Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 737: Researcher from Europe

As a joint research project, researchers participating in the Nantianmen Project were brought together from various European countries, Lucia, and Yan Country.

After all, this is a multi-country joint research project. It is necessary to bring together scientific researchers and technicians from various countries to conduct collaborative research. This is the same even in the era when the Internet was developed before the disaster.

Such a large-scale multi-country joint scientific research project is bound to bring together scientific researchers and related technical personnel from all countries.

Even in order to build the “Luan Bird” large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform, it is necessary to set up a new research site. After all, humans have never made such a large object before, and naturally there is no factory building that can accommodate such a large object.

And this newly established research site, after comprehensively considering the situation of various countries, still placed it in the territory of Yan Country.

The site was chosen to be an air force base in Yan State, which was originally sealed up. Because it was selected as a research site, this originally sealed base became lively again.

Researchers from various countries were sent here by land cruisers, planes, and trains. Most of them only knew that they needed to participate in a research project. They didn’t even know the specifics of the project or what they were going to do.

Peter is such a researcher who was requisitioned by the state without knowing anything, then loaded on a cruiser and sent along with others.

Peter felt a little scared and at a loss as to the current situation he was experiencing, but after a few days on board the cruiser, he gradually calmed down his mind.

After all, he has no ability to resist the requisition of him by state institutions, even if his country, Belgium, is only a small European country that cannot be smaller, if it is not a small country that needs a buffer zone between France and Germany, but The strength of a country is still not something that a little scientist can resist.

And after boarding the cruiser, he found that in addition to himself, scientific researchers from other European countries were also loaded on the cruiser, and his mentality became more stable.

Being able to pull people from so many countries in Europe, it is obvious that European countries have participated in this matter, and the land cruisers of Yan Guo people are used, and Yan Guo people have also mixed their feet.

In the current environment, it is a good thing for researchers like Peter to participate in large projects that both Yan Country and European countries share.

You must know that Belgium is just a small European country that cannot be smaller. In today’s environment, the life of the entire country is not easy, let alone unofficial scientific researchers like Peter.

If it weren’t for Chen Xin’s formation of the Knights in Europe, he would have joined one of the Knights with his mechanical expertise and became the logistics maintenance technician of the Knights. He was responsible for repairing various vehicles for them. I’m afraid Peter is not hungry. To die is to be sent to the battlefield.

After all, he is just a mechanical scientific researcher with a small reputation in Belgium. He is not a famous scholar. Even if the country wants to preserve scientific research capabilities, his name will not be on the list.

In fact, before joining the Knights, Peter’s life was quite difficult.

If it weren’t for him to be single all the time, and the whole family is not hungry. Before the disaster, his income was pretty good, and he had done some renovations to his own house when he was idle, and he could rely on some small means to survive in this end-of-the-day era. I’m afraid he would starve to death long ago.

After joining the Knights, although it was said that he had no worries about food and drink, his life was not as good as he thought.

After all, the Knights are supported by a free city. If the city is not well, the Knights are the same. In addition, Belgium is a small country, and the security situation is actually good. The Knights don’t have too many tasks, so they won’t be able to take it. To redeem the merits of more equipment, naturally the life will be ordinary.

So for Peter, to be able to participate in such a large-scale project with high security, not to mention, at least he will have no worries about his treatment during this period of time in the future.

This can be seen from the food that can be eaten every day on the land cruiser.

Even if only emergency food and dehydrated vegetables are provided on the land cruiser, they are much more delicious than synthetic protein blocks. At least this is normal food, not industrial raw materials.

Although the synthetic protein block solves the problem of declining food production in European countries due to the war, to be honest, even after the seasoning, the taste and texture of the synthetic protein block is really unsatisfactory.

Peter, who had re-eated serious food after many years, really ate his meal in tears, and he was not the only one who cried.

Although the whole Europe has had a better life because of Chen Xin’s sorting out that year, the various construction projects of the Yan Guo’s aid to Europe fleet and the conduct of mining everywhere have also benefited a lot of European countries, but there is a consumable material of the European Defense Line. There is a bottomless pit in Europe, and the living standards of people in European countries are still at a very low standard.

This also led to the fact that when there were newcomers on board the cruiser, those who came first were watching them in the canteen because they ate serious food, which became one of the few entertainments for Peter and the others on the cruiser. project.

After all, it is still very joyful to watch others cry because they eat serious food.

It’s just that their joy did not last long, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com When all the cabins on the land cruiser were filled with people, the land cruiser turned to the east and flew back to the country of Yan.

“My God! Is that the blue sky?! The sun has risen!” As the land cruiser approached the Yan Nation, the sky gradually became clear, and they came back just in time, just as the sun rose. So Peter, who saw the sunrise, was astonished.

Just as surprised as Peter was the other people on the cruiser. At this moment, they could not help but squeeze into the cabin on the side where the sun could be seen, and put their heads on the porthole, just to be able to see more. See the rising sun.

“I never thought that the sunrise is so beautiful!” A researcher looked at the fiery red sun outside the window, exclaiming from the bottom of his heart, and said what everyone said at the moment.

For those who have never lost it, perhaps they don’t feel how precious and important the sun rises every day.

But for those who have experienced darkness, the light that pierces the darkness is the most precious thing.

In this regard, these researchers recruited from various European countries have the deepest experience when the sun shines on their faces.

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