Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 759: Whole process monitoring

The people who came to White were excited and planned with White how he should stand up and talk about the unfair treatment he suffered and how to gain sympathy from more people. When Chen Xin and the leaders of various large project teams were together. In a meeting room, watching the live broadcast by Xi Yao.

The leaders of these large project teams are not all scientists from the Yan country. Although most of them are from the Yan country, there are still a few experts from various European countries and a few experts from Lucia.

In this base, Xiyao can monitor everyone’s every move by relying on the surveillance probes all over the place and the electronic identity card on everyone.

Although in a sense this is an infringement of personal privacy, or to put it in a more “free” way of saying it is a violation of human rights.

But considering the very important and highly confidential project research being conducted in the base, all countries together agreed to the decision to monitor everyone by artificial intelligence.

The leaders of various large project teams and some important experts know this, and it is not a strange thing to install monitoring in the laboratory, so there is no objection.

Looking at the live broadcast on the screen, an expert also from Europe took off his glasses, helplessly squeezed the bridge of his nose, sighed and said: “What are these people thinking? When is it now, they are still thinking Fight for power?!”

The expert’s tone was distressed. As a true scientist, he clearly understands why countries have invested so much resources and energy to promote the Nantianmen project, and he also understands the situation facing mankind now.

It can be said that if human beings don’t unite sincerely and work together, Yan Country and Lucia are hard to say, European countries will definitely be finished.

At present, European countries can continue to maintain the European Defense Line and have spare capacity to improve the living conditions of the people. To a large extent, they rely on the aid of the Yan country.

Therefore, the entire Nantianmen plan is dominated by Yan Country, and it is no problem for Yan Country to have the right to speak, because this is the current situation.

Even if the European countries are united and Lucia is included, they cannot be compared with Yan Nation in terms of strength.

If it weren’t for Yan Nation but also European countries to resist the invasion of aliens, they could completely ignore Europe and let Europe fend for itself.

It is precisely because of this that European countries have no intention of vying for the right to speak with Yan Country, not to mention that the entire Nantianmen Project Yan Country actually only needs these European scientific researchers to work, and does not need them to express any opinions.

Therefore, after Chen Xin summoned the leaders of various major project teams and watched the live broadcast of what these people were planning to do in private, everyone’s attitude was actually very uniform.

“These guys! How many of them are there? Since you don’t want to work hard, just send them all back to Europe!” An expert from Lucia seems to have a grumpy temper and wants to get it right once and for all.

His proposal has won the support of many people. These experts are real scientists, and they all hate this kind of thing that puts real academic research and work without doing it, and focuses on everything.

However, some people have put forward a relatively mild suggestion: “I don’t think such drastic measures should be used. Many people are just instigated. They can be treated a little more leniently, and only those who are in the lead should be treated more seriously. Now the research of various projects is a critical juncture. If a large number of people are sent away suddenly, it will affect the progress of the research.”

Hearing someone say this, others nodded in agreement.

After all, they are all responsible for a large project. Knowing that the manpower is tight and the project schedule is really a critical moment, if there are really a lot of people missing, or even suddenly panic, it will indeed affect the project’s progress.

“Chen, what do you think about this?” a Lucia expert asked Chen Xin.

As the person in charge of the entire Nantianmen Project, Chen Xin certainly has the final decision right to kill these lives.

Everyone turned their eyes to Chen Xin, waiting for his decision.

However, to everyone’s expectation, Chen Xin just touched his chin and said, “Let them make trouble, and deal with it when the trouble arises.”

“Academician Chen, this will affect the progress of the project.” An expert from Yan Guo reminded Chen Xin.

Chen Xin nodded and did not deny this, but he still said: “Because of White’s previous incident, some people were dissatisfied, which in itself has affected the progress of the project.”

Following Chen Xin’s words, Xiyao also projected various statistical data in a timely manner, allowing everyone in the conference room to see the specific progress of the impact.

“These people’s grievances have affected the progress of the project. Instead of letting them hold back, or we can directly deal with the hidden dangers, it is better to take this opportunity to let them out, let everyone vent their emotions, and expose the hidden problems. Come out and solve it all at once.” Chen Xin is still an indifferent attitude, but his handling method is very cold: “I don’t like to leave troubles behind. If you want to deal with the problem, just go ahead and remove the roots and dig out all the problem elements. , And then clean it up all at once, so that other talents can work more at ease.”

Hearing what Chen Xin said, although everyone felt that this would interfere with the progress of the project, considering that it would be bad if there were hidden dangers, so after some discussion, everyone supported Chen Xin’s decision.

At this time, the two of White, who were monitored by Xi Yao, had already discussed their plan. They planned to find a time for noon and lunch. In the cafeteria, White would tell about the unfair treatment they suffered, and then they would connect with each other in advance. The good other people coaxed and incited others, and then made their demands, threatened to strike, and negotiated to get Yan Guo to agree to their demands. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

In general, these people did plan and calculate very well, and if Chen Xin hadn’t discovered this in advance, their plan did have a great…failure possibility.

Because these people made a mistake, it was not Yan Guo begging them to work.

If they don’t work, Chen Xin can send them back to Europe for another group of people who are willing to work.

In fact, if the entire Nantianmen project is not to integrate the technology and resources of various countries, Chen Xin can complete the plan by himself, without the participation of European countries.

As for these Europeans, they may indeed make trouble, but obviously, as long as they make trouble, Chen Xin can arrest them all, then load them on the cruiser and send them back to Europe.

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