Doomsday Circle

Chapter 479: Tell me your reason for coming!

After the assistant left, Shi Tingyu walked to the window and looked in the direction of the fourth ring.

As the Secretary-General of the Parliament, her position and status gave her access to things that many others could not.

Some things are even better understood than the average congressman.

Because of this, Shi Tingyu is also very aware that the inner ring is still in turmoil today.

Because the current inner circle can almost be described as internal and external troubles.

Internally, despite all factors being eliminated on the parliamentary side, the party was reunited.

But the existence of the Church has always been in opposition to Parliament.

The centipede is dead but not rigid, even though the church is declining due to the loss of its holy glory.

But they are also more cautious than before, and it is difficult for the parliament to find an opportunity to attack.

From the outside, the hunters of the Fourth Ring Road are eyeing it. Relying on the large amount of resources outside the wall, the Fourth Ring Road has developed rapidly in the past few years.

Extraordinaries appeared in batches. Not to mention high-end combat power, the fourth ring completely crushed the inner ring in terms of population alone.

According to this development trajectory, in another 20 years, maybe not even 20 years, the inner ring will completely lose its competitiveness with the outer ring.

After more than 10 years, she will only be 40 years old, and she still has a long way to go in life.

So, what should be the way forward?

Hey! When no one was around, Shi Tingyu sighed heavily.

Normally she would not be able to show such emotions.

Because she herself is also one of the representatives of the Inner Circle Council. If they no longer have confidence, then the people of the Inner Circle will also have no confidence.

If it really develops like that, the entire inner circle will collapse.

It turns out that beautiful women also have so many troubles!

Who? Shi Tingyu's long legs suddenly exerted force, and the strong muscles in her legs tightened her black stockings.

She frowned slightly. The high heels and black stockings weighed her down. This outfit was not suitable for fighting at all.

If I apply a little more force, I'm afraid the stockings will be torn.

This was not the result she wanted to see.

This infiltrator came silently and was probably far stronger than her, so she had to deal with it carefully.

Don't be so nervous. Although we haven't seen each other for a few years, I think Miss Shi Tingyu should still remember me.

Slowly walking out of the shadows, when he appeared in front of Shi Tingyu, Shi Tingyu was suddenly stunned.

Are you... Lu Luo?

It seems that Miss Shi Tingyu hasn't forgotten me yet.

You guy, how could you forget!

It must be said that Lu Luo left a very deep impression on Shi Tingyu, or in other words, on the entire Inner Circle Council.

It can be said that Lu Luo and Luo Xuemin single-handedly facilitated the reunification of the Alliance Council.

Miss, the hot pot is ready. Let's eat quickly, eh?

The assistant looked at the two of them awkwardly. Shi Tingyu glanced at her and then waved her hand.

You can eat these by yourself. I have something to do in the afternoon...forget it. If I don't come back in the afternoon, just ask for leave for me.

Ask for leave? The assistant was a little scared. Is the lady going to elope with someone else?

Secretary General of the Parliament, how could he ask for leave so casually?

In the past few years, Shi Tingyu seems to have never asked for leave, but she is actually asking for leave today? And the reason is this man of unknown origin?

Miss, we have a very important meeting this afternoon...

What's important is not as important as what I do next.

It's over, the young lady is going to pursue her dream. Is she going to fall in love with this man?

But this guy is quite good-looking.

The assistant was thinking wildly while looking at Lu Luo.

But as she looked at it, she felt something was wrong. She seemed to have seen this person before somewhere!

Actually, there's no need to make it so grand. It's just a meeting when we come back.

You didn't go to Luo Xuemin's place?

I didn't go. I just came to your place. How was it?

It's really interesting that you came here to find me first instead of looking for Luo Xuemin.

Lu Luo smiled slightly and did not respond to this matter.

Indeed, he also hesitated between looking for Shi Tingyu and Luo Xuemin first.

Emotionally speaking, Luo Xuemin is undoubtedly the closer choice.

Because from a biological point of view, Luo Xuemin is his father-in-law, and Luo Xuemin loves Bai Yuetong very much.

Secondly, he and Luo Xuemin previously worked together to promote the re-alliance of the parliament.

Let the parliament, which was almost falling apart, become complete.

As for Shi Tingyu, she was just more familiar to passers-by. Lu Luo couldn't even remember her name.

But even so, he still chose to come to Shi Tingyu instead of his father-in-law.

The reason is also very simple. In Luo Xuemin's heart, the inner circle always comes first.

He was once able to give up his power, status, and even most of his family's interests for the sake of the union of the parliament.

That kind of decision can be said to be a model among the patriarchs of the inner circle families.

Luo Xuemin can almost be regarded as the representative of the inner circle people and the leader of public opinion.

Now that he was completely bound to the inner circle, Lu Luo had no chance to rebel against him.

If he rashly contacts Luo Xuemin and reveals his thoughts, Lu Luo even thinks that Luo Xuemin will find a way to kill him at all costs.

Luo Xuemin is the Luo Xuemin of the inner circle, not Lu Luo's Luo Xuemin. He has no reason or qualification to ask Luo Xuemin to do anything.

Miss Shi Tingyu, do you want to treat me to dinner? Lu Luo said with a smile.

You haven't come back for such a long time, and you haven't gone to Luo Xuemin's place. I guess there is a high probability that you don't have alliance coins, right?

In the Fourth Ring Road, the alliance currency has been directly abolished by Lu Xiaotian and Hunter, and they have used a new currency system.

The new currency is completely isolated from the inner ring, so transactions between the inner ring and the fourth ring are generally exchanged for materials and dark spirit stones.

It's troublesome, but it works.

However, the inner ring still uses alliance coins, but in recent years, alliance coins have shown signs of over-issuance.

Inflation occurs everywhere.

You really have no money, so what are you going to treat me to?


Shi Tingyu was originally very good-natured, but after she looked out the window, her mood suddenly became depressed.

Eat whatever you want.

Lu Luo looked at Shi Tingyu's expression thoughtfully.

Okay, then just eat whatever you want.

The two of them went downstairs directly. In a place like the inner ring, if you jump directly from the window, it is very likely that someone will record it and then find a way to fix Shi Tingyu. There is no need.

Although taking the stairs can also cause some trouble.

For example, some people will gossip when they see Shi Tingyu and Lu Luo going out alone, but the impact of those situations can be controlled.

Of course, Shi Tingyu and a man going out alone at this point will still cause some discussion.

After all, Shi Tingyu is already 27 and has not yet gotten married at this age, which is considered very late in the inner circle.

Are you going to be single?

Gossip is a common characteristic of human beings. When Lu Luo and Shi Tingyu went downstairs together, gossip had already started to spread.

On the way.

When did you come back?

Do you know where I am?

I don't know, but I probably know you're not in the outer ring.

Lu Luo nodded. It seemed that Shi Tingyu or the Shi family had some insiders.

This is normal. The population of the Fourth Ring Road is much larger than that of the Inner Ring Road. It is much easier to find insider information than the Fourth Ring Road.

Anyone who is interested in the Fourth Ring Road should know that Lu Luo is no longer in the Fourth Ring Road.

He had concealed this matter before, but more than two years ago, he stopped concealing it.

Well, it's true that I haven't stayed in the Fourth Ring Road in the past two years.

Then, could you please tell me, where have you been?

A glimmer of light flashed in Shi Tingyu's eyes, and Lu Luo could feel it, it was the light of hope.

What is she hoping for? Get some of the answers you want from yourself?

So the question is, what is the answer she wants?

Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear lies?

What kind of problem do you have? Shi Tingyu said angrily: Don't normal people want to hear the truth?

That's right!

So, can you tell the truth? Hope flashed in Shi Tingyu's eyes again.

The truth is that I left the Wasteland Alliance and went to a new place, that place is called the Empire.

The Empire?

Yes, the Empire. Even counting the size of the five rings of the Wasteland Alliance, the entire area of ​​the Wasteland Alliance is only as large as one area of ​​the Empire.

No matter in terms of area or population, there is no comparison between the Wasteland Alliance and the Empire.

Shi Tingyu was a little shocked when she heard this.

She had lived in the inner ring of the Wasteland Alliance since she was a child, and later learned about the fourth ring, outside the wall.

In the more than 20 years of her life, she has never even seen a high-power border.

Now Lu Luo told him that there were actually five rings and an empire beyond the five rings. This was undoubtedly a severe impact on Shi Tingyu's world view.

Is the empire prosperous? How is life there? What is the strength of the people there? Are there any extraordinary people? Are there many?

Shi Tingyu asked several questions in succession. It was obvious that he was very interested in the empire and seemed to have reached the point of yearning for it.

And Lu Luo was already used to this situation.

The birds in the article always yearn for the blue sky. For people like Shi Tingyu, the current inner-circle life is undoubtedly like a caged bird.

He wanted to spread his wings and fly to higher and further places, so the empire was naturally his best choice.

This is also where he is completely different from Luo Xueming. Luo Xueming's whole heart is in the inner circle, and it is impossible for him to be instigated by Lu Luo to rebel.

Shi Tingyu is different. Judging from his current performance, Lu Luo is certain to lead her astray.

“The empire is indeed a nice place, and life there is much better than here, at least there will be no shortage of smart devices and the like.

As for strength, the strength of the Imperial people is generally lower than that of the Wasteland Alliance.

However, the empire has a large population, and their upper limit of strength is much higher than that of the Wasteland Alliance.

Is the upper limit of strength higher than that of the Wasteland Alliance? Are the people there already at level 8?

Level 8? There is indeed one, and there is more than one.

There are a total of 13 people in the 8th level recorded in the empire. I am not sure whether this is the number of all 8th level people, but there are so many people on the surface.

There were actually 13 level 8 masters. Shi Tingyu was obviously shocked when she heard this number.

Because in the 400 years since the establishment of the Wasteland Alliance, there has not been a single level 8 human master.

The presiding judge who was once the most promising to become level 8 also disappeared in an accident a few years ago.

The battle of extraordinary beings is actually the battle of top masters.

There are so many Level 8 empires that the comparison of strength between the two sides is almost incomparable.

Just like how the inner ring bullied the fourth ring before, they sent a few seventh-level masters to crush the fourth ring.

If the empire knew about the existence of the Wasteland Alliance and asked them to send a few level 8 masters over, the Wasteland Alliance would also be unable to fight back.

Although I hate to admit it, this is the fact.

Lu Luo, is everything you said true?

There is no need for me to lie to you about this matter. Although we are all from the Wasteland Alliance, you at least have the fourth ring as a buffer zone.

Once the Empire knew of the existence of the Wasteland Alliance.

The first person to bear the brunt was Lu Xiaotian from Sihuan.

Even if you are going to perish, it will be after the Fourth Ring perishes, so there is nothing to worry about.

Listening to Yuluo casually speaking these heart-wrenching words, Shi Tingyu felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Is the inner circle that they have worked so hard to support so vulnerable?

Forget it, let's eat.

Shi Tingyu didn't want to continue this topic anymore.

Although he is very interested in the affairs of the empire. But being interested does not mean that you also like to be hit.

Lu Luo's words undoubtedly hit her.

Why, are you hit now?

Tch, I just don't want to hear you talk about these boring topics. Shi Tingyu was still arrogant, but Lu Luo had already sat down in the driver's seat of her car very sensibly.

Beautiful lady, where are you going to eat next?

Well, either go to a noodle shop I know.

A bachelor like Lu Luo has the same temperament wherever he goes to eat, so he has no requirements for eating.

Okay then let's go to the noodle shop you mentioned.

The two of them drove quickly to the noodle shop Shi Tingyu mentioned. Because they were both extraordinary people, they both ordered the largest portion of meat noodles.

Boss, bring me some wine.

Drink, don't you have to go to work this afternoon?

Let's talk about work later. I just want to drink some wine now. Why, don't you want to accompany me?

Shi Tingyu raised her eyebrows, this action seemed to be provoking Lu Luo.

But since Lu Luo is here to do something, Shi Tingyu must be conquered.

Just drink, what do I have to be afraid of?

The two of them ate noodles and drank the cheapest wine in this small noodle shop.

No one can imagine that the secretary-general of the Inner Circle Council would eat here, and eat such cheap food.

Moreover, the other companion he was eating with was a master with level 7 strength. UU reading

Suck, suck, suck!

Xi Mian's voice kept coming from the two of them.

They ate quickly, and after eating three bowls in a row, Shi Tingyu stopped with satisfaction.

After she stopped, Lu Luo also stopped.

Phew, it's so comfortable.

Do you like it here?

Yes, this place has the taste of my childhood, but the environment here does not suit my identity, so I can't eat here often.

Shi Tingyu had some regrets. Although the position of secretary-general gave her rights, it also deprived her of some freedoms.

Okay, Lu Luo, you can tell me your purpose of coming today.

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