Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 642: Respect

Chapter 743

No matter how many small calculations the Germans have, in the face of common pressure from other countries, they still choose to compromise and soften.

After all, the current Germany is no longer the one-two-three empire of Germany. Not to mention whether the military virtues are abundant, the whole country has become very short-sighted in a sense, focusing only on immediate interests.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t make a move that the front is still fighting, and the rear began to drag their feet for profit, especially since this is still a war that will subjugate the country and species.

But anyway, relying on the pressure of various countries, especially the threats of Italy, Switzerland and Austria to let go of the front line of defense, Germany finally had to agree to agree to the demands of the Yan people in exchange for more aid from the Yan country.

What the Yan country requires is mainly that the nine major categories that European countries have been embargoing on Yan country before the disaster, such as special materials and related equipment, navigation and avionics equipment, and computer equipment, were originally included in the Wassenaar Agreement. The lifting of the embargoed materials.

In the beginning, some radical people in the country intended to directly ask European countries to abolish this agreement, but after some discussions, they were still slightly less aggressive and only asked for the lifting of some of the embargoed materials.

The main reason is now that Chen Xin is helping to open up in the country. Many things that could not be imported have been replaced by better ones. Only some things that are not so urgently needed or have no related supporting industries in the country still need European technology.

Before, Li Yulong and his group of white gloves actually did work in Europe to collect these materials and technologies.

They took the materials rationed to them and found these factories with the materials production technology on the embargoed list, or directly exchanged for technology and equipment, or signed long-term production orders, in order to get these materials and related technologies back. domestic.

Now that European countries have agreed to the conditions of the Yan country, these materials and technologies that were originally on the embargoed catalog can be collected and shipped back to the country more easily.

In addition, as European countries agreed to the conditions of the Yan country, some of the cutting-edge technologies originally held in the hands of the countries were also obtained by the Yan country.

Correspondingly, Yan Country naturally began to provide more assistance to European countries.

A batch of foreign trade versions of power armor and heavy mecha were shipped and shipped to Europe by the second cargo land carrier, while the first cargo land carrier, fully loaded with cargo, also set sail from Europe and returned to China.


“It seems that they are doing a good job in Europe!” On the land carrier that arrived in China, the officials who came to receive the supplies looked at the list of supplies that came back with the ship, and the joy on their faces was beyond words.

If he could get such a ship of materials and technology before the disaster, he would be crazy. Many of these are key technologies and products that European countries have embargoed on the country for decades. Many of them are in To a considerable extent, it has affected and restricted the development of Yan Country in related fields.

This forced the Yan country to start all over, bit by bit, to walk the path of European countries again and again, to catch up with the level of European countries.

Although this allowed Yan Guo to take a path of his own, he was no longer restricted by anyone, but the time and resources wasted as a result, as well as the energy invested by those researchers and their precious youth, could not be exchanged for anything.

However, now, thanks to the efforts of domestic scientific researchers and comrades on other fronts, Yan Country has finally become strong, and European countries have to take out these originally embargoed things in exchange for Yan Country’s assistance.

In the eyes of this official, this is undoubtedly a huge victory and success, and it is also the best irony of European countries.

Thinking of this, this official especially wanted to thank Chen Xin.

Because in his opinion, the country can still feed and wear the people in the face of the current catastrophe, and even have spare capacity to support Europe. Among them, the old and new contributions are huge.

Don’t mention anything else, isn’t this cargo land cruiser used to transport materials between Europe and the country just built?

Although he is not a science and technology expert, he also knows that the anti-gravity technology used by Chen Xin on this land cruiser stunned researchers in related fields.

This is really anti-gravity technology that only appeared in sci-fi works. So far, what humans can achieve is only the superconducting magnetic levitation in the laboratory. The difference between this and this anti-gravity technology is 100,000. Eight thousand miles.

The shock brought by this incredible technology makes people even wonder whether Chen Xin is an alien.

After all, the sudden technological leap can be described by the burst of genius inspiration, but for Chen Xin, I am afraid no one will think that he is a genius bursting with inspiration.

Because he has produced too many results, if this is considered an inspiration, then his inspiration is simply that the Three Gorges Dam is releasing floods.

Moreover, the fields he covers are too extensive, covering almost all industries and fields that he can be involved in, and he can make achievements that ordinary people can’t match.

This is obviously not a normal situation. After all, if this is a normal situation, then everyone has to hang themselves, and Chen Xin is far worse than them.

Don’t say anything else, it’s just an exoskeleton, didn’t the military have studied it at the beginning? However, the shackles of energy and operating systems severely restricted the military’s development in this field. It was not until Chen Xin came up with a mature exoskeleton solution that this easy-to-use and convenient equipment was able to equip the whole army and Applied to the civilian field.

There are so many examples like this, so that even the most dull stubborn conservatives know that what happened to Chen Xin is definitely not something that the acquired scholar’s ​​syndrome can explain. UU Reading

There must be a deeper secret in him.

But no matter how many people have ideas, they don’t intend to explore the secrets of Chen Xin.

Because Chen Xin has made too many contributions to the country.

As far as the whole country is concerned, as long as Chen Xin does not act to endanger the country, can the huge Yan Country still not tolerate a person with a little secret?

Especially when Chen Xin is still using the secrets he has hidden to make contributions to the country that ordinary people can hardly reach. Let’s talk about the contribution he made to the country.”

To paraphrase the famous saying of his old man, the chief designer, no matter whether the cat is white or black, it is a good cat that can catch mice.

And even if Chen Xin stops here and no longer makes new contributions to the country, with the contributions he has made now, the country will not have any unfavorable ideas against him.

How old is it, there are still people who think that the country will slice people in conspiracy theories?



(End of this chapter)

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