Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 673: Attribution

As I have learned in textbooks, the ruling class will always squeeze and exploit the ruled class. Even if it occasionally releases goodwill and improves the living conditions of the ruled class, it is only for better exploitation.

For European countries, whether it is to fight against the invasion of aliens or form a joint security maintenance force to maintain domestic security, the essence of it is still only to protect their own interests and survival.

Improving the living conditions of ordinary people is conducive to safeguarding their interests, and they will really do this.

Otherwise, even if Chen Xin provides them with better technology, there will still be very few that can be implemented to improve the living conditions of ordinary people.

Perhaps under the huge difference in the formation of black technology brought about by Chen Xin, the living conditions of ordinary people will be significantly improved, but there will be no change in essence.

It may even happen that when the ruling class of various countries controls the benefits of these technologies and enjoys a better life, they still leave ordinary people in their original living environment.

As for the excuses, Chen Xindu has already figured it out for them. Because a lot of resources need to be used to maintain the war against alien creatures, all countries are temporarily unable to improve people’s livelihood.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin even had a “destroy it, hurry up” idea, feeling that these European countries are really hopeless.

Of course, he can’t really do this.

After all, when he was walking in the city of Nuremberg, looking at the miserable appearance of the ordinary people, he was moved with compassion, and he didn’t want them to fall under the minions of alien creatures like this.

“Go and urge the Germans. If they don’t want this city, then we will take over this city.” Perhaps it was the appearance of ordinary people in Nuremberg that stimulated Chen Xin. After waiting for two days for the official German people After it hadn’t arrived, he sent a notice.

“Academician Chen, isn’t it bad to say that?” The political cadres stopped Chen Xin’s order and persuaded him.

Chen Xin has the highest authority over the European aid fleet and the troops sent by Yan Guo in Europe. Although he does not have command power, if Chen Xin really makes any decision, whether it is the European aid fleet or the Yan Guo in the joint security maintenance force. The troops will follow his decision and execute his orders.

Under such circumstances, given the power of the two, in the current environment, if you want to control a country, there may be some shortages, but if you want to control a city or surrounding area, it is easy to do one. Things.

Even due to the deterrence of force, European countries will not react strongly, and at most a few words of protest will be over.

But being able to do so and wanting to do so are completely different things.

Although the political cadres understood why Chen Xin had such emotions, and even he himself was wondering whether he should simply practice the ideals of his ancestors spreading red flags all over the world, but if he really does this, he still needs to take into account what he brings. The consequences and impact of coming.

After all, if you really do this, it is likely to affect the front line of defense and shake the defense of aliens. If it really causes the front to collapse, the loss will be too great.

Although it is said that the eastern European defense line has completed the main construction and can play a role in resisting the invasion of alien organisms, as I said at the beginning, no one wants this defense line to really work.

And more importantly, once the current line of defense collapses and reaches the point where it is necessary to resist the invasion of aliens on the Eastern European line of defense, the entire Europe will also be occupied by aliens, and a large amount of land and population will fall.

In order to avoid this possibility, the political cadres feel that they still need to persuade Chen Xin not to act too impulsively.

“Okay, then you can change your way of thinking and express your meaning.” After thinking about it, Chen Xin still chose a less aggressive way, but his attitude was still very firm.

Of course, the meaning of political cadres is not just another way of saying it, but Chen Xin’s attitude is firm. After trying to persuade to no avail, he can only let people pass Chen Xin’s meaning to the German government.

Regarding the takeover of the city of Nuremberg, political cadres are opposed to it.

After all, this is a city under the control of German officials. Although the German officials lost their actual control over the place due to the issue of the garrison, it is still under the control of German officials in name.

Temporary military control can also be said to be a need to maintain public order. After all, the role of the joint public security maintenance force is to maintain the order of various countries.

The German officials did not express any dissatisfaction with this before, and even thanked the Yan Nation for being able to solve the problem of the Nuremberg garrison. After all, they had suffered from this troop’s demands before, but they were unwilling to take the responsibility to destroy this troop. The loss that may be caused has been let go.

It is undoubtedly better for German officials to resolve Nuremberg’s problems and restore substantial control over it.

But if it becomes the Yan Kingdom formally taking over Nuremberg, the nature of the problem will change. This will involve deeper things and bring very serious consequences.

That’s why political cadres have always wanted to persuade Chen Xin not to do this. However, Chen Xin seems to have been stimulated by the official attitudes of European countries towards ordinary people. Now his attitude is very tough.

This undoubtedly made the political cadres very awkward. On the one hand, he did not want to cause any serious consequences, but on the other hand, he also wanted to support Chen Xin’s approach. In a dilemma, he finally sent a note to the German side. Let them send someone to take over Nuremberg as soon as possible. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

However, the German side gave a very speechless answer, which made political cadres feel that it might be better for them to take over Nuremberg directly.

“Because of traffic problems, the staff who went to the Nuremberg area to take over the city could not arrive on time. Please let the citizens form a municipal committee for self-government and maintain the front-line material transfer work.”

Traffic problems prevent the workers taking over the city from arriving on time, so let the citizens exercise self-government?

Political cadres do not believe this at all.

If it is really a traffic problem, they can ask Yan Country for help. Sending a land cruiser to help pick up the staff is no problem at all.

But the German government is to let the citizens self-government, this approach is simply staggering.

This is exactly what it looks like if you want to take control of the city, but no one wants to come, or the internal benefit distribution has not yet reached an agreement.

Looking at this reply, the political cadres really felt that perhaps Yan Guo would be better off taking over the city.

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