Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 9 High temperature warning

Finally, it was agreed that fifty more lethal crossbows, fifty bows and arrows, with twenty thousand arrows each, were customized.

Pay half the deposit first, pick up the goods one week later, and make the final payment.

Zombies are creatures with keen hearing, and sound is a natural navigation for them.

So the quieter the weapon, the better.

This kind of crossbow is not an ornamental toy. As long as the accuracy is good, it is not a problem to kill one person with one arrow.

The key is, there is not as much movement as the wooden warehouse, so it is still easy to buy.

It’s simply a must-have for home travel!

But after paying the deposit, Jiang You looked at the tens of thousands of dollars left in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Bullets... not enough.

At night, Jiang You killed a few chickens and soaked the rusty black pimple knife in the chicken blood.

In her last life, she broke into an abandoned antique store to avoid zombies, and all other usable weapons in the store were taken away.

Not even a kitchen knife.

Only this Miao knife, which was covered in knots and looked like a stick covered with barnacles, was still there.

She had no choice but to take the knife. Later, when the knife saw blood, it broke out of its cocoon and was reborn. After the black knots like barnacles fell off.

A long silver knife appeared, cutting iron like clay.

Before her powers were awakened, she relied on this weapon to survive.

That night, Jiang You searched all major online loan platforms, such as Happy Loan, Casual Loan, Daily Loan...

Even some ultra-shady loan platforms that borrowed [-] yuan but received less than [-] yuan after deducting handling fees did not let them go.

In short, everyone who could get a loan got a loan.

Finally, I contacted several local loan shark companies and borrowed a lot of money.

More than [-] yuan was loaned out.

A week later, Jiang You saw Li Qiang again.

After checking the quality of your customized crossbows and arrows, you immediately pay the balance.

There are still two days before the end. All the money that can be spent has been spent, and all the goods that should be collected have been collected.

Jiang You only had more than two hundred yuan left in her pocket, so she decided to go shopping in the supermarket.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was still dazzling in the sky.

As soon as Jiang You came out of the air-conditioned room, he immediately felt a wave of heat hitting his face, as if he had entered a steamer.

Within five minutes of going out, your clothes would be soaked with sweat.

There is a large shopping mall just a few hundred meters away, and there is a supermarket on the first floor below.

Jiang You walked quickly to the supermarket holding an umbrella.

Along the way, the greenery on both sides of the road was turned yellow by the sun, and the originally green street trees were withered on both sides.

Needless to say, the lawns on the roadside were withered and yellow.

The flowers in some flower beds have even become dried flowers under continuous high temperatures.

As soon as I entered the supermarket, I heard a few aunts complaining.

"This weather is so damn hot."

"Isn't it? The highest temperature during the day is forty-five degrees!

There was a power outage in our community last night, and the air conditioner didn't work. It was so hot that people almost melted! "

"Also, my nephew in the countryside planted dozens of acres of cabbage, but it was so hot in the greenhouse that all the cabbage rotted in the ground!"

"And my nephew who keeps fish in my hometown has more than a dozen large fish ponds. All the fish are floating in the water with their stomachs turned upside down. I cry to death!


Today's summer is rated by experts as the hottest summer ever.

High temperature warnings are issued frequently across the country.

All buildings currently under construction have been suspended. After all, with such a high temperature, it will be really hot in the construction site.

There were almost no people on the road, except for a few passers-by who walked in a hurry with their heads lowered.

Or be fully equipped, including a parasol, sunglasses, and sun protection clothing covering the whole body.

With this outfit, even if the couple met on the street, they would probably not recognize each other.

Jiang You pushed the shopping cart and wandered aimlessly in the supermarket, not to buy anything, but to finally enjoy the feeling of shopping in a supermarket with so many people coming and going.

The price of meat in the meat-eating area has skyrocketed. Because of the high temperature, various infectious diseases have broken out in many farms, and many farms have been wiped out.

Pork that usually costs nine yuan a pound now costs thirty-eight yuan a pound.

Beef has soared to more than [-] pounds per pound.

The prices in the vegetable section are also scary. Cabbage that usually costs [-] cents per catty now costs [-] yuan per catty.

Watermelon costs seven yuan per catty, tomatoes cost eight yuan, garlic sprouts cost thirty-five yuan, and bananas cost ten yuan per catty...

Everyone is complaining, complaining that they can't afford food, or that everything is going up, except that wages are not going up.

Aunts who buy vegetables can't wait to peel off three layers of vegetables before putting them on the scale. When buying bananas, they keep complaining about the thick skin.

Jiang You put snacks in the shopping cart while shopping, his brows furrowed into two knots.

The sudden outbreak of the apocalypse in her previous life, coupled with the fact that she had been immersed in studying or working, did not notice any abnormalities in the outside world.

But after resurrecting her life, she observed carefully and found that there seemed to be signs of the end of the world.

Large areas of crops and livestock dying, as well as high temperatures that continue to break through the red point, are all foreshadowing something.

Did the people above really not notice anything unusual at all?

After spending the last coin from the supermarket, Jiang You returned to the [-]rd floor of his rented apartment carrying several large shopping bags.

The first thing I do when I get home is turn on the air conditioner and TV.

Then I lay on the sofa and kept changing channels, watching local news from various places and central news.

But it seems that the major news is just to appease the public and stop spreading false rumors.

Jiang You turned on his phone and went to the forum.

There are many posts on the forum discussing the recent high temperature problem, and many people are saying that this is a sign of the end of the world.

Jiang You looked through these posts one by one.

Finally, I saw a post posted by a person called "Know My Heart".

This post is currently the most discussed.

"Everyone, listen to me, this time is not a joke, it is really the end of the world!

This is a life-saving post, I hope people who see it will remember what I said.

The end of the world is really coming. If you encounter zombies, don’t be afraid. Zombies move slowly in the early stages. As long as you are brave, an adult can kill them!

If you want to kill a zombie, you must destroy its brainstem. Otherwise, even if you cut it in half, it will not die!


Also, remember to stock up on supplies!

Everyone can see that the weather has been abnormal recently. You must stock up on supplies at home to be prepared...


...Finally, in the last days, you must worry about the same kind, especially the friends around you, and don’t trust anyone!


Jiang You looked at this person's post word for word, and the information recorded on it was very accurate.

She couldn't help but wonder if this person was reborn like her.

As a result, when she saw the last sentence, the serious expression on her face almost collapsed.

"Know my heart" added a link and a sentence at the end of the post.

——"If you want to know more about the survival rules of the end of the world, click this link to read [I am invincible after rebirth in the end of the world] on Tomato Novel Network"

This is actually an advertising post.

This feeling is like a person proposing to you in a serious manner. Just when you are about to accept the ring, he tells you that today is April Fools' Day.

There are probably many people who feel the same way as Jiang You, because there are a lot of comments below.

Turning off the phone, Jiang You took out a piece of braised pork, a minced eggplant, and a piece of winter melon ball soup from the space.

Three dishes, one soup and a bowl of rice, coupled with the cool air-conditioned wind, relieved Jiang You's tense nerves a lot.

She watched TV programs aimlessly and ate her dinner.

Enjoyed a delicious meal.

There is a saying that only after you have been truly hungry can you realize how precious food is.

When she eats now, not a grain of rice falls to the ground.

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