Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 749: Airdrop Titan

In the Aleppo region of the Middle East, although there has been no large-scale invasion by aliens, sporadic attacks have occurred from time to time.

Yan Nation and Lucia’s engineering team took the lead here to help the local defenders strengthen their defenses to consolidate their defenses and resist possible attacks by alien creatures from here.

So far, the defensive situation of the defense line is normal. Although there are occasional attacks by large aliens, compared with the non-stop offensive that is like a sea tide on the European defense line, the pressure on this side is really good. To be too small.

Otherwise, with the military power in the Middle East that was indistinguishable from playing around for Yan Nation, they would have been flattened by alien creatures a long time ago.

And now, with a stronger line of defense, it has become easier to resist the attacks of alien creatures here.

Of course, although it has become easier to resist the attack of alien creatures, it does not mean that the defenders here can become easier.

On the contrary, after knowing the true scale of the alien creatures, the defenders stationed in the Aleppo area are obviously much more nervous than before.

Before Yan Country and Lucia came to help them strengthen their defenses, they thought it was just a regional disaster. After all, the intensity was not strong and they could resist it.

The countries in the Middle East even thought that this was some kind of marine creature that had never been discovered before, but it had been living on the seabed before, and it appeared on land after this disaster.

So although they concentrated most of the remaining military forces in the Middle East after the disaster to fight in the Aleppo area, they were basically in an attitude of preventing biological pests.

However, when Yan Kingdom and Lucia appeared one after another, they also took out equipment similar to science fiction movies and started to fight alien creatures, and told them that this monster was an alien invasion and wanted to occupy the whole world. Now Europe is being fully attacked. At that time, these Middle Eastern oilmen were completely stunned.

They thought it was a joke at first, after all, after a disaster, Yan Country took out equipment like cruisers and power armors that were indistinguishable from science fiction movies, saying that they were the invading aliens than those monsters. It is an extraterrestrial creature with high credibility.

It’s just that when various materials and video records are placed in front of these oil guys, they still have to believe that the world has changed.

Especially the Yan people simply pulled them onto the land cruiser and took them to the European battlefield for a round. After seeing the offensive that flooded the land like the rising tide of sea water, these oil guys had no choice but to believe it. .

So their army moved like a donkey kicked in the ass, cooperating with Yan Kingdom and Lucia to reinforce the line of defense.

And these oil guys also took out their wealth, bought a large number of new weapons and equipment from Yan Country, re-armed the army, and at the same time hired Yan Country people as instructors to retrain the army.

is to enhance the combat effectiveness of these troops so that they can better protect themselves.

Although Yan Guo and Lucia do not comment on the actions of these oil guys, it is a good thing that they are willing to cooperate.

That’s why Yan Guo sent high-level officials to be responsible for the construction of the Middle East defense line and the construction of dome cities for these oilmen and Middle Eastern dignitaries.

But these have nothing to do with the garrison in the Aleppo area. Apart from being replaced with new equipment and being rigorously drilled, they have not been affected by anything else.

After all, they will not retreat unless the line of defense they are now garrisoned is completely breached.

The dome city built on the Iranian plateau is not what they can think of. Instead of thinking about these unrealistic things, it is better to spend more time training to fight for survival in the war.

may be able to be promoted and transferred away from the front line, go to the dome city to protect the big figures, and live in houses that are said to have plants and sunshine.

For these defenders on the Aleppo line, being able to be transferred back to the rear and become the guards of big shots is their ultimate goal and dream.

But even so, they only think about it occasionally. It is more practical for them to survive.

Although the offensive of alien creatures that the Aleppo defense line needs to face is not strong, it is still facing the invasion of alien creatures after all. Killed in battle.

But the situation today seems to be a little different. Those Yan Guomen who were sent to train them seem to have received some order, asking them to mobilize a troop as a preparation to cooperate with their actions.

However, the people of Yan Guo didn’t tell these defenders what action they were going to cooperate with. They just got them to put on the equipment and after the assembly was completed, they fell into waiting.

As for what to wait, the people of Yan country always avoided talking, and sent people to stay on the front position of the defense line, and looked at the sky with a night vision device, as if there was something coming from the sky.

These defenders are a little confused about the situation, but now these people of Yan Guo are in charge of command, they are required to cooperate with the high level, so naturally they can only obediently wait according to the orders of the people of Yan Guo.

When they were a little boring to wait, these people of Yan Country seemed to have waited for what they were waiting for, and began to signal to the sky.

Then, these conscious defenders who had already seen the world saw the Titans falling from the sky. UU reading www. uukahnshu. com

A squadron of twelve new Titans equipped with a shield system and a squadron of twelve old Titans equipped with shield equipment, and a command plane, were thrown from the sky by two specially modified land cruisers. Down.

Titans did not have airdrops. It’s just that most of them used low-altitude airdrops before, or simply just a helicopter hoisted them to a designated location and then put them down.

But this time they used high-altitude airdrops. They dropped twenty-five Titans from a height of five kilometers above the ground.

In the cockpit of the Titan, many pilots were a little nervous, but only the pilots of the twelve old Titans equipped with shield equipment were nervous, and the pilots of the other twelve new Titans did not have such emotions. .

Because these twelve new Titans are all unmanned Titans, they are equipped with weak artificial intelligence and possess a certain degree of autonomous combat capabilities. A command plane is responsible for command and control.

This time, Yan Nation dropped them on the Aleppo defense line. In addition to testing the airborne equipment, it also tested the actual combat capabilities of the new unmanned Titan.

“The parachute opening height has been reached, all the bodies open their parachutes!” The command plane issued an instruction and also opened its own parachute.

So, in the surprised eyes of the ground defenders, umbrella flowers bloomed in the sky.


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