Doomsday Circle

Chapter 470: 4 Rings in the New Era (Eight K)

A long time passed, and Qin Wanyu also waited outside for a long time.

She muttered and swore.

Although she scolded Lu Luo countless times in her heart, she still wanted Lu Luo to really say hello to her.

It's a greeting between friends, not the kind of touch between work.

Hey! Qin Wanyu sighed deeply.

The movement in the room had stopped, and she knew that Lu Luo and Han Shiyu would come out soon.

I really envy Han Shiyu. No matter what, she is Lu Luo's woman.

Xiao Qin, come in. Han Shiyu stood at the door and took the initiative to call Qin Wanyu.

The blush and satisfaction on his face made Qin Wanyu feel even more uncomfortable.

She is older than Lu Luo, already 25, and has not experienced that yet. She is really confused!

Professor Han.

Qin Wanyu nodded to Han Shiyu, and when he looked at Lu Luo, he also nodded to Lu Luo.

Lu Luo responded to her in the same way, but did not speak.

This is Han Shiyu's home. Qin Wanyu must have something to do with Han Shiyu when he comes here.

He came just to see his old lover and didn't want to interfere with their work issues.

I came here today because of hospital matters.

Now the new hospital in the Fourth Ring Road has been built, and the owner wants you to be the director of this hospital.

Here are the appointment documents, as well as some information about the hospital.

Professor Han, you can take a look.

Han Shiyu was slightly surprised:

Let me become the director of the hospital?

Don't be too surprised. Master means that you are more powerful. Whether it is medical skills or pharmacy, you are excellent enough.

Even without your extraordinary powers, you are still a professor of medicine.

The master will not care about your identity when hiring people, as long as you are talented.

Before coming, Qin Wanyu prepared a lot of rhetoric. After all, the invitation to Han Shiyu was very important, and it was the order given by Mengma personally.

But when he came here and saw the scene between her and Lu Luo, Qin Wanyu suddenly found that he had basically forgotten all the words he had prepared before.

So when I speak, I feel a little awkward and look a little stupid.

But because of this, Han Shiyu felt her sincerity, which can be considered a gain and a loss.

What do you think? Han Shiyu turned to look at Lu Luo.

It would be okay if Lu Luo wasn't here, but now that Lu Luo was there, he naturally had to ask his man's opinion.

I'll stand and watch. Lu Luo shrugged.

Crazy. Han Shiyu said angrily.

This is your business. She invited you too. It's your private work issue. What does it have to do with me?

You don’t need to consult me ​​for this kind of thing. If you want to do it, just do it. If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it.

Lu Luo's words made Han Shiyu feel relieved and comfortable.

He didn't interfere with her work, which was indeed something that made her very comfortable.

Because if Lu Luo forced her to leave, there was nothing she could do.

Okay, Xiao Qin, please leave the information. I'll take a look and think about it.

Okay, Professor Han, when can you give me an answer?

Not to rush you, but the hospital is about to be established and needs a director.

Tomorrow, tomorrow at the latest, I will give you an answer.


Qin Wanyu nodded. After saying this, she had no reason to stay.

She glanced at Lu Luo cautiously, and after seeing Lu Luo's calm face, her expression became a little sad.

If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.

Goodbye, Professor Han.

See you.

Qin Wanyu left, of course Lu Luo would not keep her.

The relationship with Qin Wanyu is just that, and it is unlikely that there will be any additional developments in the future.

You are really good at messing around with women!

What are you talking about? This woman has always been lying to me. If I hadn't kept a clean mind, she would have succeeded long ago.

You guy, your words are really annoying. What's the point of coming back this time?

At this time, Han Shiyu asked Lu Luo what the purpose of his return was.

“Let’s have something to eat first, I haven’t been back for a long time and I still miss this place.

After all, this is where I first started to rise.

This is also the place where I first got to know you.

Lu Luo's words made Han Shiyu a little happy. She leaned behind Lu Luo tenderly and hugged each other tightly for a while.

The two let go, and Han Shiyu began to dress herself up carefully.

I don't know whether it's because of Lu Luo or because of her increasing age, but Han Shiyu hasn't put on makeup for almost a year.

But today she seemed to be particularly interested. She gave herself a delicate make-up, then picked up her small leather bag, took Lu Luo's arm, and walked out.

Several years of construction have given today’s Fourth Ring Road a different scenery.

At this time, the Fourth Ring Road can no longer be described as a wasteland waiting for improvement. Generally speaking, it is a prosperous and prosperous scene.

It has some of the colors of the inner ring, but it is more spacious than the inner ring.

At this time, the dark energy of the Four Rings has stabilized a lot, and the faces of the people are filled with smiles of happiness and peace.

It can be seen that without the exploitation of the inner circle, these civilians live a pretty good life.

This guy Lu Xiaotian is doing pretty well.

How about it? The current fourth ring of the Wasteland Alliance is pretty good, right?

Well, it's really good. You have all worked hard to turn this chaotic place into what it is today.

I know that conversation you had once was really thought-provoking.

Conversation? What conversation?

The conversation between you and Zhou Kai has now become the motto of the Fourth Ring School.

This is also what nightmare means.

Lu Luo felt a little strange and thought of something thoughtfully. He probably guessed which passage it was about.

Thinking of the past, Lu Luo suddenly felt like going back and taking a look.

If he still had the chance to return to the previous world, would he go back?

If you could go back but couldn't take Qi Xinzhu and the others with you, would you go back?

These two questions suddenly appeared and took root in Lu Luo's heart.

Take me to see it.

You're quite interested, why don't you eat first?

We'll eat later, let's go take a look first.

Lu Luo couldn't wait, which made Han Shiyu a little strange.

Are you quite anxious? Do you want to see the schools in the Fourth Ring Road now?

Yeah, I really want to.

Things like campus have always been the beginning of all dreams and the starting point for many people to begin to understand themselves.

Lu Luo wanted to see what the current Fourth Ring Campus looked like.

Let's go, actually it's not far from here.

You're walking too slowly. Come up and I'll carry you.

Walk... too slowly?

Han Shiyu lay on Lu Luo's body, looking at the buildings flashing around him with complex eyes.

Fly, and fly without borrowing any tools.

The meaning expressed in this made Han Shiyu a little speechless.

Lu Luo, you are progressing so fast. I never thought that you could become a seventh-level master at this age. This is already an even more outstanding achievement than the Lord Judge.

Really? I still feel okay, because my goals are different, so becoming level 7 doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.

Lu Luo spoke very calmly, and Han Shiyu stared at his side face for a while before confirming that he was not pretending.

You're getting stronger and stronger.

I didn’t expect that you would reach level 7 in a blink of an eye. I’m still thinking that when you first met me, you seemed to have not yet started.

It has only been a few years, Lu Luo... you are really amazing.

Han Shiyu's praise came from the heart, and Lu Luo also knew that his talent was indeed very strong.

Of course, this is also due to the effects of the Doomsday Disc and several S-class sequences.

Without those things, I wouldn't have been able to progress so fast.

Han Shiyu, we still have a long way to go. If you are tired one day, you can come to me at any time.

Lu Luo's words were a bit sudden. This was also the first time he expressed his attitude to Han Shiyu.

There may be compromises, and there may be longing.

Is this so? Haha, forget it, you already have Xinzhu and Bai Yuetong.

They are good, better than me, younger than me, more energetic than me.

For people like me, the Wasteland Alliance is better.

Lu Luo frowned slightly and seemed to want to say something, but Han Shiyu interrupted him.

Okay, we're here.

Han Shiyu pointed to a building not far away. A statue of Lu Di was erected in the center of the campus.


Yes, this is what Lu Xiaotian meant. Lord Lu Di sacrificed himself for the Fourth Ring and also led the awakening of the Fourth Ring.

He is the pioneer of our Four Rings, and I agree with this.

Now Lord Ludy is already a great man in the mouths of the people in the Fourth Ring Road.

Is this so? Let it be as he wishes in the prosperous age. Lu Luo murmured.

Now, I talked to you before, and it was engraved under the statue of Lord Ludy. Let's go and have a look.


Han Shiyu pulled Lu Luo and took three steps at a time to get to the bottom of the statue.

In fact, from a distance, Lu Luo could clearly see the writing on it.

However, after getting closer, he still touched the carved words with his hand.

[I still believe that the purpose of our higher education is to help our hometowns get rid of poverty, not to help our hometowns get rid of poverty.

Born like an ant, one should have the ambition of a swan.

Establish a heart for heaven and earth, and establish a destiny for people's lives.

In order to carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints and create peace for all generations.

——Zhou Kai, Lu Luo]

Looking at the handwriting, Lu Luo remained silent, and a silent and strange atmosphere filled the air between the two of them.

An observer who had not appeared for a long time suddenly received a reminder:

[I didn’t expect that your jokes would be recorded in this place.

It sounds quite touching, especially suitable for the occasion. 】

Yes, it was a special occasion, Lu Luo thought so too.

Lu Luo, I still remember these words you said.

I think what you said is very good, and I'm working hard for it, so don't try to persuade me, okay?

Lu Luo looked at the somewhat stubborn Han Shiyu and couldn't say no to him no matter what.

Han Shiyu had mentioned this, so he had completely given up on taking Han Shiyu away.


However, Lu Luo still didn't give up on Han Shiyu, he had another idea in his mind.

That is to tear down this so-called high wall, the so-called Wasteland Alliance, and the so-called sealed land.

But there is a prerequisite for achieving these things, and that is the snake of doom, Meiqi.

Meiqi was the one who stood in front of him, and he always had to pass the test.

The future will be good, and the Wasteland Alliance will be better in the future.

Lu Luo said with a smile.

Yes, it will be fine. Han Shiyu also agreed.

Professor Han?

Professor Han?

While the two were talking, several students spotted them.

There were both men and women. The girls' eyes lit up slightly when they looked at Lu Luo and Han Shiyu.

Several boys were the first to notice the fingers of the two people linked together.

Their expressions were rather bitter. It seemed that although Han Shiyu was 32 years old, she still had a great impact on these young people.

Hello. Han Shiyu also greeted the students enthusiastically.

With Han Shiyu's signal, these students quickly gathered around.

Professor Han, who... is this?

A bold girl asked timidly. It was obvious that she was very interested in Han Shiyu, but she was more interested in Lu Luo.

Compared with the college students here, Lu Luo is undoubtedly more mature, handsome, and full of the aura of a strong man.

There are many extraordinary people here, and Lu Luo didn't restrain his momentum too deliberately, so they can feel it.

Girls' questions are actually also questions for many boys, because even now, Lu Luo and Han Shiyu's fingers have not loosened their grip.

This makes them a little desperate.

Han Shiyu also smiled at this time. She is no longer what she used to be.

Even in front of these students, she had nothing to hide.

She directly raised Lu Luo's fingers that were intertwined with hers:

His name is Lu Luo, that's the Lu Luo in the words under the statue.

He's my man, my love.

Han Shiyu spoke very clearly so that everyone could hear it.

After she finished speaking, these students were obviously stunned.

Man, love... Several male classmates couldn't accept it.

The goddess they have always had a crush on actually has a man.

And it’s still Lu Luo…

If it were another man, they might still be able to argue, but this Lu Luo...

There are too many things about him spread throughout the four circles of the Wasteland Alliance.

What, am I famous here?

Lu Luo was a little strange, because looking at the expressions of these people, he suddenly realized that he did not seem to be an unknown person here.

But where does your fame come from?

I do not know!

Yes, you are very famous here. Are you surprised or surprised?


Lu Luo was a little helpless. To be honest, he didn't understand the situation until now.

What is happening in front of me?

He should be very low-key in the Wasteland Alliance. Where does his fame come from?

Could it be the work of nightmare again?

That's right, it is indeed Lord Nightmare's handiwork.

There cannot be only Mr. Ludy as a hero in the Fourth Ring Road. We need more and younger people to guide the students and people here.

Han Shiyu said and gestured with her hands:

The thinker in the dark night - Zhou Kai.

Night Owl, the eye-catching person - Gu Fangyi.

The last light of the Wasteland Alliance - Qi Xinzhu.

And you...

Facing the challenger of evil, the chant after the ashes - Lu Luo.

You are so famous, don’t belittle yourselves!

Listening to Han Shiyu's words, Lu Luo was a little speechless. The last light of the Wasteland Alliance, facing the evil challenger, the chant after the ashes...

These adjectives are really, really weird.

But it does sound quite touching.

Unexpectedly, my brother is no longer here, but my legend is still here.

Haha, how are you? How does it feel to become a legend?

so so.

The two chatted happily, seemingly not paying too much attention to the students who were still paying attention to them.

However, when these people heard that the man in front of them was Lu Luo, some bold students had already taken out pen and paper:

Mr. Lu Luo, please sign your name for me.

Signature? Lu Luo was a little surprised.

In his impression, autographs are usually something that only celebrities in their previous lives can do.

Didn’t you expect it to become popular here?

I also want to sign... Several other people also followed suit.


There was nothing extra to do anyway, so Lu Luo took the pen and paper and signed the names of the students who asked for their signatures one by one.

Then send them away.

“It’s novel at first, but then it becomes annoying.”

Lu Luo spoke truthfully about his feelings, and Han Shiyu on the side also nodded:

That's true. You still prefer to stay with your own woman, you're a homebody.

Haha, my women include you.

After finishing the campus tour, Lu Luo took Han Shiyu to a high-end restaurant outside the school.

It's not that he can't eat from street vendors, but with their current status and fame, eating on the street is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

Especially those students who left excitedly just now. It didn't take much to think about it. They would definitely spread the news about meeting Lu Luo today.

Lu Luo didn't want to be in so much trouble, nor did he want to cause trouble for himself.

So coming to such a high-end restaurant can indeed save yourself a lot of things.

I don't have money, please treat me. Lu Luo said straight to the point.

The waiters who took orders were stunned when they heard it. It was a bit too much to have dinner with such a beautiful woman, but this person clearly said that she had no money.

Okay, I've just paid my salary. I can treat you to a nice meal today.

Hearing the beauty's answer, the waiter was even more speechless.

He looked at Lu Luo, could it be that he was so handsome?

This world treats handsome men too favorably.

Sir, ma'am, let's see what we want to eat.

High-end exotic fresh food, red wine, and special sauces.

To be honest, this dinner was pretty good.

What surprised Lu Luo was not the taste of the food here, but the fact that such high-end restaurants could appear in the Fourth Ring Road in just a few years, which showed that class progress was still very rapid.

Are there many people in the Wasteland Alliance awakening?

Ah? How do you know? There should be no specific news about this matter, right?

Han Shiyu was a little surprised. As a senior member of the Fourth Ring Road, a doctor, professor and other special status personnel, she naturally knew this matter very well.

But this matter has obviously been suppressed by the nightmare.

Although today's Fourth Ring, the proportion of extraordinary sequence awakenings has reached an alarming level.

But the news was never announced. The awakened people just thought they were lucky and didn't think much about it.

Can Lu Luo figure it out just by eating a meal?

It took her several years to discover it. Is she so observant?

How did you notice it?

“According to normal social and economic development, restaurants of this level should not appear in 4-5 years.

Unless there is demand, given the current productivity of Fourth Ring Road, it will take a few more years for high-end restaurants to appear.

It was too early, so I deduced that there was a special need.

As the number of strong people increases and the number of capable people increases, there will naturally be such demand.

Their abilities allow them to gain benefits, money, and power.

They need a place to release their money and power.

High-end entertainment venues will naturally appear as a result.

Lu Luo's analysis method was particularly novel to Han Shiyu.

She never thought that Lu Luo would analyze the issue of the number of Fourth Ring Awakeners from the perspective of this supply and demand relationship.

Can these be inferred?

I'm just guessing. You are a doctor and a teacher, so you should have some knowledge in this area.

Tell me, what level has the number of awakened people in the Fourth Ring reached now?

Lu Luo was very concerned about this matter.

Because this matter is really important.

Today's Wasteland Alliance no longer has the Dawn Disc. Logically speaking, after several years of running in, the dark energy here should have declined.

But after he came here, he discovered that the dark energy here had no sign of decreasing at all, but instead increased slightly.

This is strange. The Dawn Disk has disappeared, whether it was destroyed or disappeared temporarily.

It is indeed no longer in the inner circle.

So where does the current surge in dark energy in the Wasteland Alliance come from?

This level is much higher than that of the empire.

Moreover, the dark energy here is very stable. Compared with the state a few years ago, it is much less violent and has more stable properties.

Lu Luo didn't stay here long, so there was no way to confirm that the dark energy here had completely stabilized or was still growing.

But this situation simply doesn't make sense.

At least Lu Luo felt that the current Wasteland Alliance was unreasonable.

If this level of dark energy continues to be maintained, then no need to think too much, there will definitely be level 8 humans here.

Level 8 humans are already the highest level humans can currently reach.

After Lu Luo asked the question, Han Shiyu thought for a moment:

The current sequence awakening ratio has reached an astonishing 64:1.

Is there an awakening sequence for 64 people?

“Yes, this ratio is indeed outrageous.

The ratio of the previous Sequence Awakeners was around 1200:1. The previous church made statistics in this regard, but I can’t remember the specific data clearly.

64 and 1,200, a 19-fold increase. This is definitely abnormal.

This is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that there are too many extraordinary people.

The students you just saw are basically me, the extraordinary being.

The ratio of extraordinary people to ordinary people has reached the level of 1:9.

In other words, for every 10 people, there will be one extraordinary person.

This probability has also increased many times.

When Lu Luo heard this, he nodded slightly in shock. He knew that Han Shiyu was talking about actual sensory data.

It's not particularly accurate, but even if there is a certain deviation, this data is outrageous enough.

Is the Wasteland Alliance about to rise?

This hometown is indeed worth building.

Lu Luo laughed, his eyes incomprehensible.

Han Shiyu didn't ask any questions, just looked at him tenderly, and then paid the bill honestly.

so expensive!

After leaving the restaurant, Han Shiyu felt helpless.

Although her salary as a professor and doctor is not bad, she has no side job and it is difficult for her to support spending money in a place like this with the salary of two ordinary people's jobs.

Can't we just get some dark spirit stones and sell them?

I don't want that. I'm doing well now. Living an ordinary life can help me adapt to my identity as an ordinary person.

Is this so...

Lu Luo nodded and understood what Han Shiyu meant.

Han Shiyu is also a member of the church, and her energy also comes from Shenghui.

Today's Shenghui has completely disappeared, and Han Shiyu's energy has also disappeared.

After the Shenghui disappeared, she did not have the energy to switch to other systems like other extraordinary beings.

She just maintained her daily exercise and retained the physical fitness of a level 5 master.

In terms of energy, Han Shiyu has completely lost it now.

In other words, she is now an extremely strong ordinary person.

It's so reasonable for an ordinary person to want to live an ordinary life.

Then I'll spend the next two days with you.

Han Shiyu hesitated for a moment.

Only two days?

Yes, only two days.

Lu Luo only has one month to come back this time, which is very urgent.

In this month, he will arrange for the returning team to cross the Meiqina Pass.

Then we had to make similar arrangements when we returned, so we were out for nearly ten days.

There are still twenty days left for him to contact Nightmare to understand the situation of the Fourth Ring and Nightmare's current attitude.

It would be best to get some information about the inner ring from Nightmare. That would be the best situation.

But even if everything went smoothly, after completing these things, he would only have a dozen days left.

In more than ten days, he killed a pope without leaving any trace...

Lu Luo considered many factors, including reconnaissance, investigation, combat power analysis, past performance, etc.

It may take a long time to collect and integrate all these things.

Then it has to be executed, and it needs to be successful the first time.

The difficulty is self-evident.

Especially now that Luo Dan has become the Pope, the real Pope.

There should be no shortage of guards around her.

Lu Luo was not worried about his own strength, but it would be troublesome if Luo Dan's guards had some tricky sequences.

For example, something similar to Qixinzhu’s Mirrored Flowers and Moon.

As long as they can delay him for a while, the church can kill him with all their heads.

In terms of battle planning, it also requires very complete planning.

So...he only had two days to give Han Shiyu.

Although it is short, there is no way.

“Coming back this time, there is indeed something very important, related to my future development in the empire, and time is very tight.

After returning this time, I will face the imperial family.

If you don't have a trump card that can intimidate them, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous to rush over.

A trump card to coerce the royal family?

Omnic crisis. Lu Luo's eyes flashed with determination.

His plan is actually very simple, which is to use the omnic crisis to threaten the empire.

The empire is a whole, and the imperial royal family also needs enough resources, things, and people.

They may not accept coercion from others, but even a dozen level 8 experts in the empire cannot stand something like the omnic crisis.

Once the number of deaths of ordinary people is too large, even a powerful empire cannot bear it.

The population of a national unit is the real foundation. Without the population, a country is nothing.

After Lu Luo obtained the Omnic Heart, he could use his population to coerce the empire.

Even if you can't ask the empire to do something, at least you can protect yourself and your family.

This was the solution he had no choice in, and it was also the best trump card he could think of.

It seems that you are under a lot of pressure in the empire, and you are actually forced to use this method.

Actually, no, I still don't know what the empire's attitude is towards me.

But I have no room for error. Qi Xinzhu already has a child, so I can't gamble, so I came up with this method.

Lu Luo is now not only a transcendent, but also the boss of a society, a husband and a father.

He needs to be responsible for many people, so many behaviors that were once risky are now avoided as much as possible.

Boy or girl?

Ah? Girl. UU Reading

That's great. I didn't expect Xinzhu to have a child of her own. This girl has never had any fighting spirit.

Now that I have my own children, I am probably even more at home than before.

Han Shiyu is Qi Xinzhu's senior sister, although today, their life trajectories have developed in completely different directions.

But the feelings they had had were real.

Han Shiyu's help and protection for Qi Xinzhu can be said to be meticulous.

Qi Xinzhu would be very happy if the two could meet again.

Even if I work here, I can go to Qi Xinzhu's place to see her and the children if I have the opportunity in the future.

Well, there will be a chance.

The two did not continue discussing this topic.

In the next two days, Lu Luo basically stayed with Han Shiyu.

Several years of love will not explode in just a few days.

We are all adults, and our respective paths will not be cut off here.

Lu Luo and Han Shiyu didn't take any protective measures in the past two days. Although Han Shiyu didn't say anything, Lu Luo felt what she meant.

As a man, you must not be timid at this time.

Just do it and it's done.

On the other side, Yang Liya and Lu Xiaotian were reading the report sent by Qin Wanyu.

Lu Luo is actually back. Is there anything else worthy of his nostalgia in this place? Ha!

Lu Xiaotian was not surprised by Lu Luo's departure.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and Lu Luo's growth will definitely threaten her space and status.

She had already felt this since the last time Lu Luo tested her.

Now that Lu Luo is back, what is the reason?

Lu Xiaotian twisted her braid.

Let Lu Luo come see me.


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