Doomsday Circle

Chapter 462 Facing Destruction

To be honest, Noah no longer wants to go through it. He feels that his level 8 strength will lead to death in the past.

This sounds outrageous, but if what the mute woman said is true, this conclusion can basically be concluded like this.

He is very strong. He is very strong outside, but here, he is very weak!

Noah, do we still want to go there?

The mute girl felt Noah's hesitation, so she asked.

Noah did begin to hesitate.

Perhaps, he really shouldn't continue walking inside, he had just experienced this wonderful life.

Now the mute woman has gained the ability to speak, if she leaves this place!

We continue and cannot back down at this time.

Why? It will be very dangerous if you go inside again. If you are not sure...

Not everything must be done with certainty. Human beings and machines are different. Yang, can you understand?

The mute girl shook her head, not quite understanding what Noah meant by this sentence.

And Noah did not continue to explain.

“If we had to retreat from everything, human beings would not have grown from the weak creatures they once were to the world hegemon they are today.

They just love gambling, and strangely enough, they win every time.

After becoming a human being, I also discovered that sometimes you really should fight.

If you don't struggle with many things, you won't have any chance.

But if you give it a try, maybe...

When Noah said these words, his voice was very low, as if he was talking to himself or performing a kind of self-suggestion.

He is already a human, so he should have some characteristics that humans should have.

Like gambling?

Or to put it another way, fight for a future.

Fight for a chance for him to go out with the mute girl.

Lu Luo slowly came to the center of the disk, and the black sun was already hanging above his head.

The surrounding light sources were continuously absorbed by the black sun, and Lu Luo's surroundings had fallen into darkness.

Under his feet, there were circular disc sequence sigils.

Although the black mist under his feet had completely covered the ground of Yuanpan, Lu Luo could still feel the existence of these talismans from the physical contact.

Are these black mists all sequences?

Lu Luo felt that there was something abnormal about these rich black colors. They seemed not to be simply absorbed, but to be broken down into some kind of particle state.

These black fogs are aggregates of sequential particle states.

It's very special, but it also has a reason for its existence.

[We have reached the middle, what do you want to do now? 】

I do not know.

Lu Luo himself shook his head. The process of his coming over was very smooth. Even when he reached the center of the disk, he did not encounter any serious obstacles.

The Destroyer, who had taken the lead for the first time, seemed to be bored now.

There is no intention to show off at all.

But now Lu Luo has no way to judge whether the black sun in the sky is the Destroyer himself or something else.

“First of all, you have to confirm your purpose of coming here.

Find out the situation of the Doomsday Disk, and then clean up the environment here.

Defeat the Destroyer and regain control of the Doomsday Disc!

Lu Luo had a slightly strange expression as he talked about what he was going to do next.

He himself didn't realize that as he spoke, the whites of his eyes had gradually turned black.

In addition, Lu Luo's pupils were relatively dark, and the mixture of the two made his eyes look like night.

This change was not limited to him, but even the observers seemed not to notice it.

It was obviously abnormal for this kind of thing to happen to Lu Luo.

The observer effect itself comes with self-detection and environmental detection without blind spots.

But the current situation is that Lu Luo himself looks a bit dull and slow, and the observers also appear in the same situation.

And they knew nothing about their situation and were unaware of it.

Then, next, I should fly up and touch the black ball.

No matter what he is, when it really needs to be solved, only direct contact can provide a solution.

【Yes. 】

Lu Luo recounted the plan blankly, and then the observers gave their approval.

The whole operation was simple and thin, without any tentative moves, which was completely different from Lu Luo's original appearance.

If it was a normal Lu Luo, he would definitely use various methods to test the black ball at this time.

But now, he doesn't.

The body has slowly floated into the sky. The height of the black sun is very high. Lu Luo has been flying for a long time, but he still keeps a certain distance from the black ball.

But if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before he encounters this black ball.

As time passed by, not only Lu Luo's eyes, but also most parts of his face and body had turned black.

The distance between him and the black ball is less than 100 meters.

Just when the two were about to merge into one, Noah's voice suddenly appeared in Lu Luo's ears.

Lu Luo, you don't look good. Are you still capable of fighting me now?

Noah's tone was full of sarcasm and provocation.

Lu Luo, who was in a black state, seemed to have his eyes moved, as if he had a certain reaction to Noah's provocative words.

However, this reaction was not very strong, and the white color in Lu Luo's eyes just flashed away.

After a while, it turned into darkness again.

Noah frowned slightly below, Lu Luo's state was obviously abnormal.

He has seen it.

As an enemy, he had no need to remind Lu Luo at this time.

Because it would be good for him for Lu Luo to die.

But the question is, after Lu Luo dies, will this place return to normal?

If Lu Luo dies, then it seems that he and the mute Nuyang are the only living people here.

Is the black sun in the sky really something he can deal with alone?

And the thing in Yang's mouth that is more terrifying than the black sun has not appeared yet.

So, do you want to save Lu Luo?

Noah, what should we do now? There seems to be something wrong with that man. He's so dark!

The mute woman's panicked voice made Noah's thoughts even more confusing, but he quickly cleared his mind and made a decision.

Save this guy, we're all human after all.

This reason sounds a bit ridiculous. Although they are enemies, in this environment, they are all human beings.

As an eighth-level alien king, Noah had also received an invitation from Meiqi.

It's just that Meiqi's invitation to him was not as grand as her invitation to Lu Luo.

But Noah refused.

Because he had a hard time becoming human, it was a carefully considered decision.

After becoming a human, he will no longer become a mutant, even the highest-level mutant, an apostle!

Lu Luo, you idiot, can't you hear me?

I let you run away last time, but I won't let you go so easily this time.

Speak, silly X, why don’t you speak? Are you afraid?

Noah began to try to use words to anger Lu Luo. If anything could make a person get rid of his original state in a short time.

Then anger is definitely the best option.

Sure enough, under Noah's constant stimulation, Lu Luo in the sky began to struggle.

His eyeballs were the first to turn black, and when he gradually woke up, they were also the first to turn white.

But just the whitening of the eyeballs does not have a decisive effect.

At this time, Lu Luo's whole body was completely black, as if he had been soaked in ink.

Taking off the black eyeballs made him look much clearer. He wanted to take a look at Noah on the ground and curse him a few words to express his gratitude.

But he couldn't do even such a simple action.

The black energy had completely covered his body, integrated with his body, and was undergoing some kind of change.

The body that was undergoing energy changes was already out of his control.

“The situation is really bad, I was attacked without even realizing it.

That guy Noah is probably reminding me, right?

Lu Luo was in a bad mood, because normally, observers would give prompts immediately when encountering danger.

But not this time. Although he was instinctively alert, he still relied too much on observers.

But he didn't blame the observer at this time, that was meaningless.

It seems that it is inevitable!

Lu Luo felt his stiff body and tried to use his strength.

The unbelievers can only provide him with some protection at this time and weaken Black Sun's power, but they cannot give him the ability to resist.

If he wants to resist, he has to rely on himself!

The Devourer!

Boom, a huge tentacle burst out of the ground and split into two parts. One part ran towards Noah, while the other part stabbed Lu Luo himself.

This is undoubtedly Lu Luo's last attempt to save himself.


The tentacles that were almost contaminated by black touched Lu Luo's body.

Lu Luo's body was undoubtedly much darker than other parts of his body. He had absorbed too much black mist.

So much so that the moment the tentacles touched his body, they quickly turned into pitch black color.

But this is enough.

Based on the Doomsday Disk, the Devourer's power here is endless.

Although the S-01 Destroyer may have the same effect in the disc world, this is Lu Luo's last chance.

He had no choice.

The world-devouring core!

A large amount of black mist was absorbed by the Devourer's tentacles, and the black mist on Lu Luo quickly gathered into the Devourer's tentacles.

This devouring speed was already extremely fast, but even so, it still did not change Lu Luo's current situation.

There was too much black mist on Lu Luo's body.

Even if the Devourer's tentacles absorbed a large amount of black mist in a short period of time, they still could not free Lu Luo from the black mist.

This kind of restraint cannot actually be regarded as obvious control.

Instead, the sequence particles suppressed Lu Luo himself.

There was too much energy and too many particles in the sequence, which caused a natural collision reaction with Lu Luo's body, causing Lu Luo's body to be unable to move.

However, after the Devourer worked hard to absorb it for a period of time, Lu Luo's head had basically returned to its original color.

This at least cleared his mind.

Only when your mind is clear can you do more things and make the most correct judgments.

10 meters, 5 meters, 4, 3, 2, 1.

The tip of Lu Luo's nose and hair finally touched the black sun first. The feeling was not hot or strong, just like touching a layer of water film. The black sun gradually swallowed Lu Luo.

As Lu Luo's body finally entered the dark sun, the confrontation between the two came to an end.

Noah, who was standing on the ground, looked solemn. He didn't know whether Lu Luo was dead, but the Devourer's tentacles in front of him seemed a little abnormal.

When Noah first saw the Devourer's tentacles, he thought it was Lu Luo's last counterattack before he died.

He also felt that Lu Luo was a bit worthless, but now it seemed that Lu Luo had clearly guessed his intentions and responded.

The Devourer's tentacles in front of him should be one of Lu Luo's responses.

What are you going to tell me?

The Devourer's tentacles twisted into a ball of flesh, its sharp mouthparts gradually opened, and then spit out a ball of black and red stuff towards Noah.

Is this thing Lu Luo's weapon?

When Noah saw the black and red thing, he realized that it was the weapon left by Lu Luo.

What is the significance of him relying on Devourer to hand over the weapon to him at this time?

Also, he remembered, shouldn't this thing be a giant sword? Why has it turned into a ball of molten iron now?

What's that guy going to do?

Noah... The mute girl Yang, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up at this time.

Noah looked at her and found that she was looking at the sun in the sky.

Noah also looked up to the sky, and his pupils shrank in the same way.

The black ball was emitting light and vibration, and countless particles began to twist around him. Countless tentacles stretched out from the black ball, making it look like an indescribable monster.

The stars in the sky originally turned into black eyes at this time.

These are undoubtedly the two sequence ultimate moves that Lu Luo used, the Devouring World Core, UU Reading and the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Form.

Lu Luo...was he eaten by this guy?

This was a question in Noah's heart, but at this time, he seemed to have only one option: waiting.

No, there is still this ball of molten iron, Lu Luo wants to fight back.

People like him would not accept fate so easily.

In the center of the black ball, Lu Luo finally saw the instigator of all this.

His form turned out not to be a terrifying monster, but a simple ball of light.

The white light is as bright as the power of dawn.

Are you the Destroyer?

Otherwise? Young time traveler.

As soon as the Destroyer opened his mouth, he joked about Lu Luo's identity as a time traveler. He seemed to know that this was what Lu Luo cared about the most.

“Isn’t it particularly rewarding to pry into other people’s thoughts and privacy?

Or can it satisfy some of your perverted desires?

Okay, no more pretending, I admit it, I am a time traveler.

Then what?

The Destroyer had no face or image, and Lu Luo could not judge his current state.

The observer has completely stopped at this time, and everything has to be done by himself.

Then? Now that you are here, everything about you belongs to me, Lu Luo!

The ball of light suddenly rushed towards Lu Luo. Lu Luo frowned. The black mist restrained him from moving or resisting.

Just when Lu Luo was about to be swallowed by the ball of light, a stream of lava broke through the surrounding darkness.

There were some other colors between Lu Luo and the ball of light.

Ashbringer colors!

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