Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 664: Relief to civilians

“The current security environment in Europe is quite bad. If possible, I suggest to negotiate with the European side. We will send troops to clean up the separatist forces in their backyard. Their presence has seriously affected frontline operations and our work.” When Li Yulong When he was brought to Chen Xin, he was having a video call with domestic senior officials. While reporting the rescue operation, Chen Xin also put forward his own views.

However, high-level officials obviously have deep concerns about sending troops to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Even in this situation, it is the best way for Yan Guo to send troops to help European countries stabilize the domestic order, but high-level leaders are obviously not willing to do so.

“Our country has always adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and we have no right to interfere with other internal affairs.” The leaders are of course very moved by Chen Xin’s suggestion, but Yan Guo’s long-standing principles still need to be adhered to.

Chen Xin naturally has no right to comment on this attitude of the leader, but he still persuaded: “But now the chaos in Europe is not just a matter of their own security. These armed separatist forces have also seriously affected the mobilization of resources and resources of various countries. The ability of manpower also has a great influence on the European defense line.

According to the information we have collected, these armed separatist forces have been bold enough to attack the transport vehicles that transport supplies to the front battlefield. European countries are also exhausted and unable to suppress these armed separatist forces. If the situation worsens, the European defense line will lose resistance. The power of alien invasion is very detrimental to our country. ”

“Although it is said, interfering in other countries’ internal affairs is contrary to our country’s consistent diplomatic principles.” The high-level leaders of Chen Xin are naturally aware of the situation, but obviously they have more concerns: “We will look back on this matter. Besides, in short, even if you really want to enter European countries to help them maintain law and order, high-level discussions need more discussions. This is not an easy decision, Academician Chen, I hope you can understand this.”

Facing the attitude of the leader in front of him, Chen Xin nodded and said: “I understand that the more this is the time, the less chaos will be, but I still hope that the current situation in Europe can be effectively controlled, not like this. Get worse.”

“Of course, it’s about the life and death of the entire Europe. We have to act cautiously.” Seeing Chen Xin’s words, the senior leaders nodded slightly, and then ended the call.

Noting that Chen Xin had ended the conversation with the senior leaders, Li Yulong stepped forward and greeted Chen Xin: “Brother Chen, thank you for coming to rescue me!”

“Thanks for your hard work, did you suffer any injuries?” Chen Xin looked at Li Yulong in front of him, just patted him on the shoulder, looked up and down, and said when he saw that there was nothing wrong with him. I really can’t explain to your dad.”

“It’s okay. Before they could do anything to us, you rescued us.” Although Li Yulong was a little frightened after experiencing a kidnapping, he quickly smiled and said to Chen Xin that he was okay.

Chen Xin originally wanted to say something to Li Yulong, but the bridge was obviously not the place to talk, so after confirming that Li Yulong was fine, Chen Xin asked him to take him to rest.

After Li Yulong left the bridge, the captain also reported to Chen Xinhui: “Academician Chen, the Titan team and the special forces have eliminated the militants in this small town. They asked what to do next. There are still many in the city. Innocent civilians, they don’t seem to be in good shape.”

“Civilian? This is a hot potato.” Chen Xin shook his head, this matter is not easy to handle.

He didn’t ask what the status of the civilians were now. He also wanted to know how miserable it would be to get the civilians enslaved by a group of militants.

According to the principle of humanitarianism, they should carry out the rescue, but this is on the territory of another country, and the relief of the poor should not be done by the army of the country.

If it were before, Chen Xin might have let the fleet do relief regardless of the situation, but now that he heard what the leader said, Chen Xin also knew that some principles that should be followed should still be followed.

So after thinking about it, he said: “Notify the local officials, let them send people to take over the city, let the special forces and the Titan team temporarily maintain law and order, and retreat when the local officials arrive.”

When the captain heard Chen Xin say this, he did not object, and after nodding to express his understanding, he went to convey the order.

The special forces that received the order began to maintain law and order in this small city and organized some local people to clean up the battlefield.

Just now, when they cooperated with the Titan team to clean up the militants, they fought too fast. Most of the militants are now lying on the ground without breathing, so someone needs to take them away.

The people in the city are very cooperative. After all, these militants did nothing good in the city before, but they tossed them miserably.

So for these militants to be cleaned up, the locals are very happy to see the result.

Not only did they organize people to start cleaning the corpses, they also sent some people to ask the special forces if they needed to do other things, and even organized some girls for emergencies.

Regarding this kind of thing, the commander of the special forces is really dumbfounded. Although he can understand the feelings of the locals, UU reading, and the fear and favor of himself after suffering and oppression, he is Not to mention that things like the labor force violate the military discipline of the Yan country, but also violate their principles of life.

Therefore, he strictly rejected the kindness of the locals and asked them to take the girls home. It seemed that they could see the local people’s mentality of gains and losses, and the commander just asked them to help prepare some hot water.

After all, at this time, if they show that they have no requirements for these people, it is likely to aggravate their fear and let them do something to help calm people’s hearts.

As for letting the locals prepare food, not to mention that the tradition of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom is not to take the masses one by one. Just looking at these yellow-faced and thin locals, they know that they are basically hungry and cold under the oppression of the militants. In a state of coercion, where can there be any food for them.

However, when a few special forces were searching for any remaining militants, they found the warehouses of the militants and asked the local people to move the food stored in them out, and then let them divide them.

Seeing the joy of the locals who received the food, and the practice of holding the food and eager to eat and hurried home to hide it, these special forces seemed to understand how their ancestors had won.

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