Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 745: Energy shield

The development of science and technology requires gradual progress, and breakthroughs in scientific research projects need to be accumulated, but this can only be aimed at those scientific research projects that already have a foundation.

Only with basic accumulation, can we gradually progress on top of the foundation.

If it is a scientific research project that does not even have the most basic accumulation, it is completely blind, and it is necessary to start a path from scratch.

In such a situation, even if Chen Xin doesn’t want to promote it, the country hopes to have more R&D experience accumulation, but Chen Xin can only make things first, and then reverse crack them.

Energy Shield is obviously such a scientific research project.

For human science and technology, the theoretical basis of energy shields is not available, just that there are some or possible or impossible assumptions in various science fiction works.

Among these ideas, the more reliable or possible realization is the electromagnetic force field.

In fact, each of us is in a huge energy shield—the planet’s magnetic field.

The sun is not as amiable as imagined. While providing us with light and heat, it also unintentionally emits a large number of high-speed charged particles to us.

Without the protection of a strong magnetic field, the atmosphere on which we depend for living will be stripped away, and there will no longer be life on the blue star.

However, not all matter is affected by electromagnetic force, so no matter how strong electromagnetic force is, it is impossible to “ignore all attacks”. Therefore, if you want to turn the electromagnetic force field into a usable energy shield, you must Add other things to the electromagnetic field.

It is well known that charged particles are affected by a magnetic field, and a strong magnetic field can also make charged particles move around themselves.

In this case, if the number of charged particles moving around the magnetic field is large enough and the speed is fast enough, a barrier can be formed, and then the barrier can be shaped into any shape by the method of magnetic field superposition.

In theory, such an energy shield can resist all attacks based on electromagnetic principles.

According to the relativistic kinetic energy formula, when the speed of an object is infinitely close to the speed of light, its own kinetic energy also increases infinitely.

According to this principle, the magnetic field can be used to accelerate the charged particles to a very high speed, so that each particle can carry extremely high kinetic energy.

When an attacking entity touches this energy shield, a large number of high-speed moving charged particles will pour their own kinetic energy on it, causing it to disintegrate and explode instantly.

The fragments produced by the explosion will be blocked by dense high-energy particles outside the shield, and part of the energy released by the explosion will be absorbed by these particles and converted into its own kinetic energy, and the other part will be dissipated in the surrounding space.

However, it can be known from the law of conservation of energy that to accelerate charged particles to extremely high speeds and carry extremely high kinetic energy, this obviously requires a great deal of energy.

Therefore, it is possible to deduce the two key factors required to manufacture an energy shield, one is powerful energy, and the other is efficient and mature magnetic confinement technology.

Use magnetic confinement technology to confine the charged particles into a shield, and then use an electromagnetic field to drive these charged particles to move at a high speed within the confinement of the magnetic field. In theory, this is the energy shield situation that can be achieved by the technology currently mastered by mankind.

The two most critical points, the powerful energy and magnetic confinement technology, have actually been solved in the small fusion reactor that Chen Xin has realized.

It’s just that the current technical accumulation on these two issues is not deep enough. After all, researchers have not yet thoroughly analyzed the small fusion reactor built by Chen Xin, and even a huge change reaction power station has not been built. They want to go beyond these theories. It is obviously too early to start building energy shields directly.

With the current human technology, apart from the technical bonus provided by Chen Xin, there is still a long way to go to create a sufficiently stable magnetic confinement device.

Therefore, the “directional energy shield defense technology” that Chen Xin personally is responsible for is still only he himself used the system upgrade to create the product, and then handed it over to others for reverse cracking and theoretical construction.

Fortunately, because of the reverse research on small fusion reactors in China, some good results have been achieved in this area. After Chen Xin built a fairly simple energy shield generator, they were able to quickly figure out the context and find The direction of the start.

Unlike some experts in other countries, looking at the energy shield generator produced by Chen Xin, the face is full of rats pulling turtles-it feels impossible to start.

“Academician, I think the shield generator cannot always be in this active state. We should adopt a reactive shield design. The shield will only be activated and activated when something is sensed to hit it. Under normal flight conditions, I don’t think it is necessary to run the shield at full power, it consumes too much energy.” A researcher proposed to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin nodded and said affirmatively: “Good suggestion, there is really no need to keep the shield on. We can connect the shield and the radar together. When the radar starts to alarm, the shield starts to warm up. Can effectively save energy.

And we can also install a high-density energy storage device for the shield to store energy at ordinary times. When the shield needs to be activated, UU read www.uukanshu. Com releases energy from these high-density capacitors to drive or reinforce the shield to resist high-intensity attacks. ”

As a former online writer, Chen Xin belongs to the kind of people with more brains, plus he has played too many sci-fi games, and some of them do very **** games.

As a very common sci-fi setting,    energy shield is naturally reflected in the game, and many forms of expression can be used as a reference.

“High-density large-capacity capacitors? This is indeed possible! Usually store energy, and then release the energy when the shield is activated, so that the instantaneous strength of the shield can be greatly improved, so that we can use more power. Small reactors or nuclear batteries can be used to charge higher-power shields!” A researcher apparently understood the benefits of doing so, and quickly agreed with Chen Xin’s proposal.

However, there are no ready-made products for high-density large-capacity capacitors. Obviously, none of the electrical energy storage devices currently developed by humans has the capacity to meet the energy consumption requirements of the energy shield.

Chen Xin and the researchers discussed it, but they could only add a high-density large-capacity capacitor to the research project.

Fortunately, Chen Xin himself is the general person in charge. He can make a decision on adding a research project without having to submit a report for approval. Therefore, the project team was quickly formed and put into operation.


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