Doomsday Circle

Chapter 493 Stone Tablet

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It's not bloodline suppression, to be precise, it's heterogeneous level suppression. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

The level of alien species is far more strict than that of the human world.

For the 8th level, the 9th level is the absolute king, an untouchable existence.

I stood in front of it, unable to even muster the will to resist.

Lu Luo soothed her back, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

Your performance just now should be okay, right? At least you can hold it with your own willpower.

“That’s because I’ve become human over the past few years.

Let’s talk about something embarrassing. If I didn’t practice human skills and didn’t uphold human will.

At level 8, standing in front of Meiqi, I could even be suppressed by her until I cried.

So outrageous? But I don't think other mutants are that afraid of Meiqi.

Did she use any special means to manipulate you?

Like Mingyan?

These are Lu Luo's questions. If Lu Xiaotian really has such a big problem, then the matter of fighting against the ninth-level apostle needs to be considered in the long run.

No, I used to speculate whether it was Mingyan's problem.

But after repeatedly researching and investigating Ming Yan, I confirmed that there is no problem with Ming Yan.

The problem still arises in the hierarchy between us.


“The alien species is said to be the product of dark energy distortion, but the alien species has a strange characteristic.

That is the absolute suppression of the superior by the inferior.

The stronger it is, the more outrageous this suppression is.

It's like we were born to be controlled by them, and this feeling is terrible.

The situation Lu Xiaotian mentioned made Lu Luo frown slightly.

If it's really what you said, then this state is like...

“It’s like it’s set up in advance, right?

I couldn’t understand it before, but after you talked about the birth of the apostles, I felt it clearly.

Apostles, or alien species, are like artificially edited species.

Our existence is as if it was created for the apostles to use, leaving no room for resistance.

Lu Luo nodded slightly. If the situation is true, then this is really bad news:

Then do you have any solution?

Yes, that is to practice human skills and gradually become human.

In this way, we can gradually get rid of the hierarchical suppression of alien species.

In the past few years, I have focused all my efforts on the cultivation of human skills. In addition to the bottleneck of the alien form, there are also reasons for this.

And I have other subordinates doing the same thing.

Try to make them as human as possible, so that if one day the apostles do appear, they will not become their slaves.

Lu Luo didn't expect that Lu Xiaotian had such a meaning in asking his subordinates to develop in the direction of humans.

Didn't you tell them these things?

Does it make sense to tell them these things? There is no need to create panic.

Whether they know it or not, they can't change anything.

Level 6 combat power is considered powerful in many places, but in front of the apostle, it is about the same as an ant, at most a bigger ant.

I let them become humans, I just hope they don't lose themselves.

Lu Luo nodded. In this regard, Lu Xiaotian did have good intentions.

But even so, there are people in Lu Xiaotian's camp who don't want to follow human will.

For example, the black cat Tong Yuan died in the empire!

Hey, I originally thought that human beings have enough restraints, but I didn't expect that the restraints of alien species are even more outrageous than human beings.

Let's go, it's useless to say this, it's all nonsense, that guy should go.

We just took this opportunity to explore this place.

Tell me, what does Leviathan mean when he appears just now?

What else? It's just a warning to us.

But there should be no way for him to enter here, otherwise, it would not be as simple as a warning.

Lu Luo nodded and agreed with Lu Xiaotian's statement.

Then, the height of the two people began to slowly decrease, and soon they arrived at the ground.

This so-called floating city does exist, but now it has become a semi-ruin.

And it doesn't look like normal decay. Could it be internal or external damage?

Will Leviathan's impact just now have an impact here?

I don't know, but if you want to destroy a city like this, it would require a lot of impacts.

Lu Luo looked at the ruins in front of him and nodded:

Indeed, if the intensity of the impact just now was used, it would probably take thousands or even tens of thousands of times to turn this place into ruins.

If that's the case, then why did Leviathan destroy this place?

Maybe there is something he wants to bury here.

Is it something buried? It is indeed possible.

The two of them will no longer be separated at this time. After all, the level of danger here is probably several levels higher than that of the Doomsday Shelter.

I don’t know if there are such things as special creatures.

Devour the core of the world!

Lu Luo clasped his hands together, and he directly summoned the strongest form of Devourer at this place.

A large number of tentacles burst out of the ground, and some even grew directly from the void.

He then began using these tentacles for a very promising job...moving bricks.

Your sequence is pretty easy to use.

That's necessary. If I go to move bricks, one is worth ten.

Lu Luo made a rare joke at this time, and Lu Xiaotian also laughed.

She had not been in a good mood since she saw the giant beast of the sky just now. Fortunately, Lu Luo existed, otherwise, she would have been close to autistic at this time.

Did you find anything?

After moving bricks for several hours, Lu Xiaotian began to ask Lu Luo.

Lu Luo, on the other hand, shook his head slightly disappointedly after discarding a huge stone slab:

The level of damage here is too serious. Although some signs of civilization can be seen, this level of damage has destroyed the foundation of the city.

Is that so? Then we will get nothing.

Lu Xiaotian was a little disappointed, and Lu Luo shook his head helplessly:

It's hard to say now, but none of the discoveries are true. Maybe, I really have to leave empty-handed.

Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, just know that there is a problem here.

If there were no problems here, Leviathan wouldn't need to do these troublesome things.

Lu Luo nodded, and then continued to move bricks. He was very good at moving bricks.

From the beginning, he still retained some stone ideas, but by the end, he had gradually begun to destroy them.

Because it is always easier to destroy than to peel off.

He doesn't have enough time, so he needs to act quickly.

Lu Xiaotian also guessed what he was thinking, so even if she saw Lu Luo doing some damage to this place, she didn't stop him.

Lu Luo's destruction lasted for a long time. If there was time here, their time should have passed a day.

Their exploration began in the center of this ruined city.

Taking the center of the circle as the benchmark, Lu Luo had already explored a large area at this time.

Just when he was about to be disappointed and ready to leave.


A muffled sound appeared in the ruins.

Lu Luo felt the pain at the tip of the tentacle. There was something stronger here, much harder than the tentacle!

what sound?

I hit something hard.

Something hard?

Yeah! Very hard! Lu Luo knew the strength of his tentacles very well, so he was vaguely looking forward to what was underneath.

Hopefully we won't be disappointed.

Hearing what Lu Luo said, Lu Xiaotian's eyes also lit up.

They were about to give up, but they didn't expect that at this time, they would actually gain something!

Quick, dig it out and take a look.

Don't worry, I'm afraid I'll break it.

Although Lu Luo knew that the things down here were very hard and unlikely to be damaged by force, he still had to be careful at this time.

After all, this may be their only chance this time.


Lu Luo carefully dragged out the hidden objects in the wasteland.

That thing was big and heavy.

Judging from the perception of Lu Luo's tentacles, this thing should be rectangular.

Soon, a huge black monument appeared in front of the two people.

There are a lot of words and pictures densely recorded on it.

Even if Lu Luo didn't recognize the words above, he reacted immediately:

This is supposed to be a monument to heroes?

Yes, it is a monument to heroes. It records the heroic past of this place.

Lu Xiaotian's voice was trembling, and Lu Luo looked at her curiously:

Do you know the words on it?

“Well, I know you, although I don’t know why I know you, but I just know you!

Here, some of the apostles’ pasts are recorded, their real pasts!

Lu Luo could understand Lu Xiaotian's excitement. Perhaps it was the level 9 suppression that put too much psychological pressure on her.

Or maybe she saw the hope of breaking through to level 9 from above.

In short, this monument should be something meaningful:

What's written on it? Tell me.

Lu Xiaotian took a deep breath and sat down next to the stone tablet.

While touching the text on it with his finger, he began to translate it for Lu Luo:

In the year 941 of Aiqia, the fourth apostle, Lotias the Fusioner, appeared.

Fusion Lotias?

Lu Luo knew that s-04 was a fusion person, but this was the first time he heard the fusion person's full name.

It used to be called a fusion, named Lotias.

Then what?

“The place where Lotias appeared is called Gangze, which is an abandoned swamp.

Its ability is to fuse all things and turn them into energy and physical body.

In Gangze, there were approximately 900,000 weird creatures who launched spontaneous sacrifices.

Among them, there are 7 level 8 monsters.

These weird things seemed like someone was pointing them out, or there was something guiding them from somewhere.

Let them build a special sacrificial altar with flesh and blood without realizing it.

This altar is called the Heavenly Fallen Altar.

The significance of this altar is to promote the birth of the fusion Lotias.

Lu Luo felt strange when he heard this, 900,000?

What is this concept?

900,000 weirdos should mean 900,000 alien species, right?

If there are really 7 level 8 alien species among them, then this force is already powerful enough to almost destroy the Wasteland Alliance.

But is this just for a sacrifice?

According to Lu Xiaotian, this sacrifice is a sacrifice that requires the consumption of all the lives of these 900,000 alien species!

This is too outrageous!

Hey, wait a minute, are you serious?

900,000 alien species, even 900,000 pigs, would take several days to kill.

Sacrificing 900,000 alien species?

Hearing Lu Luo's question, Lu Xiaotian turned her head and glanced at him.

Are you still listening? If you don't want to listen, I won't say anything.

Okay, okay, go ahead and say it, I won't disturb you anymore.

Lu Luo was speechless. He couldn't even question him at this time. These people were really going too far.

Lu Xiaotian turned around and continued to translate the text above.

In mid-July, the 900,000 weirdos finally gathered and piled up next to the altar.

Welcoming the coming of the wrath of God, the wrath of God instantly lit the altar, burning all the weird things to death.

Fusioner Lotias was also born at the same time.

It symbolizes the mixed power, the pollution of blood, and the final fusion.

It was terrifying, and in order to defeat Lotias, the empire sent a large number of troops, as well as the participation of the Supreme Saint of Sanming in the battle.

Finally, by the Lake of Everlasting Sleep, Lotias was defeated and sealed.

Lu Xiaotian said it in detail. To be precise, it was recorded in detail on the stone tablet.

Because it is a monument to heroes, the names of the heroes who defeated Lotias are also recorded on it.

In addition to these heroes, deaths from the regular military were also recorded.

In order to seal the fourth apostle Lotias, they sacrificed 130,000 ordinary soldiers.

There are 15,000 extraordinary beings, more than 10 of whom are at level 7.

Fortunately, none of the level 8 masters were killed.

The information above can be said to be very detailed, and it also gave Lu Luo and the others a clearer idea of ​​the power of the apostles.

The apostle is really powerful!

Yeah, and they're getting stronger.

Well, they used to be him, but now they are him.

Lu Luo used an anthropomorphic word, and Lu Xiaotian understood it.

As recorded above, the former apostles of UU Reading all had no brains. Since they had no brains, it was easy to deal with them.

With the accumulation of force, there is always a way to defeat and seal the apostles.

In this way, humans only need to develop their own strength to limit the existence of the apostles.

But now, after thousands of years of sealing, the apostle's existence is no longer just powerful.

Their wisdom also increases with age.

Ancient wisdom, combined with powerful strength, is the most terrifying thing about the apostles now.

Maybe their ability to learn is not as fast as humans, maybe their intelligence is not strong enough.

But the best thing is that their lifespan is long enough and they are basically impossible to kill.

In this case, humans are at a huge disadvantage.

That's outrageous!

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