Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 426

blue star.

When Lin Xiu came back this time, she immediately informed the girls that she was going to take them back to Beichenxing.

The girls were naturally happy about this. They were also very curious about Beichenxing, whom Lin Xiu had described many times, and they were full of expectations for this trip. Most importantly, they would not have to be separated from him in the future.

Lin Xiu asked her parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law, and they were unwilling to leave. After thinking about it, Lin Xiu didn't force them.

Beichen Star is full of alien races. It is a good place for cultivation, but it is not suitable for living. When they get there, they have to learn the language of the universe again. As their status, they stay in Blue Star, play mahjong and travel to various countries. , Look at different scenery, but more comfortable.

Anyway, their lifespan is extremely long, and they still have a long time to enjoy life.

As for Lin Xiu and the girls, they still have to focus on cultivation.

Lin Xiu left the space mirror to Li Baizhang, and Blue Star can notify him as soon as possible if there is any change.

He also went to the capital of the kingdom. Old Wang was still selling noodles on the street. Lin Xiu ate a bowl of noodles and chatted with him for a while. Stand by.

Once they leave this time, they probably won't come back in a short time.

For the next whole month, they will be preparing things to bring to Beichenxing, such as beds, pots, pans, clothes, and a series of daily necessities...

Beichenxing didn't sell these things, and there wasn't even a place to eat, so they had to prepare everything by themselves.

In addition, the candidate to go to Beichenxing has not yet been fully determined.

The girls naturally wanted to go with Lin Xiu, but apart from them, there were also Shuangshuang, Linglong, Murongyu, and Sophia who lived in the Lin residence on weekdays.

They have been with the girls all these years, and they are no longer guests.

Linglong wanted to go with Mingzhu, she was always by her side, without Linglong, Mingzhu would be very uncomfortable.

Murong Yu is Lin Xiu's niece, Bei Chen Xing is more suitable for her practice, Lin Xiu and Ming Zhu discussed it, and decided to take her with her and leave here earlier, so that she can set foot in the source realm earlier.

Shuangshuang and Sophia, Lin Xiu also asked their opinions.

Lin Xiu walked up to Shuangshuang and asked, Shuangshuang, are you willing to leave here?

Shuang Shuang looked at him, and asked with some uncertainty: Brother Lin, can I go together?

Lin Xiu nodded and said, As long as you are willing, however, the life there may be boring, most of the time is spent practicing.

Shuang Shuang didn't think for long, and said, I want to be by Empress's side.

Lin Xiu's gaze finally turned to Sophia. Dayou's women always went straight to her. Before Lin Xiu could speak, she said, I want to go!

Fortunately, Lin Xiu prepared enough armors this time, even if she brought all of them, there were still two pieces left.

After a few days.

Blue Star, on a small island near the equator, all the girls were wearing light armor and standing together hand in hand. After a burst of space fluctuations, everyone's figures disappeared instantly.

North Star Galaxy, reception place.

On the platform that could not be seen at a glance, dozens of figures walked out from a certain portal.

Beside Lin Xiu, all the girls stared at the magnificent scene in front of them, speechless for a long time, even Lingjun's eyes were full of shock.

A large part of her shock came from the incomparably abundant source power here.

Lin Xiu was not surprised by this, because when he came here for the first time, it was the same. Just the portals that were hundreds of meters high were enough to shock people.

What's more, almost every moment, there are all kinds of strange-shaped aliens coming out of those portals. They are tall or short, fat or thin, and they are born in various forms. If you are not used to watching, they will indeed form No small visual impact.

Most of the aliens who came out of the portal were actually coming here for the first time, and they were as confused as they were.

Lin Xiu was already familiar with the road, and after showing Beichenwei's ID card, a guide respectfully helped him complete all the procedures. Lin Xiu led them through a portal to Beichenxing.

There are still many slave guides waiting here, Lin Xiu swept her eyes and saw the girl from the Meizu unexpectedly.

Lin Xiu beckoned to her, and the girl ran over immediately, and said respectfully, My lord, I see you again!

Lin Xiudao: Do you still remember me?

The girl said: I have a deep impression on you, and I will always remember you.

There are many races in the universe, and with Meizu's aesthetics, most of them are extremely ugly, but this adult, except for the no horns on his head and no wings on his back, is exactly the same as Meizu, of course she has a deep memory.

Lin Xiu gave her one hundred thousand Yancoins and said, During this time, you should follow us first.

Although Lin Xiu is also very familiar with everything about Beichenxing, as a guide, he is far less professional than this Meizu girl. All the girls are here for the first time, so she can help them get acquainted with this place as soon as possible.

Because they will be brought here sooner or later, Lin Xiu taught them the cosmic language when they went back last time. The strong people of the human race are also learning the cosmic language, waiting for the day when they will integrate with the universe.

When one hundred thousand Yan coins were enough to hire her fifty stars, the Meizu girl showed a sweet smile on her face, and explained to them professionally and responsibly.

There is a big difference between Beichenxing and Lanxing. They first have to adapt to a life where there is only day and no night.

Secondly, except for a very small number of races such as the Meizu, Yanzu, and other races, most of the alien races in the universe do not conform to human aesthetics. To put it bluntly, the aliens that Lin Xiu saw in various film and television dramas, They are all more pleasing to the eye than the real aliens in the universe.

Lin Xiu first took them to his new house.

This house was allocated by the superiors. Considering that Lin Xiu had many wives, Yan Yun used the authority of the commander to apply for a larger one for him, but it was only relatively large, and the number of rooms was far from enough.

In the end, there is only one room between Lingjun and Lingyin, Ning'er and Caiyi, Minghe and Qianye Lin, Qin Wan and Natasha, Ake and Mingzhu, Murongyu, Shuangshuang, Sophia , Linglong four people in one room...

This was obviously a bit embarrassing and unaccustomed to them who were used to living alone in a palace.

Lin Xiu could only comfort them and said: After all, this is not our own place. It may be a little harder at the beginning, but it will get better and better in the future...

Lin Xiu couldn't afford to buy a freehold house in Beichenxing with his current wealth.

If you rent, you can rent a bigger house, but Lin Xiu thinks it is unnecessary.

After all, the prices here are too expensive, and he doesn't have many Thousand Flame Coins, good steel should be used wisely.

Soon, the facts proved that Lin Xiu was right.

When the Meizu girl took them shopping, their instincts, which were suppressed by all kinds of novelty when they first entered the universe, burst out again.

Lin Xiu only bought a space bracelet and gave it to Lingjun, but when Ning'er held a beautiful space bracelet and couldn't put it down, Lin Xiu couldn't be cruel enough to let her put it back.

It is obviously inappropriate to buy it for Ning'er and not for others.

Lingyin took a fancy to an ice-type staff, Lin Xiu bought it for her, what about the others?

Therefore, when they were shopping, as long as one of the girls took a fancy to something, the final result would be that everyone got one.

At this speed of spending money, Lin Xiu's savings have shrunk by less than half before they finished shopping in one street. These little aunts and grandmas don't know how difficult it is to make money if they are not in charge of the family. The thousand Yan coins they spent were all because of his hard work. One snatched back...

Although it is happy to sleep together, the pressure of raising a family is even more difficult than ordinary people.

This kind of speed of spending money is extremely rare even in Beichenxing. Along the way, countless cosmic races were surprised by them. I don’t know which powerful race they are. In such a short period of time, it took a hundred More than 10,000 thousand flame coins, and this race, they have never seen it before...

Others regarded him as the rich second generation, but only Lin Xiu knew that he could be what he is today because of his hardworking hands.

But even if he had a little savings, if they continue to buy them like this, his remaining millions of Yancoins will be wiped out in no time.

Ling Jun glanced at Lin Xiu, and when the girls walked out of a shop, she said, I've been shopping for a long time, let's go back.

She is not the oldest among the girls, but in many cases, she has the unquestionable majesty as a big wife.

All the girls also wanted to go back. Today they saw a lot of things that they had never seen in their entire lives. They needed a little time to digest these new experiences.

After returning to the residence, all the girls went back to their respective rooms.

Lin Xiu walked into Lingjun and Lingyin's room. There was only one bed here. Originally, each of them had prepared their own bed, but because the space was too small, they could only fit one bed in each room.

Ling Jun sat on the bed and asked, Did you spend a lot of money today?

Lin Xiu nodded and said, There is only a small half left.

She glanced at Lin Xiu and said, Who told you to marry so many...

Lin Xiu sat beside her and said, I am willing...

If the money he earns can't be spent, then making money is meaningless. Lin Xiu is still very confident in his ability to make money. At worst, after a while, if he goes to the black market a few times, someone will rush to give him money...

At this time, a figure came in from the outside, Lingyin threw herself on the bed, and murmured: This place is so small, when can we live in a big house...

Lin Xiu pinched her face and said, Let's make do with it during this time. When I'm not around, don't you often sleep with Ling Jun?

Lingyin got up from the bed, hugged Lingjun's arm, and slept with her sister without any grievances. Then she thought of another question, looked at Lin Xiu, and asked in a daze, Then where do you sleep?

When Lin Xiu was not around, it was only natural that she slept with her sister.

But now that he is beside them, the three of them, how are they going to sleep?

Lin Xiu shrugged and said helplessly, All the rooms here are taken by you, so I can only sleep with you...

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