Don’t Pretend to be Poor with Me

Chapter 25

Chapter 24: Tricky

Xia Zhiye didn’t think much about it when the power went out at first.

He was fiddling with the bracelet on his wrist bone when he heard screams around him. When he looked up, he found that all he could see was pitch black. Except for the scattered lights across the river, there was only the light of everyone’s mobile phone.

Song Yan’s phone was still on the table.

This black light is blinding, and it is basically difficult without a mobile phone. What if Song Yan accidentally falls.

Little cripple’s legs have been fine for a few days, but he can’t be lame any more.

Xia Zhiye thought, picked up Song Yan’s mobile phone, got up and walked to the bathroom.

Xia Zhiye pushed open the outside door and called out lazily, “Song Da…”

Before the word “hi” fell, I saw the familiar, thin figure lying on the sink by the dim light of the mobile phone, panting heavily.

Supporting the edge of the marble table with one hand and gripping the neckline with the other, the back of the hand is too strong, and the muscles and bones are fully revealed. There was also a fine sweat.

No normal person is afraid of the dark.

And they lived together for so long, apart from insomnia, they never saw anything unusual about Song Yan at night.

No, Song Yan seemed to have made it clear that he did not like being alone in his room at night.

So Song Yan can’t be alone in a dark, confined space?

Xia Zhiye thought of this, and instantly suppressed all the indecent expressions, stepped forward to support Song Yan’s shoulder, and whispered: “Song Yan.”

Hearing his voice, Song Yan let go of all his strength in an instant, and spread his fingers on the edge of the stage a little bit, Xia Zhiye took his shoulders and turned him around , in his arms.

The boy who has always been cold-hearted did not push the person away this time, but held Xia Zhiye’s body tightly like a drowned man grabbing the last straw. waist.

Her forehead also rested on Xia Zhiye’s broad and flat shoulders, sniffing the familiar scent of citrus on him, as if she was looking for some long-awaited sense of security.

That is a gesture of total trust, even trust to desire.

Xia Zhiye had never seen Song Yan like this before. He stretched out his arms and took him into his arms softly and powerfully, trying to use his body temperature and heartbeat to convey some calmness and warmth within his power.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s alright, I’m here.”

After the short three phrases, there is a tacit and silent trust and companionship in the dark.

At that moment, Song Yan was like a traveler who had been walking alone in the desert for a long time, boiled for a long time, endured for a long time, and finally found an oasis of Ganquan that could accept him. After a long absence of tranquility and indulgence, he did not dare to move and indulge in it.

He thought, even if this is a mirage, he is willing to die in such an illusion, it is better than continuing to support alone in the hopeless desert.

He relied on and enjoyed the hug until a squeak of the door shattered the illusion.

Xia Zhiye turned his head when he heard the movement, and saw Shen Jiayan flashing the flashlight of his mobile phone in one hand and something unknown in the other, standing at the door staring blankly at them.

He hugged Song Yan and raised his eyebrows slightly, probably meaning to say “Do you know what’s going on”.

But in Shen Jiayan’s eyes, it becomes “Why are you here” “Don’t you know if you should be here” “Shouldn’t you roll away when you see such a picture? ”

So the desire to survive made him prepare to pretend that he didn’t see anything, turn around and leave.

However, with a “pop”, the power was restored, and the room was instantly bright.

Song Yan also lay on Xia Zhiye’s body to adjust her state, heard the movement, released her hand, stood up straight, looked up and saw Shen Jiayan’s indescribable expression, and then her eyebrows returned to indifferent: “Is there something? ”


Shen Jiayan did not dare to say anything.

After all, the experience of watching TV series over the years tells him that people who break through adultery will not end well.

And the generosity admits that after breaking through the adultery, there is no place for burial.

So he held up the sauerkraut dish in his hand tremblingly: “Well, I just wanted to ask you… do you eat it?”


Song Yan and Xia Zhiye looked at the sign at the door of the toilet, then looked at the strangely colored paste in Shen Jiayan’s hand, and left the crime scene in silence.

The rest of Shen Jiayan stood there blankly alone, and began to react as if something was wrong.

Song Yan hates Xia Zhiye? ?

Why was he crying under the car? !

Back at the seat, no one mentioned what happened just now.

Song Yan didn’t want to say.

Xia Zhiye knew that Song Yan didn’t want to say it, so he didn’t say it.

Shen Jiayan clearly wanted to say it but didn’t know whether she should say it or not.

The atmosphere on the table was pretty **** up.

The more wrong.

Is this annoying? Is it his misunderstanding of hate, or Song Yan’s misunderstanding of hate?

And there is a 1.74 meter tall living person here, panting, can you two look up at me?

Shen Jiayan deeply felt that she was being donkeyed.

When Xia Zhiye put a piece of fat beef covered in chili oil into the clear soup again and passed it over to Song Yan, Shen Jiayan was sure of this.

These two must be tricky.

He Shen Jiayan doesn’t deserve to be a flower in the capital unless he asks something!

So after eating the hot pot, the three of them left the business area and were about to part ways, Shen Jiayan held the taxi door and stuck her head out: “Classmate Xia, come back to the hotel with us. .”

Xia Zhiye raised her eyebrows slightly.

Shen Jiayan explained: “It’s boring to go back to the dormitory by yourself so late, and you have to go out to play tomorrow, it will be inconvenient for you to come and pick us up, so why don’t you live together at night? Well, three people can still fight the landlord.”

Shen Jiayan’s words are reasonable and well-founded, but the intention is too obvious. At first glance, there is a trick.

It seems that Song Yan, the not so smart little bamboo horse, seems to have something to say to himself.

Thinking of Song Yan’s abnormality during the power outage, Xia Zhiye didn’t reveal it, but just bent down and looked at Song Yan who was sitting on the inside: “So this little classmate minds taking me in at night?”

The arrogant little classmate looked out of the window: “It’s none of my business if love comes or not.”

Xia Zhiye laughed softly and got into the car.

Shen Jiayan booked an executive suite with a living room, a double room, a single room, and two bathrooms.

I originally thought it would be perfect for him and Song Yan to share a room, but now the plan has changed.

Because he didn’t dare to ask Song Yan about something, he only dared to ask Xia Zhiye.

So he mustered up his courage and made a suggestion: “Xia Zhiye and I should live in a double room.”

Song Yan lifted her eyelids lightly and looked at him.

I’ve been arguing with you, and you’re losing sleep again, how bad it is.”

After speaking, she turned her head and gave Xia Zhiye a wink, as if asking for help.

It seems that this little classmate is really not very smart.

But I still need his help, so Xia Zhiye echoed lazily: “It just so happened that this classmate Xiao Shen and I hit it off very well, so I plan to have a long talk tonight. ”

Two people whose personalities can’t be beaten, what’s there to talk about? Why haven’t I seen him talk to me? Besides, are the two big men looking at him like he is blind?

Even if Song Yan was a fool, she could sense that Shen Jiayan had other plans.

But what does he want?

Xia Zhiye wants money, but she wants sex…

It’s still a bit tinted.

Song Yan remembered that Shen Jiayan had praised Xia Zhiye for being handsome before, and also praised that Xia Zhiye had a boyfriend, and also said that Xia Zhiye was a bit gay, and Shen Jiayan seemed to have never liked girls since she was a child .

Thinking of this, Song Yan didn’t think any more, gave a cold “um”, and went back to the single room by herself.

When the door was closed, Shen Jiayan scratched his head: “Why do I feel that Xiaoyan seems a little unhappy?”

Xia Zhiye looked at the direction in which Song Yan’s back disappeared, thoughtfully: “Maybe.”

“What then?”

“It’s alright, I’ll just turn around and coax.” Xia Zhiye looked back at Shen Jiayan and said in a loose tone, “So can you talk now?”

He had more than ten high scores than Shen Jiayan, and he felt oppressive at a glance.

Shen Jiayan was a little panicked: “Say…what?”

He originally wanted to take a detour, but now it seems to have been exposed, obviously his IQ is not enough to play spy wars in front of the other party, he simply changed his mind and felt that he had to say in the end anyway Yes, it’s better to say it directly in one breath.

So he gritted his teeth, his heart was ruthless, he directly pulled Xia Zhiye into the room, locked the door, and asked in a low voice: “Didn’t you say that Xiaoyan hates you!”

“Hmm.” Xia Zhiye’s face was not red or heartbeat, “He really hates me, you can see it yourself, he thinks I’m a scumbag.”

“…” When Shen Jiayan heard this, she was silent for a while, and then said, “Actually, I can’t blame Xiaoyan for this, I saw someone saying that you have a lot of girlfriends in your school post. , and then I counted the IDs of those who claimed to be your girlfriends, there were forty or fifty, so I told Xiaoyan…”

Xia Zhiye: “…”

It turns out that the source of the rumor lies in this.

He reflected for a moment and said to himself, “I’m sorry, I’m too attractive.”

Shen Jiayan: “…”

This person is shameless.

But just in case, Shen Jiayan still confirmed: “So they are really not your girlfriends?”

Xia Zhiye said slowly: “You believe me, besides me, they may have seven boyfriends, eight sons, nine brothers and countless husbands and wives on the Internet.”

Shen Jiayan: “…”

It is difficult to argue against.

“So what else do you want to say?”


“It’s okay.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

After the weird children’s polite teaching demonstration dialogue, the air fell into an awkward silence.

After a while, Shen Jiayan finally spoke: “Apart from this, you and Xiaoyan have a good relationship, right?”

Just as Xia Zhiye was about to speak, Shen Jiayan interrupted him: “Don’t admit it, I can see it all. With Xiaoyan’s character, if the relationship is not good, it is impossible to chat with you on WeChat. , open black, buy the same bracelet, let alone hold you when ptsd attacks!”


Xia Zhiye grasped the point.

Shen Jiayan nodded: “Well, Xiaoyan can’t stay alone in a dark confined space, or she will suffer from traumatic stress disorder.”

What Xia Zhiye thought and asked: “Is it related to your childhood experience?”

“Oh, it’s a long story.” Shen Jiayan sighed, “Actually, I shouldn’t have said this, because Xiaoyan will definitely be unhappy when he finds out, but he is alone now. Nan Wu, I’m really worried, that’s why I told you, you have to keep it a secret.”


Shen Jiayan asked: “Do you know that Xiaoyanjia is actually quite rich?”

Xia Zhiye nodded.

Shen Jiayan continued: “But in fact, their family started from scratch, his father was the No. 1 student in the college entrance examination from Nanwu No. 3 Middle School, and later went to Peking University, met his mother in Beijing, and the two started a business together and got married. , After suffering all the hardships, he worked hard for the present family business.”

“I don’t know what happened in the middle, but before he gave birth to Xiaoyan, his parents’ relationship was broken. When he was pregnant with Xiaoyan, his father wanted to kill him. , his mother refused and insisted on giving birth, but because his father was cold and violent during the pregnancy, his mother suffered from postpartum depression after giving birth to him, and then it was so severe that he became mentally disturbed.”

“It’s good to treat Xiaoyan when it’s good, and beat and scold when it’s bad. At that time, my family lived across from Xiaoyan, and my mother took him home to hide when I met him. I was alone, and once it was minus ten degrees, I was locked outside the door for a whole day.”

” Later, her mother’s condition became more and more serious, and his father was not at home. When Xiaoyan was five or six years old, on the anniversary of his parents’ wedding, his father accompanied a female star to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony The event went, and after seeing it on TV, her mother locked Xiaoyan and herself in a dark room, and wanted to take Xiaoyan to death.”

” But in the end, she probably couldn’t be ruthless and didn’t want to let Xiaoyan die with her, she just swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills, fell asleep in front of Xiaoyan, and waited until noon the next day Auntie came to cook to find them.”

“So that night, Xiaoyan stayed alone with his mother’s body in a dark room for a whole night. When he was rescued, he didn’t cry or make trouble, but he didn’t love much since then. Talking to someone and having traumatic stress.”

“Xiaoyan is indeed not very good-tempered, and has a lot of stinky problems, but he is really nice. When we were young, the two of us went hiking together, and I accidentally fell off the railing. If it wasn’t for him trying to drag me, I would have been reincarnated by now. Later, I went to the hospital to check and found out that his arm was dislocated by me at the time, but he never let go, so I focused on this. Good friend.”

“But I’m also quite unreliable, I’m not very smart, I can’t fight, I can’t help him in many things, not to mention that I’m still so far away, so if If possible, can I trouble you to take care of him?”

“The reason why I tell you this is because I think he treats you very differently. The person who can be hugged by him when he has a ptsd attack must be someone he trusts very much people.”

Shen Jiayan finished her last sentence and looked at Xia Zhiye, her clear eyes filled with the purest sincerity and expectation.

Xia Zhiye lowered his eyelashes, and after a long silence, he finally replied slowly, “Don’t worry.”

He thought that Song Daxi might not have a good life when he was a child, but he never thought it would be so bad.

It’s no wonder it’s called loathing.

Recalling the day when she was drunk, Song Yan tilted her head and asked him why no one liked him.

It took him a long time to calm down before he could calmly say “don’t worry”.

And he reassured Shen Jiayan not because of anyone’s entrustment, but because he wanted Song Yan to understand that he was the most lovable child in the world.

The Song Daxi of their family should be the eldest young master who is pampered.

Xia Zhiye lowered his eyes, staring unconsciously at the bracelet on his wrist, the light brown eyes lost the usual sloppy smile, there is only one possibility that even himself Undetected strong emotions.

All of this fell into Shen Jiayan’s eyes.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he swallowed it again, after repeating this for a few times, he finally couldn’t hold back and opened his mouth tentatively: “Then what? …Student Xia, I have a question that I don’t know if I should ask it or not.”

Xia Zhiye drooped his eyelids and said casually, “Ask.”

“No matter what the answer is, you are not allowed to hit me.”


“That…isn’t it interesting that you are a little tired of our family?”

The moment Shen Jiayan’s voice fell, Xia Zhiye raised his eyes.

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