Doomsday Circle

Chapter 536: Does Senior know about the apostle?

Hearing this, Lu Luo's eyes immediately changed.

The presiding judge was sent to the Doomsday Circle. There were too many strange things about this matter.

The Doomsday Circle should be a cage.

As an eighth-level war god, Gu Tianfeng must have some knowledge of the Doomsday Circle.

He is also the chief of the Inspection Department, which means that his intelligence and information sources are much stronger than ordinary people.

He can be keenly aware of many things.

So the question is, what is his purpose in sending the chief judge in?

Does Minister Zhang know why he did this?

Oh, I mean, what was his purpose in sending Aunt Bai Qingshuang away?

Gu Tianfeng is the most loyal executor of the Wang Quan family's annexation plan.

He has been executing this plan his whole life. Bai Qingshuang is the most outstanding child of the Bai family's generation.

As soon as she was born, she was illuminated by the truth.

After Bai Qingshuang was born, the empire predicted that her existence would affect the stability of the entire royal family.

So Bai Qingshuang must die!

After that, the chief went to meet the ancestor of the Bai family alone.

The two seemed to have had a fight on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

No one knows the final result, but most people guess that the president won.

Because the ancestor of the Bai family did not come back, but the president did.

The commander-in-chief who returned to the imperial capital was completely unstoppable. He easily took Bai Qingshuang away from the Bai family.

The Bai family also had their apostles resist, but many of them were killed by the chief's men.

Among them...among them is me!

Lu Luo narrowed his eyes. He was very aware of Zhang Changming's protection of Bai Yuetong.

I didn't expect that behind this kind of protection, there is such a past...

Zhang Changming himself actually killed people from the Bai family!

This memory...

Does Minister Zhang regret it?

Yes, I regret it, everyone will regret it, and many things are worth regretting.

Although regret cannot change the past, regret can remind us of the future.

I didn't want to make any more mistakes, so I left the imperial capital and traveled around hoping to find her.

Lu Luo clearly heard some questions at this time. These questions seemed to be loopholes in the other party's words:

Minister Zhang knows that Aunt Bai Qingshuang is not dead?

“I don’t know, but I hope she’s not dead.

I feel that people like her should not die!

Is that so? The Lord Advocate is indeed not dead, but her experience...

Lu Luo remembered that Bai Qingshuang's experience was rough, and she seemed to have no memory of the past.

It was not until the end that he told himself some information about the empire.

The existence of the presiding judge seems to be somewhat special.

Is there any secret between her and the Director of the Audit Department, Gu Tianfeng?

Seeing Lu Luo pondering, Zhang Changming suddenly laughed and patted Lu Luo on the shoulder.

made his last statement.

But the content of this statement is somewhat unexpected:

Lu Luo, although I told you a lot about the past, many of these things seem to be dirty information about Gu Tianfeng.

But what I can be sure of is that Gu Tianfeng himself is a true imperial man.

His record is unparalleled.

His merits are beyond doubt.

So Lu Luo...

You hope that my judgment will not involve personal feelings or color?

Yes, I hope so.

It can't be done, Lao Zhang.

Lu Luo changed Zhang Changming's title back to Lao Zhang. This title seemed to have a magical power that made people feel close to him.

Zhang Changming smiled:


Because everyone is a human being, and since they are human beings, they are bound to be bound by emotions and emotions.

Judgment without emotion is itself impossible.

All I can say is that I will try my best to make a fair analysis.

And the initiative in this matter does not lie with me, but with him.

The judgment I made made no sense to him.

Zhang Changming opened his mouth and finally nodded:

Yes, you are right, then, go ahead, I know you will succeed.

That's not what you said when you first met me.

The two joked with each other, and then Lu Luo turned around and walked underground.

In the deep corridor, Lu Luo thought of many things.

Bai family, Bai Yuetong, Bai Qingshuang, Empire, Mrs. Nolan.

And those apostles.

It seems like there is a big invisible net that always binds all of this.

The direction of everything seemed to be controlled by someone.

Lu Luo still hasn't figured out what the net behind it is.

Forget it, you should know when you see him.

Lu Luo walked along the corridor until he reached the deepest part of the inspection department, where the office of the director of the inspection department was located.

The place where Gu Tianfeng resides.


After knocking on the door, the other party's voice soon came from the house.

Come in.

His voice was hoarse and nasal, as if he had a severe cold that had not been cured.

This state made Lu Luo a little strange.

Even if an extraordinary person is in the worst condition, it is impossible for him to catch a cold, let alone suffer from a defective disease such as rhinitis.

Since there is no such thing, what is the sound inside?

With doubts, Lu Luo had already opened the door.

Not too dim lights illuminated the room, and a large number of books were scattered around.

Although he didn't know the other party's character and attitude, Lu Luo judged from the situation at the scene that the other party must be a person who loves knowledge and is knowledgeable.

Because there are too many books around.

However, Gu Tianfeng's state surprised Lu Luo!

He was carrying his back, so Lu Luo couldn't see clearly, but his figure still impressed Lu Luo deeply.

Too short!

Not only short, but also very small.

He was short and thin. Lu Luo visually measured the other person's height and found that he was only about 1.4 meters tall.

Is this guy... really the legendary overlord, Gu Tianfeng, the Chief of the Inspection Department?

Although Lu Luo had never seen Gu Tianfeng, he still knew his name.

Such a state is really inconsistent with the legendary iron-blooded domineering appearance!

With such doubts, Lu Luo spoke:

Hello, may I ask, are you Senior Gu Tianfeng?

Why, doesn't it look like it?

Gu Tianfeng put down the book in his hand, stood up slowly, and turned around.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Lu Luo's pupils tightened even more.

His face was covered with scars, his face was mutilated, and Gu Tianfeng's entire nose was gone.

The bones inside the nose are exposed, the muscles on half of the face have completely disappeared, and there is no skin.

The bones and teeth can be seen clearly, as if wearing a half-skeletal mask, which looks terrifying.

Not only that, there was always some mucus flowing from his nose, and Gu Tianfeng often wiped the mucus with the towel in his hand.

The mucus doesn't look like snot, and it doesn't look like blood.

Although he didn't know what it was, Lu Luo guessed that it had a lot to do with the injuries on his face.

Such injuries are truly terrifying!

Turns out that's why he had that nasal sound.

Are you sizing me up? Gu Tianfeng suddenly asked.

Lu Luo wasn't upset that his gaze was being seen through. After all, Gu Tianfeng's appearance was indeed impressive.

Yes, senior, your appearance is impressive, so I took a few more glances.

Lu Luo didn't understand the other party's character, but according to the big guys he came into contact with, they all liked honest children.

So Lu Luo chose to be honest at this time, hoping to gain some favor from Gu Tianfeng.


Are you saying I'm ugly? Short, ugly, or a deformity?

Uh, I didn't mean that. Gu Tianfeng's sudden question caught Lu Luo off guard.

Does this man actually care so much about his appearance?

Haha, even though you say no, you all feel the same in your hearts.

Such a deformity is actually Gu Tianfeng, how ridiculous!

Gu Tianfeng laughed at himself and wiped his nose.

His expression was a little crazy, and this state made Lu Luo frown slightly.

A normal person is relatively easy to communicate with.

Because normal people have needs, and their needs are very simple.

And a smart person communicates better.

Smart people understand smart people, and their goals are very clear.

As long as Lu Luo can help them achieve their goals, then smart people will naturally help him.

But there is a kind of person who is the most difficult to contact and even more difficult to communicate with.

This kind of person is a neurotic person.

They are neurotic all day long. If they are called crazy, it is not wrong.

But these people will always make things that go against the choices of normal people.

Gu Tianfeng in front of him had some symptoms of neurosis.

For example, he is crazy, unscrupulous, aggressive, etc.

Lu Luo hoped that this guy was not neurotic, but if he was really neurotic, there seemed to be nothing he could do.

Senior, are you very hostile to me?

You met the Bai family!

Yes, I did meet people from the Bai family, and I met more than just the Bai family.

Lu Luo said something ambiguous.

Because he really wanted to know whether the person who once exiled Bai Qingshuang really had a blood feud with the Bai family.

Still did something that the entire empire didn't know about.

After Lu Luo said these words, Gu Tianfeng glanced at him slightly, and then he walked back to his seat.

I sat down, poured myself a glass of water, picked up a book, and started reading again.

It seemed that at this time, he had lost interest in Lu Luo.

But Lu Luo knew very well that this guy was just pretending.

The power of an observer is not just in observing the opponent.

It can also sense what the other person is observing.

At this time, Gu Tianfeng's entire attention was focused on himself, and he was waiting for his next performance.

Senior, do you know the reason why I went to the Bai family?

Gu Tianfeng ignored Lu Luo. He was still reading to himself, but Lu Luo knew that he was listening.

So at this time, he had to explain his point of view and the purpose of coming here.

Senior, I went to the Bai family this time, hoping to get help from the Bai family.

The current empire needs the Bai family!

After Lu Luo said these words, Gu Tianfeng suddenly turned his head and said sternly to Lu Luo:

You are wrong, the current empire does not need the Bai family.

The Bai family should have disappeared in the long river of history.

They are just a pile of filthy flesh and blood, the maggots of this country.

Gu Tianfeng's fierce attitude shocked Lu Luo.

Although this guy might not like the Bai family, his evaluation of the Bai family still surprised Lu Luo.

Senior, why do you say that?

Hahaha, the Bai family's cultivation requires life, they have mastered the brilliance of truth.

And truth comes at a price!

Gu Tianfeng spoke again, and this time what he said surprised Lu Luo even more.

It seems that Gu Tianfeng really knows a lot.

He may even know something that the Inspection Department and even the entire imperial family don't know.

And maybe he really had some other purpose in sending Bai Qingshuang away.

Senior, if the Bai family is so bad, then where is Aunt Bai Qingshuang?

Mentioning Bai Qingshuang, Gu Tianfeng actually showed some reminiscence in his eyes.

After a long time, he slowly spoke:

She is a genius, a real genius, if it weren't for the Bai family.

She might really become the emperor!

It's a pity... The Bai family ruined all this. They are just a bunch of maggots, shit, disgusting things!


When Gu Tianfeng spoke, he could no longer suppress his anger.

He actually threw the book over and hit Lu Luo.

Lu Luo caught the book speechlessly. There was no impact, but the cover of the book had been smashed.

What are you doing with my book?

Lu Luo:? ? ?

Good guy, you are so skilled at this kind of thing where the evildoer complains first!

Senior, you lost the book.

It's true that I lost it, but you broke it? Pay compensation.

Lu Luo:? ? ?

The opponent is one of the three gods of war. Lu Luo thought that he should not be the opponent's opponent, so...

“Okay, I’ll keep some money later.

Now can we continue what we were talking about?

Okay, what do you want to say, go ahead and say it!

The episode just now completely interrupted Lu Luo's conversation. Some of the things he wanted to say could not be said at this time.

He looked at Gu Tianfeng with some suspicion. Could this guy be doing this on purpose?

Did he interrupt himself deliberately so that he could not continue to say those persuasive words?

Senior, it was the chief judge, Aunt Bai Qingshuang, who asked me to come to the empire.

Huh? Is she still alive? Gu Tianfeng's eyes seemed to be a little brighter.

But soon, these lights went out.

Because Lu Luo told what he knew:

No, the Lord Advocate was fighting with others and disappeared. It is very likely that he died.

After hearing the news, Gu Tianfeng's breathing paused.

Although he didn't speak, Lu Luo could feel that he was taking a slow and deep breath.

Is this adjusting your emotions?

How could the death of the chief judge have such an impact on Gu Tianfeng?

After a while, Gu Tianfeng slowly turned his head and said slightly lonely:

Are you dead? It's good to be dead. At least you won't stay in this disgusting world.

Lu Luo nodded slightly. Is dying considered a relief?

For many people, this is indeed the case.

Death is indeed a great fear, but if you really die, for some people, it may not be a relief.

Although Gu Tianfeng in front of him was a little nervous, his nervousness was not to the point where Lu Luo could not communicate with him.

This was the only thing Lu Luo felt thankful for after coming in.

Is there any special relationship between senior and Aunt Bai Qingshuang?

Yes, indeed! I did send her in. You also came from the Abandoned Land, right?

Facing Gu Tianfeng's question, Lu Luo nodded directly:

Yes, but that place is now called the Circle of Doom.

Is this so...

Gu Tianfeng became a little absent-minded. UU Reading Lu Luo did not disturb him, but just waited quietly for a while.

Senior, the current empire is in danger, and I hope the Bai family can stand up.

I also hope you can stand up.

Apostle? Gu Tianfeng asked directly after Lu Luo made his request.

Lu Luo's eyes flickered. He didn't know who the person in front of him was, or even whether he belonged to the human camp.

However, people who could interact with Bai Qingshuang did not kill Bai Qingshuang.

Combined with Zhang Changming's evaluation of him, Lu Luo felt that Gu Tianfeng might not be a good person.

But he is a human being.

Senior, do you know about the apostle?

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