Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 20 - Interception failed

   “Did it blow up?” At the same time Chen Xin asked this sentence, the current federal leader in the presidential refuge on the other side of the ocean was also asking the same question.

   It’s just that he asked about another meteorite, which was four kilometers in diameter and was crashing into North America, which should have been intercepted by the Lucians.

   In order to intercept this meteorite, the Federalists fired nuclear bombs again, a total of five strategic nuclear bombs of 10 million tons equivalent.

   And the explosion of five large-yield nuclear bombs also caused all the detectors and observation equipment to lie down. If you want to know the result, you can only know the result when the fire from the radiation and explosion dissipates.

   “Sorry, Mr. President, we are currently unable to confirm the situation at the scene, and all the equipment is out of order.” An officer reported to the federal leader that he had never seen such a situation where fifty nuclear bombs exploded together.

   But after the officer finished speaking, he urged the other staff to find a way to restore the observation equipment.

Soon, a staff member seemed to call the observation equipment from other places, and the picture was redisplayed on the large screen of the refuge. A huge fireball in the sky was emitting light and heat, and it was constantly expanding. .

   Seeing this scene, everyone was a little excited. Obviously, the nuclear bomb had a hit to produce such an effect.

   Just looking at the huge fireball in the sky, someone asked with some doubts: “Is the only effect of five nuclear bombs?”

No wonder there are such doubts, because although the fireball in the sky is huge, it is also larger than the mushroom cloud that can be produced by a nuclear bomb explosion under normal circumstances. Although there is no mushroom cloud in an air explosion, this size is not quite right. .

   Just when everyone was puzzled, a large number of fireballs burst out of the fireball and smashed down towards the ground.

   “This is!” Everyone suddenly became nervous and hurriedly operated the equipment at hand, trying to figure out what was going on.

   However, when everyone was busy, more and bigger bolides rushed out of the fireball and fell toward the ground like rain, and their landing point was in North America.

   “Damn! Who can tell me what the **** is going on!” The federal leader used several words starting with F to express his emotions, trying to figure out what was going on.

   It’s a pity that things are useful if they don’t swear swearing. Federal leaders are not Hulks. The more angry they are, the more powerful they become.

   Although a series of swear words have thrown all the demeanor of a country’s leader into the Atlantic, the federal leaders have not figured out what the situation is.

   Just when he couldn’t help but want to smash something, a staff member finally figured out what was going on.

“Mr. President, figured it out! Since the nuclear bombs we launched were not detonated at the same time, in fact, only the first two nuclear bombs hit successfully detonated. The other nuclear bombs were directly destroyed due to the impact of the shock waves produced by the explosions of these two nuclear bombs. It fell and did not detonate.” The staff hurriedly reported to the federal leader.

This situation was expected in advance. After all, five nuclear bombs were detonated together. No one in human history has ever done this. The reason why the Federalists fired so many nuclear bombs is only to ensure the hit rate. They did not place hope. All nuclear bombs exploded.

   So this situation is also within the acceptance range of the Federal.

   “What’s the matter with those bolide? Are they meteorite fragments?” An staff member next to the federal leader hurriedly asked, this is also the topic that everyone is most concerned about.

“It’s a meteorite fragment! The nuclear bomb smashed the meteorite, but it didn’t completely smash it! NASA’s observations showed that it was broken into a large number of fragments and is heading towards the west coast, including a large fragment about one kilometer in diameter!” The staff hurriedly told the latest news they had obtained.

   “What?!” Everyone in the refuge couldn’t help being shocked.

   Originally heard that it was a meteorite fragment, everyone was not too nervous, because it seemed that the size of the bolide were not particularly exaggerated.

   But a one-kilometer-diameter meteorite smashed down. Although it does not have the destructive power of a four-kilometer-diameter meteorite, it can destroy the entire Federation!

   You must know that a 30-kilometer-diameter crater discovered by scientists in Greenland was hit by a one-kilometer-diameter meteorite 12,000 years ago! According to the calculations of the scientists, the seven kilometers thick crust was smashed through!

   The crater is only the most direct damage caused by a meteorite impact, and the series of secondary disasters that follow are the most terrifying.

   “Mr. President, what should we do? Please give the order!” The previous officer looked at the federal leader. At this time, as the elected president, he should stand up and make a decision.

   Following the officer’s words, everyone in the refuge turned their eyes to the federal leader, and UU reading was waiting for him to make an idea.

   However, his body swayed twice and almost fell.

   The federal leader who supported the table stabilized his body, looked at the people in the shelter at this time, and asked with some difficulty: “Can you still launch a nuclear bomb to intercept it?”

   “Sorry, Mr. President, it’s too late.” A staff member answered quickly.

This answer made the federal leader feel the darkness before his eyes. He had to raise his other hand to support his forehead, took a deep breath and said: “Through all channels, let this news be released to the outside world! Let all The people took refuge, while letting NASA calculate the falling point of the meteorite and evacuate as much as possible…”

Having said this, the federal leaders took a breather and resumed some state before continuing: “In addition, I declare that from now on the federal government will enter a special state, implement a wartime system, and implement military control throughout the country. All state governments, National Guards and police must Earnestly perform our duties and maintain social order…until we survive this disaster.”

As the federal leader said these words, everyone in the entire refuge was listening quietly. The atmosphere was depressed and silent, and it was extremely uncomfortable. A female staff member bit her lip and became nervous. Holds the hem of his clothes.

In the end, the Federal President finished his order, looked at the people who were still silent, and said with a sigh: “Although the Federal President should not say such things at this time, I still want to say, God bless America. “

After speaking, the federal leader found a chair and sat down, watching the busy crowd and asking the staff beside him: “How about the Lucian interception? Sacrificing the Federation, they saved Lan Is it a star?”

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