Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 752: The problem

“Academician, this is the actual combat test report of the Unmanned Titan and the General Modified Titan on the Aleppo line of defense.” A staff member sent a report to Chen Xin.

“Next time this kind of report will be sent directly to the electronic version, it will be more efficient.” Chen Xin took the report, said casually and opened the report, but after a little browsing, he frowned and raised his head: “They are here. Was hit by mistake on the battlefield?”

“Yes, the defenders used mortars at the time to try to cover them and fire support. One shell fell around them.” The staff had already read the report before, and Chen Xin asked why he was naturally able to answer Come up.

Hearing the staff say so, Chen Xin shook his head very dissatisfied.

Although it is inevitable that accidental strikes and accidental injuries occur on the battlefield, he still instinctively dislikes such things.

Continuing to read the report and turn to the summary table of each test. Seeing that there are still a few items that have not been completed, Chen Xin asked dissatisfiedly: “The tests of other items have been completed well. How many shield tests are there? The project is not completed?”

“Unmanned Titans have high combat effectiveness, and the general-purpose variants also perform well. If they ignore the consumption of ammunition, no alien creature can be blocked by their firepower net, so some melee tests really cannot be carried out.” The staff defended the drivers. He explained to Chen Xin: “Academician, you have explained that safety is the first priority for testing. Therefore, during the actual combat test, they have been conducting the test in accordance with the normal operational procedures and did not take the initiative. Take action to test the effectiveness of the shield.”

“Oh, if that’s the case, then it’s not to blame them for not completing the task.” Chen Xin shook his head. If that’s the case, then these drivers really don’t have the problem.

Although I am a little dissatisfied that the test has not been completed, Chen Xin is obviously not the kind of rigid dogmatism, and does not require the soldiers on the front line to complete the test, and even risk some things that do not need to be taken in order to test. risk.

“Have the test troops withdrawn?” Chen Xin asked the staff.

The test tasks were not arranged by him personally. The staff below are responsible for these matters. Chen Xin only needs to pay attention to the results.

As for whether the test unit has been withdrawn, it is necessary to inspect the airframe that has undergone actual combat tests and to retrieve the test data at the same time.

“They are returning, and they should be back in the afternoon.” The staff member glanced at his watch and reported to Chen Xin.

Those test troops will not come to this air force base. They will be sent to the scientific research center, which is the department responsible for the development of the new Titan body.

Although the unmanned tactical mech is part of the Nantianmen plan, the air force base where Chen Xin is now is mainly responsible for the research and development of large aerospace strategic carrier platforms and aerospace unmanned fighters. Other projects are not here.

“After coming back, let the research department complete the data recovery as soon as possible, and analyze it to see where there is a problem.” Chen Xin instructed the staff, and emphasized: “Although the more mature technology is used, the more mature it is. In this way, the more you can’t be careless, you must not let go of any possible problems.”

Speaking of this, Chen Xin paused for a while before continuing to say to the staff: “Now is different. Before, we wanted to provide the troops with usable equipment at the fastest speed. There were some minor flaws in actual combat. The adjustment is acceptable.

But now the war situation has changed. What we have to do is to provide the troops with more reliable equipment. What we have to solve now is the problem of goodness and precision, not whether there is a problem like before. ”

“Yes, academician!” The staff hurriedly responded and wrote down what Chen Xin had said.

Although Chen Xin is not directly responsible for the project of the new Titan, he, as the general manager, obviously has a direct influence on the project, especially the design drawings and shield technology are provided by him personally, which further leads to Chen Xin Not only has enough influence on this project, but also enough control.

Of course, Chen Xin will not use his influence to interfere in the project, and the request he put forward is also that he hopes the project can be completed better.

After finishing this, Chen Xin let the staff leave, and he went over the test report in more detail.

This report mainly records the test items completed by the driver during the actual combat test, as well as some simple opinions of the driver.

is not so much a test report, as a task briefing is more appropriate.

As for more detailed test reports, more detailed and accurate results can only be obtained after the test troops return to China and those bodies are sent to research institutions for data collection and analysis.

However, even if it is a task briefing, the feedback provided by the driver at the first time still has a very valuable reference value, so Chen Xin also looked at this part very carefully.

“When the shield is activated, it is impossible to attack from the inside?” Chen Xin noticed one of the feedbacks, and after a little thought, he understood what was going on.

Although the energy shield is a new technology, it is quite cutting-edge technology, but as far as the energy shield itself is concerned, the electromagnetic shield that Chen Xin made is actually quite crude and primitive. U U Reading

It is actually just a simple and crude way of confining high-energy charged particles into a shield through a magnetic confinement device, and there is no more precise or advanced use.

is like a simple and rude pile of **** stones, and it has not been stacked neatly, let alone turned the wall into a fortification with complete energy supply.

Therefore, although this shield can intercept attacks very effectively, it is undoubtedly a two-way barrier.

The reason why those test bodies are still in normal use and have been in normal operations is because the shield has not been activated, but in standby mode, this did not interfere with their operations.

Thinking of this, Chen Xin couldn’t help but start in a cold sweat. If a close combat does occur, the shield is activated by a melee attack. In this case, the alien creatures will not be able to injure the body and the driver inside the shield, but the Titans also Cannot attack enemies outside the shield.

Unless the shield is turned off, all bullets or missiles will be intercepted by the shield.

This problem must be solved! Chen Xin immediately wanted to open the system upgrade interface to upgrade the shield, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and sent the matter to the project team and decided to let them try to solve the problem.



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