Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 603: Impact of secondary disasters

Chen Xin is also very concerned about the country’s ongoing geological survey.

After all, there is still a way to overcome the cold environment, but if there is a problem with the ground under your feet, you will really lose your home and refuge.

However, so far, the results of the investigation have made people feel a little worried.

The impact of the eruption of Mount Doba is global, and the entire Blue Star will be affected by it.

This is not just as simple as volcanic ash covering the world and earthquakes spreading to the southwest.

This is a super volcano, and its eruption can even create an extinction, causing the entire Blue Star to enter disaster and catastrophe.

Although it is not the terrifying mass extinction of species and the disaster of large-scale global geological changes like geological age dating, the consequences of the super volcanic eruption should not be underestimated.

After all, such a terrifying eruption will have a great impact on the plate movement and crustal activities of the entire Blue Star.

Especially before that, there were still meteorites that were enough to pierce the earth’s crust and fell, and the impact it brought to the blue star was only now revealed.

In fact, the state’s geological survey of major cities across the country has also confirmed this to a large extent.

Geological activities all over the country tend to become active. Although small-scale earthquakes will not have any impact, no one can guarantee that with the active geological activities, large-scale earthquakes will not occur.

Fortunately, none of the major cities in the country are in such geologically active areas. After all, it is difficult for such areas to form large cities. In ancient times, people would spontaneously avoid such dangerous areas.

Therefore, the main geological problems discovered so far are the follow-up secondary disasters caused by earthquakes, such as cracks, collapses, and drops in groundwater levels that are not fatal but still troublesome to deal with.

At present, this geological survey plan is still in progress. According to the state, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the main areas of the country, but currently only the major cities have been screened.

Although many problems have been discovered, fortunately, so far, no signs of disasters of the level of the previous major earthquake in the southwest have been found.

Moreover, due to environmental factors, some geological disasters such as landslides that may have occurred in the past have been eliminated, and only avalanches occurred in some areas.

Although avalanches are also terrible disasters, they are nothing compared to landslides or other geological disasters.

Although these geological disasters are not fatal, they have made the current environment a lot worse.

In addition, because of the earthquake, the groundwater in many areas was affected. The water level dropped and the water was not available, or the water quality was muddy due to the earthquake, which would have a great impact on people’s lives.

Although small-scale earthquakes in some areas will not pose any threat to cities and refuges, mines cannot withstand such small-scale earthquakes.

You must know that the mine itself is destroying the geological structure. Although the development of modern mining technology has made the mine safer, it does not mean that it is really foolproof.

Otherwise, there will be no news about mining accidents every year before the disaster.

As for the impact of geological disasters on project construction, let alone, according to the information received by Chen Yu, a large part of the construction project was affected by geological disasters and the construction period was affected, and some of them even had to relocate.

As for this city, because of the large-scale geological collapse and the drop of groundwater level in the urban area, Chen Xin, who originally planned to choose the first dome city here, had to change his mind and consider Choose areas with more stable geological conditions.

You must know that this area at the junction of Hunan and Hubei provinces is not only mountainous, but also an area where geological activities were once more active or the stratum is relatively thin. Otherwise, there would not be so many hot springs underground here.

Now affected by previous events, local geological activities have become active, but this is not conducive to the site selection of the new city.

In this area of ​​Hunan Province, there are actually a lot of mountains in the province, and there are not many relatively plain areas. It is not easy to choose a more suitable place to build a dome city.

After all, the diameter of the dome city is only five kilometers, and the entire city is less than an urban area of ​​a big city. It is a miniature, but it is also a city that will accommodate tens of thousands of people.

In fact, according to the current design, this dome city is expected to accommodate a population of 50,000 to 70,000. If it is squeezed, the design is more compact and it is not difficult to accommodate under 100,000.

With such a large population, the country obviously also attaches great importance to site selection. If something goes wrong, no one can bear this responsibility.

So these days, Chen Xin is paying attention to the design drawings on the one hand, and on the other hand is discussing site selection with geological experts.

The site selection of this city as a dome city has been invalidated due to geological collapse. The result of current discussions with experts is that the city tends to lean towards the provincial capital Star City, and more domes will be built in the future to serve as the city’s The new city simply moved the city to its place.

After all, the city was originally located on the bank of Dongting Lake, which itself is an area with a very rich groundwater network. In ancient times, it was part of Yunmengze. If the groundwater network system is affected by an earthquake, it will cause a large-scale drop in groundwater level. And geological collapse, the city will also be threatened. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It is a very valuable proposal to move the urban area southward to areas with more stable geology and build a new city.

It’s just that the investment and impact are too great. Even if it’s just building a dome city now, it is an incredible project to move a part of the population first, not to mention that the entire city will be relocated later.

For the country, even before the disaster, such a thing could not be done easily, so this plan is still only a proposal.

However, Chen Xin himself was very interested in the idea of ​​connecting multiple dome cities together to form a whole proposed in this proposal.

The dome city is just similar to the area of ​​an urban area in the past city, or even smaller. Under such circumstances, a single dome city obviously cannot accommodate the entire population of the next city, even if it is only a small city. The previous disaster has lost a large number of people.

Therefore, the idea of ​​building multiple dome cities and connecting them together to form a new city is very creative.

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