Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 111 The Unknown [9000-word combined chapter]

Ever since she ran into Haitang on the street, Zhao Lingyin looked at Lin Xiu in a strange way.

His attitude towards this brothel woman is really strange.

Moreover, when she saw Lin Xiu once, he was in the brothel, holding hands with that brothel woman.

Lingyin's eyes made Lin Xiu very uncomfortable, and he asked proactively, Do you think I'm too kind to Miss Chen? She's just a brothel girl. Why did I give her money and talk to her like that?

Although Zhao Lingyin didn't admit it, she didn't deny it either.

Lin Xiu looked at her and said, Miss Chen is a poor person...

Her background is indeed pitiful. When she was young, her parents sold her to a rich family as a maid in order to support her younger brother. In the rich family, because of her youth and beauty, she was missed by the master, and the wife was jealous, so she was sold to a brothel.

At first she resisted death, but after being beaten and scolded several times, and after starving for a few days, she finally accepted her fate.

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, she said to Lingyin: They also don't want to entertain others with sex. When they were young, which girls never thought that they would find a good husband in the future and choose a good companion for the rest of their lives, but they had no choice. They Their fate is not in their control.

Zhao Lingyin was puzzled and said, But why doesn't she work hard to change her destiny?

Lin Xiu asked rhetorically, How to change, work hard to receive customers to make money, and redeem yourself, isn't this more entertaining people with sex?

Zhao Lingyin's lips moved, but she couldn't say anything in the end.

Lin Xiu sighed softly. The brothel women who entertain people with sex want to get rid of the fate of brothel women, but they can only work harder to receive customers to make money. This is a kind of irony and a kind of sadness.

She was poor, but she was not the only one.

In this world, there are many people like Haitang.

He couldn't help everyone, but Haitang was different. If it wasn't for her ability, he might have died when the crown prince sent someone to assassinate him for the first time.

This is kindness, and it must be repaid.

It is very rare for Lin Xiu to talk about these things with Lingyin today.

It is difficult for these wealthy ladies who have lived in the upper class since birth and have never really experienced the hardships of the people's livelihood to truly understand this.

Lin Xiu didn't want Lingyin to be a meat eater. She was actually very kind, but because of her status and knowledge, she couldn't see or think about some things.

He looked at Lingyin and asked, Do you still remember the woman from the Wang family who was killed by Qin Cong?

Zhao Lingyin nodded and said, I remember.

Lin Xiudao: Not long ago, her father also died. He was hit by a carriage while walking on the street. The driver was Qin Cong's younger brother. Although Haitang was in a poor situation, she could still control her own life. People can't even control their own lives.

He glanced at Lingyin and said, Come with me...

The two walked all the way from the east city to the north city. Although Zhao Lingyin was born and raised in the capital, she had never been here.

There are no rows of tall mansions that she is familiar with here, but only dilapidated courtyard walls, and there are no bluestone slabs on the streets, with potholes, and there is still water in some places. From a distance, you can smell a bad smell. smell.

There were skinny children jumping around in the dirty puddles, with sunken eye sockets and skinny bones. Zhao Lingyin never knew that people could be so thin.

Lin Xiu explained as she walked, This is still the capital. Outside of the capital, the lives of many people are actually worse than this. All they can do with their best is to live.

Zhao Lingyin looked at everything around her and gradually fell silent.

The two walked forward for a further distance, and from a dilapidated medical clinic by the street, a man holding a child came out. An old doctor with gray hair looked at him and said, This child has a serious eye disease. It is life-threatening, but it is not impossible to treat, but the first month's decoction costs one tael, and in the next few months, it will cost at least five taels. If it is just to remove one eye and save life, it will cost ten taels of silver. The money is enough, you go back and think about it...

The man stood on the street, thought for a long time, and then walked into the hospital again, and said helplessly, Doctor, why don't you just take off one eye...


After returning to Dongcheng, Lin Xiu said to Lingyin at the gate of the Zhao Mansion: In this world, there are still many poor people like this. You can change an eye for five taels of silver, but there are still people who can't afford it. Today we Only by seeing it can we save him, and where we can’t see, I don’t know how many people like this exist, not all of this world is like what you usually see...

Zhao Lingyin didn't say anything, and walked into the house in silence.

He had already told Lingyin everything he wanted to tell her. Lin Xiu also returned to the Lin Mansion, had lunch with her parents, and after a short rest, she came to the Cleaning Department.

These days, Lin Xiu spends time at the Academy of Different Arts and Martial Arts Academy, and visits the Office of Officials less frequently.

Liu Qingfeng's little black dog has been well-trained, and he takes it with him wherever he goes. It is said that this dog played an important role in solving a certain case. Also a little famous.

After Lin Xiu came to the Department of Cleaning Officials, Liu Qingfeng couldn't wait to come to the document storehouse to exchange ideas on dog training with Lin Xiu. The performance of this dog was still not satisfactory to him. His little black and the rhubarb that Lin Xiu raised Dog, the gap is too big.

At this time, in Pinfang Pavilion.

Haitang handed the five hundred taels of silver to the old bustard and said, This is the silver for my redemption.

The old bustard asked in surprise: Aren't you still short of a hundred taels, and you have raised all the money so quickly?

Haitang didn't explain, but said: I'll give you the silver, and give me the deed of sale.

The old bustard sighed, and said: It seems that you are really going to leave. Since that young master came here half a year ago, you seem to be a different person. Among the girls in the building, you are the one who picks up customers most frequently. I thought You thought about it, but you didn't expect that you wanted to leave.

Haitang looked at her and said: When you bought me, you only paid five taels. Now I will give you five hundred taels, and you won't lose money.

The old bustard looked at her and said angrily: You heartless guy, you have stayed in the building for so many years anyway, and you left so simply this time, don't you have any nostalgia?

Haitang had a determined look on her face, without any nostalgia.

This place brought her only endless pain, and she just wanted to leave this place early to welcome a new life.

That was the life she had expected for a long time.

The old bustard looked at her resolute expression, the anger on her face gradually disappeared, and finally just sighed softly, and said: Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go out and find an honest man while you are still a little bit pretty. Married, wait until you are old and the guests dislike you before leaving, but it will be too late...

For the five hundred taels, she only accepted four hundred taels, and stuffed the last one hundred taels into Haitang's hands, saying, Take this one hundred taels, set up a small shop, make a living, and you won't die of hunger...

Haitang accepted the bank note, bowed to the madam, and said, Thank you for taking care of me all these years.

The old bustard turned her head, waved her hands, and said, Let's go, before I change my mind...

Haitang walked upstairs quickly, came to her room, tore up the deed of prostitution, and threw it into the brazier. Looking at the raging flames burning in the brazier, she let out a long breath, and suddenly felt relaxed.

It seemed that with the beating of the flame, even her unbearable past was burned away.

She washed off all the make-up on her face, took off the jewelry on her head, untied her beautiful bun, and just casually pulled up her hair, and her whole person changed from being gorgeous to plain and simple.

Most of the civilian women outside look like this.

From now on, she is also a commoner woman.

Haitang hummed a light tune, and put a pale yellow wintersweet flower on her head, which she picked in the backyard of the brothel. She simply packed a small bundle, and then came to the window.

In the cage, the thrush was still chirping.

Haitang smiled slightly, opened the cage, and said, From now on, you too are free...

As soon as the birdcage was opened, the thrush flew out with a whoosh. It didn't look back, and flew straight into the sky, joyfully saying, I'm finally free!

Haitang chuckled, picked up the small burden, left the room, and went downstairs.

From now on, the name Haitang no longer belonged to her.

Her name is Chen Yu, Chen from Display, Yu from Yushi.

She walked slowly to the door of the brothel, and one step further, she was about to step out of this place that had brought her endless suffering.

At this time, several figures came in from the door, one of them saw her, immediately grabbed her arm, and said with a smile: Isn't this Miss Haitang? We are looking for you. Today, I will introduce you I have an honored guest, as long as I take good care of him, the silver reward will be indispensable to you...

Chen Yu wanted to withdraw the arm that was grabbed by him, but failed. She could only say apologetically, I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng, I'm done. You should find someone else.

The young man frowned and asked, What do you mean by not doing it?

The old bustard saw this scene from a distance, and immediately ran over, and said with a smile: Oh, isn't this Mr. Zheng, what kind of wind is blowing today, and you are brought here, I'm really sorry, Haitang I have redeemed myself just now, I will not do this business anymore, there are many girls in this building who are prettier than her, and live better than her, you pick another one, I will give you half the price...

Mr. Zheng glanced at her, and said to Haitang: If you don't do it one day earlier, it doesn't matter if you don't do it one day later. Today, you take good care of this distinguished guest, and I will pay you double the price.

He himself doesn't care, some time ago, he was tired of taking care of Haitang's business every two days.

It's just that in the past two days, he met a distinguished friend who is in the same league as him, but the other's hobbies are a bit strange.

He doesn't like ordinary brothel women, but only has a soft spot for women who have awakened strange magic.

But it's not so easy to find a brothel girl who has awakened a different magic. As a different magician, even with that kind of weak ability, she will not be reduced to selling her body.

Coincidentally, he happens to know a brothel woman who claims to understand animal language.

Although he didn't know if what she said was true or not, he finally had a clue, so he brought that distinguished guest here today. They came here just for Haitang, so naturally they couldn't make a trip in vain.

Why don’t you say you don’t want to do this business anymore? Anyway, you’ve already done it so many times. If you do it again, is there any difference?

For Chen Yu, there is a difference.

Haitang, the prostitute of Pinfang Pavilion, is dead, and now she is just Chen Yu.

She looked at this person very apologetically, and said, Master Zheng, I'm really sorry, I'm done.

Zheng Jian's face was ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, Bitch, do you really want me to lose face in front of distinguished guests?

Chen Yu looked at him, and although he was afraid in his heart, he still said firmly: I won't do that kind of business anymore, please let me go...

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the building suddenly became tense.

Hey, Zheng Jian, just now you said it was your old friend, but they don't give you any good face for this old friend?

Is it because you are being sentimental?

Isn't she just a prostitute, actually pretending to be noble...

Zheng Jian's face was extremely ugly, and a young man beside him showed an expression of interest on his face, and said, Interesting, I didn't feel anything at first, but now I am more and more interested in her...

Haitang stood there helplessly, the gate of Pinfang Pavilion was just a few steps away in front of her.

Stepping out of that door, she was completely free.

But just these few steps, to her, it was like a moat from heaven.

In the sky above the capital, a thrush regained its freedom and flew high.

It only needs to flap its wings a few more times to fly over the towering city wall.

After a while, it will return to the embrace of the mountains and forests.

But at this moment, on a certain street below, a falcon standing on the shoulder of a certain nobleman suddenly turned its sharp eyes, then flapped its wings and soared into the sky.


After a mournful cry, a little bit of blood spilled into the sky.


Qing officials.

Lin Xiu, several clerks from the document library, and Liu Qingfeng were eating hot pot around the stove.

As the end of the year approaches, the weather is getting colder and colder. The imperial court will give some subsidies to the major yamen every month to buy stoves, charcoal, etc. for heating.

The weather is cold, and the officials in the yamen do not want to go out. Sometimes they just buy some meat and vegetables and eat them in the yamen.

Lin Xiu came by coincidence, just in time for a meal.

Although he had already eaten, he still ate a few mouthfuls with a pair of chopsticks.

During the meal, he asked Liu Qingfeng, Is Lingtang feeling better?

Liu Qingfeng showed a smile on his face, and said: It's much better, Shuangshuang's girl's medical skills are really amazing. My mother drank a few doses of medicine prescribed by her, and now she can work in the fields by herself. Thank you very much for this matter. Lord Lin.

Lin Xiu waved her hand and said, We're all colleagues, you're welcome.

To say thanks, Lin Xiu should thank Liu Qingfeng.

Without his supernatural powers, it would be impossible for Lin Xiu to show this kind of talent in martial arts. Thinking of this, Lin Xiu said to Liu Qingfeng: Master Liu, have you ever tried to practice martial arts? , and martial arts complement each other.

Liu Qingfeng said embarrassingly: I'm ashamed to say that the instructors of the Martial Arts Institute once approached me and said that it was my ability. If I practice martial arts, I will have an advantage over others. But after trying it out, I discovered that the movements of ordinary warriors Although it is very slow in my eyes, my body cannot keep up with my eyesight, so I cannot practice.

Lin Xiu just asked casually, after hearing what he said, she didn't continue on this topic.

Indeed, it is impossible to practice martial arts with the different eyesight technique alone. It feels uncomfortable if the eyes can keep up, but the body can't keep up. They practice martial arts, and they are not even as good as ordinary people.

This kind of strange technique needs to be added with the ability of speed or strength to be transformed into a real martial arts talent, or after the cultivation reaches the ground level, the body can keep up with the eyesight, and basically be invincible at the same level.

After chatting with them for a while, Lin Xiu decided to go to the Martial Arts Academy to continue practicing spears to get used to his new weapon.

When he walked out of the yamen, he saw two policemen coming in carrying a corpse covered with a white cloth.

Oh, what a pity.

I just can't figure it out, why should she do this?

It's obviously just a prostitute, it's good to just sleep with the guest honestly, why don't you think about it?

I can't figure it out either. I've seen a strong woman, but a strong prostitute... I've never heard of it.


As the two policemen walked, they sighed with emotion. Behind them was a woman who was crying. Lin Xiu knew her, and she was the procuress of Pinfang Pavilion.

For some reason, Lin Xiu's heart suddenly tightened.

Wait. He stretched out his hand to stop the two police officers.

The two police officers stopped and asked, Master Lin, what's the matter?

Lin Xiu walked up to them slowly, stretched out her hand a few times, trying to lift the white cloth, but only retracted halfway.

A policeman looked at him and persuaded him: Lord Lin, it's better not to look at it, this woman died after hitting a wall, her skull was broken, her appearance is really horrible.

After the two finished speaking, they hurriedly carried the body to the court.

A homicide case has occurred, and the doctor has already opened the court, and they want to take the corpse and witnesses to the court as soon as possible.

After a while, the official office was cleared.

A young man at the bottom of the hall pointed to the corpse of a woman on the ground, looked up at the official minister above, and said dissatisfiedly: My lord, so many people have seen it, she hit the wall and died. Didn't even touch him, you asked me to come here, isn't it appropriate?

Qing Li Silang said indifferently: Isn't it because you forced her that she committed suicide?

The young man showed a ridiculous expression on his face and said: My lord, she is a prostitute. Isn't it a matter of course for a prostitute to sleep with a guest? I spent money to order her, but she herself was killed in a brothel. How can a normal person do that? I think she must be sick for doing this kind of thing, you can't blame me for this kind of thing...

Qing Lisi Langzhong asked: But I heard that when you persecuted her, she had already redeemed her life.

Who said that? The young man frowned and said, Madam, tell me, is she a good man?

The old bustard and the young man looked at each other, immediately looked away, shook their heads and said, No, no...

Pinfang Pavilion couldn't afford to offend Mr. Wenchang Bo, let alone another nobleman. Although she also complained about Haitang, she didn't want to die, and she didn't want Pinfang Pavilion to be wiped out.

The young man looked at the official minister again, and said, Look, even the bustard said she didn't redeem herself. I think she is simply sick. Now that the truth has been revealed, can I go back?

The Secretary of the Qing Dynasty took a look at him and said, Since this case has nothing to do with Mr. Zheng, you can leave after the document asks you some questions and records the case files...

Clean up officials, mortuary.

Lin Xiu still lifted the white cloth, and under the white cloth was a face he was familiar with.

That face that was originally very pretty now looked a little scary because it was covered with blood. Not long ago, she also said that she would open a tofu shop, and Lin Xiu also wanted to take care of her business, but now she has no chance.

Lin Xiu stood beside her for a while, and slowly covered the white cloth.

No one noticed that the wintersweet flower she had inserted on her head disappeared at some point.

The door of the document library.

The three clerks were shoving each other.

you go.

you go……

It was me last time, and it's your turn this time.

Bullshit, can the last time be compared with this time? I won't do this kind of drudgery...

The case of the brothel girl has already been tried, and now one only needs to follow the procedures and ask Zheng Jian, son of Uncle Wenchang, to close the case, but none of the three clerks of the Qing Dynasty official department is willing to do this job.

The other party is a son of a powerful and powerful person in the capital of the king. Looking at his appearance in the court just now, even Mr. Langzhong didn't pay attention to him, let alone them, if they say a word wrong, they may be in trouble.

At this time, a figure came over and said, If everyone doesn't want to, I'll go.

Seeing Lin Xiu taking the initiative to stand up, the three of them were of course very happy. Lin Xiu was different from them. His father was a second-class uncle, only one lower than Wen Changbo. He was the most suitable for this job.

Xu Wenshu seemed relieved, and said, Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lin, next time we will treat you to shabu-shabu...

Lin Xiu went into the document storehouse, took pen, ink and paper, and walked into a small room inside.

Zheng Jian glanced back at him, frowned and said, Why did you come here? If you have any questions, hurry up and ask. I have something important to do after I finish asking.

Lin Xiu put down the pen and paper, and said calmly, What's the hurry, hurrying to reincarnate?

When Zheng Jian heard this, his face showed sullenness, and he said, You bastard, what are you talking about!

Lin Xiu glanced at him and said, Don't do this with me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lin Xiu, the son of Uncle Ping'an. Zhao Lingjun is my fiancée. I usually come to the Ministry of Officials to work part-time as a secretary. Today I to record your case.

Although Zheng Jian had never met Lin Xiu, he had heard of his name, and seeing that he was a son of a nobleman like himself, he immediately smiled and said, So it's Brother Lin, I've admired him for a long time...

Even though his father's title was one level higher than that of Lin Xiu's, he didn't dare to put on airs who made Lin Xiu have a powerful fiancée.

Lin Xiu glanced at Zheng Jian and said, Stop talking nonsense, what happened today?

Zheng Jian waved his hand and said: Hey, don't mention it, it's bad luck to say it, who would have thought that woman is crazy, I just asked her to accompany the second son of Huang Guogong's family, who would have thought that she would be killed directly, what do you think? Say, is this kind of person crazy? She is a prostitute. A prostitute just sleeps with others. It’s not that I don’t give money. What is she pretending there...

Lin Xiu was silent for a long time before saying: But I heard that he is already a good man?

Zheng Jian looked sullen, and said, I don't understand. You said she was still picking up guests in the morning, but in the afternoon, she was a good one. A dirty whore, pretending to be a chaste and martyr...

Since coming to this world, the thing Lin Xiu has regretted the most is probably giving Haitang two hundred taels of silver.

If she hadn't saved enough money to redeem herself, she wouldn't have these things behind.

What Zheng Jian couldn't understand, Lin Xiu understood.

The moment she redeemed herself, she was no longer a brothel girl.

Even if she died, she would not allow her body to be defiled again.

She even cares about this more than a woman from an innocent family.

But these things, some people will never understand.

Zheng Jian complained for a while, then looked at Lin Xiu again, and said, Brother Lin, hurry up, I have an appointment with Mr. Huang for dinner at the Yueyue Building at night, so I can't be late...

Lin Xiu sighed softly and said, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to eat this meal.

Zheng Jian asked in surprise, What do you mean...

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly, and he covered his throat with his hands, blood continued to overflow from his fingers. He looked at Lin Xiu with disbelief, his pupils gradually dilated, his body lost vitality, and he fell to the ground powerlessly.

Before he died, he didn't figure it out, Lin Xiu dared to kill him, why did Lin Xiu kill him!

In Lin Xiu's hand, a dagger appeared out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air.

A few wintersweet petals slowly fell from the air to the ground, gradually being dyed blood.

The calm expression on Lin Xiu's face turned into panic and panic at the next moment. He took a few steps back and said loudly, Killed, killed, come quickly!

Not long after his screams fell, several figures rushed in from the outside. Liu Qingfeng was the first to rush in and asked, Master Lin, what happened?

However, when he saw Zheng Jian lying in a pool of blood, his complexion suddenly changed. He stretched out his arms to block the people behind him, and at the same time shouted loudly: Everyone back up, back up!

Then he quickly looked at Lin Xiu and said, Master Lin, just stand there and don't move!

Wen Changbo's son died in the Cleaning Department, which was an extremely serious case. After getting the news, the cleaning official rushed to him, and looked at Zheng Jian who was lying in a pool of blood with no breath in shock, and then looked at him. Immediately looking at Lin Xiu, he asked, What happened, how did Mr. Zheng die!

Lin Xiu turned pale and shook her head, I don't know either. I was asking him about the details of the case when Zheng Jian suddenly covered his throat and fell to the ground. He twitched a few times and then stopped moving...

When Zheng Jian died, only Lin Xiu was by his side, and Lin Xiu was naturally the one with the greatest suspicion.

But his suspicion was quickly cleared.

Because... there is no murder weapon.

Wu Zuo examined Zheng Jian's body. The cause of his death was a fatal wound on his neck, and his throat was sealed with a sword.

The detectives had already searched Lin Xiu's body, and there was no murder weapon on him, but no murder weapon was found in this small room that could be seen through at a glance, as well as the entire file warehouse.

Considering that Lin Xiu's ability is ice, he can condense ice blades to kill Zheng Jian, but Liu Qingfeng checked with his eyes, and there is no ice shavings left in the whole room. If Lin Xiu killed people with ice blades , will definitely leave traces on the scene.

The magic of ice can create ice out of thin air, but it cannot make the ice disappear.

Various clues indicated that he had nothing to do with Zheng Jian's death.

At this time, the author also found out, he pointed to a few petals on Zheng Jian's body, and said: My lord, petals, there are petals, that female assassin did it!

Sealing the throat with a sword, leaving flower petals at the scene of the crime, this is the usual killing method of the female assassin who can be invisible.

So far, there is no suspense in the case.

You can guess with your feet that it was Zheng Jian who forced the brothel girl to death, and happened to be seen by the female assassin, so she chased after the official department, killed Zheng Jian, and avenged the brothel girl.

Half a year ago, Qin Cong, the son of Uncle Zhongyong, died in the same way.

Lin Xiu, who was at the scene of the crime, saw nothing and watched Zheng Jian die, and she had a reasonable explanation.

Because the assassin's ability is stealth, Lin Xiu of course cannot see her in the invisible state.

The Qing official secretary looked at Lin Xiu and said, This case has nothing to do with you, it surprised you.

Lin Xiu shook her head, and said, I'm fine, but that female assassin is so rampant, she dared to fight in the Cleaning Department, she must be caught as soon as possible...

Qing Li Si Lang Zhong said: This is the matter of the Department of Different Arts...

Because every time the female assassin committed a crime, she would leave traces on the scene. Flower petals were found on Zheng Jian's body, and his throat was sealed with a sword. It was obvious who did it, and the case was quickly closed.

For this kind of case, the Department of Cleansing Officials only wanted to find out the murderer, as for arresting people, that was the business of the Department of Abnormal Techniques.

Zheng Jian's body was quickly carried away, and the blood on the scene was cleaned up, but the Cleaning Department was not calm.

The son of the first uncle died here, and the doctor wanted to give an explanation to Uncle Wenchang and the court.

As for the arresting yamen servants, they all put up all their energy and searched everywhere for the trace of the female assassin. If she hadn't left, they would catch her, but there would be rewards that could never be spent in a lifetime.

Liu Qingfeng leaned against the door of the case file storehouse, looking at Lin Xiu standing in the courtyard absent-mindedly, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Including Lord Langzhong, everyone in the Cleaning Department believed that it was the female assassin who killed Zheng Jian.

But only he knew that when Zheng Jian died, there was no third person's footprint in that room.

The female assassin wanted to achieve this, in addition to being invisible, she also had to be able to fly...

He didn't intend to tell anyone this secret.

He walked up to Lin Xiu slowly, and said in a low voice, Master Lin was frightened, but it's nothing. Zheng Jian deserved to die, and that female assassin can be regarded as killing harm for the people...


In the archives, Xu Wenshu was asking the procuress of Pinfang Pavilion about the prostitute.

He spread out a piece of paper, picked up a pen and asked, What's the name of that prostitute who died in your building?

The bustard recovered from the shock, and quickly said, Haitang, her name is Haitang.

After Xu Wen wrote down the name, a figure walked over and said, Her name is Chen Yu.

The old bustard also seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said: Yes, yes, he used to be called Chen Yulai...

Seeing the word Begonia written on the paper, Xu Wenshu looked up at Lin Xiu and said, Anyway, it's all the same, I've written everything...

Lin Xiu shook her head and said, It's different.

She once said that she didn't like the name Haitang, it was given to her by others.

Her name is Chen Yu, which is her own name.

Xu Wenshu sighed, had no choice but to throw away the piece of paper, took another piece of paper, and wrote: Prostitute Chen Yu...

Lin Xiu said again: Minister Chen Yu, she has already redeemed herself.

Xu Wenshu was taken aback, and asked, Didn't you say there was no redemption?

The old bustard hurriedly said: It's redeemed, it was redeemed just this afternoon...

Xu Wenshu crumpled the paper on which he had just written four characters, took a piece of paper, handed the pen to Lin Xiu, and said, Why don't Master Lin write it...

After throwing this errand to Lin Xiu, he walked out of the document library.

The old bustard looked at Lin Xiu, thought for a moment, and suddenly said: My lord, I remember you. You are the young master who came to our building half a year ago. In the past six months, Haitang has been thinking about you every day...

As she talked, her voice gradually became quieter, and she asked: The money for her redemption was given to her by the young master, right?

Lin Xiudao: I killed her.

The old bustard said again and again: My lord, don't think so. When Haitang died, she was smiling. If you blame yourself for her death, she will die with regret...

She sighed and said: She is a miserable girl. She sold her body in the past to make a living. There was no other way. After she redeemed herself, she became an innocent woman. Even if she left, she left innocently. , you don't have to blame yourself for this, I think she doesn't want to see you blame yourself...


My son, my son!

You died so badly!

How can you let Dad send a white-haired man to a black-haired man!

Damn assassin, if this old man catches you, he will definitely tear you to pieces!

Wen Changbo mourns...

A person cannot be resurrected after death, so mourn and resign...

That female assassin shot very quickly, it shouldn't be painful to let the young master go...


In the Qingli Department, upon hearing the news of Zheng Jian's death, Uncle Wen Chang rushed over crying with snot and tears, and several officials from the Qingli Department whispered comfort.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, Lin Xiu just thinks they are noisy.

He stepped out of the Qing Dynasty Officials Department, and the tip of his nose suddenly felt cold.

Lin Xiu raised her head, and there were numerous snowflakes falling from the sky.


This winter, when the first snow fell in Kyoto, Zheng Jian, the son of Wen Changbo, died. This incident has aroused considerable discussion among the common people and among the dignitaries.

Few people know that a prostitute also died in this case.

No one knew her name, and no one cared what wronged her, because she was originally an unknown person.

There are too many people like her in the capital, and it is not worth talking about.

The snow fell heavily, and after a while, a thin layer of snowflakes appeared on the ground.

Lin Xiu stepped on the snowflakes, and soon left two lines of footprints behind her.

At this time, he didn't realize that a line of footprints appeared out of thin air on the ground with a layer of snowflakes just a dozen feet away behind him...

This plot is a relatively important turning point. Some foreshadowing in the front is drawn here, and the plot behind it is also drawn out from it. It serves as a link between the past and the future, and it is not suitable for chapters. I will post three chapters and 9,000 words together.

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