Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 24: Beast Language to Solve the Case

Lin Xiu was physically and mentally exhausted after being drained back and forth fifteen times in the palace yesterday, and she slept until noon the next day before getting up.

No one in the palace invited him today, the ice he made yesterday was at least enough for the palace to last for three days.

After waking up and having lunch, Lin Xiu first went to Zhaiyue Tower, made ice for them for today, and then returned to the Qingli Department.

After calling Lin Xiu into the palace, the emperor rewarded a lot of ice to honorable nobles yesterday. Naturally, there is no yamen like Qinglisi, and the officials here have to work in the steamer-like duty room.

Lin Xiu intends to establish a good relationship with his colleagues in the Cleaning Department, so that they will turn a blind eye to the fact that he is taking advantage of his work and absenteeism every three days. Therefore, this afternoon, the various departments of the Cleaning Department The room was cool and breezy, not only were huge ice cubes placed on the four corners of the room, but also ice water was placed in front of the desks of the officials to cool off the heat.

In half a day, Lin Xiu became very acquainted with the officials from the arrest department, case file warehouse, and jail. ice cubes.

So far, the impression of Lin Xiu has changed for most of the officials and yamen servants in the Qing Dynasty.

Although this son of Uncle Ping'an's family seldom comes to clean up officials, he is really good at dealing with people. He doesn't have the temperament of a playboy at all. Talking to him is like a spring breeze blowing on his face, and he is very comfortable. Use your own ability to benefit the entire Cleaning Department and save them from the heat, so their attitude towards him has to become warm and friendly.

You said, Mr. Lin, why is it different recently?

That's right, he seldom came to our Clean Officials Department in the past, but recently he has been running quite diligently.

Master Lin's changes don't stop there. He never talked to us before, but now he buys us breakfast and makes ice for us to cool off the heat. It's like a different person.

He seems to be really different from those rich and powerful children...

In a certain yamen, everyone was talking about Lin Xiu, and at this moment, a humming voice came from the crowd: Hmph, what's the difference? Aren't all the rich and powerful alike? After receiving a little favor from him, they treat him as a Alone?

Everyone turned their heads and looked at a young official, but they didn't speak again.

They all know that this rookie of the Cleansing Department, who was born as a commoner, has come to where he is today step by step. He has always looked down on the rich and powerful children who left the relationship and entered the Cleansing Department. Some things that happened to him in the past also made him feel sorry The noble class in the royal capital has great hostility.


Clean up officials, Lin Xiu didn't check in and leave today.

The Academy of Altered Arts is still a holiday. Every winter and summer, the academy will give students a one-month vacation to go home and visit their families. During this period, all courses in the Academy of Altered Arts are suspended, and it is useless for Lin Xiu to go there.

Taking advantage of this period of time, I happened to have a sense of presence in the Cleaning Department. In order to reassure my parents, this job must be kept.

Lin Xiu was sorting out the files on the table bored, and saw a colleague on the opposite side packing up and preparing to go out, and asked casually, Master Xu, where are you going?

Master Xu sighed, and said, A case happened in the west of the city, and I will go and record it.

In addition to recording and sorting out the case files, the documents in the file warehouse also have to go out with the police to record the details of the scene and the statements of witnesses.

Lin Xiu couldn't sit still for a long time. Hearing that there was a foreign mission, she hurriedly stood up and said, Master Xu, I was taken care of by you in the past. In this hot weather, I should go on a foreign mission. I am not afraid of the heat.

He hadn't been to the file warehouse much before, and it was not an exaggeration to say that the other three clerks took care of the work of the four clerks.

The sun was shining outside, Master Xu didn't want to go out in the first place, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to sit in the office room and enjoy the cool breeze, he made a few symbolic excuses, then smiled and said: Then there will be Master Lau Lin.

Lin Xiu waved her hand: You're welcome, you're welcome.

This time he was on a foreign business trip, accompanied by Wu Zuo and several arrest officers from the arrest department.

Lin Xiu talked and laughed with everyone along the way, but there was only one person who kept a straight face and never smiled at him.

It was a young man, a little handsome, but not as good as Lin Xiu, and he looked very cool when he didn't speak.

Lin Xiu remembered that this person's name was Liu Qingfeng, who seemed to be the head of the arrest department. He was young and very capable. He was promoted and was highly valued by the doctor.

He didn't remember when he offended him, but he didn't look good on Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu wouldn't take the initiative to talk to him.

A group of people soon arrived at the scene of the crime.

This is a merchant's house in the west of the city. The yard is not small. The big house with four entrances is even bigger than the Lin Mansion. The house belongs to a merchant surnamed Wang, and it was this merchant surnamed Wang who had the accident.

This morning, he was found dead in his yard by his servants.

After Wu made an examination, he found that there were no other wounds on his body, only one fatal wound, which was located at the back of the head, and there was blood stains in the corner of the flower bed in the yard. After comparison, it was indeed Wang Yuanwai's.

In addition, Wu Zuo also found traces of sprains on Wang Yuanwai's ankle.

As for the blue bricks on the ground, there was indeed a piece of looseness. A policeman almost fell down after stepping on it by accident.

The case was much simpler than imagined. All the evidence showed that it was Wang Yuanwai who accidentally stepped on this loose green brick when he was walking in the yard last night. He became unstable and fell to the ground.

Coincidentally, his head hit the corner of the flower bed, and he died at that time.

The loose blue bricks on the ground, the sprain marks on Wang Yuan's outer ankle, the fatal wound on the back of his head, and the blood stains on the flower bed all illustrate this point.

Of course, this is a human life lawsuit after all, and the members of the Cleaning Department conducted a strict on-site investigation, questioned everyone in the palace, and even restored the situation at the time of the crime. The results all showed that the death of Wang Yuanwai was accidental. .

After inspecting the scene again and again, Liu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, We have looked at the scene carefully. Wang Yuanwai died accidentally. You can clean up the scene and prepare for his funeral.

Master, why did you leave like this!

How can this make us live...

Master, you are so cruel...


When everyone in the Wang family heard the words, they all began to cry. The police officers of the Qing Dynasty often deal with murder cases, and they are used to this, but they just sighed in their hearts. It would be a pity to fall to his death before he had time to enjoy it...

Just as everyone in the Cleaning Department was about to leave, Lin Xiu who had been silent all this time suddenly said, This was not an accident, it was homicide.

After his words fell, the crying of everyone in the Wang family stopped abruptly.

The eyes of everyone in the Cleaning Department also looked at Lin Xiu in unison.

Liu Qingfeng frowned, stared at Lin Xiu, and asked in a deep voice: Lin Wenshu, all the evidence shows that Wang Yuanwai's death was accidental, did you find any new clues, where is it?

Lin Xiu shook her head and said, No.

These officers of the Cleaning Department have handled countless cases, and their eyes are so sharp. They inspected the scene many times and checked all the traces before they came to this conclusion. Lin Xiu, a layman, of course cannot compare with their on-site inspection experience. richer.

Liu Qingfeng frowned even more, and his tone became more serious, with a taste of reprimand, he said, Lin Wenshu, although human life is at stake, no matter how cautious you are, you should pay attention to evidence in everything, please don't go without evidence. talking nonsense here.

Lin Xiu glanced at a birdcage hanging under the eaves. To be precise, she looked at the bird in the cage. It was a thrush. Many nobles and rich people in the capital like to walk the bird for fun, and Taking this as an elegance, Wang Yuanwai also raised one at home in order to be arty.

At this moment, the surroundings are quiet, only this bird is chirping.

The next moment, Lin Xiu looked away, pointed at one of the members of the Wang family, and said, The king was murdered by someone, and this is the murderer. If you don't believe me, you can find out by interrogating him.

The one Lin Xiu pointed at was a man. Seeing Lin Xiu put the identity of a murderer on him, his face turned pale, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and said loudly, My lord, it's not me, it's really not me, How could I possibly harm the master, I went to the Yamen to report the accident to the master, please enlighten me!

Liu Qingfeng focused his eyes, and when Lin Xiu pointed at the man, he keenly noticed that there was a trace of abnormal panic flashing in the man's eyes!

How can this be!

You know, since he stepped into Wang's house just now, he has been secretly paying attention to the expressions of everyone here, and after many investigations, he has ruled out the suspicion of each of them.

This servant of the Wang family has always acted without doubt, but when Lin Xiu pointed at him just now, his eyes and expression showed flaws!

If he was wronged, when someone pointed it out, there should be shock, surprise, anger, and fear, but there shouldn't be that kind of guilty panic.

Liu Qingfeng has investigated countless cases and arrested countless murderers with his own hands. His intuition formed for a long time told him that there is something wrong with this person!

But how did Lin Xiu see it?

Liu Qingfeng looked at Lin Xiu, and found that his eyes were indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.

He quickly recovered his mood, pointed to the servant of the Wang family, and said, There is something wrong with this person, take him down!

Several policemen got the order and immediately pulled the servant out of the crowd.

Just now, everyone in the Cleaning Department preconceived that Wang Yuanwai's death was accidental, so when they questioned the Wang family, they didn't focus on it. But now that the suspect has been identified, the questioning of him is naturally sharp. At first, the person's answer was not bad. It was fluent, but after a while, his self-certification was full of loopholes and even contradicted himself. Gradually, not to mention the officials of the Qing Dynasty, even the members of the Wang family could see that something was wrong...

A woman pointed at him and said in grief and indignation: Wang Er, thanks to our Wang family being so kind to you, you actually did such a thing!

After repeated questioning by the members of the Cleaning Department, Wang Er's mentality finally collapsed. He knelt down on the ground and cried: Madam, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it...

Under heavy pressure, Wang Er, an ordinary person, quickly confessed.

It turned out that as a servant of the Wang family, he had been secretly stealing the property of the Wang family. Because of his secretive methods, he did not leave any clues every time, and he was never caught.

Unfortunately, when he stole Wang Yuanwai's silver last night, he was caught by Wang Yuanwai on the spot, and he became a house thief. The angry Wang Yuanwai wanted to turn him over to see the official at that time.

If he was sent to the government, at least a torture would be unavoidable. When Wang Er begged for mercy, he had a physical dispute with Wang Yuanwai and accidentally pushed him to the ground.

Wang Er was panicked at first, but after he calmed down, he was worried that the government would punish him for murder, so he carefully cleaned up the first scene, and carefully arranged the illusion of Wang Yuanwai's accidental death in the yard, because he handled the details too well, Even the people in the Qing Dynasty were deceived.

Damn it, I've seen someone cover up a murder, but I've never seen such a seamless arrangement!

It really didn't leave us with any clues!

Damn you, you are really a talent, what's wrong with you if you have this ability, you have to go crooked!


Everyone in the Cleaning Department was almost fooled by Wang Ermeng, and they were angry and angry, but after thinking about their busy schedule, they checked the Wang's house carefully, but found no clues. He didn't do it, but he recognized the murderer at a glance, and countless curiosity arose in his heart, how did he know?

Even Liu Qingfeng put away his contempt for Lin Xiu, and humbly asked, Lin Wenshu, may I ask, how did you know that he is the murderer?

After this incident, he no longer believed that Lin Xiu was a scumbag who came to the Clean Officials Department by going through the back door. Even he missed it, but Lin Xiu could recognize the murderer at a glance. Really capable.

He looked down on those rich and powerful children who were full of idiots, but he had to obey Lin Xiu's insightful eyes.

Of course Lin Xiu couldn't tell Liu Qingfeng, it was the bird in the cage who told him that what Wang Er did last night, although no one else saw it, was watched by a bird from beginning to end.

He smiled mysteriously at Liu Qingfeng, and said, Guess.

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