Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 711: Into the Cage

The force was stimulated by Jiang You to become even more violent, attacking her again and again.

Jiu Yue only saw Jiang You being slammed against the stone wall by an unknown force like a rag doll, and then thrown to the ground.

But the more fierce the opponent's attack, the more poisonous her mouth became, even more poisonous than the red-crowned crane.

Every word and every sentence hurts people's heart!

"This guy... is a masochist..."

Although Jiu Yue knew that she was trying to provoke her brother, she didn't expect that she would be so desperate.


Whatever comes to mind.

She just muttered in her mind that Jiang You had a sharp tongue.

The next moment, something fell from the sky and hit him heavily in front of his eyes.

Is the thing that fell from the sky pie?

No, it’s Jiang You.

The moment Jiu Yue saw Jiang You clearly, her eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Her whole body was covered with wounds caused by stone knives, and those strange runes were constantly oozing blood, making her look particularly terrifying. In addition, she was constantly attacked, and there were fatal wounds in many places on her body.

The speed at which her blood was repaired obviously could not keep up with her speed of injury.

Jiu Yue also clearly saw the broken bone spurs on her hands, legs, and back that pierced through her flesh and skin, standing out white and terrifyingly in the flesh.

Jiang You's strength is nothing in front of this illusory monster, because the opponent has no entity yet, so her wind-based abilities and fire have all lost their advantages.

Jiu Yue gritted her teeth and whispered, "Jiang You, do you want to die? Stop provoking him! You are no match for him at all!"

"Damn Jiang You, my brother seems to be in a bad temper right now, can you please stop provoking him, he will really kill you!"

"If you die, I will never be able to get out of this Black Flame Prison. I will be trapped to death in there!"

At the same time, he shouted into the air, "Brother, it's me, I'm not dead, she lied to you!"

It was that energy that had no reaction to September's voice.

"Jiang You, what's going on? Why didn't my brother respond to what I said?!"

Jiang You spat out a bloody tooth, his nose bridge was broken, and his face was completely disfigured, but his speech was different from the madness just now, instead it revealed a bit of calmness.

"Hate lasts longer than love. It may not remember who it loves, but it will never forget the hatred. Monsters become monsters because of hatred..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mysterious power suddenly surged up again and rushed towards Jiang You.

She was thrown up into the air and slammed hard against the stone wall in the distance.


There was a loud crash, her skull shattered, and her whole body fell to the ground in a strange and twisted posture.

Blood was gushing out of his mouth, and he looked like a smashed puppet.

The blood lines were frantically repairing her wounds and maintaining her vital signs.

"Damn it, he's so cruel..." Jiang You whispered weakly.

She was vomiting blood, her voice was not as loud as before, but she was still staring at the ball of energy.

He laughed while coughing up blood.

"You are useless. You don't even have the power to kill a mere human. Even if you are in the abyss, you are just like an ant, right?"

"Let me guess, have you been looking for me for a long time and can't find me?"

"Then do you want to guess how you found me all of a sudden?"

"Of course it's me. I want to see what this loser who can't even find someone to take revenge on can do!

Now it seems that you really didn’t let me down! "

"Look at yourself. You can't even kill an ordinary human like me. Hahahaha! I'm dying of laughter... cough cough cough!"

She coughed up a large mass of bloody flesh, and felt a tearing pain in her chest.

The laughter became more and more shrill.

“I’m a waste when I’m alive, and I’m a waste when I’m dead! Hahahaha… cough cough cough… hahaha…”

Jiu Yue covered her eyes, not daring to see the miserable appearance that would follow Jiang You.

Anyway, Jiang You succeeded and she can see her brother.

If Jiang You died, even if Wind City collapsed, she could go back to the Tower of Dawn, so it would be a win-win situation.

The only risk is that you might be trapped in the Black Flame Prison forever and starve to death.

At this time, Jiu Yue even had a wild idea about the clones in the illusion. Jiang You said that they were just plant fungi with human consciousness, and they tasted good.

If I were trapped in there forever, and if my brother could replicate himself infinitely, I wouldn't necessarily starve to death...

bah bah bah!

What are you thinking?

Jiu Yue couldn't help but shudder when she thought of that scene.

Jiang You tried to stand up with his broken body, but his bent arms, broken leg bones and collapsed chest were not enough to support the force.

She fell again and again.

But he kept using words to stimulate the monster to take crazy revenge.

Delay the time.

The black magma has unknowingly covered 90% of the area, leaving only that last tiny gap.

Jiang You finally couldn't hold on any longer, his body retreated like a parabola, and his back hit the protruding stone wall hard.


A horizontal stone spike pierced through her body from the back, hanging her above the stone wall.

Her eyes were fixed on the last bit of the stone wall that was being swallowed up.

A crazy and strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Now, you can't run away."

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