Don’t Show the Son

Chapter 436 Don't be rude to the general

Lin Xiu was in this huge cave, facing endless resources, rubbing her hands excitedly, not knowing which pile to start with.

The most joyful thing in his life is this.

The harvest this time is far greater than the crown prince's East Palace and King Canglan's treasury.

The most precious thing, although it must be kept in the space magic weapon by the leader of the star robbers, Lin Xiu has no way to touch it, but these resources are enough for him to train the strong people of the human race.

Even a small part of the resources here can allow the race to have dozens of origins, and have the capital to initially gain a foothold in the universe.

He was about to put these things into his portable space when he suddenly stopped.

Above this space, there are pairs of red light spots flickering.

After looking carefully, I realized that those were not dots of light, but pairs of eyes. These eyes belonged to bat-like creatures. They were several feet long, hanging upside down, watching everything below.

The leader of the Star Thieves was also extremely careful. Not only did he set up numerous checkpoints outside the treasure house, but inside the treasure house, there were actually such strange beasts guarding him.

Even ordinary thieves, who have worked so hard to sneak in here, but ignore these bats and do it directly, may cause these bats to riot and be noticed by the star thieves.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu is not an ordinary thief.

A force in his body circulated and issued an order.

The bats hanging upside down immediately closed their eyes, and those red spots of light disappeared.

After controlling these bats, Lin Xiu flew quickly in this underground space, leaving no blade of grass in his path, like locusts crossing the border.

Whether it was mineral veins, treasures condensed with various source forces, or source crystals, Lin Xiu didn't keep a single one that he saw.

After a while, the underground space became empty.

The bats were still hanging upside down without making any abnormal noises.

In order to avoid being discovered by the star thief, Lin Xiu immediately escaped into a different space and left here as soon as possible.

He directly passed the space bracelet and returned to Beichenxing. He didn't even want the space bracelet that he handed in. If the star thief finds out that the treasure house has been stolen, he will definitely be alert and may move his position, so that his meritorious service will not be lost. up.


the first residential area.

In front of a magnificent building, a Beichen guard on duty saw Lin Xiu, greeted him enthusiastically, and asked, Chief Lin, what's the matter?

Being number one in martial arts twice in a row made him famous in Beichenxing, and there was no one in Beichenwei who didn't know him.

Lin Xiudao: I have something important to report, take me to see the general.

This is Beichenwei's general ledger. It is responsible for the promotion of Beichenwei's military officers. If it is above the commander-in-chief, you can come here to report directly if you encounter problems that cannot be resolved.

At any time, there will be several senior generals sitting here.

A general was shocked after hearing Lin Xiu's words, and asked, What, you said you found the lair of the Star Bandits in the Northern Territory?

Beichenwei can actually catch star thieves or not. The existence of alien thieves on Beichen star further demonstrates the safety of Beichen star. Even if some cosmic races know that things on the black market are cheaper, they will not take risks.

But if he can clear the lair of the Star Bandits, that would be a great achievement, not only beneficial to himself, but also a good publicity for Beichenxing.

The four domains in the southeast, northwest and north have not yet completely cleared up the feats of star robbers.

It's not that they don't want to catch them, but those star thieves are too cunning, they hide their lair well, and the guards have no chance to find out.

Lin Xiu handed over a space bracelet and said, It's true, I followed a little star thief leader, sneaked into their lair, and marked the space nodes.

The general's eyes sparkled, and he said: I will notify the domain owner immediately...

He was not careless when he discovered the lair of the Star Bandits in the Northern Territory. With the power of the Northern Territory, there was no way to eradicate the Star Bandits easily. There was a burst of space fluctuations from a certain space door deep in the hall.

From this door, two figures walked out.

One of them was an old man from the Yan clan. His hair and beard were red, and his skin was also dark red. As soon as this old man walked out, he gave Lin Xiu a strong sense of oppression.

Before this oppressive feeling, Lin Xiu couldn't even think of any resistance.

Even the Lord of the Northern Territory, who was at the fifth level of origin, bowed slightly when he saw the old man, and said respectfully, See Warlord Yao.

Lin Xiu's heart moved slightly. There are not many people in the entire Qianyan Empire who can be called war generals. I heard that there are eighteen generals in the Qianyan Empire. Most of these strong men are from the Yan race, and there are a few from other races.

Akatsuki once said that with the eighth level of origin, one can do whatever he wants in a star field.

Only after Lin Xiu stepped into the universe did she realize that the eighth level of the source realm is not needed at all. A person of the sixth level of the source level is enough to wipe out the entire Flame Bone Clan. It is said that only the domain master of the Qianyan Starfield, that is, the emperor of the Qianyan Empire, has reached the eighth level of the realm.

There are also rumors that Emperor Qianyan has entered another realm and has mastered the true mysteries of the universe.

Facing this warrior of the sixth level of origin, the Lord of the Northern Territory and the other generals all seemed very humble. Lin Xiu was calmer than them. It was only at the sixth level of the origin. Give him twenty years, and he will be able to catch up.

Beside this general of the Yan clan, there was another figure.

This alien race is very similar to humans, but it has two pairs of arms. There are many races in the universe that are similar to humans, but with a slight difference, it is a new race.

The aura on his body is only of the second level of origin, but this general of the Yan clan is quite polite to him.

The old man looked at the Lord of the Northern Territory and asked, Where is the thing?

The Lord of the Northern Territory handed over a space bracelet with both hands. After the old man took it, he handed the space bracelet to the young man of the foreign race, and said with a smile, It's troublesome.

The young man nodded slightly. The moment he took the space bracelet, Lin Xiu felt a wave of space source power around him.

He was surprised that this young man possessed space ability.

This ability is very rare, and only one race has it. The clansmen of this race are respected in all major star fields in the universe. Space ability is the cornerstone of the current universe pattern.

If it weren't for the space jump technology, even races as powerful as the Yan Clan would not be able to get out of the galaxy they were in, trapped to death in a small area, and the various races in the universe far apart would have no way of contacting and communicating.

Whether it is a space bracelet, a space door or a space stone, only the Space Clan can make it. Because of the monopoly of technology, the Space Clan has become the wealthiest race in the universe, and no race or force is willing to offend them.

The young man didn't wear the space bracelet, but a space door suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lin Xiu is very familiar with this. This door was taken out from his portable space. This space door is not big, only as tall as a person. The young man quickly transferred the space node in the space bracelet to the space door.

In this way, the Beichen Army can be sent directly through the space gate in the shortest possible time.

While he was doing these things, Lin Xiu kept looking into his eyes.

Although he has the ability of space, he is not very familiar with the usage of the ability. For example, how to make a space bracelet and how to make a space stone. These are advanced uses of space ability, which were researched by the space clan for hundreds of millions of years, and only they have mastered it. .

In addition to directly robbing, monopoly is undoubtedly the second fastest way to get money.

After the space gate was established, the Lord of the Northern Territory took a few generals and called dozens of ten thousand commanders to prepare to go to the lair of the star thief. Before leaving, he took a look at Lin Xiu and said, Lin Xiu Commander, you should follow along.

This time the operation was at the third level of the origin, and he was not qualified to participate at all. However, as the discoverer of the star robber's lair, Lin Xiu had the most credit, and the Lord of the Northern Territory gave him a privilege.

Headed by the general of the Yan clan, one after another silhouettes passed through the space door one after another.

At the same time, in an unknown galaxy in the northern region, on an asteroid covered by desert, there was a fluctuation in a certain space, and figures descended from another space.

In the city not far away, countless star thieves and wanted criminals soon discovered the abnormality.

Seeing the figures in armor, the complexions of countless people changed drastically.

It's Beichenwei!

So many captains!

No, it was discovered here!


But the identities of all the people who appear here are not very visible. The fear from the heart of Beichenwei made them want to escape immediately, but when they entered here, their space bracelets were temporarily confiscated, and they could not pass through. Teleport away.

With nowhere to go, everyone could only fly up and try to escape.

But in the next moment, a huge flame envelope enveloped the entire asteroid. Looking from the universe, this asteroid became like a star.

Those who escaped the fastest also died the fastest.

After hitting that layer of flame shield, they didn't even have time to let out a scream, and their bodies and source souls were burned together.

Because the speed was too slow, those who didn't hit that layer of shields didn't feel lucky. This layer of flames trapped them all to death here, and sooner or later they would still fall into the hands of these Beichenwei.

Without waiting for the Yan Clan old man's order, dozens of Wanfu Chiefs had already gone to chase those surviving star robbers.

Those people, in their eyes, are all meritorious deeds. After the chief ten thousand of Beichen star has accumulated enough meritorious deeds, he can be transferred to Qianyan star to practice in a place with stronger source power.

Lin Xiu saw a chief ten thousand who easily killed a small leader with a third-level source environment. The little chief was still wearing a battle armor and was collected by the ten thousand chief into his own space bracelet.

This is their loot, and there is no need to hand it in after returning.

Lin Xiu's heart moved, and she joined them.

But instead of chasing the star thief, he rushed all the way to the portal of the asteroid.

The two first-level star robbers guarding the portal looked at the flame shield covering the entire asteroid above their heads, and were at a loss when a figure had already descended from the sky.

Lin Xiu killed the two star thieves immediately, and then came to a rock building not far from the portal. All the people who came here had their space bracelets stored here.

At a glance, Lin Xiu saw that there were hundreds of space bracelets on the shelves.

With a wave of his hand, those space bracelets disappeared together with the frame, and then he flew to the top, pressed down with his palm, and the rock building collapsed, leaving only a pile of rubble.

After finishing all these skillfully, Lin Xiu clapped her hands and returned to the city.

At this time, many figures had already flown out of that tower.

Leading an ugly alien, the aura exuded is not weaker than that of the Lord of the Northern Territory, and the aura of the dozen or so figures around him is not weaker than that of the Northern Star's Chief Wanfu. Unlike most star thieves, their hands They all wear space bracelets.

These star robbers all looked terrified, and they didn't know why they were suddenly exposed here.

But they didn't think for long, and the space bracelet on their wrists emitted a faint light.

Knowing that they are not opponents, they want to teleport away immediately.

But the space bracelets in their hands shimmered a few times, but they still stayed where they were.

The young man next to the general of the Yan clan held a black cane in his hand. An invisible force spread out from the cane, confining a space near the asteroid.

The old man of the Yan clan looked at the leader of the star robbers in front of him, and said lightly: Surrender, or die.

If caught by Beichenwei, even if they are not sent to the battlefield, they will be sent to mine, become slaves, and lose their freedom forever. A few star thieves at the fourth level of the source state looked at each other and immediately flew upwards. Want to break out of a way out.

But before they flew far, there was a ball of flame rising from their bodies, instantly burning them to ashes, only a few space bracelets flew back to the hands of the old man of the Yan clan under the coercion of the flames inside.

Lin Xiu looked at the general of the Yan clan who was standing there without moving. This is the strength of the sixth level of the source realm. He can burn this asteroid to ashes in just one thought.

The death of the four companions completely destroyed the psychological defense of these high-level star thieves.

Even the leader of the star robbers at the fifth level of the source environment simply gave up resistance.

In order to exterminate them, the empire even sent warriors from the sixth level of the source realm. To resist, there is only one way to die. When the empire discovers this place, their end is already doomed.

In order to show the sincerity of surrender, the star thief leader took the initiative to take everyone to their treasure house.

The treasure trove of the star thief organization is located in the center of the asteroid, surrounded by several layers of protection. The only passage is the high tower. From the high tower, you need to go through ten gates to get there.

When the last heavy stone gate was pushed open, the Star Bandit commander was stunned.

Looking at the emptiness in front of him, the Yan Clan warrior's expression darkened, and he asked, Where did you guys move your things?

At this moment, the mind of the star thief commander is as blank as this treasure house.

What about things, his pile of things full of a treasure house?

The general of the Yan Clan had a very ugly face, and said grimly: Take them back, interrogate them carefully, and find out the whereabouts of those things!

The existence of the Star Thief in the Northern Territory has lasted for an unknown number of years. Their accumulation must be very rich, not weaker than some big families in the universe. The commander played around a bit, and the anger in his heart was already overwhelming.

To Lin Xiu, the Star Thief Organization is a giant.

But for the Qianyan Empire, it is nothing at all. Any general can destroy them countless times. All star thieves on the planet have been taken down.

It took less than an hour from departure to return to Beichenxing.

Lin Xiu's gains from this trip are immeasurable. Although he did not get the space bracelet of the high-level Star Thief, at least 80% of the wealth of the entire Star Thief organization was in his pocket.

After returning to Beichenxing, the high-level officials of Beichenwei focused on investigating the whereabouts of the treasures of the Star Thief organization, but no one could tell where those treasures went. All the warriors of the clan admired his strict tone, and had nothing to do with him.

A fifth-level source, in the Qianyan Empire, although not considered a top powerhouse, is still the backbone, and it is impossible to kill him directly. Lin Xiu heard that he was not executed in the end, but was sent to After entering the star field battlefield, whether he can survive in the end depends on his luck.

And the focus of people's attention is on the disappearing treasure. The matter of the space bracelet has never been mentioned from the beginning to the end. It seems that even the star thieves have forgotten this matter. If they don't ask, Lin Xiu will naturally Will not take the initiative to mention.

It is unrealistic to expect those strong people of the human race to buy space bracelets by themselves, and Lin Xiu can only prepare them for them.

This time the Star Bandit organization in the Northern Territory was wiped out. Although Lin Xiu did not contribute the most, it was the key information he provided, and the above directly added 10,000 merits to him.

With these 10,000 meritorious deeds, as long as he can enter the top five in martial arts, the accumulative merits will be enough for him to be promoted to the ten thousand commander.

According to the rules, he would have been rewarded with some resources.

But because the treasures of the Star Thief Organization have not been found yet, Beichenwei just arrested some people. The general regretfully told Lin Xiu that he could only get some of them after recovering those treasures.

Lin Xiu immediately said that those were things outside his body, and it was his responsibility as the captain of Beichenwei to fight against the star robbers. It would be great if he could recover the treasures of the star robbers, but if he couldn't, he didn't need any rewards...


Day after day, without any waves of practice, it is difficult for most cosmic races living on Beichen to feel the passage of time.

The only thing that can bring them fun is Beichenwei's martial arts performance. From ordinary soldiers to centurion commanders, thousand commanders, and ten thousand commanders, they will perform martial arts every once in a while.

Shortly after the Centurion's martial arts performance ended, the Thousand Commander's martial arts performance came as scheduled.

In the entire Beichen Star, there are nearly 2,000 commanders. About every cosmic year, these commanders will perform a martial arts performance. Those who perform well in the martial arts performance will not only receive generous rewards, but also have a higher promotion path than ordinary people. The commander is faster.

Almost everyone wants to stand out in the martial arts performance. In this martial arts performance, nearly 2,000 commanders participated. Except for a very few who did not participate because of retreat or other reasons, more than 1,800 commanders participated.

The battle between the commanders involved a very wide range, which could be described as devastating and extremely visually impactful.

However, the residents on Beichen Star will generally not miss it.

More than 1,800 commanders will first select the strongest in their respective domains, and then compete with the strong in other domains. Every battle after that will be mirrored in the space of each living domain. middle projection.

At this moment, most of the residents of the various domains walked out of their homes, gathered in front of the space mirror, and carefully looked at the picture in the mirror.

The battle between these powerful people is not just a fun to watch, it can also let them learn something and deepen their understanding of their own abilities.

In an empty cosmic space, purple and red rays of light collided and intertwined. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to see the inside of the rays of light, and occasionally two figures could be seen.

After an unknown period of time, the red light in the picture disappeared, leaving only a dazzling purple.

Then, two more figures appeared on the screen.

He is the strongest of the Flame Bone Clan and the Flame Demon Clan.

The strengths of the two clans are about the same. I don't know which of the two commanders is stronger.


After battle after battle, in front of the space, many cosmic races, while watching the battle, occasionally had an idea in their minds.

Will that person still appear in the commander's martial arts performance?

In the last martial arts performance, he won the first place in Beichenwei's martial arts performance. In the last martial arts performance, he was the first in the Centurion's martial arts performance. Even if he breaks through the third level of the source realm this time, it is still unknown whether he can defeat the thousand commander in the same domain.

At a certain moment, the spirits of all races in the universe surrounding the space mirrors in various places suddenly lifted.

A familiar figure appeared in their line of sight.

That figure is not tall, and compared to most cosmic races, it looks a bit thin, but the first time you see him, the word weak will not appear in the mind of any race.

There were bursts of exclamations from all the living areas of Beichenxing at the same time.

It's him!

he came!

He has actually been promoted to commander-in-chief. He won't be the first in the martial arts performance of commander-in-chief, is it? This is too exaggerated...

It's a bit unbelievable, but I'm looking forward to seeing this scene...

The appearance of that figure shocked the hearts of countless cosmic races. This time, the thousand commander's martial arts performance is obviously different from the previous ones. Everyone is waiting to see if that person can create miracles again.


It has been a long time since the end of the Thousand Commander's martial arts performance.

So far, when the cosmic races in various domains and the soldiers of Beichenwei recalled that martial arts performance, they still feel shocked, and the figure of the god of war will appear in their minds from time to time.

Seventy-three domains, the third guard.

More than a thousand soldiers of the Beichen Guard were being inspected by the new Chief Wanfu.

Their bodies stood straight, and fanaticism even appeared in the eyes of many soldiers. The existence who won the first place in martial arts three times in a row is their commander-in-chief. They watched him walk out of the third guard and walk step by step to the present. s position.

In the eyes of Beichen guards, he has become a legend.

A figure like a rainbow flew from a distance and landed in the third guard camp.

Yanchen's strength was still at the peak of the third level of the source realm. He was a little melancholy at the fact that he failed to break through the realm this time, but seeing the energetic and completely different third guard, he felt better again.

He walked to the front of the formation, and while reaching out to pat Lin Xiu on the shoulder, he said, That's right, you really didn't disappoint this general.

Yan Yun's expression changed slightly beside Lin Xiu, he immediately grabbed Yan Chen's wrist, and said solemnly: Don't be rude to the general...

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