Don’t Pretend to be Poor with Me

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Meet You

Song Minghai would not like this ending.

So Song Yan finally failed to eat the big cake that Kong Xiaoxiao and the others bought him, so Song Minghai forced him to leave No. 3 Middle School.

It was a shock that day.

It should be a good season for all things to sprout in spring.

It started the longest barren summer in Song Yan’s life.

Things are far less optimistic than what he and Xia Zhiye said.

In order to prevent him from contacting Xia Zhiye again, Song Minghai confiscated his mobile phone, strictly restricted all sources of income, and the computer at home was disconnected from the Internet.

In order to prevent him from contacting Xia Zhiye through Shen Jiayan or other former classmates and friends, he was sent to another school that absolutely prohibited him from bringing any electronic device communication tools the day after he arrived in Beijing. Full boarding private school, where there wasn’t anyone he knew, not even anyone he could talk to, just utterly unfamiliar everything.

Only two days of monthly leave are allowed to go home every month, and the driver picks him up at the school gate on time and does not give him a chance to meet anyone anywhere else.

Even if he just bought an extra cup of milk tea with Song Minghai’s credit card, he would be strictly questioned.

The day before he was sent to the boarding school, he heard Qin Qing and Song Minghai quarreling, smashing several fine white china, and smashed all over the floor. mess.

Song Yan knew why they quarreled, and also knew that Qin Qing did not win in the end.

He looked at Qin Qing who was sitting alone in the living room wiping tears, took out the medicine box, walked over, sat next to her, bowed his head and bandaged the broken ceramic pieces on her hands Split wound: “I’m sorry.”

Qin Qing can divorce Song Minghai earlier.

But once divorced, she will not be able to compete with Song Minghai, her biological father, for the custody of Song Yan. At that time, Song Yan has only Song Minghai as a legal guardian, so Song Minghai can do something without any scruples What, no one knows.

So Qin Qing didn’t dare to leave Song Minghai until Song Yancheng finished the college entrance examination.

These Qin Qing did not say, but Song Yan understood.

Qin Qing held back his tears and touched his head: “It’s okay, it will be fine, we all endure it a little longer.”

Because this is a highly technologically advanced society, so when you really miss someone so much, you always have a way to tell him what you miss.

Whenever the monthly holiday comes back, Qin Qing will always give Song Yan his mobile phone, so that he can open a video with Xia Zhiye for one day and one night.

Sometimes it seems like there are endless things to say, listening to the other party telling about what strange and interesting things happened in the school, and then sourly checking to see if there are any girls who secretly sent small gifts.

Sometimes they don’t need to say a word, they each open the video, put it on the side of the pillow, pretend they are still sleeping together, and no one talks about those sad topics.

And whenever someone can’t sleep and suddenly opens his eyes, he can always accidentally grab the other’s eyes that haven’t had time to close.

Then they looked at each other in silent silence for a long time, until one of them finally couldn’t bear it, blushed and turned his face away, all the disguise of whitewashing Taiping finally broke down, showing that they worked hard Can not hide the miss.

They miss each other, far more than just two days in a month.

So Xia Zhiye, a literary giant, retrieved the oldest contact method of mankind – he began to write to Song Yan, and then expedited express delivery with SF Express.

The day I received Xia Zhiye’s first letter was the spring equinox.

Xia Zhiye wrote: [My husband Song Yan, see the letter like a meeting, show the letter Shuyan, the peach blossoms on the back **** of the third middle school are blooming, I miss you]

When Song Yan was sitting alone in the classroom and unpacking the courier, she couldn’t help laughing and scolding an idiot.

The new classmate beside her was surprised: “Damn, Song Yan, you still laugh?”

Song Yan looked up at him, paused her fingers holding the letter, then lowered her head and read the letter again.

It turned out that he left Xia Zhiye and entered a completely unfamiliar new environment, and he began to change back to his former appearance.

Not much interest in anything.

Sometimes she even used a flashlight to study in the bathroom until 3 or 4 in the morning, and then at 6:50, she appeared in the classroom on time alone for self-study.

The new roommate thought it was unbelievable: “Song Yan, don’t you even need to sleep?”

Song Yan replied, “Well, I don’t like to sleep.”

But it’s not that I don’t like to sleep, it’s just that I can’t sleep well anymore.

He didn’t tell anyone, including Xia Zhiye, that he had severe insomnia again.

Sleep aids from one pill at the beginning, to two pills, and even boldly to three pills occasionally, are useless.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that he was standing on the edge of a dark cliff, with no way to go, no place to come, and endless loneliness and despair behind him chasing and swallowing, so that he would think, Don’t jump off the cliff.

When this idea resurfaced for the first time, Song Yan suddenly sat up from the bed in shock. He felt that this was a precursor to the recurrence of depression.

But he couldn’t relapse, he promised Xia Zhiye to wait for him to come to him, so he sat up and took out the unliterate letter, word by word After reading it many, many times, he finally decided that he didn’t want it.

Because he has not seen the peach blossoms in the back **** of the third middle school.

He replied with a letter: [Show me next year]

Since then, Song Yan will receive express delivery from the school guard almost every day.

Sometimes the letter is very short, just a sentence I miss you.

Sometimes the letters are very long and they will tell a lot of interesting things.

Another touching love experience.

Song Yan felt that Xia Zhiye was really optimistic.

He bet that after a few years, Xia Zhiye would despise how naive he was at that time.

But these letters, which were sent to him every day instead of electronic communication, were indeed the greatest solace in his long lonely days.

He knew that Xiaopang began to lose weight, Xiaomajong grew taller, Zhao Ruiwen began to chase Kong Xiaoxiao, Ruan Tian married her boyfriend, and Zhou Ziqiu successfully bent himself.

And they will think of Song Yan one morning, and then sigh: “I don’t know how Brother Yan is doing now.”

Song Yan told them that he was doing well.

It wasn’t until the summer vacation that he was sent to a completely closed college entrance examination training camp by Song Minghai and lost all contact with the outside world for more than a month before he finally fell ill in the last week of August .

This disease came without warning, and was aggressive, with repeated episodes of low-grade fever that could not go away, vomiting and diarrhea during the day, night sweats in nightmares, nothing to eat, and no sleep. , One illness lasts for many days, the boy who was originally thin, has become so thin that he is a skeleton.

The doctor said that this is all caused by psychological reasons.

Song Minghai finally let Qin Qing come to take care of him, but he was still not allowed to contact Xia Zhiye. Hurry up and rush to the mess at the mall.

When Qin Qing and Song Lele appeared in the ward, one big and one small, saw Song Yan’s appearance on the bed, and her eyes were instantly red.

Song Lele rushed over and hugged Song Yan: “Woo woo woo, brother don’t get sick, brother get better soon, is brother sick because he can’t see brother Xia? Song Xiaoxi brought it here, is your brother feeling better…”

Qin Qing put the pot of small iron tree on the bedside table of the hospital bed with red eyes: “The child knows everything, but he doesn’t understand anything, he said that Brother Xia told him, as long as you understand the sacred tree Make a wish, Brother Xia will appear soon, just… I’ll go out first.”

Probably because she didn’t want to be seen by the child, Qin Qing choked a little, turned around and walked out of the ward quickly, intending to calm down and not cry in front of the child.

And Song Lele was still at an age when she couldn’t hide her emotions. She lay on Song Yan’s body, smeared his tears and snot all over him, and cried out of breath: “Brother, they say you are too much If you are unhappy, you will get sick, but why are you unhappy, because you can’t see Brother Xia? Then you can make a wish on the divine tree, and after you make a wish, Brother Xia will appear.”

Song Yan rubbed Song Lele’s head with the hand that had already pierced several pinholes, and said hoarsely, “Brother can’t make a wish.”


Song Lele doesn’t understand.

Song Yan smiled: “Because I can’t let your brother Xia say nothing.”

There is no divine tree in this world, it’s just that big liar who deceives the child.

The big liar is now locked up at home, limiting the source of income, and even Xia Yu has been ordered not to help him, even if he knows he is sick, except for a futile worry, What else can be done.

But Xia Zhiye promised himself that he would do what he said.

So I can’t let him make an exception.

Just hold on a little longer.

“Brother is tired, I want to sleep for a while, can you play by yourself?” Song Yan was indeed extremely tired, and just wanted to close her eyes for a while.

Song Lele nodded obediently, then picked up Song Xiaoxi and sneaked out the door, hid in the corner of the corridor, squatted down, looked at the pot of small iron tree, remembered what Xia Zhiye once said to him, “If we Lele sincerely If it’s enough, maybe it will work too.” He pursed his lips tightly.

Although he is not a very smart kid with good grades, but he is not stupid, he knows that a small pot of iron tree will never make a brother Xia, so he took out his little genius phone He dialed the number that Xia Zhiye stored in his watch last time.

“Hey, the tree of God, my brother is sick, I want to make a wish for him, I have a lot of sincerity, because my brother is very uncomfortable.”

When Xia Zhiye received a call from Song Lele, he was digging in the questions.

He has always been a smart and lazy person, because he can do things better than others without too much effort, so he always has to pass by, casual, and never thought that he must be in the exam What are you fighting for.

But when he decided to take good care of Song Yan for the rest of his life, when Song Yan had to leave Nanwu, he decided that he needed to work harder and more, because only enough hard work, Be good and strong enough to protect everything he cares about.

Never played games again, never slept in class, and spent almost all the time except eating and sleeping for writing letters and studying to Song Yan.

This is a good sign for the elders, if it wasn’t for Xia Zhiye becoming more and more silent at home.

And Mr. Xia seems to feel ashamed of this grandson, and once the summer vacation arrives, he never goes home again.

Only Xia Yu was ordered by Elder Xia to supervise Xia Zhiye, not to give Xia Zhiye any money, not to help Xia Zhiye see Song Yan, and at the same time feel sorry for his silly brother.

Sitting in the living room, looking at Xia Zhiye through the corner glass, looking at Xia Zhiye burying his head in his studies, listening to the thunder and lightning outside the window, pouring rain, holding coffee, and sighing faintly.

However, before she could sigh, she saw Xia Zhiye answer the phone, then packed a schoolbag, slumped over one shoulder, and quickly walked to her: “Sister, I’m going out One trip.”

Xia Yu: “?”

“Song Yan is sick, very ill, I have to see him.”

“No, if grandpa finds out, don’t talk about you, even my brother-in-law and I will be punished, it’s not that you don’t know”

“Sister, I beg you.”

Xia Zhiye has always been like the star of the sky and the moon since he was a child. When did he say such a thing?

Xia Yu was sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of coffee, looked up at this young man who had grown so tall and straight, opened his mouth, and finally sighed in a low voice: “You What’s the use of going. Do you think you can see him when you go? His father is not as talkative as ours, and his stepmother only saw him today. ”

Xia Zhiye clenched the strap of the schoolbag on his shoulder: “You knew it before?”

“I also told me just now by Sister Tan. She said that non-relatives are not allowed to visit. It is raining heavily in Nanwu and Beijing. Why bother. Make a video call, isn’t it the same.”

“Not the same.”

“Why is it different.”

“Because I promised him I’d keep my word.”

After he finished speaking, he picked up the umbrella at the entrance, turned around and walked into the summer rainstorm.

He only had 400 yuan on him, not enough to buy a ticket from Nanwu to Beijing, but enough to buy a station ticket for the green train to Beijing.

He told Song Lele that because this was Song Lele’s wish, the immortals would have to wait a day to deal with it. Before that, he had to keep the secret, accompany his brother, let him have a good meal, and wait for his brother to sleep. When you get up again, you will see the biggest surprise.

So in the early morning with thunder and lightning, Song Yan was awakened by Song Lele in endless sleepiness and exhaustion.

Song Lele was holding a bottle with twigs in her hand, and her eyes could not hide the excitement: “Brother, brother, the sweet-scented osmanthus is blooming, you smell it, it’s so fragrant.”

Song Yan looked at the tiny grains of rice and white among the leaves, and suddenly realized that it was the end of summer again, and it was the season of osmanthus blooming again.

I just don’t know if there are any teenagers who meet in the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in this year’s wine alley.

He touched the osmanthus with his fingertips: “Well, it’s very fragrant.”

Song Lele held the flowers and blinked: “There are a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus flowers downstairs in the hospital, all over the floor, brother, do you want to go down and have a look.”

Song Yan rubbed her eyebrows: “Brother, I’m a little tired, so I won’t go.”

Song Lele was reluctant: “Oh, brother, just go, go and go.”

Song Lele is a person who will never act coquettishly and willfully.

He is doing this now, mostly to make himself happy.

It doesn’t make sense to break a child’s heart.

Thinking of this, Song Yan reluctantly pinched Song Lele’s head and put on a coat over the hospital gown: “Let’s go, I want to see how fragrant it is.”

“It’s very fragrant, very fragrant, the fragrance is so fragrant that you cry.”

Song Lele happily took Song Yan’s arm and took him downstairs when the nurse on duty was not paying attention.

Song Yan didn’t really expect much.

He has seen the best sweet-scented osmanthus in Zaijiu Lane. The sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus here is so good.

And as soon as he followed Song Lele downstairs, Song Lele let go, he didn’t know where he went, and he didn’t bother to care, standing by the window, looking at the dim sky outside the window , I feel that the rain is really heavy today, so big that it seems to be returning to the southern fog.

It’s been exactly one year since he first met Xia Zhiye, but he didn’t know when the next meeting would be.

Maybe, another year.

I don’t know if I will think about Xia Zhiye and think of missing.

Thinking, he heard a familiar “Song Yan”.

He thinks that he has already lost his mind, and he has hallucinations.

He heard another “Song Daxi”.

He froze for a moment, as if in disbelief.

Accept it?”

He felt that he must have been hallucinating, and it must not be true.

He turned his head without any hope.

Then I saw Xia Zhiye standing under the corridor outside the door, holding an umbrella, looking at him, as if he was dusty and tired, but still bent his beautiful peach eyes and said with a smile : “Why, we haven’t seen Brother Yan for half a year, so we don’t recognize such a handsome boyfriend? Isn’t it a bit too ruthless and unscrupulous.”

Lazy and shameless.

The train is full of mouth and no shape.

Except for Xia Zhiye, Song Yan did not know the second such person.

So he can only be Xia Zhiye.

But you’re a jerk.

Song Yan walked over, gritted her teeth, and punched Xia Zhiye hard, but hammered herself until the corners of her eyes were red and her wrists hurt.

So he kicked Xia Zhiye hard again, but he kicked himself until his throat tightened and his heart ached.

How come they haven’t seen each other for half a year, they hate the princess and still have such a bad temper.

Xia Zhiye chuckled, took Song Yan into his arms, buried his face in his shoulders, pretending not to feel the dampness coming from the thin T-shirt fabric, He whispered, “Song Yan, I miss you so much.”

They all say that this trip is pointless, but I just want to see you when the flowers bloom.

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