yingyue, don't look for trouble. If you want to eat delicious food, you can go out and find it yourself! There are food everywhere outside, it's very easy to find!" He said sarcastically.

"You think I rarely eat the garbage you bring back! If you hadn't been useless and could only bring back a little garbage every time, would I be so hungry?

Everyone comes back with a lot of stuff when they go out, but you and your dad can only pick up some trash that others don't want every time! "

"What I worked so hard to find is garbage, isn't it? If you are really capable, go out and look for it yourself. I want to see how capable you are!"

"Anyway, I'm more capable than you, so I won't bring back a bunch of rubbish!"

"Then it's best. If you can, don't eat garbage!"

Li Haochen was always angry. He didn't understand why his father dragged him out every time. The zombies outside were too scary.

Obviously it is much more convenient for dad to go out alone, so I have to drag him with me every time to take risks.

If he doesn't go out, he won't give himself any food!

On the other hand, the other people in the family can stay at home with peace of mind. Why? !

Li Haochen didn't understand Li Tiande's painstaking efforts. What he loved most was his son. Li Haoxuan was too young.

He himself is getting old, and he wants his eldest son to live as long as possible, so he can only let him adapt to the world as soon as possible.

But Li Haochen couldn't understand this. Now he only felt angry after escaping from death.

If he hadn't reacted quickly today and pushed a woman who had snatched something from them into the zombie group behind to use as a backing, he would have been the one being eaten now!

He grabbed the only package of well-packaged biscuits as if to vent his anger, tore it open and crazily stuffed it into his mouth.

While eating, he looked at Li Yingyue defensively.

Thinking of the scene just now, he felt scared.

However, before he finished eating the biscuits, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with Li Tianming.

He and Li Yingyue had been arguing for so long, and Li Tianming didn't say a word. This was abnormal.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Li Tianming didn't know when he squatted in the corner, trembling all over.

The other three people immediately thought of some possibility.

Ge Chunhua's face turned pale and he immediately asked, "Xiaochen, was your dad captured by zombies outside?!"

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