Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 651: Industrial ship

Chapter 752 Industrial Ship

The cultivation and production of single-cell protein is indeed a very simple matter, and the raw materials they require are not complicated.

Such as agricultural waste, wastewater, industrial waste, wastewater, oil, natural gas and related products can be used as raw materials for the production of single-cell protein. Even more exaggerated, hydrogen and carbon dioxide can be used as raw materials.

Before the disaster, these things were easy to handle. For those production companies, they were worried that these waste residues and waste water could not be treated. They used it to produce single-cell protein and make synthetic protein meat just as waste.

But for the environment after the disaster, these things are not so easy to handle.

First, industrial and agricultural production has been devastated, and the scale has shrunk sharply. The waste generated by agricultural production has become a precious resource. It needs to be used in industrial production that can be used and cannot be used as a raw material for synthetic protein.

Industrial waste is also in a similar state. Most of the waste is recycled and reused, and oil and natural gas related products should be given priority to meet the needs of various aspects of the national economy and people’s livelihood, and no excess parts are used for production. Synthetic protein.

This is the same whether in Europe or in Yan Country.

However, since Chen Xin proposed this idea, he naturally has his own calculations.

Although the English have abandoned their own territory, as the sunless empire that once ruled the world, their sphere of influence once spread throughout the entire Blue Star.

Even after the sunset of the empire, the territories of the former empire have become independent countries one after another, but these countries are still a federation, and if they are united, their size is still equivalent to the former empire.

Of course, the sun never sets after the division of families, it is naturally impossible to fight back. Although various countries still recognize the existence of the federation, they only regard it as an organization, not a sovereign country.

The English know this, so they don’t expect to rebuild the empire that never sets in the sun. They just stick to the legacy of the empire and live a long life.

Thanks to the rich legacy of that powerful empire in the past, they can still come up with a lot of good things.

For example, the distribution map of offshore oil resources in Europe.

The ocean is rich in oil resources. This is a well-known thing. The exploitation of offshore oil was also a prosperous industry in the past.

But at present, not to mention that most of the drilling platforms have been destroyed by the previous disasters, the oceans are frozen, the mining sites are far away from the land, and there is a lack of effective transportation and material support. Even if there are operational oil drilling platforms, it is no longer possible Operation, and no one dares to stay away from the land on the drilling platform.

But for Chen Xin, this is not a problem at all.

It does not matter if the drilling platform is damaged. Chen Xin, who holds the system in his hand, can not only repair the drilling platform, but also upgrade the technology.

Away from the land, this is not a problem, land cruisers need to consider terrain issues when traveling on land. For the endless level of ice, isn’t that speed hurricane?

As for whether the thickness of the ice can withstand the weight of the land cruiser, and whether it will crack, it is not a problem. It can still fly!

And don’t worry about the supply of materials, the consumption of living materials is not that big, and it can be solved by replenishing the oil by the landing ship in the process of transporting oil.

The food problem is even better. The purpose of digging for oil is to provide raw materials for the production of synthetic protein. Is there still no food?

The only problem is the transportation of oil. After all, the oil extracted by the drilling platform in the past was transported to the factory through pipelines.

However, the ocean is now frozen, and most of the original factories can no longer be used. The oil pipelines used to be of no use, not to mention that no one knows whether these pipelines can be used now.

So considering the actual situation, the best way is to establish a sub-base near the mining site, directly use crude oil to cultivate synthetic proteins and conduct petrochemical production, and then transport the finished products by land ships.

For other people or other countries, it is undoubtedly difficult and difficult to realize this plan.

But for Chen Xin, all this is nothing to say.

According to the resource distribution map provided by the English, after sending helicopters from the fleet to determine the situation of the drilling platform, Chen Xin began to manufacture his newly designed industrial ship with the help of the 3D printing field in the base.

This is specially designed to mine resources and open the base. The inspiration naturally comes from the design of the base car in the game.

It itself is a land cruiser with a length of more than 100 meters, which can accommodate 50 people. At the same time, it is equipped with a 3D printing equipment and a complete agricultural greenhouse and synthetic protein production facilities. It has a good self-sustaining ability and can be long Time to perform tasks individually.

And this land cruiser itself is a huge ore mining equipment, which can directly mine open-pit mineral resources, or perform drilling operations, and then make small robots to mine deep underground resources.

The resources mined can be directly processed by the smelting equipment on the ship, processed into raw materials and then supplied to the 3D printing equipment to produce the required equipment or facilities.

It can be said that this land cruiser is really like a base vehicle in the game, and a relatively simple industrial base can be established with only one land cruiser. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

After the design of this land cruiser was completed, the drawings were quickly sent back to the country. The senior management was naturally very satisfied with it. After all, it is not only Europe that needs such industrial ships like base vehicles. A large number of domestic ships are due to lack of manpower. Mines and mines abandoned due to poor mining conditions also require such industrial ships to reuse them.

Compared with deploying a large number of manpower to restore the operation of the mine, and then transporting a large amount of materials to maintain support, relying on the self-sufficient mining resources of an industrial ship will undoubtedly save a lot of resources.

As for the resource consumption of industrial ships for base construction, compared with the resources they mined, this is undoubtedly a cost-effective business.

Therefore, the senior management quickly adopted Chen Xin’s design, allowing domestic production of such industrial ships, and at the same time, they also sent new reinforcements to the European aid fleet so that they could have manpower to expand their sub-bases in accordance with Chen Xin’s plan. Get more resources.

Even after serious domestic assessment and consideration, the diplomats of the aid-Europe fleet took the introduction PPT made by Chen Xinchang to find the officials of European countries and sold them this industrial ship.

After all, for European countries, this industrial ship is very useful for them to resume production and support the battle of the European defense line.

(End of this chapter)

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