Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 2 - First hand preparation, deep digging

   The only difference from the game is that you have neither energy towers to heat, nor robots to work, and you will not see the sun for a hundred years.

Under a disaster of this scale, if the impact site is in the hemisphere where he is, then Chen Xin feels that he doesn’t need to do anything. It’s good to eat and have fun in the past few months. When the meteorite falls, face the meteorite. Just raise your middle finger.

   But if luck is good, the meteorite falls on the other side of the blue star, then digging a deep enough refuge should be able to survive the disaster, and then face a hundred years of extremely cold night.

   Don’t think that digging a shelter is unrealistic.

   In fact, in the 1970s, when the Yan Nation and Lucia had a bad relationship, Lucia had planned to carry out a surgical nuclear strike against the Yan Nation, but it was not implemented because of the opposition of the Federation at that time.

On the other hand, Taizu proposed a plan to dig deep holes based on the news leaked in the newspapers by the federal people at the time. He invested a lot of manpower and material resources across the country to excavate a large number of air-raid shelters, and one of the air-raid shelters in some important locations. There is an authentic connection between them.

   These air-raid shelters are scattered in every city in Yan Country, and most of them are still intact.

   These air-raid shelters are usually 20 meters deep, 200 meters long and 3 meters wide. The two walls are brick walls, and the roof of the cave is a cement board for support.

  There are ventilation, electricity, lighting and other equipment in the cave, which can be used to avoid air raids during the war, as well as emergency evacuation and temporary residence after the arrival of nuclear war.

   And these air-raid shelters could still be put into use at any time until the 1980s and 1990s.

   Only with the disintegration of Lucia and the improvement of Yan Nation’s overall national strength, the international situation has gradually improved. These air-raid shelters have gradually lost their function and turned into civilian use. They have become material warehouses in many places, places for cooling off in summer, and even underground commercial streets.

As for the subway stations built in major cities and the double-deck underground parking lots in the communities, they are actually another form of existence and extension of this kind of air-raid shelter. After all, the underground is tens of meters or even hundreds of meters deep. The subway station in Beijing is an excellent cover. Nuclear bombing or air strikes are not enough to cause structural damage to such a deep cover.

   is the specially developed ground penetration bombs and cloud blast bombs that have good damage effects on such deep underground bunkers, but it is still difficult to destroy the overall structure of the bunkers.

   And the subway lines extending in all directions can build an underground transportation network for the first time, making these bomb shelters and subway stations quickly turn into the kind of underground city in “Wandering Earth”, but it won’t be dug so deep.

Chen Xin looked through the brain holes he had recorded at the time and the relevant information he searched on the Internet. He can be sure that with the confirmation of the meteorite impacting the blue star, the government is likely to start digging deep underground. Such a way of refuge for disaster avoidance and self-rescue.

   But simply digging a refuge can only guarantee enough chances to survive when a disaster strikes. What will be the reason for the long nights and winters that will last for decades?

   Store food? This is indeed a feasible method. Although most emergency foods on the market have a shelf life of 5-10 years at room temperature, as the global temperature drops, low temperatures of tens of degrees below zero are sufficient to preserve these foods for decades or even more. century.

However, no matter how you store food, in the few months before the meteorite hit, it is great to be able to collect enough food for a person to eat for a few years. Unless you are already prepared, otherwise you want to rely on storage. It is completely impossible for food to survive these long decades.

   And there is another most critical place-energy.

After the meteorite hits the blue star, because the meteorite impact disrupts the ionosphere of the blue star, it will form an EMP shock wave that spreads around the world, and a large number of electronic devices will follow it. In this case, it is obviously no longer to count on a complete power supply. Too practical.

  Although post-disaster reconstruction will start after the environment has stabilized, and power supply should be restored within a year, power generation requires energy.

When the global temperature drops to a few tens of degrees below zero, the Three Gorges Project, Yanguo’s largest water conservancy hub and source of power generation, will freeze into a huge ice lump, and all the hydroelectric power stations in the country will have the same fate. , Regardless of size.

   And this will deprive Yan Nation of nearly 20% of its power generation.

Don’t think that this is a small number. You have to know that although more than 70% of Yanguo’s power generation comes from thermal power generation, under this global disaster, how many power stations and power supply lines are still available. intact?

   The answer will be a very pessimistic number, because most of the high-voltage transmission lines in Yanguo are all high-altitude cables due to safety issues.

   Under fire storms sweeping the world and low temperatures of tens of degrees below zero, the probability of these cables surviving is really small.

   So by that time, the situation is likely to be the same as in the ice age. Humans need to dig coal to get enough energy for heating and heating food. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   And to a large extent, human beings may also regress back to the city-state era, where each city will work independently and struggle to survive.

  Of course, with the Yan Guo government’s control and execution capabilities, the basic government functions and social structure should be guaranteed. The life after the disaster may be a little bitter, but it can still survive.

   But considering the various disasters and actual conditions brought about by the meteorite impact, it will take at least one to three years for the situation to stabilize.

Therefore, what lies before Chen Xin is how to prepare in these three months so that he can survive this catastrophe smoothly and survive the most turbulent one to three years. .

   Fortunately, when Chen Xin conceived this brain hole, Chen Xin had serious discussions with friends on the Internet, and also consulted many materials, and formulated a complete plan.

   If it is implemented from now, although time is a bit tight, everything is still too late!

   Thinking of this, Chen Xin didn’t waste any more time, and hurriedly contacted a trustworthy engineering team through his relationship, planning to dig an underground shelter for himself.

   Regardless of whether the meteorite will hit the Blue Star, and whether he will survive the first impact, it is always right to be prepared.

   In addition to digging shelters, storage of food and drinking water is also very important. Chen Xin took out his mobile phone to check his bank balance and decided to buy a wave.

   Fortunately, there were frequent disasters before, and Chen Xin also stocked a lot of things at home, such as gas masks and medical first aid kits, but he didn’t need to buy anymore. What he needed to stock up was food and water.

   As long as there is food and drink, and a place to shelter, human survival needs are not too high.

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