Don’t Throw the Bad Villain

Chapter 86 - (Two in one) The first hug...

Are you going to be incarnate? ?

Su Qu suddenly raised his hand with a wave, and the hanger full of clothes in the corner was dragged to the bathtub with a sound of “Zila”, blocking him and the bathtub.

Xujian was about to get up and go over on the bed, then stopped again. Did he not want her to see it? Isn’t it…really entering the resuscitation period?

There was a muffled sound from behind the hanger full of clothes, but only one sound was heard, and it was sealed by the enchantment.

At this juncture, it takes spiritual energy to strengthen the barrier. He is shy, doesn’t he even want her to hear his voice?

Sitting on the side of the couch, she only saw the water swaying in the gap between the clothes and the back of his hand tightly clenched on the tub, and the green veins were tightened on the back of his white hand. …

Her belly suddenly numb, and Xu Qian was taken aback, and she felt itchy and itchy in the dantian, and a stream of air flow was surging.

She stretched out her hand and pressed it in surprise, it seemed that something was surging in the spirit sea.

Is it Su Qu?

When his original body enters the resuscitation period, will it also alarm his law body and soul?

The feeling in the spirit sea is getting stronger and stronger, causing her man’s shell to have an unacceptable condition.

Xu Qiang looked at the shell he was using dumbfounded, his face and ears were fully ripe.


She was busy sitting cross-legged on the couch, closed her eyes, and plunged the soul into the spirit sea. Sure enough, there was a wind blowing in the spirit sea, and she saw the red body of Su Fu in the chaos. Moving.

She took some effort to sink into the chaotic spirit sea, but was separated by a layer of red enchantment, and could no longer sink to approach Su Yan.

That was the case the previous time. She could not sneak into her own spiritual bottom and approach Su Qu’s Law Bodies, but this time it was different. She saw Su Qu’s red Law Bodies in the enchantment lying on the ground, whispering in pain. , But she couldn’t hear it.

What’s up with him?

Xu Yuan tried her best to get close to the barrier, almost lying outside the barrier, but still couldn’t hear his voice or perceive his condition. She tried to transmit a voice outside the barrier and called him-“Su Yan! “

As if he had heard it, he trembled suddenly and opened his eyes.

Those eyes…

Xu Qian looked at his opened eyes with a trembling heart, his eyes were covered with small red blood spots, almost covering his white eyeballs, as if he could not see anything, and moved towards blankly. She glanced in her direction, then convulsed in pain, closed her eyes, and curled her whole body into a ball.

It doesn’t seem like he is going through a period of resuscitation, it’s like… he’s crazy, has he been crazy all the time?

Xu Qian tried to summon the system, and heard the system go online, and asked it: [Can I use it here, can I listen to the other party’s mental activity? ]

She wants to use it on Su Fu in the enchantment.

System: [No, Su Yu is currently in a state of enchantment. He has set up a self-enclosed enchantment layer, and the system cannot be used through the enchantment layer. ]

A self-enclosed enchantment layer?

So this level of barrier was set by himself?

Xu Qiang looked at this red light and faintly enchanted barrier. He closed himself in the barrier, afraid that his devilishness would affect her spirit sea?

Suddenly she heard a painful cry from someone outside her body: “Achang…”

That was Su Qu’s voice, no, it should be said that it was the voice of another Su Qu who is now incarnation. How could he call her name? Did he remember?

System: [When the soul is close to the original body, it will feel. ]

Does it mean that Su Qu, who is incarnation, has sensed his soul?

—— “Ah Long…”

The voice outside the body called her again, and then she said something, but she didn’t hear it clearly.

At the same time, when Xu Qian saw the red body in the barrier, she murmured something in pain. She looked at her mouth and reacted, and the murmur was still her name-Achang.

Now his original body senses him, right?

Xu Qian immediately withdrew from Linghai and opened his eyes abruptly.


A damp smell of blood surged in the small room, and at a glance she saw the water and the blood dissolved by the water next to the tub under the clothes hanger.

He bleeds?

The enchantment around the bathtub was also loosened, and his voice came from behind the clothes hanger, “Achang…”

Xu Qian hurriedly got up and walked over quickly. He opened his clothes and saw Su Yan in the bathtub for the first time. He was taken aback. He had turned into a human body, with his legs curled up and leaning on the bathtub, but this There were a lot of red scars on the body, like blood beads, all on his legs, hands, neck, and body, and even half of his cheeks were born.

Desperate, this is the reaction of Su Qu’s deranged behavior. Did he sense the state of his soul and react to this person?

He gave a painful cry, and his hand covered with red scars suddenly lifted up and scratched his neck fiercely, as if itching intolerable, and forcefully scratched the skin with blood stains.

“Su Yu!” She hurriedly reached out and grabbed his two arms, calling him anxiously, trying to wake him up.

But he seemed to be in a nightmare, and he didn’t respond to her screams, just whispering indiscriminately.

She didn’t respond when she called him again. Is it a devilish obstacle?

She suddenly remembered that she could use the system function on him.

At the beginning, she had entered the memory of old disciples by reading this function of their past memories, so can she use this function to enter his dream at this moment?

System: [Yes, you can choose to read the memory of the old disciple at this moment. Will this function be turned on for you? ]


Xu Qiang turned on the system immediately, and she heard the sound of the system in front of her, she heard the voice of the system——[When you were reading the memories of the old disciples, you had a negative situation, please pay more attention to it. ]

It means that when she entered the memory of Yin Lili, she was suddenly immersed in the memory of recovery, and she became crazy?

The picture in front of me lit up a little bit–


In a room full of herbs and bottles, the smell of medicine made her want to nausea, this is…

She turned her head and saw the bath tub behind her. In the bath tub, a thin girl’s tied hands and feet were soaked in the black medicinal bath, with silver needles stuck in her dark spots on her face.

Her mind buzzed, this is her, she who was once the ancestor Xuxian, the one who was sold to the old man Yao Xiu by her parents.

She looked at the skinny little girl in the tub, shivering and crying, her mouth opened but she couldn’t speak.

What she remembered was that it was not long after she was bought by the old man. In order to get rid of the ugly birthmark on her face, he completely restored her to a pure yin spirit body, so that she could be sold as a cauldron. He gave her for the first time. Take a medicated bath.

It was useless for her to struggle and resist. She was tied to her hands and feet, sealed her throat, and soaked in the medicine barrel for two days and two nights. She almost died of soaking, and then she didn’t even have the strength to cry.

But why does Su Qu’s magic barrier show her past…

Before she could figure it out, she heard a scream from outside, which seemed to be… the little Taoist Oji!

She hurriedly turned her head and saw through the half-open window in the hall outside, a red-haired and black-haired man carrying a **** sword, the old man’s split body at his feet, and the stumps of other people’s arms.

With blood on the floor, he held a **** sword, stopped in front of the little Taoist who was curled up in the corner with his ears and screamed in fright, and said to him, “Get out of here.”

That voice is Su Qu.

He didn’t speak much, and turned around. Xuyuan saw his pale face. It was Su Yan, the Su Yan of the Dharmakaya.

He walked towards her with the sword. She wanted to call him, but found him directly through her body and walked into the small room.

Yes, she was “reading” his memory, it didn’t exist and couldn’t communicate with him.

She followed Su Yu and turned around and saw him standing next to the bathtub, his eyes flushed with red, shaking off all the silver needles of the thin girl in the bathtub.

She heard the cry of herself when she was a child, and the skinny herself gripped Su Yu’s sleeves tightly with her red hands, crying and begged in a mute voice: “Save me, save me…”

Su Qu raised his hand to wipe the tears from her face, and said in a low voice, “I’m here to save you, Alan…”

He grabbed a coat next to him and wrapped it around “her” and picked “her” from the tub. His thin body was tightly wrapped in his arms. He held her with one hand and the other. Carrying his **** sword, he said to her: “Don’t be afraid, I can save you, I can definitely save you.”

He hugged the thin “Xu Long” and walked out of the room full of Chinese medicine smell.

Xu Qian looked at his tall and thin back, and the little girl who hugged his neck tightly and weeped, with an unspeakable taste.

This was originally her inner demon, the medicine room, the little Taoist…This is the obstacle she fell into when she got into the demon, is he saving the “her” in the inner demon?

But why does he become crazy?

She quickly followed, and she watched Su Qu lead her away from the familiar road, went to Chunyang Mountain, and set up a layer of barriers on top of Chunyang Mountain.

She looked at the skinny woman carefully pulling Su Yan’s sleeves without letting go, Su Yan gently stroked her head, stretched out her hand to embrace her and muttered to herself: “This time it must be possible, it must be possible. save you.”

The skinny blinked her eyes as if she couldn’t understand, and asked him in a low voice, “Are you a god? Are you saving me… so that I can be your furnace?”

He opened his eyes and moved lightly, stroking her thin back gently and tenderly as if sad, “No, I don’t want you to be my cauldron, I save you because you are Alan, no matter what How many times I will save you.”

He let go of her, held her face with a dark birthmark, and said in a dumb voice: “You are not a cauldron, you are Aqiang.”

Xu Qian stood aside and looked at him and her little herself. If someone had really saved her like this… it would be great.

She watched her skinny self sleep tiredly beside Su Yan’s knees, Su Yan guarded her, looked at her, and gently stroked her black hair with her fingers.

She heard a “grunt” sound.

The thin one opened his eyes, and he covered his stomach and whispered, “I’m hungry…Can you give me a little bit of food?”

Su Qu didn’t seem to expect it, so he was taken aback, and said hurriedly, “Of course, you wait for me.”

Xu Qian watched him walk out of the hall with a saber in his hand, and stood in the courtyard facing the dark tree. A quail squatting on the tree fell.

He walked towards the quail…

Suddenly Xu Qian saw under the side window of the main hall. A man opened the window and murmured, “Achang.”

She looked towards the window with the little herself on the couch, and saw the little Taoist standing outside the window beckoning to her, and said lowly to her: “Come on, I will take you out. That person is I want you to be the villain of the cauldron…”

Xu Qiang looked at herself on the bed hurriedly, the thin self hesitated for a moment, and quickly jumped off the bed barefoot and ran towards the window.

At the moment when he approached the window, Su Yan carried the quail into the hall, “I’ll cook it for you…Don’t go to Alan!”

He ran towards her, but the moment she ran towards her, the little Taoist outside the window suddenly turned into a **** Yaoxiu old man. He grabbed her neck abruptly and snapped it off the moment Su Yan approached. Up her neck…

Blood sprayed on Su’s chest and chin, and the head covered with birthmarks fell on his feet.

Xuyuan was numb all over, and his head buzzed. Seeing that there was no expression on his pale face, he raised his hand and gently wiped the blood from his chin, turned and ran out of the hall with the sword in his hand.

In the boundless night, he wore a red dress and was as eye-catching as he was stained with blood.

Xu Qian followed him and watched him return to the old medicine room of Yaoxiu again. He opened the door, and the people in the medicine room who had been killed by him before, unexpectedly came back to life.

Xu Long saw the old Yao Xiu rushing out, as if he had never seen Su Yan, frowned and said, “Who are you? So courageous, you dare to…”

Before he could finish speaking, Su Yan rushed over and slashed him open with a sword.

He killed everyone again and rushed into the small room. This time it was the skinny girl who had just been stripped and was giving the needle.

This is her… when she was caught back, before she soaked in the medicinal bath.

The little Taoist stood at the door in horror.

He didn’t even think about it this time, a sword cut off the head of the little Taoist priest.

Xu Qian watched him run into the room again, picked her up as a child, and rescued the medicine room…

Suddenly, I understood why Su Yu would go crazy, because her past cannot be changed, and no matter how hard he works, he can’t save her.

So he was in her demon, saving her time and time again, watching her die, be caught, repeat the same mistakes, and be unsalvable again and again.

So he said, this time I can definitely save you.

Xu Qian looked at him, and carefully hugged her when she was a child. When she ran out of the medicine room, she was cut in her throat with a sword.

“She” jumped from his arms to the ground and became an old man Yaoxiu, smiling and saying to him: “No one wants to save her, she is my cauldron, she will become the top cauldron…”

Su Yu vomited blood in his throat, he carried the blood-filled sword, and slashed at the old man again…

She is going crazy.

Standing in the blood all over the floor, Xu Qiang buzzed fiercely in his mind as he watched Su Yan go to rescue her again.

Did he keep trapping himself in her demons again and again to save her?

Her demon can be deciphered because he has sealed himself and her demon, trying to decipher it over and over again, to save her?

How many times has he done this? How many times did it fail?

Once again, she saw Su Yu taking her out of her childhood. This time he did not even return to Chunyang Mountain. He found a deserted mountain with no one and guarded her in the cave. He did not leave her even a step. .

She said she was hungry, so he left the cave with her and caught a hare in the woods.

But this time he met Si Wei in this barren mountain and slaughtered all the cultivators who broke into the polar island.

The red-eyed Si Wei, he regarded Su Yu as one of those cultivators, and acted with him.

In order to protect her in his arms, he fell into the wind several times. When he was stabbed in the arm by Si Wei’s sword and was almost forced to let go, she in his arms suddenly hugged his neck and shouted with a trembling voice. : “Don’t kill him!”

She stretched out her hand to grab the sword that Si Wei pierced, and the blade had already cut her skin without grabbing the sword.

“Ajuan!” Su Qun embraced her and backed away instantly.

Si Wei closed the sword abruptly, sniffed, and frowned, staring at her: “Pure Yin Spirit Body?”

“Yes! It’s my pure-yin spirit body!” She struggled out of Su Qu’s arms, jumped to the ground and tremblingly stopped in front of Si Wei: “Don’t kill him… I am willing and willing to be your furnace… …”

Su Qu stretched out his hand to pull her back, but it was too late, and Si Wei first grabbed her thin.

“Give me back Ah Chang!” Su Yu stood up, but Si Wei had disappeared with her thin.

Standing on the side, Xu Qian saw Su Qu’s desperate eyes. He stood in the valley full of corpses with his sword in his arms, hugged his head in pain, and muttered like crazy: “Wrong or wrong… killed Si Wei, you should kill Si Wei first…”

Enough, enough.

Xu Long was going to be one step crazy ahead of him, her head kept ringing in her ears, as if the string had broken.

There was no way to change in the past, even if Su Yan killed everyone, she would still meet Si Wei… repeat the same mistakes.

These heart demons seemed to tell her-no matter how many people were killed, no matter how many times she saved her, she would still walk the same way, because she was originally sent to the world to match the pure Yin spirit body he reproduced. , The heavenly immortal companion who accompanied him through the tragedy…

She remembered what Tianjun said in the illusion that she had heard in the eyes of Bodhi-“This is a pure yin spirit body matched with God, born in the fairy island of Penglai. It’s a pity that she doesn’t have three souls and seven souls. It’s just a spiritual tool, not enough to survive. I have ordered Si Ming to arrange her reincarnation. When she has completed the three souls and seven souls, I will take her back and become a fairy. If you match with the God, you will be able to multiply the Snow Emperor Snake clan. It just so happens that the God personally sent her into the world today…”

She suddenly understood that what she had experienced had already been written when she descended to the world, so that she could cultivate three souls and seven souls and become a pure yin celestial companion who was enough to match the gods.

It turned out that she didn’t really get rid of her destiny and broke this demons.

She watched Su Yu turn around and ran towards the original medicine room again, and said to the system-“End, send me back.”

She cannot be trapped here.

There is no way to change the past, but the future can.

–[Yes. ]

I don’t know if the system is responding to the sentence she sent her out, or responding to something else.

She closed her eyes, heard a “ding”, and opened her eyes as if awakened from a dream.


“give me back……”

She heard the murmur of Su Yan in the tub next to him. He struggled like a nightmare, and murmured, “Give me back Ah Chang…”

She looked at him, those red scars had covered his face, he couldn’t get him in, at least she had to save him first.

How should she wake him up?

She suddenly remembered the Bodhi eyes that were still in her body. After she used Chang Huan’s body, the Bodhi eyes were silent in her body.

System——[Friendly reminder, please pay attention to the use of Bodhi eyes, so as not to cause the other party to become distracted more quickly. ]

She knows that she knows that all memories are recorded in Bodhi’s eyes.

She thought for a while, and jumped into the tub with the tub, sat face to face in front of Su Yu, concentrated and absorbed the Bodhi eyes from her body, and the glazed light condensed between her lips and tongue. She didn’t spit it out. Instead, she squeezed Su Yu’s mouth open, and directly pressed the mouth with Bodhi eyes, and used spiritual power to transfer the magic energy from Bodhi’s eyes into his mouth.

His brows were lightly frowned, his head crooked, Xu Jian’s hand supported the back of his neck and pressed it again, stroking the back of his neck again and again, and called him through the voice—”Su Yan, Su Qu, wake up…”

He frowned, his eyelids moved, and the red scars on his cheeks faded away in the glowing glass light.

Xu Yuan called him–“Su Yan, if you don’t wake up, I’ll leave…”

He struggled, his arms grabbed her arms like a reflex, and grabbed her tightly.

His Adam’s apple trembling slightly, he muttered unconsciously: “You have to go…you have to go…”

He caught her urgently, and he was about to snap her arm off. He opened his eyes abruptly, and tears rolled down from his loose eyes.

Xu Qiang swallowed the Bodhi eyes back into the body, stepped back, holding his face to look at him, “Su Yan, are you awake? You…”

His loose eyes focused on her face a little bit, and he murmured like hysterical: “I am in pain…”

“I know, I know.” There were tears on the fingers holding his face, Xu Qian didn’t seem to know that he was crying, or that he hadn’t even recovered himself when he woke up.

But, dreamingly said: “Are you going to leave?”

Xu Qian’s heart was broken and she was so sorrowful that she stretched out her hand and hugged him tightly, “I won’t go, I won’t leave Su Fu, I just scared you, I won’t go anywhere, I hold you, I hold To you.”

He was held in her arms, his stiff body seemed to warm up a little bit. He fixedly looked at the clothes on the hanger and said in confusion: “I dreamed of you… I remember your voice, your name is Alan. right?”

I don’t know why Xu’s eyes are so sore. He obviously didn’t recover his memory, but he said: “I dreamt that I have been saving you… but I have not been able to save you…”

“You have saved me.” She hugged him, wanting to cry and said: “You saved me in the school toilet, you saved me from that terrible demon, but you don’t remember it.”

He has saved her, and she will save herself for the rest.

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