Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 780 Mountain Monkey

After all, living in the mountains, snakes, insects, rats and ants are minor problems; the most feared thing is wild beasts.

Especially after the apocalypse, most of the mutant beasts are quite ferocious, and groups of them will attack the village from time to time.

This animal repellent spray is tailor-made for the major villages in the Shiwanda Mountains.

Manshi took a few of his companions to the pharmacy in Tingfeng City before dawn to queue up and buy some. In order to grab these sprays, they even fought with people from other villages.

The monkeys behind them screamed and jumped down from the cliff, rushing towards the crowd.

But the amazing thing was that they simply ignored the people from the Black Moon Village who were closest to them. A few monkeys even showed looks of disgust when they passed by them.

Most of the monkeys just ran around them.

A vacuum zone suddenly appeared around the people in Black Moon Village. Although it was safe, the feeling of being disliked by everyone... was not bad.

Xiao Lan chuckled, took a deep breath, and then felt a sharp pain in his lungs.

The old woman discovered that the source of the smell on Feng A Shui's body was his body fluids, so she began to collect his sweat and urine, but she could barely accept the smell when it was on his body.

After the improved fermentation, the odor index soared directly, and it has been on par with the canned herring stinky eggs invented by Zhang Shuhui, and there is even a tendency to surpass it.

Manshi couldn't accept the stench, but compared to the monkeys, he would rather be pickled. He stood aside and watched the people of Team 1 being swallowed by the monkeys.

Originally, monkeys are not scary creatures, but what is scary is that some people try to use supernatural powers to attack these mountain monkeys.

However, the mental powers as thin as spider silk bound them like ropes, and their superpowers were suppressed by the mental powers!

"Aaaaaaahhh!!! My eyes!!!"

"My superpowers, my superpowers are gone!!!"


"Damn monkey, it's a trap! Retreat! Retreat!!!"

“Ah!! Roar!!!”


The screams of Team One mixed with the roars of the war horses and the cheers of the monkeys, interweaving with each other.

Manshi quickly led everyone to retreat to a safe area.

In terms of combat power alone, these monkeys are not outstanding.

Even compared to some ferocious beasts, monkeys have no other advantages except their flexibility.

But as long as this group of monkeys stay together, they will form a strange domain power, and their mental powers are closely connected.

A monkey is just a thin thread, but what about a hundred monkeys, a thousand monkeys, or ten thousand monkeys?

The increase in quantity causes a qualitative change.

The spiritual power of these monkeys gathered together, like a stream flowing into the sea, and the spiritual power formed was so vast that it was beyond imagination.

As long as their spirit is not higher than that of the monkey group, they can be crushed and suppressed.

Although Team No. 1 has a large number of people and war horses, and their levels are even much higher than these monkeys, their mental strength is scattered.

Unlike a group of monkeys, they can reunite at any time.

In a moment, drops of water can break into raging waves and swallow everything.

Mountain monkeys are very cruel.

After discovering that their superpowers were suppressed, the members of Team One immediately changed their strategy and directly fought the monkey with their own combat power.

However, it is almost impossible for humans who have lost their special powers to turn the tide when facing a group of monkeys that is dozens of times more in number.

The members of Team One are not afraid of death and are very fierce.

But monkeys are not vegetarians. They hate all invaders of their territory. When a dozen monkeys surround one person, they will always seize the opportunity to attack.

When facing some tough opponents, they will even use a round-robin tactic.

They'll rip out their enemies' hearts, smash open their heads and take out their brains, then quickly pounce on their next prey.

Even when facing someone pretending to be dead, they will still give him the finishing blow.

Monkeys are smarter than ordinary mutant beasts and are also more vicious.

And more monkeys are still crawling out from the cliff.

Various sneak attack techniques emerge one after another.

The people of Team One were soon unable to hold out and were defeated.

The unilateral massacre of the monkey group began.

"No! Let us go!!!"

"Help ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Ahhh! Let me go, let me go!!!"

Mountain monkeys are cunning and vicious, and will use any weapon they can find.

One of the monkeys stuck a sharp long knife into the ground upside down, and the remaining monkeys grabbed a struggling team member, grabbed his legs, spread them apart, aimed at the long knife and started running wildly.

"Huff, huff, huff!!!" the monkeys laughed excitedly.

“No!!! Aaaaaaaaah!!!”

The team member struggled desperately, but his body was dragged and rushed towards the sharp knife.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

With a swish sound, the man was cut in half from bottom to top.

The monkeys cheered.

The people in Black Moon Village suddenly felt their buttocks tighten.

Xiao Lan held his heart in his hands and said, "These monkeys are so perverted, I like them so much..."

Manshi, "If it was you down there, you probably wouldn't like it so much, no wonder the city lord marked this place as a level three assessment site.

If it weren't for this animal repellent spray, it would be difficult for us to leave here."

There are also monkeys who will take advantage of people's unpreparedness, use fishhooks to hook out their throats or eyeballs, and then run away desperately.

Because of the severe pain, the person who is hooked will also run.

There are also war cavalry. They are like elephants falling into a snake cave, with monkeys crawling all over their bodies.

The bright fur was soon torn into pieces.

The exquisite armor was destroyed beyond recognition.

The monkeys had a clear division of labor. The young and strong monkeys were responsible for fighting, while the old and young monkeys were responsible for dragging the dead prey bodies to the bottom of the valley...

And farther away from Manshi and his companions, the Monkey King's scarlet eyes were staring at them coldly.

Manshi, "Let's get out of here quickly. I always feel like something is watching us in the dark."

Little Lazy, "Where are we going?"

"Of course we are going to look for people from the Hope Base. I think this group of mountain monkeys can handle a few more waves of people. We can lure some more people over here.

The city lord said that winter is coming soon, and we have to send winter food to our neighbors. If they are hungry in winter, they will definitely attack the village!"

Before the apocalypse, monkeys were omnivores.

After the apocalypse, these mountain monkeys became even more ferocious. When a group of monkeys gathered together, it was simply a disaster.

When Manshi thought of the scene of these monkeys breaking into the village, he subconsciously felt a pain in his butt.

No, we still need to attract more waves of people to the Wild Monkey Valley.

The ferocious monkey king stared at Manshi's opening and closing mouth. I don't know if he understood something. His originally ferocious look gradually became confused, and finally became gentle.

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