Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 11 - Walk very peacefully

  As the two space shuttles of the Federation team disappeared on the surface of the meteorite, the whole world seemed to fall into indescribable silence at this time.

No one knows how the situation is going, because the previous explosion of the Tsar bomb caused strong electromagnetic interference. Blue Star has lost communication with the three spacecraft on the front line. Many of the broadcast pictures on the TV are It was a snowflake. It seemed that even the director of the TV station was frightened by the situation before him and forgot to switch the camera.

   The unbearable silence lasted for about a minute, but this minute seemed as long as a century.

   It seems that the director of the TV station finally reflected it, remembering his work, and finally the screen on the TV was switched, no longer the white snow, but the NASA command center for on-site command.

  Because they are federal spacecraft, the two federal space shuttles are commanded by NASA.

   At this time, they have lost contact with the front line, and people are very eager to get a statement or explanation, so as to stabilize their uneasy heart.

   Chen Xin was also very nervous at this time, but he could still persuade himself to remain calm. After all, he had guessed that there would be electromagnetic interference when the federal people decided to throw a nuclear bomb.

   However, the electromagnetic interference caused by this nuclear explosion should not last too long, and the spacecraft should have been defended against this situation. When the electromagnetic interference dissipates, it should be able to resume communication with the front line.

   Just as Chen Xin was thinking about it, a NASA expert on the TV also gave a similar explanation, and calmed everyone’s emotions, and hoped that everyone would wait patiently and don’t fall into panic.

   Although the NASA experts on the TV were very calm, Chen Xin could still tell that he was not as confident as he showed.

   And the lobby of the NASA Command Center behind him is also very busy, it seems that they themselves are in a panic.

   But fortunately, when I decided to throw a nuclear bomb, I knew this would happen, so after a panic, the situation quickly stabilized.

   And the communication terminal with the frontline did not last long, and soon the Yan Guo side had resumed communication with the frontline Yan Guo team spacecraft.

The image of the universe captured by the spacecraft appeared on the screen again, and Chen Xin also hurriedly looked at the screen with concern.

   It’s just that the meteorite on the screen is still advancing like a mountain, and the surface is covered with a layer of shining white mist. Behind the meteorite, there is a long comet tail that cannot be seen.

Chen Xin knew that that layer of white mist was the debris flow after the material on the surface of the meteorite was blown away by the solar wind. It was this thing that the Federalists had blown away with a nuclear bomb just now, but the debris flow that was blown away just now was only a short time away from this communication It covered the surface of the meteorite again in time.

   However, it is surprising that although the communication with the Yan Guo team has been restored, the communication with the Federation team has not been restored.

   The two space shuttles have been silent since they rushed towards the meteorite.

   “Didn’t the two space shuttles of the Federation hang up? Why have there been no news?” In Chen Xin’s survival group, a netizen was already worried.

This is not impossible. Although they used nuclear bombs to blow away the debris flow on the surface of the meteorite, no one knows what is happening on the surface of the meteorite, and humans have never landed on the surface of a meteorite. A little accident happened during the landing. Very possible thing.

At this time, another group friend in the small group was relatively rational, and retorted in the group: “It should be the debris flow on the surface of the meteorite that interferes with the communication. According to the mission of the federal team, they have to punch and install the surface of the meteorite. Nuclear bombs, this is not an easy job, it’s normal to take some time.”

   The group of friends who replied were engaged in drilling work. Although they were not as powerful as drilling holes in meteorites, they also dig motorized wells in the northwest. They have some say in this regard.

Although Chen Xin’s small group has now been renamed the Doomsday Survival Group, and the theme has become survival, before the meteorite impact happened, it was just a small group of outdoor sports enthusiasts, and the group was all outdoors. sports lover.

Those who can afford outdoor sports at least have a little money in their pockets, but in this group there are people from all walks of life, and all have a certain net worth, and can afford to dig themselves when this kind of doomsday disaster comes. Shelters, not people who choose official shelters.

Don’t look at the girl who said she didn’t live in the shelter and sent a photo to tempted Chen Xin and said she would move over to live together, but in fact this girl was doing outdoor equipment, and Chen Xin could get him enough emergency food for more than a year. And other survival equipment, all purchased from this girl.

   In fact, although only Chen Xin had exposed his refuge before in the group, UU reading www. But in fact, these people in the group basically did not go to the official refuge, but dug their own doomsday bunker.

Even for the girl who said she was moving to live with, Chen Xin can tell from the photo she sent with her sister and girlfriend last time that the other party has actually entered her own refuge, and even the other party’s conditions Better than Chen Xin’s refuge.

   At least Chen Xin’s refuge has no fewer than three people, especially girls.

   “I also think it’s just being interfered with communication. At any rate, there are two space shuttles, one is on the street, it is impossible for both of them to be on the street? At this time, everyone should wait patiently.”

   “But waiting like this is really annoying. It’s like knowing that a knife is about to fall, but I don’t know when it will fall.”

   “Don’t say that, even if the meteorite really falls, didn’t the writer say? As long as we don’t fall on the blue star on the half of Yan Country, we can survive in the refuge.”

   “But if you are lucky, what if you smash it on our side?”

   “Then don’t think about anything, you will be walking peacefully then.”

Chen Xin looked at the discussion in the group and sighed helplessly. The writer is his nickname in the group. When everyone discussed about the meteorite impact before, he did say that if the meteorite hits the federal half, everyone If you can survive in the bunker.

   But apart from himself, no one else has been exposed to their refuges, so Chen Xin does not know at this time whether everyone is prepared for the meteorite that has already flown overhead.

   Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but send a message in the group: “It seems that I have been exposed to my own refuge in the group. Are you ready? Or are you planning to live in the official refuge?”

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