Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 680: Big shot

Chapter 781

“Bob, take your squad and go to the headquarters!” In the stronghold, the commanding major shouted at Bob who was resting: “There is a big man who wants to inspect the line of defense. If you have picked us here, you need to be responsible. The security of the big boss.”

Bob got up from the chair, and his power armor was stopped on a shelf at this time, being inspected by a technician.

Hearing what the major said, Bob asked him curiously: “Big man? What big man would go to such a dangerous place to inspect the front line? Let’s protect his safety, what about the combat mission? Today we still have an attack mission. !”

“Your mission is handed over to Team B to solve it. Now take your people to get good equipment and go to the headquarters!” The major did not talk nonsense with Bob, but gave his orders.

But when Bob went to get his crew to prepare their equipment, he still got close to Bob and whispered to him: “This time it is a real big man, but there is a land cruiser from the command. You know what that means!”

As a person who has been trained at the Yan Nation’s European aid fleet base, Bob certainly knows what it means to ship, which immediately made his eyes wide open.

Major    saw Bob’s reaction and knew he understood, so he patted him on the shoulder: “So behave! If you can show your face in front of the big guys, our entire defense line will be good!”

“I see!” Bob solemnly nodded, and came to his armor, asking the technician to speed up the inspection.

Bob understands why the major wants him to perform well.

Although the various constructions of the Yan Guo’s aid to Europe fleet have been carried out, the entire Europe has been greatly improved in terms of materials and order, and various production has been restored. The conditions of their front-line soldiers are also better than before. Many, but overall they are still very difficult.

When he was training at the base of the European aid fleet, Bob had seen various facilities and conditions of the Yan Guoren, which really made him very enthusiastic.

Not to mention the warm and comfortable barracks and the land cruisers that Yan Guoren looked at like science fiction, or other facilities that made people eye-catching. Among them, the container built by Yan Guoren in the base was the most exciting thing for Bob. Style greenhouse shelter.

In today’s environment, wanting to eat fresh fruits and vegetables is nothing short of a fantasy.

Even if there is still fruit and vegetables production in the rear, the transportation from the rear to the front line has already become stale, even if the temperature is very low now.

So most of what Bob can eat are canned or processed foods. As for fresh vegetables or fruits, these are things that Bob has only eaten when he is in the base of Yan Guo.

Therefore, the major’s words are naturally easy to understand, and perform well in front of the big people, win the favor of the big people, and give them some benefits for the stronghold where they are stationed.

Bob doesn’t hate this kind of thing, and he has no idea that he is a soldier and doesn’t want to be a bodyguard for a big man.

After the technician checked his power armor, confirmed that there was nothing wrong, replaced the consumables, reloaded the ammunition, Bob put it on again, picked up the weapon, and walked out with the team members who had also changed their equipment. A stronghold.

Compared with the relatively warm environment in the base, the outdoors is simply hell.

Just as he walked out the door, Bob saw that the observation window of his helmet was already covered with hoarfrost.

If it is not for the protective clothing used to drive the power armor on the body, which has excellent thermal insulation performance and also has the function of electric heating, I am afraid that they will be frostbited or even frozen to death the moment they walk out.

Before receiving the help of Yan Nation, their cold resistance mainly relied on multiple layers of cold-proof clothing to resist the invasion of the cold. Although the cold-proof clothing originally prepared for polar warfare is also effective, it still makes people feel very cold. , And the head and hands must also be wrapped in several layers, making the whole person look very bloated and stiff, far less lightweight and comfortable than the protective clothing provided in Yan Country.

However, although the protective clothing is good, Bob still wants to complain about the extremely satisfactory power armor on his body.

This power armor is good everywhere. When training at the Yan Country base, he even had a physical illusion because he was reluctant to take it off. However, this power armor has a place that people criticize, that is, the armor itself is not. Sealed, and does not have the function of keeping warm.

So if you want to use power armor in a cold environment, you must first wear a special protective suit inside.

This is undoubtedly uncomfortable. After all, Bob clearly knows that the Yanguo’s own power armor is isolated from the inside and the outside, not to mention the internal circulation system, and the life support system, which is much more functional than his own.

Leading his team towards the headquarters, Bob couldn’t help thinking, if he performed well this time and showed his face in front of the big guys, would he have a chance to get a power armor with no simplified functions? Or upgrade your own set and install all the functional modules?

With this thought, Bob’s footsteps inevitably moved a lot faster. From the stronghold to the command post, the fifteen-minute journey, he was five minutes earlier, and he was there in ten minutes.

Outside the command post, a huge land cruiser hovered at a very low altitude. Bob recognized at a glance that this was the one he had seen in the European aid fleet base.

At that time, Bob heard people say that this was the ship of a big figure in Yan Country, because he was going to Europe, and in order to protect his safety, he sent this land cruiser to Europe.

Recalling this information, UU Reading Bob’s heart felt a little more excited. He knew that if he could really please this big man this time, he would definitely get something good.

So, Bob brought his team to the command post.

After some notification, they were allowed to enter the command post after putting down their weapons in power armor.

was asked to lay down his weapon, which undoubtedly made Bob nervous. Obviously, this order was given to protect the safety of the big man.

As required, the team members stayed outside. After he unloaded his weapon, Bob entered the command post and saw the big man.

Guarded by two powered armored soldiers with significantly more sophisticated equipment than him, a member of the Yan nationality who was only wearing a protective suit was talking with an officer in the command headquarters. Seeing Bob coming in, he did not stop talking, but just smiled at him. one time.

Bob also knew that he couldn’t offend any of these people in the command, so he stood aside obediently, waiting for the big guys to finish talking.

However, his eyes were fixed on the two soldiers guarding the big men. The power armor sprayed with snow digital camouflage on them really made Bob’s eyes red with envy.

(End of this chapter)

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