Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 766:

Situations like the pine and sled knights are almost everywhere in Europe. Every knight has received a document issued by the logistics officer, asking them to prepare for the future counterattack plan.

They actually don’t need to prepare much. Only one-third of the members of each knight order will be recruited, the remaining one-third will be used as reserve, and the last one-third will continue to maintain daily operations.

In other words, since they received this document, at least half of the members of each knight order must start military training, ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

At the same time, the logistics officer will also distribute several sets of exoskeletons to each knight order so that they can be familiar with and understand the use of these equipment and be able to use them proficiently.

According to the requirements of the document, every member of the Knight Order must be proficient in the use of exoskeleton, and be able to complete a full set of tactical actions while wearing the exoskeleton, and meet the qualified standards.

For knights like the Pine and Sled Knights, which usually do not have much combat missions, they are more disadvantaged. They have hardly any military operations, and they also have little military training.

Although according to the requirements of the Knights, they usually have some shooting training to maintain basic combat effectiveness, but they do lack professional military training, and they lack actual combat experience. Only those members who have paid the blood tax have certain combat experience.

In fact, European countries are also very fortunate at this time that Chen Xin has developed the Knight Order system and blood tax policy. This allows them to have a number of troops with at least a certain training basis out of thin air, and they also have certain battlefield experience.

You need to know that the biggest difference between veterans and recruits is battlefield experience.

During World War II, when a cannon rang on the battlefield, the veteran would listen to the caliber and fall point, and hide in the anti-cannon hole to count the time of the barrage. The recruits were so scared that they would scream and run around, and then they would be directly caught. Blown to death.

Those members who have paid the blood tax on the front line have experienced battles and have seen the cruelty of the front line and the appearance of alien creatures, which laid a good foundation for them.

They only need to be armed, and after a little adaptation and training, they can basically pull to the front as a qualified unit to fight.

As for the various knights, these members who have paid the blood tax are also very valuable assets. They have been exposed to exoskeleton and power armor on the front line. They can train other members of the knights and teach them at the same time. Combat experience, so that the recruits are not really cute.

Fortunately, in addition to knights such as the Pine and Sled Knights that have not performed much military missions, there are also many knights that have fought a lot of security wars. The members have honed a good combat experience, and a little training can be The performance was very good, and he could even be armed directly on the battlefield.

However, it will take a long time for these knights to really come in handy. After all, the equipment of the knights is the previous military equipment of various countries. Although there is no shortage of guns and ammunition, there is no equipment such as exoskeleton and power armor. Needless to say, the electromagnetic rifle has been widely used on the front line.

These things need to be produced in sufficient quantities by the factory to be able to arm these knights. Otherwise, let them hold those ordinary equipment and they will not be able to cause effective damage to alien creatures.

This is also one of the main reasons why countries have not rushed into the counterattack. After all, this is not a war. Two people can fire a gun. If there is no gun, they can pick up the dead person’s gun and press the bullet to fill the trench.

As for weapons and equipment, there are not only exoskeletons, power armors, and electromagnetic rifles. Ammunition for electromagnetic rifles, batteries for exoskeletons and power armors, various other transportation vehicles and supplies, all of which take a long time. Come prepared.

Especially to use such a large-scale force, people eat horses and chew, and food is a big problem.

In order to solve this problem, European countries even asked Yan countries to build two new synthetic protein factories in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, in order to obtain more synthetic protein foods for military rations.

Although this makes people feel too stingy, but for European countries, this is the most economical way they can now think of, and the way to hoard food that can be obtained in large quantities.

In addition to these, countries are also vigorously restoring their own industrial production facilities and producing as many weapons and equipment as possible.

was so damaged that it could not be restored, so I had to find the European aid fleet to buy industrial production equipment produced with 3D printing equipment.

I have to say that this is really a feng shui turn. Back then, the country of Yan bought European machines, but now Europe has come to buy machines from Yan country.

In fact, they actually envy the 3D printing equipment of the European fleet. For industrial production, there is nothing more fragrant than 3D printing equipment.

However, for 3D printing equipment, UU reading is very deadly. No matter what conditions are set by the countries, this is not for sale.

Although there is a tendency for all mankind to unite, and with the advancement of the Nantianmen Project, the process of integration of European countries is even more advanced than they have advanced in the half century after World War II.

But even in this case, Yan Guo still took some of his precious technology very seriously, and did not come up with ideas for sharing.

After all, Yan Guo suffered a loss in this respect back then, so there is always a lesson to be learned.

Moreover, countries are still countries now, and they are not really unified into a united human government. There are still some restrictions that should exist between countries.

What’s more, even if human beings really have a tendency and tendency to form a coalition government and unite all mankind into one government, but if this coalition government is not established for a day, it is impossible for countries to really expose their best things to others. people.

And even if a coalition is established, countries will still form a group of forces and groups, and it is impossible to eliminate the differences and estrangements between the original countries in a short period of time.

This can be seen from the fact that Europeans have been engaged in European integration for so many years, and the work they have done the most in the end is to translate documents.

Even if someone is really selfless, you can’t deny that most people are selfish.

However, Yan Guo and Lucia also supported the European counterattack plan. While providing a large amount of aid to Europe, they were also more actively promoting the construction of the Middle East defense line, and planned to use the Middle East as a counterattack direction. .

For this reason, they are not only speeding up the construction of the defense line in the Middle East, but also beginning to consciously gather their respective armies toward the defense line in the Middle East.

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