Doomsday Circle

Chapter 448 The 9th Apostle-The Pretender

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When Lu Luo held the Ashbringer and rose to the sky.

I don't know if it was because of surprise or some other emotion, but a sneer came from the miniature in the sky.


His big hand threw Wu Handing up, and then he grabbed Lu Luo. As the two got closer, Lu Luo could clearly see the fingerprints, wrinkles, and wounds on his palm.

There is no doubt that the big hand in front of me is a human hand.

It's definitely not a simulacra or anything like that.

If it is a simulated thing, there is no need to be so detailed.

Can humans be so huge?

[Lu Xiaoluo, calm down! 】

Ignoring the observer's reminder, Lu Luo's expression remained indifferent, and he held the sword in his hand tighter than before.

When the blazing heat was mixed with lightning, the energy in Lu Luojian began to mutate.

His speed became faster and faster, and his momentum became unstoppable.

Just when he was about to meet the big hand, Lu Luo suddenly stopped and turned back, bypassing the big hand's grasp at a very strange angle.

Do you really think I have no brains? Come here!


The ground of Twin Towers Mountain began to crack, and after absorbing the power of the earth, the eyeball aberration grew even larger tentacles.

These tentacles may be smaller than the big hand in front of Lu Luo, but for Lu Luo, they are completely enough.


Countless tentacles wrapped around the big hand in the sky, and the descending will seemed to be even more surprised by Lu Luo's actions.

He grabbed these tentacles and pulled them suddenly, uprooting these tentacles rich in the power of the earth.

This kind of uprooting is not uprooting a tree, but a mountain.

active volcano.

But Lu Luo didn't look at the scene behind him. He went straight up and continued upward.

Wu Handing was already close at hand, and his goal seemed to be to kill this woman.

It's so ungrateful!

The giant hand discarded those broken and collapsed tentacles, and this easy pull made the entire mountains, rivers and land tremble.

When he grabbed Lu Luo again, Lu Luo's body twisted.

Black energy began to cover his whole body.

His muscles began to swell, and his claws and fangs began to protrude.

The expanding energy began to gather above his head, turning into a pair of things like horns.

The thick tail constantly adjusts his body balance.

This is Lu Luo's alien state.

Abnormal Species - The Final Moment!

Also called extreme realm.

When the final moment unfolded, Lu Luo's body transformed into a perfect form of about 3 meters.

The Ashbringer looked a bit huge in his hand.

It fit his body shape perfectly at this time, and it felt like it was prepared in advance.

Lu Luo took a deep breath, and black lightning and red steam began to fill his body.

The insights and power that Ashbringer had absorbed before flowed into Lu Luo's body at this moment.

Recalling the process when Wu Handing broke through to level 7, Lu Luo's mind entered a very pure state.

Both have broken through level 7, and his state is very different from Wu Handing's.

At this time, Lu Luo's energy, body, and will had reached their limit and reached a perfect state.

Before reaching the seventh level, Lu Luo no longer needed to absorb more power.

In 2 years, he has improved his energy and physique to an ultimate state.

What he needs now is a breakthrough in his mind and realm.

To be precise, it is to break through yourself.

But when it comes to breaking through level 7, Lu Luo has no experience and no reference.

Neither Ludy nor Qiao Xing told him about Level 7.

He needs some reference points and some thinking.

Wu Handing is not the best choice, but it is the closest choice.

Wu Handing's breakthrough inspired Lu Luo a lot.

Level 7, nothing more than that!

In Lu Luo's body, the Doomsday Disk rotated again, and certain sequences were rearranged at this time.

While the sequence was being reorganized, his body was also undergoing some subtle changes.

Slender and more perfect than before.

A qualitative change from the inside out began to appear in Lu Luo's body.

Just like nuclear fission, this qualitative change accumulated huge power in Lu Luo's body.

These powers accumulated in Lu Luo's body, with nowhere to vent them, and seemed ready to explode at any moment.

Lu Luo felt that he needed to explode!

He looked at Wu Handing in front of him and smiled slightly.

about there!

The giant hand has already grasped the ground. In front of such a huge creature, Lu Luo was as small as an insect.

Darkness has fallen, and Lu Luo, who is held in the palm of his hand, seems likely to die at any time.

Everything has become peaceful again!

But in the darkness, there was a leisurely sigh.

ha! ~

Breath of Thunder.

The third form of Kenshin - Breaking the Sky.

A flash.

The blade of the sword flickered like a meteor falling from the sky.

One cut kills a thousand blows.

The slash shot out from between the fingers of the palm.

A large amount of blood sprayed out, like a bloody rain.

The sword energy spreads across 30,000 miles, and one sword shines coldly across nineteen states.

Lu Luo cut off three fingers from the huge palm. When these three fingers fell to the ground, they immediately made a deafening sound.

But after touching the ground, it quickly dissipated.

Lu Luo, holding the sword, was floating in the air. At this time, he did not rely on the power of the jet belt, but relied on himself to get rid of the shackles of the earth.

Level 7 is done!

Lu Luo did not recall and comprehend the sword energy just now at this time.

His eyes have been locked on Wu Handing above.

Lu Luo's worldview is both simple and complex.

The complicated thing is that he is a time traveler and has many views that are incompatible with this world.

To put it simply, I will not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will kill someone!

If you dare to touch his wife and children, even if you are a member of the royal family, you are no exception!


With a slight swing of the giant sword, Wu Handing floating above was instantly cut into two pieces.

After killing the princess, Lu Luo turned around and faced the giant hand with three broken fingers.

The other party did not continue to convey his will, but was silent for a while.

Lu Luo knew very well that the other party had not left, so he was also waiting for the consequences of this matter.

good, very good, excellent!

I killed your people, okay?

“I never imagined that there would be such an amazing young man as you in our empire.

May I have your name?

[He doesn’t even know your name? Then I run at this time? Would not it be……】

Lu Luo also felt that the observer's idea was reasonable, but at this time, his intuition told him that escaping would be useless.

The other party has locked onto his aura.

Hey, wait, lock the breath?

Lu Luo looked at the giant hand in the sky and asked tentatively.

You really don't know who I am?

The will on the other side suddenly felt something was wrong and said doubtfully:

Aren't you willing to say it?

Lu Luo suddenly grinned:

You don't know who I am, so just pretend and say goodbye!

The carapace on his body fell off directly, and the energy on his body seemed to have completely stripped away the flesh.

When the energy was stripped away by him, the will that locked him seemed to be stripped away at the same moment.

The sword that cut off the giant hand just now had consumed all the will and vigor that Lu Luo had accumulated over the past two years.

He has just broken through level 7 and is in urgent need of a safe place.

So...if you don't make a decision when something happens, just run away.

When Lu Luo was freed from all the energy, he immediately hid in the disk space and disappeared into the Twin Towers Mountain.

The huge palm is still suspended on the ruined Twin Towers Mountain, and blood flows like a river in the mountain and gravel.

Later, this will gradually dissipated, and he no longer continued to pursue Lu Luo's location.

Everyone in Shuangta Mountain was already dead. Apart from remembering Lu Luo's appearance, he didn't know any information about Lu Luo.

The clue suddenly stopped.

The broken palm gradually dissipated, and the terrifying pressure gradually disappeared into the air.

If it weren't for the destruction of Twin Towers, no one would be able to imagine what happened here.

At the same moment, somewhere in the imperial palace, a slightly old and stooped figure suddenly laughed.

He smiled vaguely, and then took out a pamphlet from his arms.

After flipping through a few pages, I came to Wu Handing's information page.

He drew an X heavily and closed the book with satisfaction.

Very good, another one died! The forty-sixth princess, Wu Handing!

After crossing out Wu Handing's page, the old man slowly stood up and walked slowly toward the door.

The waiter outside the door came over in a panic after seeing the old man getting up.

Emperor, emperor...

Okay, take me away.


The waiter quickly lowered his head. It was his first time on duty. Before coming, he had only heard that a very old royal family member lived here.

Unidentified, but certainly royal.

He has a very weird personality, but most of the time he hides in the house and never comes out.

Unexpectedly, when he came here for the first time today, he encountered a situation where the old man wanted to go out.

Ancestor, where do you want to go today?

Ancestor? The old man didn't seem to expect that the waiter would use such a title. When he looked at the waiter again, his eyes seemed to soften a little.

Just walk around!


how old are you?

Just 20.

You are very young! The future belongs to young people like you.

Well, how can people like us have a future?

The waiter's expression seemed a little downcast. If he didn't have no choice, who would want to come here and become a waiter?

Although eunuchs are no longer used in the new empire, there is no way for waiters who have not undergone a second loyalty screening to practice.

This is a rule and for the safety of the royal family.

After hearing his slightly unwilling tone, the wrinkles on the old man's face became deeper.

He seemed particularly happy today.

Yes, if young people are no longer good, then this country will have no future.

Um, ancestor...that's what it is.

Do you also want to educate me?

No, I don't dare.

Haha, but there are still some outstanding young people in the empire, such as the one just now!

Just now?

The waiter became more and more confused. He felt that the old man in front of him was a little delirious.

Are you too old?

The two of them unknowingly arrived at a pharmacy in the palace.

This place is a bit down and out, there seems to be no one there, and it is obviously different from the pharmacy outside the palace.

Uh, ancestor, let's change places?

No, it's right here. Get me some medicine.

Medicine? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Are you dizzy? Or are your limbs numb?

As a waiter, you must know some medical first aid knowledge.

The diseases that the elderly are most likely to suffer from are generally cerebral infarction, stroke, heart disease, etc.

That's why he said this, but he obviously guessed wrong.

The old man stretched out his left hand, and there was a bloody wound on it:

No, I want you to help me get some new healing potions.

Such a long opening?

Go ahead.


When the waiter went in to get the medicine, the old man also raised his injured palm and examined it carefully.

“You dare to take action in such a situation, you do have some spirit and courage.

Not bad, very good! Cough cough cough!

After saying that, the old man suddenly coughed violently.

His originally pale face now turned a sickly red.

His right fist was clenched tightly, and his eyes emitted a devouring light, like a turbid demon.

But soon, this look dissipated.

Because the waiter who took the medicine had already come out, he smiled and handed the medicine to the old man.

Ancestor, it was said that this is the latest model of GT-02, which is very easy to use and has strong recovery power.

With your status, you can apply to receive one for free every month.

Is it okay every month? The royal family is really generous to us clan members!

Although the old man sounded like he was praising the royal family, his tone was full of sarcasm.

The messenger was not slow, and he could naturally hear the old man's tone at this time.

But because of his identity, he could only lower his head and dare not speak.

Let's go.

Um, where to?

go back.


The waiter felt that the old man was not very difficult to take care of. He didn't know why his companions showed such frightened expressions when they mentioned the old man.

Isn't this a nice job?

He felt that it was better to serve the elderly than those members of the royal family.

Returning to the door of the old man's room, the old waiter waved his hand.

Ancestor, what's the matter?

Come with me.

Uh? Okay.

The waiter followed the old man back to the room, and the door closed naturally. No one did anything, he closed it himself.

Soon, some hoarse sounds came from the room.

It was like the sound of some kind of creature being suffocated and unable to scream.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of biting objects, which lasted for a long time before ending.

After some time, the old man came out of the room tremblingly.

His eyes seemed a little brighter than before, and his originally stooped waist was now a little straighter.

What a good young man, it's a pity that I couldn't hold it back!

The old man seemed a little helpless, and then he knocked on the doorbell.

After a while, another waiter came over with small steps.

Your Highness!

The old man looked the new waiter up and down. He was not very satisfied with his average appearance, but he could get by with it.

From today on, you will be on duty here.


On the other side, Lu Luo had been hiding in the disk space for more than 6 hours.

Although he didn't know what the situation was like around him, he still decided to come out and take a look at this time.

When he escaped from the disc space, Lu Luo could already see people from the Inspection Department and Security Office starting to clean up the surrounding environment.

Bodies, debris, and damaged terrain will all take time to repair.

It seems that Zhang Changming and the others have a lot of work ahead!

Just as Lu Luo spoke, the feeling like gangrene in the bones appeared again.

He knew that he was still locked by that will, and it was not an option to continue like this.

I didn't expect that by stripping away energy like this, there is no way to get rid of the other party's will.

The power of the top experts is truly terrifying. Is there anyone who can help?

[For example...Ms. Meiqi? 】

Lu Luo pondered for a moment, Meiqi seemed to be a suitable person.

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up.

Going to Qi Xinzhu and the others at this time would cause trouble for them, so he had to get rid of the marks on his body as soon as possible.

Taking out the phone, Lu Luo dialed Qi Xinzhu's number.


Qi Xinzhu, who was opposite, was a little excited. Although the two were not apart for a long time, she knew exactly what Lu Luo was going to do when he went out this time.

Killing an imperial daughter... This is something that is simply unimaginable in the empire.

It has been solved over there, but now I have a little trouble and I need to deal with it.

You should be careful these days. If you feel in danger, go to Zhang Changming.

okay, I get it.

Unexpectedly, when it comes time to really need help, the only one who can help here is Zhang Changming.

After saying goodbye to Qi Xinzhu, Lu Luo called Zhang Changming again.


Hey, things and people have been settled, where is that person?

Zhang Changming was talking about Wu Handing. Wu Handing had contacted him before. It was obvious that he was aware of the conflict between the two.

I got it done.

Lu Luo frankly confessed that this matter simply could not withstand the arrangement.

Because there will be an announcement from the royal family soon, there is no point even if I lie to Zhang Changming here.

What's more, Lu Luo still needs help.

Zhang Changming was obviously stunned for a moment after hearing what Lu Luo said.

Lu Luo, you are really brave enough to do such a thing. Do you take Xiaobai to your heart?

It is precisely because I care about Xiaobai that I am contacting you at this time.

Please, Lao Zhang, help me look at my house during this time.

If something goes wrong, please send them away.


There was not much elaboration in the conversation between the two. Zhang Changming hung up the phone directly after agreeing to Lu Luo.

He was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

He still had to clean up Lu Luo's shit.

This is not only due to Bai Yuetong, but also to the cooperative relationship between him and Lu Luo.

Lu Luo helped him clean up the unstable factors in the inspection department. Although this favor was small, it was still worth recording.

Just after Lu Luo hung up the phone, the phone in the Office of the Director of the Audit Department also rang.

Hello, Zhang Changming from Guixi District.

Forty-sixth Princess, Wu Handing's soul lamp has gone out, and she is in Guixi District.

Find a way to investigate.

The voice on the other end of the phone was very cold, and seemed not to care at all about the death of the princess.

After Zhang Changming heard the call, he was also very indifferent:

I just had a phone call with her, why did she die?

You can just investigate this matter yourself and don't spread it outside.

Zhang Changming was slightly stunned. The attitude of the royal family was a bit strange!

But this suited him just fine.


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Changming took out the search report of Shuangta Mountain and slightly changed some details about Wu Handing.

[Wu Handing, suspected to be missing.

Deeds: Shuangta Mountain collapsed. 】

I didn't expect that even I myself would embark on this path. This guy Lu Luo is really disturbing!

After Lu Luo notified Zhang Changming, he also notified Bai Yuetong who was at the base.

Bai Yuetong is actually the person who makes him feel more at ease.

She acts the most rationally and usually makes the most reasonable judgments.

With her in charge of the base, there will basically be no problems.

I know, go ahead! Come back soon.

Bai Yuetong rarely showed such emotions. Lu Luo knew that she actually wanted to ask about Qi Xinzhu's pregnancy.

But now that the situation is urgent, it seems that there is no way to explain it to her in detail.

However, Lu Luo decided that after he came back, he must have a good talk with Bai Yuetong.

If Du Mao also wants to have a child, it’s not impossible for him!

At most, it’s just tiring my waist.

Well, wait for me!

Lu Luo was very fast, mainly because his physical fitness was too strong.

After level 7, the essence of life is completely sublimated, and the rules of energy are controlled, allowing level 7 masters to invisibly get rid of the influence of gravity on them and fly.

But Lu Luo didn't fly. He felt that flying was too slow.

Rather than taking off, he still likes to jump on the ground, which is much faster than flying!

Relying on this extremely fast speed, Lu Luo compressed the distance that normally took 2-3 days into 1 hour.

In the process, he felt that as his energy recovered, the will locked on him became more and more obvious.

Fortunately, from this hilltop, you can already see the moat in the distance.

Lu Luo ran and shouted for help:

Ms. Meiqi, save me!

His strength is extremely strong, his voice is huge, and his aura is extraordinary.

The surrounding birds and beasts were frightened by him and fled in all directions.

Meiqi in the Styx frowned slightly. Although she had been in a semi-sleeping state, Lu Luo's call still woke her up.

Why does this guy look like a psycho?

Meiqi was a little helpless to complain, but when Lu Luo came a little closer, her expression suddenly became tense.

Lu Luo... actually reached level 7. This progress is really fast!

But on him!

Meiqi clearly felt the mark on Lu Luo's body, so she already understood Lu Luo's purpose of coming here before Lu Luo explained his situation.

Lu Luo was crying while running.

Lord Meiqi, I'm dying!

The corners of Meiqi's mouth twitched.

Stop pretending, it's not like that, come here quickly, there is indeed something wrong with what you are wearing!

Hearing what Meiqi said, Lu Luo, who was originally in a relaxed mood, suddenly became tense.

Even Meiqi said there was a problem, so it was really a big problem.

Meiqi is an apostle! The Tenth Apostle, the Serpent of Doom.

Then wouldn't he be cold?

Ms. Meiqi, don't scare me! The person who attacked me was just an eighth-level member of the royal family, right?

Level 8?

Meiqi raised her eyebrows, and upon hearing her tone, Lu Luo felt something was wrong.

It's all the idiot Observer's fault, it's the one who said level 8, yes, it's all his fault!

[You don’t have the ability to find out on your own, how dare you rely on others? Is there anyone who can be a host like you?

The breath that flowed out of that hand before was level 8. Today, when the King of Heaven comes, it is also level 8. 】

Lu Luo was suddenly stunned after seeing the observer's repeated emphasis.

Is the hand level 8?

Does it mean that just the hands have 8 levels of power?

Meiqi seemed to be a little impatient when she saw Lu Luo's confused face and still deep in thought.

If you don't want to die, you'd better come down with me.

Ah good!

Lu Luo, who was confused about the situation, was dragged into the River Styx by Meiqi.

The originally clear lake water became darker and darker as the two of them went deeper.

Purple dark flame energy shuttled around Lu Luo from time to time. He wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth:

Gulu! Guru! Guru!


He closed his mouth in embarrassment, and then used the Devourer to absorb the underworld flames.

These dark flames were very pure, and Lu Luo felt the benefits to his body even after absorbing just this small amount.

However, in the process of absorbing the dark flames, he suddenly came up with an idea.

If he uses Devourer to absorb all the water of the Styx, how powerful will he be?

But when he came up with this idea, Meiqi also looked at him strangely.

Just now, Meiqi felt Lu Luo's behavior.

She was originally a little worried that something would happen to Lu Luo, but Lu Luo's performance was obviously beyond her expectations.

Have you reached this level of control over the void? Are you at the same level as me?

Lu Luo was dragged deep by Meiqi for who knows how long. Anyway, he felt that his body, which had just broken through level 7, could no longer bear it.

There were no traces of any living creatures around, just when Lu Luo felt that he could no longer hold on.

The feeling of his water breaking made him take a few sharp breaths!

Hoo, ho, ho! Where is this?

Lu Luo looked around, and there was actually a body of water above their heads.

This is no longer a river, but a sea, a very huge sea!

The place where they were standing was actually an abandoned city, a city covered by seaweed, coral, and various aquatic products.

Lord Meiqi, what is this place?

The lost city, Ellegan.

Lost city? Ellegan?

Lu Luo was a little strange. Although he had seen some white people in the empire, he had not discovered any white people's cities.

But the name Ellegan obviously does not fit the description of an imperial city. Could it be a city that was once white?

Why is this place under the sea?

This is a sealed city, so it will be at the bottom of the lake.

Seal? Seal who?


Forehead! Lu Luo scratched his head in embarrassment. He seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said.

Lord Meiqi, I didn't mean it.

It doesn't matter, what I said is just the truth.

Then why is Lady Meiqi sealed here?

“The apostle’s power is too powerful, so powerful that even the world cannot bear it, so it naturally needs some restraint.

And this city is just some tools to restrain me.

Meiqi's explanation was not very clear, but Lu Luo didn't dare to continue asking.

Today's Meiqi is obviously different from her previous friendly appearance, and she feels a bit serious.

Ouch, got it!

You know nothing! Every apostle's restrictions are meaningful.

My power is fire, so what traps me is the deep sea that binds the fire.

Leviathan's ability is to control water sources, but what binds it is the sky without water at all.


Lu Luo was slightly startled. Leviathan was also sealed?

He glanced at Meiqi inexplicably, why are you so strong even after being sealed?

Isn't it really just to show off in front of me?

To be honest, there is no need for this, he already knows how powerful the big guys are.

what's on your mind?

No, it's nothing.

The deep sea is my seal and the thing that isolates me from my power.

That's why he can't feel it here!

Hearing this, Lu Luo's pupils contracted tightly.

Meiqi's tone just now seemed to be equal?

That strong man from the imperial royal family is so powerful? Can you compete with Meiqi?

Ms. Meiqi, that person?

He's not human.

Uh? Not a human being? Lu Luo was stunned too many times today.

Every time he thought he had guessed something, Meiqi would always give him a new surprise.

“He is an apostle just like us.”

Damn, another apostle?

Wait, if that guy is an apostle, then why did he appear when Wu Handing was about to be killed by him?

And what he said? What does it mean again?

Hey, wait a minute, Lady Meiqi, are you mistaken?

That guy, judging from his previous performance, is indeed a member of the royal family?

And he appeared when Wu Handing, a princess, was in danger.

How could he arrive in such a timely manner without the corresponding induction?

Since they are not the royal family, why should they protect Wu Handing?

Lu Luo's inquiry did not make Meiqi overturn her judgment. She shook her head directly:

That's your own business, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nettI don't know what he wants to do, and it has nothing to do with me.

I can only tell you my own judgment.

His power is very special, and his abilities are also very weird, so you have to be careful when you meet again.

Seeing that Meiqi was so sure, Lu Luo also became confused.

Okay, then Master Meiqi, can you tell me who he is?

What's so special about his ability?

The ninth apostle, the pretender - Bump.

Bump? Are you sure you don't have Man?


Lu Luo shook his head quickly:

It's nothing, nothing. There is a very powerful guy in our hometown named Aotuman. Keep talking.

Bump's abilities are deception and chaos. He sealed it earlier than me, about 150 years earlier.

Unexpectedly, it was in the royal family.

Lu Luo, this guy is very dangerous. He has some differences from normal biological thinking.

If Leviathan and I are relatively normal creatures, although we are apostles, we will not do anything particularly outrageous.

That concave and convex existence is the complete opposite, and the purpose of his birth is to create chaos!

The Ninth Apostle - The Pretender, Bump!

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