Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 761:

Those who intended to make trouble were sent back to Europe by land cruiser that day, and the fate of waiting for them will naturally not be too good.

After all, all countries have participated in the joint research of the Nantianmen Project, and the official institutions of European countries have also expressed their strong support for this. And these people who are sent back are undoubtedly a huge shame for the official institutions of various countries.

Even if Chen Xin did not hold them accountable, after they were sent back to the country, their country’s official institutions would also hold them accountable.

But this has nothing to do with the base and the Nantianmen plan.

After those people were sent away, the atmosphere in the base was indeed tense for a while, but the reassurance and restraint of the leaders of various large project teams did not cause any irreversible consequences.

After the aftermath of this incident, the researchers involved in the Nantianmen Project obviously focused more on their work, so the progress of the project has been improved.

In addition to these troublemakers being dealt with and sent back to the country, this incident has another impact.

It was what they put forward. Some representatives of public opinion were elected to respond to problems to the upper level and speak up for the lower-level personnel. After discussions between Chen Xin and other responsible persons, the matter was passed.

However, it was not about public opinion elections, but Chen Xin asked Xiyao to enable lower-level personnel to report the situation to her.

Everyone can respond to questions or put forward opinions to Xiyao, and Xiyao will conduct screening and evaluation, and make a handling decision.

These handling decisions will be fed back by Xi Yao to the parties and his superiors, and more important matters will be traced back to Chen Xin to form an effective public opinion feedback mechanism.

After the opening of this mechanism, Tian Xiyao received a lot of opinions and suggestions on the first day, which even took up 10% of her calculations.

However, more than 90% of these are just trivial matters, and most of them don’t need to be dealt with deliberately. Only some small adjustments to the current rules and regulations can solve 80% of the problems.

As for the rest, only less than 1% can actually be fed back to Chen Xin.

Even for this 1%, Xiyao has already attached the handling comments. Chen Xin only needs to read it once, and if he thinks that there are problems, he can make some amendments and then he can directly approve it.

After this mechanism has been put into operation, the satisfaction of all staff has indeed risen a lot, and work efficiency has also improved.

In general, this matter has a fairly satisfactory result.

Seeing that this matter had a satisfactory result, Chen Xin stopped paying attention to it.

Because after a week of uninterrupted flight, the small aerospace carrier platform used for testing has successfully completed the test mission and landed on the runway of the base again.

During this week’s testing, this small aerospace aircraft platform used for testing has experienced various problems, the most serious one even caused a strike of one of the engines.

However, relying on the anti-gravity generator to stabilize the fuselage at the flying height, a brave crew member climbed out of the fuselage to perform maintenance outside the cabin, and the problem was smoothly eliminated.

This also gave the project team a reminder that a maintenance channel needs to be set up outside the aircraft platform.

After all, when flying without landing for a long time, when overhaul and maintenance are required, an external channel that can be used to exit the cabin for external maintenance is really needed.

In addition, there are various other problems, large and small, which have been reflected in this test. Some were successfully solved by the crew, some require major repairs and maintenance after the landing of the aircraft platform, and some simply require it. Dismantled and rebuilt.

Fortunately, these are all within the expectations of the project team. After all, this is only the first test flight of a technical verification machine. It is normal if there is a problem, and it is strange if there is no problem.

When the problem is exposed, it naturally needs to be dealt with. Whether it is Chen Xin or the project team, they obviously put their energy and time on this, and no one cares about public opinion matters.

There are many problems exposed by the flight test of the small aerospace aircraft platform. After all, it was a hodgepodge at the beginning.

Although the technologies are mature technologies and there are no problems at all when flying, the running-in between the technologies is not very good.

The problems that occurred during the flight test were mainly focused on this aspect.

The project team can only study how to solve this problem by problem, and there is no shortcut.

Although for Chen Xin, it is a matter of upgrading the system once, but the reason has already been said that in order to integrate the technologies of various countries, Chen Xin does not intend to use system upgrades to open up.

The cost of Chen Xin’s failure to hang up was that it took the project team about four months to successfully solve all the problems exposed during this flight test of the small carrier platform.

During these four months, other project teams have also made a lot of progress.

For example, the research team of the Energy Shield Project solved the problem when Chen Xin gave out how to make the shield not hinder the use of weapons in the shield.

The way to solve the problem is also very simple. The project research team came up with two different solutions.

The first option is to make the shield in the form of a shield, and use it like a shield in the cold weapon era. Naturally, there will be no problems with the shield affecting the use of weapons.

This solves the problem, and it is not difficult to implement. You don’t even need to make any changes to the existing shields. You only need to change the 360° fully activated shield to a small one that only targets the direction of the attack. The area shield is enough.

To achieve this, you only need to make some adjustments to the magnetic confinement device and the radar.

The radar accurately judges the direction of the attack. com and the magnetic confinement device activates the shield in this direction to play a defensive role.

However, such a shield also has certain problems, that is, it is very useful to resist small-power attacks, but if it is a high-power attack, it will still cause damage if it exceeds the shield’s coverage.

Of course, this problem is not serious. After all, the shield can bounce off explosions or fragments, and even if there is a place that is not covered, it will not be seriously injured.

And you can also use the way to increase the shield generator’s output, expand the shield’s coverage area or simply activate the full-covered shield, all of which can make the defense drip-proof.

As for the other method, the idea is more peculiar. They adopted a kind of idea in science fiction and attached the shield to the surface of the object that needs to be protected.


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