Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 634: White gloves

Chapter 735 White Gloves

Smuggling this kind of thing is obviously not something that can be mentioned on the table, even if it is an action with tacit approval.

Through high-level dialogues with European countries and diplomatic channels, it is possible to exchange what Yan country wants in exchange for assistance to European countries. Although this is a feasible way, it is obviously a waste of time.

Rather than wasting time like this, the senior officials of Yan Guo are obviously more inclined to find a few private individuals like Li Yulong, and then use some of the domestic living supplies that are still considered surplus in exchange for some things they are interested in.

After all, European countries are not the same as Yan countries. Many of their top-notch technologies, such as precision processing technologies, belong to private factories.

is like a small processing factory with only a dozen workers, like a private workshop on Yan Country, but in fact it holds the world’s top technology patents and produces the best mechanical parts in the world.

In fact, before Chen Xin chose to become an online writer, he used to do foreign trade procurement for a period of time. At that time, he was exposed to some factories like this.

Although they look inconspicuous, they seem to be a parts manufacturer, but their stuff is truly the world’s top.

And this kind of small factories can be seen everywhere in Europe. Many small factories have things that the senior officials of Yan Country will be interested in, but there are too many of them, and if they go to the diplomatic level, they will become a big purchase that can kill logistics.

Because of the different political systems, in European countries, it seems that the real top technologies are not in the hands of the government, but in the hands of various private companies or large enterprises, and their officials can only obtain the finished products of these technologies through procurement.

So instead of going to the European governments to gossip and talk, and then slowly go to these manufacturers to talk about technology acquisitions, it is better to directly find these factories privately through private means to conduct transactions.

Although such non-governmental means are not on the stage, compared to diplomatic channels or official means, there is no doubt that the efficiency and results will be improved a lot.

Therefore, a plan was drawn up and the goods to be used for the transaction were prepared. The senior officials of Yan Guo quickly completed the preparations in this regard, and Li Yulong, who was inserted into the operation by Chen Xin, also completed the relevant business under Chen Xin’s arrangement. Training.

While everyone is ready, Chen Xin has also prepared a cargo ship to Europe.

This time Chen Xin is still preparing a land cruiser with an anti-gravity engine, but because it is a cargo carrier, this cargo ship emphasizes carrying capacity. The hull is also upgraded by Chen Xin with a cargo ship.

Also because it is a freighter, the hull structure is relatively simple, and at the same time, it is larger than other land cruisers.

The size of this cargo ship is not smaller than the existing mobile base. It is just smaller than the land-based aircraft carrier. But in terms of tonnage, in order to carry more cargo, the cargo ship is full of cargo. It can be filled with 30,000 tons of cargo.

This load capacity is undoubtedly a big gap compared with the 220,000-ton container cargo ship that Yan State could already manufacture before the disaster. The weight is pretty good.

The structure of a cargo ship is naturally not as complicated as that of an ordinary land cruiser, and it has no mobile base and has to be responsible for the takeoff and landing of aircraft and carry a large number of crews. Divide different goods.

The lower cargo compartment is mainly used to carry food. This is also one of the main aids that the country can provide to Europe after comprehensive consideration.

Although the invasion of alien organisms caused the ecological agricultural planting area established by Chen Xin and others in the Dongting Lake area to be almost completely destroyed, it is of course impossible for the huge Yan Country to have only such a small grain production area, especially after the disaster. Set out to build.

So the grain production in the area around Dongting Lake was indeed affected, and the material supply was once tight, but this does not mean that the grain production of Yan Country itself was greatly affected.

After a few months have passed and the grains in other regions have entered the harvest stage, for the time being, the state still holds a large amount of grain that can be used for foreign trade, especially even if the cargo ship is full, it only needs to be 30,000 tons of grain.

Although 30,000 tons is not a small amount, it is not a large amount for a country.

So for Yan Country, it is a blessing and cost-free thing to extract a little grain and go to Europe in exchange for something that is dear to him.

Of course, the cargo that this cargo ship wants to transport to Europe is not only food. In addition to food, there are also a batch of second-hand civilian exoskeletons, as well as some medicines and other goods that the senior management finds relatively in short supply.

These things are Li Yulong’s bargaining chips in the hands of this special group of “civilians”.

They will follow the cargo ship to Europe, and then with the help of the European fleet staff, they will contact a group of private factories to trade with them in exchange for things they find valuable.

They also have no specific goals. What they can get from Europe depends entirely on their own ability and luck.

Yan Guo just sent a team of staff responsible for evaluation to accompany the team. When they get something good, they will bring it back to these staff for evaluation. UU reading can conclude a transaction as long as they pass the evaluation. .

And every time a transaction is completed, these “civilians” can get a little bit of points, these points can be exchanged for more chips and materials for the transaction from the rear, so that they can exchange for more things.

As for how much they can benefit from these transactions, it all depends on their own ability.

Those who have the ability to eat are full of greasy mouths, and those who do not have the ability to eat and eat, in short, all depends on their good fortune. If you are lucky, you can say that no one is lucky. You can take advantage of this opportunity to make it to the sky.

So after the cargo was prepared, the crew was already familiar with the operation of the cargo ship, and the white gloves had all received the “settling-in allowance”, the logistics team set off.

For safety, the cargo ship will remain afloat all the way, and for safety, there will be a frigate accompanying it.

Although this frigate is also a land cruiser, this time it will still use the sailing mode that remains afloat all the way along with the cargo ship.

On the one hand, it is to test whether the anti-gravity device can support long-term uninterrupted operation, on the other hand, it is also to familiarize the crew with this mode of action for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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