Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 51 A strong attack, not even a blade of grass grows!

These days, in addition to training and daily collection of useful supplies.

Jiang You has been looking for mutant plants. He wonders if the time for the apocalypse is too short now. Except for animals and humans, there are very few mutant plants.

The cactus last time was a mutated plant, but it was eaten by Da Zhuang.

After that, Jiang You searched for a long time, but could not find the second mutant plant.

But she didn't give up. Anyway, she just had to look for it slowly, and she would eventually find it.

It was another sunny day. When Jiang You got up in the morning, as soon as he stepped out of the room, he felt as if he had stepped into a boiler room. The heat made him panic.

The strawberries and catnip she planted on the balcony couldn't be saved even by watering them, and they had to hang on for dear life every day.

It seems like it will kill you if you touch it.

So Jiang You simply planted them into the space, and they began to flourish again in the soil of the space.

The hands of the clock on the wall pointed to seven in the morning, but the sun was almost rising at this time. After the apocalypse, the trend of longer days and shorter nights in summer became more and more obvious.

The days are getting longer and hotter.

It gets a little cooler at night, but the temperature never drops below forty degrees.

The survivors have adapted to the high temperature. Although it is hot, it will not kill people.

Jiang You stood on the balcony and stretched his waist with his hands, yawned deeply, and then started brushing his teeth.

Da Zhuang also crawled on the ground, stretched his body, and then grabbed a handful of hay to chew.

This kind of hay has a faint sweet taste. If you eat a handful in the morning, it is like brushing your teeth.

At the edge of the terrace is a one-meter-high security fence. One person and one cat squat on the fence to brush their teeth.

At a height of more than [-] floors, if someone kicked me from behind, I would probably not need to be rescued if I fell.

Jiang You grabbed the electric toothbrush and looked down while brushing his teeth.

From this height, you can't really see what's on the street.

What she was looking at was a lake in the distance. The water was clear and green, and the sides of the lake were somewhat green, unlike the dead plants elsewhere.

Extraordinarily conspicuous.

Looking at it from this angle, there is no obstruction to the view, and the scenery is quite good.

I wonder if there are any mutated plants there?

Jiang You took a sip of water, rinsed his mouth, and decided to go there to see it today.

It only looks close to the eye, but the actual distance between the lake and here is estimated to be five or six kilometers.

Finish brushing your teeth.

After Jiang You and Da Zhuang had breakfast, they headed to today's destination.

Da Zhuang meowed: Don’t you want to catch zombies today?

Jiang You went downstairs and took out a battery car from the space, rode on it, and then patted the back seat.

"Let's go to the park and look at the lake today instead of working!"

Da Zhuang: I believe you.

But he jumped in and lay down on the back seat.

During this period of time, Jiang You had become familiar with the nearby roads.

Zombies are sensitive to smells and sounds, especially voices.

She rode a small electric donkey through the secluded paths, quietly. Except for possibly disturbing one or two zombies nearby when passing by, zombies further away would hardly notice them.

Especially since most of the zombies in this city seemed to be distracted by her. Occasionally, she would see something floating in front of her eyes. Some zombies would tilt their heads and not react much, as if they were hesitating whether to chase after them.

Seems a little silly.

As for the few attacking zombies, Jiang You didn't need to take action.

Da Zhuang flew up and smashed his head into pieces with just a few claws.

Now Da Zhuang is bigger than before.

It's close to seventy pounds, which is different for cats and canines.

The main feature of felines is explosive power. A [-]-pound mutant cat is no less effective in combat than a self-enhanced human with superpowers.

Da Zhuang had just smashed a guy's head, and his butt was still warm when he returned to the back seat.

Turning a corner, two more zombies rushed towards the door of a clothing store in front!

The two zombies bared their teeth and rushed toward Jiang You, but the latter didn't even slow down.

"Da Zhuang, come on!"

Da Zhuang meowed angrily, pushed his hind legs hard, jumped up high, and jumped over Jiang You's head.

Landed directly on the head of a zombie.


The zombie shook its head violently, and in the next second, half of its head was bitten off.

The whole body fell limply to the ground.

Da Zhuang spat out the skull in his mouth, jumped up again and slapped half of the other zombie's face off. Then his whole body fell to the ground, and he jumped up and performed a tail kick.

He knocked the zombie back a few steps with his butt. The zombie just stood up and rushed towards Da Zhuang with a low roar.

But the sharp claws didn't even touch the cat's hair, and Da Zhuang had already jumped on its neck.


Most of the zombie's neck was bitten off, leaving only a layer of skin hanging upside down with its head hanging on the zombie's chest.

The gray-white eyes were still staring at Da Zhuang, and his mouth opened and closed.

With a swipe of his big, sharp claws, the last piece of skin was cut off.

The round head fell to the ground, and the mouth was still biting.

If a zombie doesn't destroy its brain stem, it can still survive even if only one head is left.

Da Zhuang ignored it, stepped on his head and hurriedly caught up with it.

This series of actions looks quite complicated, but it only takes less than twenty seconds.

But within these twenty seconds, the woman ran away again.

Da Zhuang looked up and saw several more zombies chasing behind the battery car.

He gritted his teeth and screamed twice, then hurriedly caught up, jumped up high, jumped over the zombies, and landed firmly on the back seat.

Jiang You only felt a sway in the back seat and knew that Da Zhuang had caught up.

Over this period of time, the man and the cat have developed a tacit understanding of working together.

The eDonkey is quiet and does not make as much noise as a motorcycle. Unless it honks the horn deliberately or bumps into something, it usually doesn't make much noise.

Not easy to attract zombies.

The electric car is small and convenient, and it runs very fast, and soon it can get rid of the zombies behind it.

Da Zhuang was lying on the back seat, licking his paws, and jumped up to kill any approaching zombies. He then continued to catch up with Jiang You's car and jumped in skillfully.

One person and one cat skillfully move through the city and avoid places where zombies gather.

When an electric vehicle encounters a damaged vehicle or other obstacle, it can basically be bypassed as long as it is not completely blocked.

On such complicated roads, battery cars are much more convenient than cars.

Jiang You drove Da Zhuang leisurely through the alley.

Humming low in his mouth.

"Ride my beloved motorcycle~it will never be stuck in traffic~"

"There's a zombie at three o'clock! Come on strong!"

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