Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 76 - The oxygen production system of the official refuge

   “What are these?” In the central room of the air circulation duct of the police station refuge, Uncle Ding looked at the items on the shelves in front of him, and asked puzzledly: “Looks like glass plates?”

   A technician who was debugging these equipment heard Uncle Ding’s question and explained to him while continuing his work: “This is an algae cultivation tank, and the standard name is the biological reaction facade…”

After checking the condition of a bio-reactive facade, the technician continued: “Of course, in terms of materials, you can indeed call them glass plates. These are all made of plexiglass. The inside of the facade is hollow and filled. After the culture medium, water and carbon dioxide will be used to propagate the algae.”

   Looking at thousands of pieces in front of him and installing more bio-reactive facades, the manager of the municipal police station with Uncle Ding asked, “Can they be used for oxygen? Rely on these algae?”

“Yes, rely on these algae.” The technician nodded and tapped a piece of bio-reactive facade with his finger: “These algae will obtain the light energy required for photosynthesis under the sunlight of the sun. We The pipe at the lower end of the facade is filled with carbon dioxide to allow the algae inside to photosynthesize, and the pipe at the top is responsible for collecting the oxygen released by these algae and supplying it to the air circulation system of this refuge.”

   “Rely on these…what is the facade of the creature?” Another manager also spoke, revealing a strong suspicion and distrust: “Can these things be used by 20,000 people in this refuge?”

   When the manager spoke, the managers of the city police station all showed the same look.

It’s not that these managers don’t know how to pretend or look down on the technicians, but relying on the thousands of glass panels installed here can provide the oxygen consumption of the entire refuge, which really makes people wonder whether it’s true. Can do it.

“These biological facades use microalgae biological reaction oxygen production technology. The Germans have done a similar technical experiment in the past and built a residential building that uses this biological reaction to build an exterior wall. After the reaction, the generated biomass provides enough heat and electricity to supply the needs of the three surrounding houses.” The technicians were not surprised by this, and continued to explain to the managers of these municipal police stations.

   After all, it is about the life and death of more than 20,000 people in this refuge, and the technicians also feel that they should explain it more clearly.

“We improved this technology. We originally planned to use it for experiments on the submarine to see if it can be used as the submarine’s oxygen supply system to increase the time the submarine stays underwater.” The technicians did not hide that this was originally a military experimental technology. In fact, he continued: “The efficiency of algae to produce oxygen is actually the highest among all living things on the earth. 70% of the oxygen on the earth comes from marine ecosystems, so it is theoretically no problem to rely on algae to supply oxygen to the refuge. of.

   As for whether the oxygen production capacity can guarantee the survival needs of 20,000 people, please don’t worry about this. This system is designed to ensure the use of 30,000 people.

And although the oxygen content in the outside air will drop, it is not to say that it will be reduced to the point where humans can’t survive. It is just that the oxygen content will drop to a level similar to that of the plateau. This system is mainly to prevent the decline in oxygen content. , Carbon dioxide deposition and lack of oxygen inside the shelter due to underground structures. “

   The explanation of the technical staff relieved these managers a lot. After listening to the explanation, the few people in charge of logistics discussed something.

“Did you say that the oxygen content of the external environment will not drop to the point where humans cannot survive?” When the technicians mentioned the issue of external oxygen content, Uncle Ding was particularly concerned, because the SWAT team is currently the most outbound in the police station. He is very concerned about this issue.

   The technician seemed to be very interested in answering this question, and stopped the work at hand to explain: “The total amount of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere is about one trillion tons, and a person breathes about 270 kilograms of oxygen each year.

   Even if calculated at 0.3 tons, even if the earth’s 7 billion people are still there, it would take 550,000 years to consume the oxygen in the atmosphere, and it would take thousands of years to reduce the oxygen content by 1%. “

Having said this, the technician laughed and added jokingly: “Of course, this is actually impossible. Even if the atmospheric environment drops by one or two percentage points, it is enough to cause human hypoxia. Less than 15% of the oxygen content in it is enough to cause serious consequences.

   The previous meteorite impacts and global fires have consumed a considerable part of the oxygen in the atmosphere. According to calculations, the oxygen content in the atmosphere has dropped by about 0.5 to 1%. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   In addition, there is no sunlight now, photosynthesis is almost stagnant, no new oxygen is produced in the atmosphere, and the oxygen content of the external environment can be maintained at about 18-15%. Of course, this depends on the region and the environment.

However, in the shelter, due to the problems of the underground building itself and the ventilation system alone, the oxygen content will be lower than the outside. According to calculations, if there is no oxygen supplement inside the shelter, the oxygen content is likely to drop. To below 15%, and the formation of carbon dioxide deposits, resulting in hypoxia. “

   Hearing the explanation from the technician, Uncle Ding nodded clearly, but his brows wrinkled.

   The external environment can survive and cannot survive, the issues that SWAT teams need to consider when going out on the field are completely different.

   The external environment cannot survive, and the dangers in the external environment will mainly come from the harsh natural environment. This can be done by improving the protective equipment and safety measures of the field staff to ensure the safety of the field staff.

   But if the external environment can still survive, but the conditions are worse, then the danger will undoubtedly increase greatly for the field personnel who go out to perform tasks.

In the peaceful era, there are still many criminal acts such as two robberies and one theft. Under the apocalypse, as the government’s control over the city weakens, criminal acts will breed even inside the shelter, not to mention the wildness is now for the government. Is it an area beyond reach?

The technician seemed to see Uncle Ding’s worry, smiled and comforted him: “But you don’t have to worry too much about this comrade. In addition to hypoxia, the temperature in the wild will also seriously restrict human activities in the wild. With a low temperature of tens of degrees below zero, coupled with lack of oxygen, not many people can stay in the wild for a long time in this harsh environment.”

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