Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 7 - Rescue operation begins

   Chen Xin was also sitting in front of the TV and watching this action. After all, it is about the life and death of all mankind. At this moment, all the media on Blue Star are reporting this incident 24 hours a day.

Although the meteorite is getting closer and closer to the blue star, all countries have issued disaster warnings, but now the meteorite is still approaching the lunar orbit, and the blue star has not been substantially affected, so Chen Xin did not hide in the refuge he dug. in.

  Although the shelter is safe, there is no Internet or TV because of the deep underground. Chen Xin wants to understand the situation of the rescue operation, so he still has to stay at home and watch TV.

   As for the other people in the city where Chen Xin is located, they have been evacuated one after another during this period and entered the shelters that have been mostly remodeled in batches.

  If the action goes well, they will leave the refuge after successfully intercepting the meteorite, but if the interception fails, everyone will spend the rest of their lives in the refuge.

Chen Xin did not live in the city due to personal reasons. Although there were government workers who mobilized him to go to the shelter before, because he had dug the shelter, Chen Xin stayed at home and did not go to the country to build it. refuge.

Moreover, although the country has tried its best to transform the shelters, and is also trying its best to allow everyone to enter the shelters, but because some shelters were not completed as scheduled, and the shelter capacity is limited, in fact not all shelters Everyone can enter the shelter.

  According to Chen Xin’s prediction, the city where he lives is okay, because the population is not very large, and most people can still enter the shelter.

   But as far as the whole country is concerned, being able to allow more than 80% of the population to enter the shelter, Chen Xin thinks this is already very remarkable.


  After completing the refueling of the spacecraft of the Yan Nation and the Federation, they left the Tiangong space station and the International Space Station and set off again.

They will first orbit the blue star, use the blue star’s gravity to complete a stage of acceleration to the moon, and then use the lunar gravity to perform a second stage of acceleration in the lunar orbit, so that the spacecraft can accelerate to close to the synchronization of the meteorite travel speed when the meteorite arrives. Speed, so that it can accurately land on the meteorite.

   Looking at the three spacecraft that have left the space station and become smaller and smaller as they were photographed by the space station lens in the picture, Chen Xin couldn’t help but pray silently for the warriors on these three spacecraft.

Now, the hope of all mankind rests on them. If their actions fail, then mankind will face the global extinction brought about by the meteorite that struck the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago that dinosaurs faced. Up.

Some people may argue that the extinction of the dinosaurs is not yet certain that it was caused by a meteorite impact, but Chen Xin can say with certainty that if the meteorite coming to the blue star is really smashed down, 90% of the blue star is still present. The above species will be completely extinct, whether it is land or sea, it will be the same extinction catastrophe.

As the last descendants of dinosaurs, birds may have escaped the last disaster, but this time they may not be so lucky. The high temperature and toxic gases brought by the fire storm that swept the world, and the accompanying extreme cold The long night will wipe out all the birds flying in the sky, the large creatures on the land surface, most of the plants, and all the fish in the shallow ocean area.

   Only tenacious animals such as mice and cockroaches that are good at punching holes can escape this catastrophe, but it is also unknown whether they can survive the extreme cold nights when food is scarce.

As for marine life, don’t worry about it. Although the ecology of marine life in the shallow waters will be devastated, the marine life living in the deep sea will not be extinct, and even some of the shallow sea marine life will survive if luck is good. .

   As for humans, it depends on luck.

   People living in a country where the social order has not collapsed will at least have the government organize an asylum. After avoiding the disasters caused by the early meteorite impact, there is still a high probability of surviving and spreading fire to human civilization.

But people living in countries where the social order has collapsed are not so lucky. If they stay away from the place where the meteorite hits and can find a solid basement and store enough food during the next period of time, There is still a certain chance of surviving.

  If not, they are likely to die in the ensuing disaster within a few days after the meteorite impact.

   Of course, if they were less lucky and were just near the impact site of the meteorite, then they might not be able to live for a day, and they would die without pain.

   As for this neighborhood, it is a circle with a radius of at least one or two thousand kilometers. UU reading

   Because it takes a long time for the spacecraft to fly to the moon’s orbit, although the TV station has been broadcasting live, Chen Xin did not stare at the TV all the time, but was making final preparations before entering the shelter.

   Although this is about the survival of six billion people in the world, Chen Xin also hopes that this operation will be successful, but he is not optimistic about this plan.

The Yan Nation and the Federation plan to use nuclear bombs to explode the meteorites, and then use thrusters to push the meteorites away from the impact orbit. This scheme sounds really good, and the feasibility is not low. The current technology of mankind does indeed do it without any cost. Obtained, I am doing it now, but there are not many uncertainties.

  For example, before landing on the meteorite, there was a flow of debris around the meteorite, which prevented the spacecraft from landing or destroyed the spacecraft. After going up, the meteorite was too hard to drill…

  Meteorite is not a sphere with uniform texture. Under the blast of a nuclear bomb, the irregular shape and uneven texture may hold up the nuclear explosion without being exploded, or it may be blown too open and split into several pieces.

If it is not exploded, the texture of the meteorite may be harder than expected, and the mass will also be much larger. In this case, the heavy spacecraft prepared by Yan Nation may not be able to push the meteorite, or the thrust is insufficient, and it is not completely. Change the orbit of the meteorite.

   In this case, we can only hope that the Lucians can use all the nuclear bombs in the world to crush the meteorite.

   But in this case, the best result is that the world will suffer a huge wave of meteorite rain, causing huge losses to human society.

   And if it exploded and broke into several pieces, that would be the worst situation.

   Because Yan Country has only one heavy spacecraft prepared, it can only push a meteorite.

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