Don’t Throw the Bad Villain

Chapter 6 - [Farming demons with the body]

Xie Lao directly took Xuqiang and Su Qu into the unique Tianzi room.

This room was originally reserved for Futu Island’s owner, Wu Gu, an exclusive room. It is alone on the top floor of the ship. The entire floor is not open to guests. Now in order to avoid other guests disturbing the taboo, these two can only be placed. Here.

I just want to send these two gods off the ship safely.

Xu Qian stepped into the room and was shocked by the luxury of this room.

The magnificent presidential suite, the room is full of fruits and wine, is also equipped with a 24-hour hot spring pool, and even has a [transmission bell], which is equivalent to a modern telephone. If you need it, you can contact the service staff at any time through this.

This is the treatment of vvvip.

She didn’t have any requirements, as long as she was dressed in clean clothes, this one on her body was dirty and rotten now, what was terrible was that she found that the skin on her body was cracking and peeling, and it was indescribable.

So as soon as the mustache retreated, she immediately locked the door of the room and took off her coat. The dry skin on her body seemed to fall down like snowflakes. It was extremely disgusting…

How is this going? Does she have a skin disease?

System: [Hello, this is the normal condition after your cultivation level is increased. It is called “dust sloughing”. If your cultivation level is increased by one level, your body including your skin will evolve once. Just like a snake shed its skin, you only need to wash it. Dust is fine. ]

So amazing?

Xuyuan glanced at Su Yan who was sleeping on the bed, and then at the end of the task, there was still an hour and 20 minutes left.

Decided to take a bath first, then wake Su Yan with blood, and find a way to complete the task, otherwise the dander will fall down really disgusting.

She turned off the lights in the room, and saw four night pearls like lampstands in the four corners of the hot spring shining brightly, and the lights in the room illuminated by them were dim and ambiguous.

She tiptoed to the hot spring, took off her dirty clothes, and stepped into the hot spring.

The warm water enveloped her body, and the skin on her body was like dust, and the water would be washed away.

There were all kinds of perfumes that she hadn’t seen before, and she picked a piece and washed herself from head to toe.

The more she washed, the more amazed she was. She had never seen herself so white and tender. She really looked like a new-born skin. Even her fingers became white and soft, and her nails were thin and translucent.

Even her measurements have changed, her waist is thinner, her belly is flatter than ever, and her chest is swollen.

She couldn’t help coming out of the hot spring curiously, holding up the Ye Mingzhu lamp on the pool, standing naked in front of the full-length mirror next to the hot spring, wanting to see if it was her illusion.

The room is dim, the Ye Mingzhu in his hand shines like the moon, and the woman who is drenched in the mirror shines.

This was the second time she looked at this body seriously after crossing.

The first time was by the ice river just after crossing, she confirmed to the river that she had penetrated into the body of a woman who looked exactly the same as herself.

This time, she confirmed what she looked like after she “shed the dust.”

She saw herself holding Ye Mingzhu in the mirror, with a surprised expression, and her mind was full of: dreams come true, she has grown into a refined p-picture.

I can’t say where it has changed. It seems that the facial features are still the same, but they have all been refined.

The waist is so thin, the arms are so slender, and the bust has increased by at least one size. All the flesh has grown in the position that it should be long. The skin is as beautiful as fat, and the black hair is like a cloud.

What kind of dream world is this, she couldn’t help but touch her face, her figure, no wonder everyone wanted to cultivate immortals, and cultivating immortals is more important than doing medical and cosmetic surgery!

This is just building ten layers of foundations, if she can cultivate to the stage of transforming gods, what kind of a peerless fairy!

She was obsessed with her beauty and couldn’t put it down. The more she looked, the more she got her head, and she thought of her tongue. She always got hot when she used words.

Did the tongue evolve too?

She opened her mouth in front of the mirror and stretched out her tongue. She was surprised to see a golden pattern “grown” on her tongue, like a tattoo. The pattern looked like a golden crescent crescent across from across. A slightly opened mouth.

what is this?

System: [This is the mark of [Speech Repair Technique], you will only feel it when you use the Word Repair Technique. ]

She touched the pattern on her tongue with her finger, she couldn’t feel the trace, and there was no other strange feeling, it just looked weird…

-[Let me possess you, your clean heart, gentle voice and perfect softness of your body…] There was a sudden sound of music in her ears, a sudden modern pop song, and she almost smashed the Ye Mingzhu in her hand.

Isn’t this, this is Chen Li’s song? Where does bgm come from? Is it the system?

She was surprised to ask the system, and suddenly saw a pair of eyes in the mirror, amber eyes, behind her, on the dark bed, blinking and staring at her.

The scalp was numb in an instant.

Before she looked back, the system told her in bgm: [Introduction to the additional functions of the system-inner interpretation. You can hear the inner monologue of the old disciple and the bgm that matches the mood. The system will trigger the matching bgm based on the person’s current mood. ]

What a frightening and tasteless function…

—[Let me possess you, tear you apart, then hold you like the wind, want to collect you, soak you in formalin, staring at you every night in the second half of your life, every night you are wet|run|naked||naked… ]bgm is still ringing.

She was horrified by this piece of bgm and those faint eyes staring at her with goose bumps, Su Yu woke up silently, and woke up the second the bgm went online, staring at her…

She couldn’t help but stand in front of the mirror, just now she was still “love it” her body, touching her tongue…

He saw it all.

The system answers her mechanically in bgm: [This function is to help you understand the old disciple’s current thoughts, moods, and what he is thinking about you. ]

What was he thinking about?

He stared at Chi silently||The strips of her, bgm keeps ringing—[I only belong to you, my brain, and my body want you to squeeze my soul…]


Xu Qian stood there, stiff and trembling not daring to move. The clothes were lying on the table a few steps away. Now even if she jumped into the hot spring to block her, she had already seen the perverted person…

Moreover, he now regards her as his former master Xu Xianzu. He should love and hate the Xu Xianzu who personally sealed him. From the bgm, he can hear his abnormal feelings for Xu Xianzu.

In this case, it is better to pretend to be Master Xu and do the task of “recycling old disciples”.

There is not much time left for her to survive.

She braced her courage, looked at the amber eyes in the mirror, and said slowly: “You are awake.”

Then pretending not to mind his perverted gaze, he slowly turned around and walked to the clothes, wrapped the clothes calmly, his face was calm and calm, his belted fingers panicked like a dog, and his mind turned quickly: What should I say in the next sentence ? Why do you look like an expert? Can you scream at this pervert to make him obediently apprentice? Dead dead, she never saw this question type in Jinjiang!

“A-Jiao.” He suddenly called her.

She shook her fingers, raised her eyes to look at him, calm and calm, you are Xuxianzu, the most powerful woman in Jiuyi.

“Should you not call me Master?” She only glanced at him lightly and moved away, fearing that he would perform illusions after a long time!

“Alan.” He called her again, her voice dumb and startled, completely different from the gentle temptation before.

Xu Long felt something was wrong, and looked at him again. He was sitting on the bed and looking at her. He looked down at his **** palms, chest, and ankles, and frowned slightly, his eye circles slowly lingering. It was red, and water mist-like tears hung on the drooping eyelashes.


Ah? ?

Why is he crying again? ? ?

He looked at the **** palm, red eyes and dumbly called out again: “Achang.”

“En?” Xu Qian couldn’t figure it out and didn’t dare to step forward.

He just heard him say quietly and quietly: “I hurt.”

This is not right, this is too wrong.

In the gloomy room, he was sitting on an ivory bed, with low eyebrows, and tears hanging down, like a crying little mermaid.

He is…

“Where do you hurt?” Xu Qian asked him following his words.

With red eyes, he gently pointed to his palm: “Here.” Then he pointed to the bleeding ankle: “Here.” Then he raised his hand and clicked on the unhealed chest, “It hurts here too…”

He frowned slightly, and then touched his head in pain, raised his eyes and looked at Xu Yun with tears in his eyes and said, “There is more of it…”

That dream-like face and sparkling eyes were so pitiful and innocent at this moment, and they looked at Xu Qiang in a daze.

The expression in his, his eyes seemed to have changed, and he looked… silly?

Will he, will he… become stupid by going crazy or bumping his head in a clam shell? !

That’s a miracle!

Xu Long asked tentatively: “Why does the head hurt? Do you remember how you got hurt?”

He looked at Xulong, with crystal tears on his eyelashes, frowned and thought about it, then bowed his head painfully and said with tears: “I can’t remember… Why am I hurt? What’s wrong with me? I seem to think about everything. Can’t get up…”

Amnesia? !

At the same time, Xu Qian heard his messy heart-[Why don’t you remember? who am I? My name…what is it? Why am I bleeding? What’s wrong with me? ]

A miracle happened! Madly criticizing him really amnesia!

Xu Qianqiang suppressed the surging in his heart, fearing that he was pretending, so he stepped forward and continued to ask him: “Do you even remember who you are? Then why do you remember my name is Achang?”

He lifted his teary face, and shook his head in confusion, tears fell along with the words: “I, don’t know.”

He couldn’t understand it, as if he said, “I just remember Aqiang.”

As if I felt unclear, I said again: “A-Jiao is very important, just remember A-Jiao.”

Xu Qian heard what he was saying at the same time—[A Qian is very important, just remember. ]

The mental activity of a fool is so simple and honest, what he says in his mouth, what he thinks in his heart.

Is he so stupid? Is it because of delusion? System, system!

The system went online to respond to her: [Yes, [Taboo] After Su Yan got into a demon, he used illusion forcibly, which caused damage to his consciousness, temporarily lost his memory, and closed his mind and entered the self-healing period. ]

This means that his current amnesia and closed mind are a period of self-healing? Will it be restored later?

System: [Maybe, it may never be. ]

who cares!

Take advantage of his stupidity, let’s talk about the task first!

“You remember that I am very important, then do you remember my relationship with you?” Xuyu walked up to him and looked at him with a smile.

He raised his head, black crow’s hair, white face, tearful eyes like pearls in the sea, baba looked up at her as if he was thinking seriously, but he frowned without thinking of anything. Gently shook his head to her.

His eyes were red and his eyelashes were soft, and he gently said to her, “Alan is very important, I… will remember.”

As if afraid of her being angry, he carefully raised the damp eyelashes, repeating: “I will remember that Alan is very important.”

Ah, the bewitching beauty.

Xuqiang’s heart was setting fire: “It’s okay, you can’t remember, I remember.”

Her heart was surging, her gut swelled, and she couldn’t help reaching out her hand to pick out the crystal clear tears hanging on his chin.

He shuddered slightly, and grabbed Xu Qian’s hand that was about to withdraw.

His fingers were so thin, so cold, and he was shocked. He subconsciously wanted to be on guard, but he tilted his head and gently rubbed his face into her palm, calling her: “Alan, you are me. Ah Chang, I remember, I remember.”

He is obediently like a kitten.

Xu Yuan’s heart was beating, and suddenly he wanted to try her word repair skills on Su Qu, “Su Qu.”

She called his name, and gently touched his face with her fingers. The familiar tip of her tongue became slightly warm. She lowered her eyes and said to him like a kid, “I saved you. You must worship me before you become unconscious. Repaying me for the teacher, I promised you, now should you kneel down and call me Master?”

She looked at his expression with a thunderous heartbeat, faintly feeling that the tip of her tongue was getting hotter and hotter, and she felt a pain like an electric shock.

The system prompts her: [Your use of speech repair technique failed. The reason for the failure is: the taboo person does not remember his name at this moment, and the speech lure technique is invalid for the unnamed person. ]

“…” Xu Long’s tongue was tingling with pain, and he wanted to scold his mother and was careless.

Su Qu held her hand and tilted his head to look at her confusedly: “Master? Aqiu is Master? Shuqin…”

“It’s you.” Xu Long had to say to him first: “Your name is Su Qu.”

“Shuqin?” He repeated it, but the pronunciation was the other two words.

“It’s these two words.” Xuyuan held his palm and pulled it under his eyes, using his fingertips to write his name in the palm of his hand stroke by stroke: “Su of Suzhou, the scented quilt, Su- quilt.”

After finishing writing, I remembered that he was silly now, “Are you still literate?”

He was really looking at the palm of his hand, her fingertips, watching her writing strokes, his eyes blinked brightly: “I will remember the words Achang wrote.”

“So smart?” Xu Qian smiled and retracted his finger, and he held it again.

“Alan.” He raised his curly eyelashes and looked at her, holding her fingers in his palm: “What does Alan’s name look like.”

He wants her to write her name to him?

Xu Yu looked at his innocent and deceptive eyes, smiled and said, “If you want me to teach you literacy, you have to worship me as a teacher.” After speaking, he took his finger away.

His hand was empty, his eyes were full of loss, and he cherished his palm, as if there was still the temperature of Aqiu in his palm, and looked at Aqiu eagerly, “I want to apprentice, but I…I won’t.”

Damn it, this is too good to deceive.

Hearing the guidance of the system, Xuchang said to him in accordance with the apprenticeship stipulated by the system: “There is no need for red tape. You just need to kneel and call me Master, and you will be my apprentice from now on.”

He suddenly stood up from the couch. He was tall and thin. He stood up and pressed against the top of Xuqiu’s head. The breath of cultivation was compelling, making her subconsciously take a half step back, and his bare toes were covered by his clothes. The robe covered it lightly.

He knelt before her toes, and his long black hair fell to the ground, sweeping it on her ankles, itchy.

Outside the window was the sparkling night sea, and the moonlight swept in. He reached out and took her hand, rubbed his side his head in her palm, and gently called her, “Master.”

After the call, it was called again: “A-Jiao.”

Her heart was trembling, and a system sound came from her ears—[You have completed task 1—recover an old disciple. The countdown to death is over. Please train your first apprentice [Su衾] and continue to complete task 2. ]

—[You can view the information of the first disciple [苏衾] through the system. ]

—[Your first disciple [Su衾] was seriously damaged in the battle, please treat your disciple as soon as possible. ]

My God, she was so embarrassed that, relying on her **** luck, she really accepted a godlike big brother as a disciple.

She could fully imagine how much he would want to skin her cramps after he regained his memory…

But at this moment, he was so gentle and obedient, the bright moonlight kissed his forehead, that face was surprisingly beautiful.

Xu Qianggugu touched his head inflated and said, “Good boy.” She swung her wet hair to her shoulders and fell into her slightly open placket.

He shuddered slightly, raised his hand to hold her wrist that fell on top of his head, and stared directly at her wet hair, her clothes, her cheeks under her palm… the apple **** moved up and down.

There was a sudden sound of music—[Whenthebeatgoinglikethatboomboom (when I heard a pop) GirlIwannaputyouupinmyroom (girl, I want to pick you up in my room) Iwannaputyouupagainstthatwall (I want to push you against the wall) Throwyouonthebedandtakeyourclothesoffclothesoff On the bed, take off your clothes)…Doitdoit (Do it) Doitdoit (Do it)…]

Xu Long: “…”

This familiar little yellow song in English, with the look in his eyes, became louder and louder in her ears.

He stared at her, breathing hard in his own bgm…

So stupid, so perverted!

Xu Qiang pulled out her hand as if it were hot in an instant, and hurriedly grasped her slightly open placket and cursed the system in her heart: old-fashioned criticism of the system! How many pornographic bgm music libraries are there! No need to put bgm anymore!

—[Doitdoit (Do it) Doitdoit (Do it)…]

Turn off Bgm!

Xu Qian was noisy and blurted out to Su Yan, who was staring at her: “Su Yan, cultivators must be clear-hearted, and don’t think about messy things. It’s useless to think about it, just dreaming…”

The tip of the tongue suddenly became hot.

She hadn’t reacted yet, her waist tightened, and Su Yan hugged her waist and yanked her to the front. She couldn’t stand firmly, and fell into his arms all of a sudden.

His hot breath rushed down, and along with his chaotic heart activity, he rushed towards Xulong.

—[It’s useless to think about it, but it’s useless to think about it… Achang said it’s useless to think about it, but it’s useful to do it…]

System: [Your speech lure technique is successfully used, and the target is the cultivator of the **** transformation stage, and your speech lure technique level increases. ]

Xu Long: “?!”

Su Yu hugged her tightly, staring at her with fiery eyes, calling her dumbly: “Aqiang, Aqiang…”

and many more! She didn’t mean that! She didn’t want to use speech seduction! Withdraw! Withdraw!

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