Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 29 - Planting greenhouse

   The planting greenhouse in the Chenxin Refuge is not big, only one hundred square meters, which is one are, one-sixth of an acre.

   Chen Xin actually made a mistake here. When the planting greenhouse was built, the construction team asked him how much area he wanted to build. As a result, he counted the ares as acres, so that the area of ​​the planting greenhouse was six times smaller.

  In Chen Xin’s original plan, it was used to grow upland rice and vegetables, and to provide him with food to ensure his normal consumption and exchange for resources.

   But now because the area is wrong, the output is far from enough.

The yield per mu of upland rice is about nine hundred catties, and the yield of rice after shelling is about seven hundred catties, and one are is equivalent to only about one-sixth of an acre of land, and the yield is just over one hundred catties.

The total amount of rice that an adult needs to eat in a year is about 300 catties. In addition to that, he needs to eat about the same amount of vegetables and meat. In short, if Chen Xin wants to maintain his body In a healthy state, he must eat at least five to six hundred catties a year.

  Considering that the surface temperature will drop to tens of degrees below zero in the future, enough food is the guarantee of the human body’s caloric source. I am afraid that food consumption will only be more than this, not less.

In the last days, the conditions are limited, and the meat is not expected to be old, but even if it is only vegetables and rice, with Chen Xin’s only 100 square meters planting greenhouse, even if he can plant two crops of dry rice a year, all the harvest will die. The year is only 300 catties of rice, and there is no place to grow vegetables.

   Three hundred catties of rice can’t meet Chen Xin’s food needs in the coming year.

In Chen Xin’s original plan, he planned to plant half an acre of dry rice to ensure enough for his own consumption, and plant some vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, and lettuce on the other half acre. In addition to eating himself, he could have surplus output. Change resources to other shelters.

   After all, the end of the world is coming, there is no sunlight on the surface, and the temperature drops to tens of degrees below zero. The planting of crops and vegetables is already dependent on these planting greenhouses.

   There are planting greenhouses that can grow some food and vegetables. This is a guarantee for their quality of life and food supply. At least Chen Xin can survive on this planting greenhouse when there is no other food source.

   And in the end times, if Chen Xin can have a stable channel to produce vegetables and fruits, it will be a very reliable source of income in the near future.

   At that time, it is a very feasible option to exchange fresh vegetables for other food and materials, and even the gasoline needed for power generation.

   This is like the dungeon in “The Wandering Earth”. The food everyone eats is made of earthworms. You suddenly take out fresh fruits and vegetables. This is definitely worth a lot of good things.

  In Chen Xin’s original plan, half of this acre of land was planted with dry rice and half with vegetables and fruits. This would not only meet his own consumption, but also use some of the surplus to exchange for supplies.

   It’s just that because of a calculation error, he counted one are into one acre, and the yield was only one-sixth of the original. It was not enough to meet his own consumption, so how could the excess output be exchanged for materials?

Chen Xin has carefully calculated that if he wants to meet his one-year food consumption, then the area of ​​the entire planting greenhouse must be at least doubled. If he wants to have excess output to exchange for materials, he must have at least the current three. It’s not possible until four times as large.

Originally, it was impossible for Chen Xin to expand the planting greenhouse. Although the greenhouse is not a container house, Chen Xin asked the construction team to make insulation walls and poured cement. If it is expanded, at least one side of the wall must be knocked down. , And then take a shovel and dig slowly.

   Although there is nothing to do in the refuge, Chen Xinshao said it would take a month or two to dig a greenhouse of 100 square meters.

   As for the subsequent wall insulation, not to mention, he didn’t even have construction materials.

   But now with the system, all this is completely different.

  ”Simple Planting Greenhouse”

   “Upgrade plan 1: Add drip irrigation system, increase hydroponic planting tray, crop yield +10%, irrigation water consumption -10%, upgrade required survival point 2000”

   “Upgrade plan 2: Increase planting area, improve lighting efficiency of supplementary light, crop yield +10%, lighting time -10%, upgrade required survival points 3500”

   The two upgrade plans are different, but both can increase the planting area of ​​the greenhouse.

The hydroponic planting plate added in the first option is set up in the air. If the original 100 square meters planting greenhouse is turned into two layers, the land on the lower layer is planted with dry rice, and the hydroponic plant plate on the upper layer is planted with vegetables. The 10% increase in crop yield obtained is enough to meet Chen Xin’s own food consumption.

As for the second plan, it was the same as Chen Xin’s original plan. One wall was removed to expand the entire planting greenhouse, and the area was upgraded from 100 square meters to 200 square meters. This could also meet Chen Xin’s personal consumption needs, but it was better than From the first scheme, the space utilization rate is obviously lower.

Moreover, the first solution also adds a drip irrigation system. This irrigation method is the most water-saving method. This method can achieve 95% water resource utilization. It is used for irrigation in arid areas. For Chen Xin, who will be difficult to obtain water supplements in the end of the future, this method will undoubtedly save him a lot of water that would otherwise be consumed.

   However, the improvement in the efficiency of supplementary lighting in the second upgrade scheme also made Chen Xin a little concerned.

   fill light is a kind of lamp used to simulate the sunlight, and most of the greenhouse plants need this kind of equipment to supplement the plant light.

Because many times the light conditions are not ideal, which will affect the growth of plants, especially when planting some precious or delicate plants. The daily light time has different requirements for different growth stages, so supplement light must be used. Lights to supplement the light time.

   Chen Xin installed four fill lights in the greenhouse, which can completely replace natural light when turned on for twelve hours a day, which can reduce the light time by one hour and save a lot of electricity.

   Now the area is small, this saving effect is not visible, but if the planting area is expanded and the supplementary lights increase, the energy saving effect will be obvious.

   But currently Chen Xin is still accumulating survival points at 10 o’clock a day, and asked him to spend two to three thousand points to upgrade the greenhouse. He obviously does not have the savings to upgrade the room.

   So at present, Chen Xin can only make an upgrade plan based on the upgrade cost and importance of different rooms. As for the real upgrade of these rooms, Chen Xin thinks it will take at least one year.

   Of course, if Chen Xin chooses to upgrade certain equipment or items instead of upgrading the room as a whole, then he can save almost one more month to upgrade.

   Just considering the price/performance ratio, Chen Xin still does not want to upgrade by only upgrading a single item.

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