Don’t Pretend to be Poor with Me

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Fever

Song Yan should be so sincere that she wants to fight Xia Zhiye.

As soon as he finished speaking, a fist hit him.

Xia Zhiye hadn’t reacted yet, so he stepped back by instinct, then held the basin in one hand and the phone in the other, and was pushed to the corner.

Song Yan’s fist just brushed the side of his ear, wrapped in a violent fist wind, and slammed into the wall.

After the two remained silent for three seconds in such a strange posture, Xia Zhiye tentatively asked two words: “Bidong?”


Your dad’s thump.

Song Yan wanted to pry open Xia Zhiye’s skull to see how this person’s brain circuit grows.

However, when he looked up, he saw Xia Zhiye’s blinking peach blossom eyes and a large pot of clothes tightly held in his hands, and felt that he was unreasonable.

The sneakers were given by myself, and I chose to be anonymous because I was afraid that Xia Zhiye would be burdened. From Xia Zhiye’s point of view, gifts of unknown origin should not have been accepted. , As for selling information to grab business, it is more up to you to do it.

So in the end, Xia Zhiye didn’t do anything wrong from beginning to end, and he even helped him wash his clothes, so he should say thank you.

But the truth is such a truth, but Song Yan didn’t know why she was panicking.

The reason doesn’t make sense.

Anyway, he was upset, and when he saw Xia Zhiye’s attractive peach eyes, he wanted to punch him twice, so as not to wink at him all day long.

However, in the end, he still slammed into the wall, then coldly retracted his fist, took the basin, turned around, and hung up the clothes without saying a word, with a big face saying “I am today today. I’m not happy.” No matter how you hide it, you can’t hide it.

Xia Zhiye then recalled that Song Yan was not in the wall just now, but really wanted to punch him, and estimated that if the punch really hit him, at least one would be broken rib cage.

The desire to survive made him realize the seriousness of the matter, and asked in a low voice, “Why are you suddenly unhappy?”

Song Yan was expressionless: “Not unhappy.”

“Are you upset?”

“I was born with facial paralysis, do you mind?”


Don’t mind.

Xia Zhiye replied obediently: “I don’t mind, I like it very much, very good.”

“Then get out of the way.”

Song Yan finished drying the clothes, and when she regained her senses, she found that Xia Zhiye had blocked the balcony door, and raised her eyelids in annoyance.

Only Xia Zhiye realized that Song Yan’s unhappiness today was a bit wrong. Compared with the serious unhappiness and indifference before, today’s unhappiness is a bit of a tantrum no matter how you look at it.

He didn’t mind Song Yan’s temper, but he didn’t want to understand why Song Yan suddenly lost his temper?

“Did you encounter something unhappy?” Xia Zhiye looked down at Song Yan.

Song Yan replied calmly, “Do you think there is anything to be happy about today?”

The resentment seems to be quite big.

Xia Zhiye recalled that today, except for the fact that the dry cleaners were closed, a certain eldest young master had to wash the clothes and the floor by himself for two hours, but nothing seemed to have happened that was worth Song Anxiety. unhappy things.

Does Song Yan really hate laundry to such an extent?

It seems that the plan to buy a washing machine must be advanced.

Xia Zhiye helped Song Yan press down the furious hairs on top of his head: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine with me here.”


“From now on, your clothes are mine. I will treat them like my own clothes, and I will never let you suffer any grievances.”


Song Yan felt that it was a pity that Xia Zhiye was not beaten.


However, Song Yan finally held back and did not beat Xia Zhiye, and after washing her face coldly, she lay on the bed.

When I woke up the next morning, my head was a little dizzy, and Song Yan didn’t take it seriously. When he got to the classroom, he was ready to lie on the table and start to make up for sleep.

Xia Zhiye handed a bag of hot soy milk with a straw inserted and a peeled tea egg to him: “Eat breakfast before going to bed.”

The voice was low and soft, and it was a very ordinary sentence, but it sounded like coaxing a child.

Little Fatty and Zhao Ruiwen at the front desk shook their heads, feeling that they had no ears to listen.

Only Song Yan was unaware, stood up sullenly, took the soy milk as usual, took a sip, frowned slightly: “Bitter.”

“Is it bitter?” Xia Zhiye took back the soy milk from his hand and took a sip from the straw, “It’s not bitter.”

“Maybe your mouth is wrong when you wake up in the morning.” Song Yan didn’t have any appetite, so he pushed his breakfast to Xia Zhiye’s side, then slumped down and closed his eyes.

He frowned slightly and looked sleepy.

Xia Zhiye didn’t bother him any more, he just drank the rest of the soy milk slowly with the straw he just drank.

Little Fatty and Zhao Ruiwen, who turned around and wanted to gossip but accidentally witnessed this scene: “…”

This old couple’s sense of sight will be too strong.

“Today’s Gay gas is a bit over the limit.” Little Fat tutted and shook his head.

Zhao Ruiwen nodded: “I agree.”

Xia Zhiye couldn’t stand the fuss of these two, holding the bag of soy milk in one hand and hooking the English multiple choice question in the other, without raising his eyelids: “If you have something to say, let it go.”

“It’s nothing, I just want you to help us see if this learning material is worth buying.”

Xia Zhiye paused with his fingers and raised his eyelids: “What learning materials?”

“Here, this is it.” Zhao Ruiwen pushed the phone in front of him, “Yesterday, a new Like God came to the group, and the price was raised to the same level as the handsome God, saying that it is only for the middle class. I’m a little excited about the top-notch sprint, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

Xia Zhiye glanced at it, and vaguely felt that the handwriting seemed familiar, but he didn’t think much about it. After reading two pages, he lazily pushed the phone back: “It’s very suitable for you, but small It’s okay to be fat.”

Little Fatty: “Why?”

Xia Zhiye: “Because you don’t understand.”

“…” Xiao Pang died violently on the spot, and then cheated the corpse, “Forget it, I’ll continue to support Shuai God, maybe I can contribute to his wife pursuit career.”

Xia Zhiye’s psychological quality is very good, and his face does not change his heartbeat: “You are right, it is not easy for a poor family to give a gift to someone they like.”

“That is, although I am very tempted by Like God, but handsome God, I will also buy it. Once the youth love story of poor boy Xueba and Bai Fumei school flower becomes a good story in the world. Zhao Ruiwen pushed his glasses, looking longing, “I started to look forward to Christmas Eve this year. What a beautiful and moving story it must be.”

The exaggerated and pretentious drama tone failed to awaken Xia Zhiye’s shame at all, he nodded in agreement: “Well, indeed, love is miserable, and the gift you want to give is definitely not cheap, so Remember to help him spread the word.”

“Don’t worry.”

“No problem.”

The two deserved to be happy, but Song Yan, who was lying on the side to catch up with sleep, scratched the back of his head irritably. Impatient.

Xia Zhiye thought he was too noisy, and with a look, Zhao Ruiwen and Xiaopang closed their mouths and turned back silently.

However, Song Yan was simply annoying Xia Zhiye.

I don’t usually see any girl he is in contact with, why did he suddenly fall in love? And since he was so poor, he still thought about giving gifts to others, which was really unconscionable.

The more Song Yan thought about it, the more annoyed she became.

Finally annoyed, I fell asleep in a daze, and even the occasional low cough in my sleep was full of unhappy emotions.

Why did I suddenly start coughing?

Is your throat uncomfortable?

Xia Zhiye thought about taking the thermos cup and got up to give Song Yan a cup of hot water.

As soon as she returned to her seat, Ruan Tian entered the classroom.

I don’t even take it off when I speak, and my voice is still a little hoarse: “Students, I’m very sorry, the teacher accidentally caught a cold, and my throat is a little tight. I can’t stop, so these days we mainly do questions and papers, and when the teacher’s voice is better, we can focus on explaining.”

“It’s okay, Sister Tian, you have a good rest, your health is important.”

“That’s right, we also have English class representatives and monitor, don’t worry.”

“Yes, we can study by ourselves.”

These children are still very caring at critical times. Ruan Tian is very relieved: “Teacher is fine, it’s just that the seasons have changed recently, the temperature has dropped rapidly, and it is also a flu-prone period. Be sure to keep warm, wash your hands frequently, and if you feel unwell, you must notify the teacher in time, isolate and observe, do you hear?”

After finishing speaking, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Song Yan sleeping on his stomach in the back corner of the classroom. He didn’t seem to want to get up and listen to the class. He moved his eyes and looked at Xia Zhiye next to him, a friendly reminder. : “For example, it is easy to catch a cold if you lie down and sleep in the classroom this day. It is suggested that the same table should take some care measures.”

Xia Zhiye thought it made sense, turned around, took off a thick coat from the back of his chair, and put it on Song Yan firmly.

Tian Ruan: “…”

Little Fat: “…”

All class: “…”

It is also a play.

Ruan Tian’s original intention was to make Xia Zhiye wake up Song Yan, but Song Yan has always been self-conscious in his studies, and he knows all kinds of things in his mind. Maybe he is really sleepy. .

Under Ruan Tian’s connivance, Song Yan directly slept through two English lessons.

But the third class is math class, Luo Wei is not so good at talking.

In order to prevent Song Daxi from being punished to stand again, Xia Zhiye patted Song Yan’s head lightly: “Song Yan, get up.”

Song Yan ignored him at all.

Xia Zhiye pinched his earlobe again: “Song Daxi, get up.”

Song Daxi still ignored him.

Xia Zhiye could only use his trump card and leaned into his ear: “Baby Song Yan…”

Baby Song Yan didn’t even lift her head, she picked up an English workbook and smashed it: “Are you **** annoying!”

Tsk, waking up with so much gas.

However, the nasal sound is so heavy today, it sounds like a urn.

Xia Zhiye rubbed the back of his head twice: “Are you uncomfortable?”

Song Yan’s head hurts so badly, she just wants to sleep, she lies on the table, and angrily: “None of your business.”

Xia Zhiye has learned to habitually ignore his words: “Get up and drink some hot water before going to bed.”

Song Yan was still angry: “I don’t want to drink.”

“Drink if you don’t want to, your voice doesn’t sound right.”

“I said, don’t drink, and it’s none of your business if my voice is right.”

Song Yan was so annoyed that she sat up and pushed away the thermos cup that Xia Zhiye had pushed over.

Delicate brows frowned irritably, and there were some strange flushing at the end of the eyes and cheeks, showing an obvious abnormal morbidity on the pale complexion.

She stretched out her right hand and put the palm of her hand on Song Yan’s forehead softly, feeling the abnormally hot body temperature of someone whose body temperature was always low, Xia Zhiye said nothing. Tired of Yibao: “You have a fever, go to the infirmary.”

Song Yan realized that her discomfort might not be simply because she didn’t sleep well.

But it is not a trivial matter to have a fever at this juncture. Who knows whether it is the flu or the new crown, anyway, it is very contagious.

Song Yan pushed Xia Zhiye away with a cold face: “Get out of the way, I’ll go by myself.”

Xia Zhiye asked, “How do you get there yourself?”

“I want to go as I like.”

Song Yan put on her mask and stood up.

A soft, re-planted back to the seat.

Xia Zhiye hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

No mask, so close.

Song Yan felt anxious and pushed hard: “Can you **** stay away from me!”

The tone was urgent and sharp, the brows were wrinkled, and the movements tended to be instinctive, which seemed to be a manifestation of some extreme irritability and rejection.

Xia Zhiye remembered Song Yan’s petty temper that started last night, and his heart sank, wondering if Song Yan had discovered something, otherwise why would he suddenly start rejecting him.

But none of that matters now.

The important thing is Song Yan’s physical condition.

He ignored Song Yan’s pushing and shoving, helped him stand up, and said calmly, “Go to the infirmary first.”

“I said I can…Fuck, what are you doing, Xia Zhiye!”

Before Song Yan finished speaking, his body suddenly softened and fell down, and then he felt himself suddenly vacated, and Xia Zhiye held his waist with one hand and the knee socket with the other, hitting him horizontally. hugged.


Under the eyes of the public, he, a big man, was picked up by the princess, and he wanted to save face: “Xia Zhiye, are you **** sick?!”

Xia Zhiye didn’t have any jokes on his face: “Now is not the time to be angry.”

“Who the **** is angry with you, let me go, fuck…”

Song Yan had to have no strength and no brains at the moment. After resisting with all his strength, it was useless. He could only bury his face in Xia Zhiye’s collar. Pretend so others can’t see you.

But everyone else saw it.

The whole second and first class of high school witnessed a cold war quarrel between a young couple and the overbearing school princess hugged: “…”

This is **** love.


Love is not love, Song Yan does not know.

He only knew that he had the heart to strangle Xia Zhiye.

However, although the nucleic acid test and virus test confirmed that Song Yan was just a fever caused by a common low immunity, the school doctor decided to isolate him in the infirmary just in case. So Song Yan temporarily lost the chance to strangle Xia Zhiye himself.

Lying alone on the white single bed in the infirmary, slightly curled up, looking fragile and lonely.

Xia Zhiye stood outside the window and looked at Song Yan’s back, turned his head, and asked for the 108th time, “I really can’t go in?”

The school doctor was asked angrily and funny by him: “Little classmate, if you ask me a hundred times, I will not let you in.”

“Isn’t it all just a common fever?”

“That won’t work either, this is the school, everything should be just in case.” The school doctor glanced at the time, “And classmate, you should go back to class.”

Xia Zhiye turned back and looked inside the house again: “It’s okay, I’m the first in my grade, I don’t have to go to class.”

School doctor: “…”

Are young people today so ignorant of modesty?

If it weren’t for the fact that both of them were boys, he would have suspected that it was a puppy love with this reluctant and extremely worried look.

Finally, looking at Xia Zhiye like this, he couldn’t hold back and sighed: “Okay, if you’re afraid that he’s bored and guarding here, it’s not a solution, you might as well help him clean up Things, what books, mobile phones, and tablets, come here, play with him, and pass the time.”

What the school doctor said makes sense.

Xia Zhiye nodded: “Well, yes. Then you must stay here all the time, don’t pull the curtains, don’t turn off the lights, don’t let him alone…”

“Okay, okay, you’ve said it eight hundred times, let’s go!”

The good-natured school doctor couldn’t bear it anymore, and violently drove Xia Zhiye away.

When Xia Zhiye returned to the classroom, the others did not shy away, and came together to care about Song Yan’s condition.

After listening to Xia Zhiye saying that Song Yan was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s fine, it’s fine, but Master Xia, the princess hugged Brother Yan today and hasn’t been beaten to death by him yet? ”

The person who said it was just a joke.

Xia Zhiye remained silent.

I haven’t been beaten to death for the time being, but when Song Yan is cured, everything will be hard to say.

Thinking of Song Yan’s appearance of being very angry since yesterday and the violent pushing and shoving of direct rejection today, Xia Zhiye felt that Song Yan might have realized that she had some unacceptable thoughts about him, So not happy.

He doesn’t care about other people’s opinions, but he cares about Song Yan’s opinions.

Kong Xiaoxiao is a girl, she is more sensitive in the end, Xia Zhiye’s silence made her feel a little wrong, and asked softly, “Master Xia, why are you in a bad mood?”


Xia Zhiye responded perfunctorily and continued to help Song Yan pack up.

When I took out my schoolbag, I didn’t pay attention, the phone slipped from the side pocket and fell to the ground.

Xia Zhiye bent over to pick it up and was about to put it back in the schoolbag, but the screen was automatically raised to wake up. Xia Zhiye’s eyes instantly caught a banner message on the lock screen.

The banner message Xia Zhiye is not unfamiliar, it is the return visit information 24 hours after a certain sneaker trading platform confirms the receipt.

[Dear Mr. Song Yan, the AJxxxx you purchased in our company at 17:32 pm on October 5th has been signed, please comment on the products and services…]

October 5th afternoon.

Same model as the pair of sneakers I received.

Song Yan said it was given by someone who had a crush on him.

But I sent it to the lost and found office.



At that moment, Xia Zhiye seemed to suddenly understand something, shoved everything into her schoolbag, held her phone, and stood up: “Sister Xiao, the things I handed you yesterday are still back. In the lost and found?”

Kong Xiaoxiao looked at Xia Zhiye, who had a deep and melancholy face for a second, and suddenly the spring breeze rippled, and blinked in confusion: “Yes, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just no move, there is a master.”

Xia Zhiye hurried to the office of the student union with her schoolbag in hand, with a smile that could not be suppressed.

It turns out that Song Yan really likes him.

The author has something to say:  My wife has a crush on me, I will start chasing him!

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