Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 628: The plight of the Europeans

As the Continental Fleet is gradually approaching Europe, European countries are also eagerly looking forward to the arrival of this joint fleet of Yan Nation and Lucia.

Although there is only one brigade in force, it seems like a drop in the bucket for the current European battlefield, but the equipment and technology they carry are undoubtedly the greatest support and help to the European battlefield.

For the current European countries, although their military strength is tight, they are not enough. What really gives them a headache is that light weapons have no lethal power against alien creatures.

These Europeans do not have the comprehensive strength and luck of Yan Guo. Chen Xin continuously provides a variety of advanced military equipment. They also have sufficient production capacity to mass-produce these advanced military equipment and equip them in the army.

Their military equipment is still in the state before the disaster. Although it can’t be regarded as backward, many military equipment is quite advanced before the disaster, but obviously these equipment is not suitable or suitable for fighting alien creatures.

Although these Europeans were also military powers in the past, and their overall strength is not weak now, it is a pity that the two world wars have already drained the blood of these Europeans.

Especially after the Second World War, the shift of the world’s center of gravity and the rise of national movements caused these old European powers to lose their vast colonies and were unable to recover themselves by sucking blood from the colonies as they did after the First World War, so that in the half century after the Second World War Here, the life in European countries is actually not very good.

As for the subsequent wave of European refugees, it can only be regarded as a sprinkle of salt on the wounds of these Europeans.

And this global disaster is more like stabbing another knife in the wound, or stabbed with a blunt knife, after the stabbing, don’t pull it out, slowly bleeding with a blood tank.

In order to preserve its nationality, English exchanged the opportunity to merge and coexist with France at the cost of abandoning its native land. However, the Gaul’s own territory was also dominated by plains. This created the strongest European power for France at the time in the cold weapon era of the Middle Ages. The country of knights, but now it also makes France unable to withstand the rising sea level.

Knowing that the average elevation of the entire Western European plains is even less than two hundred meters, the people of England and France can only avoid the Central Plateau and the Alps in southwestern France and build their shelters.

However, after the aliens attacked from the Mediterranean Sea, they became bitter. After all, after losing the northern territory, the two countries could only stand up to the invasion of aliens, and there was no strategic depth to speak of.

As for the two countries on the Iberian Peninsula, at this time they can only hold together for warmth.

Although the terrain of the Iberian Peninsula is so high that it will not be submerged by the rising coastline, neither of these two countries are powerful countries. Not to mention their limited economic strength, and their national power can only be described as poor or weak. It is no longer the Spanish rule of the Eastern Hemisphere. Portugal’s madness for ruling the Western Hemisphere.

If it weren’t for the towering terrain, the entire Iberian Peninsula is a plateau, temporarily blocking a wave of alien attacks by virtue of the terrain, I am afraid that these two countries no longer exist.

The rest of Europe…The Balkan Peninsula has fallen, and the Apennine Peninsula is not much better. Only a small part of the mountains close to Germany is still in the hands of human beings, relying on the support of Germany, Britain and France to barely maintain the line of defense.

Although the countries of Eastern Europe have not been invaded by alien creatures, it is a pity that they do not have much national power to speak of.

After the disaster struck, although they had a fairly vast land, they couldn’t even build shelters for their citizens to take refuge, so that the countries of Eastern Europe are now dead in name, and even if there are survivors, they can’t afford to do this anymore. What help did the war provide?

On the contrary, the Nordic countries had determined at the very beginning that they could not withstand the severe cold after the disaster, so they also learned English, gave up their original land and invested in the embrace of Germany.

Relying on the population and resources of the Nordic countries, Germany has become the European country that has had the best life in this disaster.

And after the aliens invaded, because there were still a series of countries on the Mediterranean coast in front of them, Germany’s homeland was not attacked by aliens.

This also allowed the Germans to give full play to their industrial advantages to provide equipment and materials for the troops of other countries that are struggling to resist the invasion of alien creatures.

However, even so, they were also very difficult to resist. If it were not for the restrictions of the terrain, the offensive of the alien creatures was relatively limited, I am afraid that France has fallen at this moment.

But even so, the French territory is now divided into two parts, the central plateau and the Alps. The original Rhône valley in the middle has been breached by alien creatures, directly dividing the only remaining southern territory of France into two parts. part.

The French really want to play their traditional arts, but it’s a pity that the aliens don’t understand the meaning of the French military salute, so that this traditional arts can’t play a role.

However, this also guarantees the morale bottom line of the European coalition forces from the side. After all, losing is death, or being gnawed to death by alien creatures is unacceptable to any human being.

Before the army collapsed, everyone was able to resist.

It’s just a pity that, apart from the use of heavy weapons and large-caliber machine guns, there is really no way that European countries can effectively curb the offensive of extraterrestrial organisms.

In addition, the industrial production capacity of all countries is basically on the street. UU reading is not easy to replenish heavy weapons. The English have begun to use their few remaining nuclear weapons.

After light weapons, the main weapon of the military, lose their effect, it is undoubtedly a severe test for European countries to rely on heavy weapons to repel the tide of alien creatures.

You know, these Europeans do not have exoskeleton, power armor, Titans, and electromagnetic rifles, nor do they have cold-proof clothing that can withstand the freezing of tens of degrees below zero, let alone an energy tower that can heat an entire refuge or city.

Coupled with the fact that the dust cloud in Europe has not disappeared, they have been suffering from food shortages since the disaster struck.

On the front line, these Europeans seemed to have returned to the trench warfare. In the hunger and cold, they could only rely on civil engineering to resist the alien creatures’ attack method that didn’t treat the inferior children as life.

Under such circumstances, Yan Guo said that it can provide electromagnetic rifles that can effectively kill alien creatures and exoskeleton protective clothing that can give soldiers a certain degree of protection and can withstand the severe cold. For these Europeans, it is a real charcoal in need. NS.

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