Doomsday Circle

Chapter 117 Dawn Circle

Quan Pu dared to take this order, largely because of Lu Luo. Lu Luo brought him the kind of intuitive power, no muddiness, and frightening potential.

In Quan Pu's heart, people like Lu Luo were definitely not the kind of people who would hang around in a small pond.

It can be seen from his disdain to be the campus overlord in the university dormitory that Lu Luo seems to be easy-going, but in fact he is quite arrogant.

Quan Pu took out his wine bottle, drank a few gulps of wine, and called Lu Luo back.

Brother Luo, I'll take this business. You can set a price.

I don't need anything else. I'll give you 52 small red bottles at a discounted price of 310,000. Pay with one hand and deliver them with the other. I want them today. The location is the school pharmacy laboratory.

So urgent? Quan Pu's face was sweating a little.

If it's not urgent, I won't go through your channels. Just tell me if you can do anything about it, right?

Quan Pu struggled again in his heart. When hesitating, he drank another sip of wine for himself.

Quan Pu, who entered the drunken state, immediately activated his sequence C-32-Alcoholic, triggering the effect of reducing sanity by 50% in the drunken state.

But just as he triggered the alcoholic, he also triggered his second sequence, C-33-Sobriety.

Immune to an effect that reduces the mind, and according to the 50% reduction ratio, the feedback increase should be reduced to the mind.

That is to say, when two sequences are activated at the same time, Quan Pu can increase his sanity by 25%. Only in this drunken state can he make the most correct judgment.

It was precisely because of these two talents that he was able to discover Lu Luo's difference when he first met Lu Luo.

Brother Luo, I've taken this order. You can go to the laboratory and wait for me. I'll be there within 3 hours.

Very good. I hope our first cooperation will be pleasant.

In fact, Lu Luo still didn't know how much psychological pressure his bright line as a hunter had brought to black marketeers like Quan Pu.

He was also thinking that Quan Pu should feel relieved in a small land like the school, right? We are all classmates, no one should be fooled.

As for cheating, he didn't care anyway. Han Shiyu was right next to him. If others dared to cheat, he would welcome it.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Luo returned to the pharmacy laboratory.

Han Shiyu was arranging potions in an orderly manner, while Qi Xinzhu was using Shenghui to enlighten the little red bottle.

He didn't waste time here. Instead, he took out the Dark Spirit Stone that he had harvested before and started practicing directly.

For him now, every minute and second is precious.

More than two hours later, Quan Pu came. What surprised Lu Luo was that he came alone.

Brother Luo, I'm here.

Logically speaking, for such a large order, Quan Pu should go through the company's channels. If he goes through the company's channels, it is unlikely that he will do it alone.

How can he get 300,000 yuan if he comes alone now?

What Lu Luo didn't expect was that Quan Pu directly misappropriated the company's accounts for this order, that is, embezzled public funds.

Quan Pu opened the suitcase he carried with him, and there were 6 stacks of brand new banknotes inside. It looked like a total of 310,000 yuan.

Brother Luo, I brought the money, where are the things?

Lu Luo didn't speak, he just pressed his hands on the stacks of banknotes, waiting for the observer's prompts.

[There are a total of 3,100 100-yuan alliance coins, with a total amount of 310,000 yuan. 】

[The drunkard still smells of alcohol, his heartbeat is fast, and his fingers are trembling. This person's current state should be very nervous and scared. 】

Lu Luo frowned slightly, Quan Pu was actually scared? He really came here to do such a big order all by himself. This guy has such a gambling habit!

Give him the medicine.

Lu Luo waved his hand, and Qi Xinzhu handed the small red bottle medicine box to Quan Pu.

Quan Pu picked up the medicine box, took a deep breath, restrained the trembling of his fingers, and prepared to leave.

Aren't you going to inspect the goods?

Brother Luo is a hunter. If you want to take advantage of others, it won't be so troublesome.

Although Quan Pu's hands were still trembling, he didn't pause or hesitate at all. He just took a box of medicine and walked out.

When he was about to walk out of the laboratory, Lu Luo stopped him.

Hey, Kwon Pu.

Quan Pu's hand trembled, and the medicine box almost turned over.

I have to emphasize to myself that he should be calm and collected. Lu Luo was not trying to take advantage of others. After adjusting his posture, Quan Pu turned his head.

Brother Luo, is there anything else?

You did a good job. I'll see you next time.

Quan Pu was relieved and showed a slightly honest smile, but no one thought he was really honest.

Okay, then thank you Brother Luo for taking care of the business.

Where are you going now? Qi Xinzhu looked at the box with a huge sum of 310,000 yuan, his eyes a little dazed, that's a lot of money!

Lu Luo now has more than 300,000 yuan in his hands. He thinks everyone is more like a thief, and no one else can get close to him.

Pulling Qi Xinzhu along, she ran towards the outside of the school and told her where her next destination was.

Let's go to the market in Siping District to buy things, and then return to the district before evening.

Going again? What do you want to buy?

There's no time to explain, hurry up and get in the car.

Lu Luo was very anxious because Qiao Xing had said before that he would take time to teach him alone for a period of time every night.

This kind of teaching is undoubtedly Qiao Xing's private property. It is truly useful martial arts knowledge, something that even money cannot buy.

So he had to go back before night, otherwise, according to Qiao Xing's character and temper, he might go to sleep directly.

The two took a taxi and came to the Siping District Market again. At this time, the sky was already a little dark. The time was around 5:40, which was almost the normal end of the day.

Lu Luo did not go to the store because all the dark spirit stones in the store had been tested.

Although there is no problem with the purity of these dark spirit stones, those dark spirit stones that contain good things must have been detected and taken away.

Compared to shops, he still prefers to go to the barbarian stall in Siping District.

Although the dark spirit stones here are muddy and dusty, these dark spirit stone savages do not have the technical means to inspect them.

Lu Luo, who has an observer, is best suited to pick up holes in this place.

Even if he couldn't find a dark spirit stone that could be picked up, relying on the observer, he could still buy stones here that were relatively cheaper than in shops.

With a clear goal and time being tight, Lu Luo rarely bargained with others.

He spent most of his energy looking for dark spirit stone companions like Grayscale.

He was about to walk around the place where the barbarians set up their stalls in Siping District without finding anything, just when he was about to give up.

I actually found a companion creature hiding a dark spirit stone from a new stall holder.

Satisfied, Lu Luo spent more than 350,000 yuan to buy the Dark Spirit Stone.

A total of 548 grams, including his own 40 grams, a total of 588 grams, a big lump.

With such a huge amount of resources, Lu Luo can finally achieve success by attacking the second air point or even the third air point.

Before it was completely dark, the two quickly took a taxi and returned to the parish.

You actually spent all the 350,000 yuan on dark spirit stones? What do you want, Lu Luo?

Qi Xinzhu didn't quite understand why Lu Luo bought so many dark spirit stones. Isn't this too extravagant?

Aiming for the second level, you inner circle people are so rich, don't you use dark spirit stones?

Lu Luo's expression was a little strange, but after Qi Xinzhu heard what he said, his expression became even stranger.

How is it possible to use dark spirit stones to advance to higher levels? Lu Luo, do you have a misunderstanding about the concept of advanced cultivation?

People in the inner ring can use dark spirit stones to cultivate progress and recovery, but if they are used to advance to levels, it will easily cause the foundation to be unstable.

If you fail several times in a row, it will not only waste resources, but also destroy your foundation and weaken your confidence.

So even if the people in the inner ring are rich, their choice is to go to the second ring to make a breakthrough instead of using the dark spirit stone.

[Failed to advance? Unstable foundation? Lose confidence? Sorry, hosts with fusions cannot encounter the problems you mentioned. 】

Although Lu Luo wanted to tell Qi Xinzhu this cruel fact, he thought about it and let it go. As a human being, you should keep a low profile when you should.

If you are too high-profile, you will be beaten easily.

However, there were still some things in Qi Xinzhu's words that interested him, such as the breakthrough of the second ring.

Does the breakthrough in the second ring have any special effects? How many times the dark energy concentration is here?

you know?

Qi Xinzhu glanced at Lu Luo, seemingly surprised that Lu Luo knew that the dark energy concentration of the inner ring was higher than that of the fourth ring.

But she didn't continue, mainly because she couldn't bear to hurt him. In her opinion, Lu Luo must have worked very hard to make such rapid progress.

If Lu Luo knew that there was such a big gap between people in the inner circle and those in the outer circle, he would probably not be able to accept it.

Lu Luo saw the hesitation in her eyes, but he still wanted to ask.

If this is not confidential, then there is no need to hesitate. Just tell the truth. I can understand and accept any situation.

The matter of dark energy concentration is indeed a secret of the inner circle, but since you know it, it doesn't matter if I tell you now.

The dark energy concentration of the third ring is 4-5 times that of the fourth ring. After reaching the second ring, because the second ring is smaller, the dark energy concentration is about 20 times that of the fourth ring, but it is not a conventional area.

Damn, 20 times. Comparing one person to another will really make people angry. No wonder the people in the inner circle are so arrogant all day long.

With a 20-fold difference in dark energy concentration, coupled with the extremely high economic level of the inner ring, their cultivation speed can indeed crush the fourth ring.

If people from the fourth ring want to catch up with those from the inner ring in cultivation, they have no choice but to go outside the wall.

Lu Luo, you don't have to feel that there is a big gap. As I said, the second ring is not a conventional survival area.

Only those who have reached a certain level of strength and those who are ready to break through will go to the second ring.

Because the dark energy concentration in the second ring is too high, humans are not suitable for long-term survival in the second ring, so the third ring is the main residence of people in the inner ring.

At our age, due to the concentration of dark energy, people from the Four Rings are usually around level 1. For example, you, Gu Fangyi, and some other people from the Four Rings Church are all level 1.

The people in the inner circle are usually Level 2. For example, I and the people from the four major Apocalypse Knights are all Level 2.

When your strength reaches the first level, you will be able to go outside the wall, so the gap between the people in the inner ring and the people in the outer ring is actually not that big.

Qi Xinzhu's voice is getting softer and softer. Is the gap not that big? This is just a lie to children.

However, Lu Luo felt a little comforted when he heard that the second ring was not a regular survival area, and was usually only used for the cultivation and breakthrough of the boss.

But the gap between the inner and outer rings is still very large. The third ring means absolute safety, but outside the wall there are dangers everywhere, so you must be cautious at all times.

The dark energy in the inner ring is gentle and easy to absorb, while the dark energy outside the wall is chaotic and may cause distortion.

Humans can't even stay outside the wall for a long time. Except for hunters, the longest visa is only 100 days, and you have to go through various inspections when you come back. Can it be compared?

What about one ring? How many times can one ring reach at most?

The Second Ring Road is already 20 times the size of the Fourth Ring Road. Isn’t that Ring Road 100 times longer? Even if you can only stay there for a few days, it’s equivalent to a year outside.

Regarding Yihuan, Qi Xinzhu shook his head.

The situation in the first ring is a bit complicated. Normally no one lives there. Only church members can enter, but not for more than one day.

Because the First Ring is not only the foundation of mankind, but also a protective area and the last barrier of strength for mankind.

Lu Luo raised his eyebrows slightly, the foundation of human beings? Protected area? Power barrier?

What does protected area mean? Why is there no one living in the first ring? In terms of multiples, the first ring should have 100 times the dark energy concentration, right?

Lu Luo, you won't forget what happened when the dark energy concentration was too high, right?

Lu Luo was stunned. He had been considering the concentration multiple of dark energy before, but he forgot that dark energy itself is a very dangerous energy.

Dark energy can create not only extraordinary beings, but also powerful alien species.

If there really is 100 times the dark energy, then there must be at least 100 times the alien species. Even the mildest dark energy is still dark energy.

If it is really 100 times, then even a broken stone may be distorted.

Are you saying that if you stay in one ring for too long, you will become a mutant?

Yes, the dark energy in the inner ring is indeed much milder than that of the fourth ring and outside the wall. It is very suitable for human cultivation.

But even the mildest dark energy is still dark energy, and its nature has not changed.

Dark energy is originally the source of all dangers. Too high a concentration of dark energy will only cause distortions in humans.

The dark energy of the second ring is dangerous to many people, let alone the first ring.

Even the most devout light seekers may suffer distortions under the influence of high concentrations of dark energy. We call this distortion...

Holy Judgment.

[Secret knowledge is being recorded...]

Holy Judge!

There was a hint of regret and sadness in Qi Xinzhu's words, as if certain situations in Yihuan made her think of some not-so-good things.

Lu Luo paused for a while. He had to take Qi Xinzhu's mood into account now.

Now Qi Xinzhu is considered an employee of Yuanhuan, and the salary is 200 yuan a month.

Next, she can continuously create value for Lu Luo, which will be a huge amount of wealth. From now on, the krypton gold cultivation will all depend on her. Lu Luo's treasure is tight, so nothing can go wrong.

After seeing that Qi Xinzhu's mood had recovered, Lu Luo continued to ask.

What exactly is the thing inside that ring? Does it have any specific function?

Qi Xinzhu looked at Lu Luo, her expression was very complicated. This matter was already a secret of the entire church, and even the entire alliance.

But Han Shiyu had clearly told her before that if Lu Luo asked about the church, no matter what kind of secret it was, she must speak frankly without any reservations.

The teacher asked her to listen to Han Shiyu, and Han Shiyu asked her to listen to Lu Luo, but the church's teachings for many years have always emphasized the need to protect the secret of the First Ring.

So now, Qi Xinzhu is completely in a dilemma, and Lu Luo also sees her dilemma, so he is ready to give up.

Can't you say this? If you can't say it...

Qi Xinzhu didn't hesitate for too long. Now she has followed Lu Luo to this step and even joined the circle.

She believed that the teacher would not lie to her, nor would her senior sister lie to her, so she had nothing to hold back from Lu Luo.

“No, you can say that.

The thing inside the first ring is called the Dawn Disk.

When Lu Luo heard the Dawn Disk, he paused first, and then his pupils tightened.

He seems to have one of those things like a disc! And it looks awesome, what do observers think?

[Above the sequence, it cannot be evaluated. 】

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