Doomsday Circle

Chapter 128 The Holy Light betrayed them

Lu Luo followed Han Shiyu to the tent specially set up by the academic staff for her autopsy.

The bodies of Wang Le and Li Xiaomin have been dissected by Han Shiyu.

Although they have been deformed, they still retain some human characteristics because they were killed by Lu Luo during the deformation process.

Professor Han, have you found anything? What type of virus caused the distortion?

It's not a discovery. The bodies of these two students have been deformed, and I haven't found the virus you mentioned.

Although their bodies are very weak, their overall condition is relatively healthy. I have not found the heterogeneous virus you mentioned in their bodies.

How should I put it? I think their distortions are not caused by viruses.

Han Shiyu's words overturned Lu Luo's previous speculation. Wasn't it a distortion caused by a heterogeneous virus? How does that cause distortion? It can't be for no reason, right?

Is there really nothing wrong with their bodies?

“Because the deformation will destroy part of the body structure, it is difficult to find out what happened to their bodies.

Only by asking those girls to come over and conduct some biopsies can we rule them out one by one.

However, I am not sure that biopsy will yield useful results.

Lu Luo nodded. He decided to tell Han Shiyu what happened just now.

Professor Han, I just asked those students a lot of questions and got some answers.

Oh? Got a clue so soon?

This matter may have been done by members of Dawn Church.

Han Shiyu paused while packing her belongings, but her face remained calm and she didn't seem to care much about church members becoming suspects.

Professor Han, aren't you surprised at all by this result?

What am I surprised about? People in the church are not necessarily people who sincerely serve the Dawn.

Today, there are many people joining the Church of Dawn, but some of them have impure intentions. They are just to gain power.

Isn't it strange that these people who are dominated by power and desire produce some scum?

Han Shiyu expressed some of her opinions in such a nonchalant manner, and these words seemed to include her attitude towards the current church.

It seems that she is also dissatisfied with the current church.

Professor Han is also aware of some of the things happening in the church now, right? For example...

Lu Luo looked directly into Han Shiyu's eyes. In his heart, he still didn't want Han Shiyu to be related to the bride incident.

And Han Shiyu had already seen through Lu Luo's little thoughts.

I know you asked Qi Xinzhu about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Now you should be investigating the Flower of Life and Fruit of Life, right?

Lu Luo nodded. He could only ask this question cautiously.

Does Professor Han know anything about the Fruit of Life?

I have been away from the inner circle for eight years and have already left the center of power.

I am actually not interested in the filthy things in the church today. Now I just want to quietly pursue what I want.

8 years? Lu Luo immediately remembered what happened to Lu Di. It happened seven years ago. Did Han Shiyu leave the center of power of the church early?

However, Han Shiyu answered his question head-on. At least Han Shiyu had nothing to do with Lu Di's matter, which made Lu Luo feel more comfortable.

Okay, I believe Professor Han.

Lu Luo's question just now was already very bold. What level is Han Shiyu? What level is he?

That kind of questioning method already felt a bit offensive. Whether Han Shiyu said anything or not, he actually didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing Lu Luo's curious and scared look on the baby's face, Han Shiyu suddenly burst into laughter.

Haha, you are a duplicitous guy, I can indeed tell you something about the Fruit of Life.

Damn, another village has become brighter than ever before! Professor Han Shiyu still cares about Liming’s children!

Lu Luo felt that his level of fishing law enforcement had improved.

Professor Han, please speak. I am all ears.

The Fruit of Life was originally the ancient supreme alchemy recorded in an ancient book left behind by the Life Knights, a generation of Life Paladins.

After the death of a generation of life knights, these forbidden books were sealed.

I know something about alchemy, so I have indeed heard a little bit about this matter.

At that time, the second-generation Life Paladin had been fighting for a long time, and his body was almost exhausted, but the black tide was coming at that time. If the second-generation Life Paladin died.

Then it will be difficult for the remaining members of the Life Knights to resist the black tide.

Therefore, his knights stole the refining method of the Fruit of Life from Ali and gave it to some alchemists to make the Fruit of Life.

There is no doubt that the Fruit of Life was successfully created, and the second generation of Life Paladins were reborn. With concerted efforts, they finally repelled the Black Tide.

But after that, the second generation secretly killed all the knights involved in the incident, and he himself committed suicide on the wall of the Wall of Sighs.

I don't know much about the refining process of the Fruit of Life.

But I can tell you responsibly that this thing is clearly documented by the church and can really extend life.

After listening to Han Shiyu's words, Lu Luo was silent for a long time. This kind of thing that can almost change one's fate actually exists.

Okay, I'm one step closer to the truth, but it seems to be of no use.

Now knowing the effect of the Fruit of Life will not help the current case.

The Fruit of Life can only be regarded as his own private matter. Now, he still has to focus on the strange incident.

And he is very close to the instigator behind the scenes.

Thank you Professor Han for telling me such a confidential matter, but now that I know this, it seems to be meaningless.

Oh, by the way, Professor Han, do church members usually come to the school to preach? This person may have a lot to do with this incident.

Han Shiyu thought for a while, and a look of uncertainty appeared on her face.

Indeed, his name is Wu En, and he is a very old pastor. However, Pastor Wu En is already over 90 years old and cannot walk steadily.

When he was young, he participated in the 343 Kuroshio War. Now he may die at any time. Are you sure it is related to him?

Lu Luo frowned slightly. According to Han Shiyu, this Wu En really didn't look like the person who did this.

Then does he have any relatives, friends, or family members?

No, Pastor Wu En is also a believer. He has devoted his whole life to the church and has no children or partner.

He just returned from the inner circle pilgrimage not long ago, and he told me that this should be his last pilgrimage.

Lu Luo nodded. According to what Han Shiyu said, this Wu En was indeed unlikely to be the one behind this incident.

Just as Lu Luo was about to turn around, he suddenly stopped.

The second-level deformed female student just now, what did she say?

[The woman just now said: Why are you here to get to the bottom of it? I just want to survive. 】

Looking at the information prompted by the observer, Lu Luo suddenly felt a flash of inspiration. He seemed to have figured out something.

Qi Xinzhu once told him that the Circle of Dawn is in one ring, and that is the place where all light seekers will worship.

The old pastor Wu En had just gone there to worship not long ago, so there was no problem.

But Qi Xinzhu also said that it is possible for someone who worships light to be in a circle to be deformed. This kind of distortion is very special and is called the Holy Discipline by the church.

Lu Luo didn't know what was so special about this aberration called Holy Judgment, but if there was really something wrong with Wu En, then many things would make sense.

Professor Han! Can you help me see if these two girls are pregnant?

Han Shiyu was stunned. She wasn't sure why Lu Luo asked this question, but she had already examined the bodies of two girls during the autopsy just now.

Their bodies have been deformed, so I have no way to tell whether they are pregnant. Why do you suddenly ask this question?

If month means menstruation, then this is the reason why I ask this question. Professor Han, come with me.

Lu Luo directly asked Han Shiyu to follow him until he came to the scene of the commotion and stopped in front of the remaining ten female students.

Lu Luo, what do you mean?

Yeah, check it out for me, everyone.

Under the surprised looks of the members of the Circle Studio, Han Shiyu, Qi Xinzhu, and You Xiaoqi took away some female students one after another.

In many cases, the examination is forcible. Fortunately, during this process, these female students did not suffer any distortion.

After going back and forth several times, Han Shiyu and the others' faces became increasingly ugly.

After waiting for all the inspections to be completed, Lu Luo looked at the expressions of these people and already had the answer in his heart.

Han Shiyu took off her mask and nodded to Lu Luo.

“You guessed it right, all these girls were pregnant not long ago, and they had no idea about their pregnancy.

Another point is that their pregnancy status is different from that of normal women, so I didn't notice it at the first time.

“Can you tell me the differences in detail?”

Their pregnancy, well, to put it simply, means they are carrying non-human children!

Lu Luo nodded. This conclusion was completely consistent with his speculation just now.

Professor Han, come here with me.

Lu Luo's next speculation was really inconvenient to tell others. The fruit of life alone could keep a strong man like Lu Di dormant for several years.

Letting other people in the circle know about the situation will only increase trouble, and Lu Luo himself can only investigate secretly.

But once his speculation comes true, then this matter will require a minimum of force.

Although he had been promoted to the second level, he did not think that he had the ability to handle this matter alone, so he chose Han Shiyu.

With Han Shiyu's strength, even if an accident occurs, she can handle it well.

The two returned to the tent where the autopsy was conducted, and Han Shiyu spoke first.

Have you got any results?

Well, it's not convenient to tell them, so I can only tell you.

It seems that the matter is quite big! Tell me.

First of all, we have to make sure that distortion is not an unreasonable mutation. In a dark energy-poor area like the Fourth Ring Road, there must be sufficient conditions for distortion to occur.

What's more, such dense and controllable distortion must only occur under very special conditions.

Han Shiyu nodded. He had learned the principles of distortion, but in a special place like the Fourth Ring Road, it was indeed very slow to meet some conditions.

The principle of distortion is pretty good.

Professor Han, you have ruled out the possibility of viruses in these female students.

Since it is not a virus, there are even fewer controllable options.

Han Shiyu nodded.

So you thought about getting pregnant?

“Yes, to some extent, pregnancy is really similar to a virus entering the body, but it is very different.

The other party used special heterogeneous embryos to control these girls instead of viruses. It was really a very clever method. He understood human nature and heterogeneity very well.

Devouring flesh and blood - tentacles - nightmare - old light worshiper - worship - pregnancy - the fruit of life - the moon.

These clues may seem messy, but as long as you think about the key points and rearrange them, you will get the real answer.

Keep talking.

Lu Luo opened a bottle of pure water, dipped some water in it and wrote down the information he collected on the table, and then began to analyze it.

These things are just my personal speculations. There is no evidence in many places. They are just my imagination.

Well, I understand what you mean, go ahead.

Wu En, an old man who admires light, has no children or a partner, and even his walking has become stooped and staggering.

It’s hard to imagine what desires such a person would have.

Maybe Wu En really doesn't have any desires, but I have a very bold but very realistic idea.

That is Wu En and online shopping. His desire is to always serve the Dawn Circle to which he is loyal.

So, Wu En went to the inner circle and made the final pilgrimage of a light seeker!

Weakness is an important condition for the occurrence of distortion. When a person is weak enough and the dark energy is strong enough, distortion may occur at any time.

Wu En is a desireless, weak and pious old light seeker.

When he was dying, he indulged his last desire, hoping that he would serve the Dawn forever.

So at that time, Wu En probably wanted to die in the inner circle, in front of the Dawn Circle.

But unfortunately, his idea was shattered, and strong dark energy invaded his body.

At this time, Wu En should have undergone some kind of distortion. The distortion of the light seeker is what you call the Holy Judgment, right?

At this point, let’s pause for a moment. Professor Han, when Qi Xinzhu wrote these things last time, he said them very vaguely, and I couldn’t figure out the principle of the Holy Judgment.

Can you tell me now, what exactly is the Holy Judgment Distortion?

Han Shiyu's face changed slightly when she heard the word holy judgment. It could be seen from her expression that the so-called holy judgment was really not a trivial matter like ordinary aberrations.

Holy Judgment, also known as Holy Judgment, is the most special aberration discovered by humans so far. This aberration can completely retain part of their sanity, abilities, and complete holy glory.

It can be said that apart from the fact that the essence of their lives has become alien, they are no different from normal situations.

But inside the wall, humans cannot accept the existence of alien species, and they can only be judged by Shenghui in the end, which is very sad.

They did not betray the Holy Light, but the Holy Light betrayed them!

The original meaning of the Holy Judgment is to commemorate those light seekers whose minds were corrupted by alien species and dark energy during the battle with alien species.

But in the past few decades, many light seekers close to the first ring, as well as high-level members of the four major knights, have more or less appeared in the Holy Inquisition.

However, most of the aberrations of the Holy Inquisition have been suppressed by the church, and not many people know about them.

Han Shiyu said it in detail, and it didn't take Luo Luo to know that this was another secret belonging to the church's top brass.

Well, the distortion can still retain the complete Holy Glory. It seems that this so-called Holy Inquisition is even more outrageous than I imagined.

However, the powerful distortion effect of Holy Judgment can be regarded as explaining some loopholes in my speculation.

Assume that Wu En's appearance has not changed after the Holy Inquisition deformation, and you also said that the Holy Inquisitor will retain all the Holy Glory of the Light-seeking One.

Therefore, he should have bypassed the exploration of the inner ring, preventing these people from discovering that he had suffered from the Holy Judgment distortion, and finally returned here, to the east of the fourth ring.

Even if what you said makes sense, what about what happens next? What does it have to do with this incident?

If Pastor Wu En was really deformed because of his last wish, which was to serve the dawn, then everything he did next would make sense.

After the deformation, Pastor Wu En should have retained part of his human will. He felt that his life status as a human being was getting lower and lower.

He wants to fulfill his wish, and in order to fulfill his wish, he cannot die here, so he needs the fruit of life.

If I guess correctly, Pastor Wu En should be a very senior person in the church but without any real power.

You can freely enter and exit some parts of the church and access information, but you have no specific rights.

He found out how to make the Fruit of Life from the church, and he had already started trying to make it.

Now that he has the ability to control dreams, he doesn't know what method to use to get all these girls pregnant.

I guess it's the tentacles in the dream.

What he is parasitizing is different from normal pregnancy, so these days should be the time for him to sacrifice his students and harvest the fruits.

I don’t know if these girls were his first experiments, but if our Circle Studio hadn’t intervened in this matter, he might have succeeded.

The order of the clues can probably be arranged like this.

The old light seeker - worship - wish - distortion - method - control dreams - obtain the fruit of life.

Although these were Lu Luo's speculations, which sounded very forced and far-fetched, Han Shiyu always felt that what he said was right.

From these limited clues, how can you actually do this? Have you had a similar career before?

[Required, UU Reading The number one detective in the host country's server, the kind who is so awesome that he is drowned. 】

Ahem, maybe I'm more talented!

Lu Luo suddenly remembered the black tentacles that suddenly disappeared just now. Those tentacles pierced the girl's abdomen. Did they take away what he wanted?

If this is really the case, then this Wu En may have completed the refining of his own magically modified life fruit.

Han Shiyu frowned and glanced at the time.

It's already past 4 o'clock now, and in more than three hours, Wu En should come to school with Qiao Xing.

If all your inferences are correct, then he should come to harvest the fruits tomorrow?

But Qiao Xing will also come tomorrow. How dare Wu En?

Lu Luo thought about Qiao Xing's request for a bribe of 200 yuan, and then he said this out of nowhere.

Perhaps he is complicit?

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