Doomsday Circle

Chapter 88 The Lord Behind the Swamp (2 in 1)

Several team members first took out a large piece of alien carrion that had been prepared as bait.

This is a meerkat carcass captured in the gravel wilderness. It is a second-level animal species and is suitable for luring carrion-eating ghost crabs.

The mines, fuses, and baits were all placed, and the group waited quietly for the ghost crabs to appear.

They hide in the dirty swamps, trying their best to cover up their scent and presence.

Blue Sky Pharmaceutical's private team is different from individual mercenaries. In addition to high rewards and amazingly effective potions in return, they also have to work really hard.

For example, before the members of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical came outside the wall, everyone in the team had to be injected with something called a death-sustaining potion.

Just like the name of the potion, the effect of this thing is to slow death, which can prevent you from dying immediately due to excessive blood loss when you suffer a serious injury.

This is a very effective potion, both in individual battles and in confrontations with alien species.

The mortality rate of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical's outbound team is very high. They are a biotechnology company, not a charity company, so they do not support idle people.

Once you get the money, you have to fight with your life, without any exception.

Zhu Laibing, who was hiding in the crowd, felt something was wrong. Both the thermal imager and his C-152 interval scan had been used.

There should be no problems in this area, but he had a lingering feeling of being spied on, so he kept looking around, hoping to find something.

What's wrong with Lao Zhou? Wu Sen asked suspiciously when he saw that Zhou Laibing's expression was not right.

It's nothing, I just don't feel comfortable.

Wu Sen also scanned the surrounding area. He also checked this area many times. The swamp was bare, with only some withered tree trunks. Indeed, no danger was found.

However, the experienced Wu Sen still remained vigilant and warned Zhou Laibing.

Be careful.


Chu Qi on the side also noticed something was wrong with the look on the face of investigator Zhou Laibing.

She didn't show any other expression, she just kept calm and quietly took out some special potions that the company had previously distributed, just in case.

The waiting time for the team was not short, but not long either. There was already a buzzing and rumbling sound in the swamp cave not far ahead.

Wu Sen and the others knew that the ghost crab had come out, and now they just needed to wait patiently for a while.


The ghost crab burst out of the muddy swamp. After a moment of vigilance, it headed towards the bait meat.

Wu Sen had already raised his hand, ready to give an order, and was waiting for the ghost crab to come to the bait.

As the ghost crab approached, he waved suddenly.


boom! There was an explosion and a splash of mud.

As soon as the ghost crab settled next to the piece of meat, the bomb hidden inside the piece of meat exploded.

The ghost crab staggered and fell due to the explosion.

Shoot, suppress.


Immediately afterwards, there was a dense firepower network from the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team.

The intensive firepower made it almost impossible for the ghost crab to raise its head. Although these bullets without dark energy could only leave a few scratches on the hard carapace of the third-level alien species, this did not mean that the attack was ineffective.

Because the firepower is too intensive, ghost crabs need to use crab claws to cover their eyes and mouthparts.

The ghost crab is also a heterogeneous species that follows the instinct of self-protection. It can feel pain, so when its armor can resist attacks, it will give priority to defense.

There is no problem with this, but the problem is that the enemy it encounters is human beings. In terms of cunning and strategy, humans are much stronger than alien species.

Moreover, humans have many more attack methods than alien species.

The ghost crab chose to defend, which gave the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team enough opportunities to attack.

He Qiang, B3 high polymer armor-breaking bomb, prepare.


A team member named He Qiang had a stern look on his face. The salary and benefits of armor-breaking bombers like him were very high, but the risks of their actions were also very high.

Now that the critical period of the battle had come, he knew what he needed to do.

He Qiang quickly tore off his backpack, set up the B3 bomb for directional blasting, and quickly approached the ghost crab.

The ghost crab, suppressed by the firepower, had no time to take care of He Qiang. Unknowingly, He Qiang had pressed B3 between its two crab legs.

Okay, very smooth.

He Qiang was a little happy and was about to evacuate.


A crab leg suddenly stretched out and pierced through He Qiang's chest.

This is where the ghost crab is outrageous. Its crab legs are too sharp. If it frees its hands to deal with their team, even if they can win, they will suffer heavy losses.

Several team members exclaimed that they would not care if He Qiang was seriously injured, but if the ghost crab got up and rushed over at this time, the explosion of B3 would definitely affect everyone.

Therefore, the team members were also a little panicked, and the shooting rhythm in their hands became slightly sporadic.

At times like this, it is important to have a strong voice to lead everyone.

Don't mess up the shooting rhythm. Stay steady and don't save ammunition. We have plenty of bullets. Slowly retreat, continue to suppress, and wait for the B3 to explode.

Wu Sen's order was still very effective. Under his guidance, the team members began to retreat in an orderly manner. After retreating to a certain safe distance, the firepower suppressed the ghost crabs again.

The effect of the death-suspending potion prevented He Qiang from dying immediately. He looked at the other team members in pain.

But the expressions of others showed no sympathy at all, only indifference. He Qiang knew that it was impossible for them to save him at this time.

Outside the wall, everyone is indifferent, at least in Blue Sky Pharmaceutical.

Boss, help me get more pension and bring it to my mother!

After hearing this, Wu Sen turned his eyes and nodded to He Qiang.

Don't worry, I will do whatever I need to do!

He Qiang laughed, a bit like self-deprecation, but also a bit like ridicule.

Oh, thanks, boss.

He Qiang pressed the active detonation button of the B3 bomb.

boom! B3 exploded.

The ghost crab's two left legs were blown off on the spot, the remaining two legs were also injured, and a large hole was broken in the carapace wrapping the torso.

The ghost crab was blown off balance and staggered and fell into the black mire. The power of the B3 directional blasting was truly astonishing.

Although one person died, Wu Sen's eyes were still full of smiles, because only one person died. It was so smooth. He originally thought that about five people would die.

Going deep into a place like Zimu Swamp and blowing up the ghost crabs, only one person died.

Is there anything smoother than this?

When he returns with enough blood bags, he will receive a large amount of bonuses, resources, and the support of the company's advanced pharmaceuticals.

The more Wu Sen thought about it, the happier he became. His eyes had begun to look at the female team members, especially Chu Qi's young and energetic body.

The injured ghost crab entered a violent state, but as it crawled in the mire, it had lost the ability to threaten the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team members.

Keep shooting. Don't spare the grenades. Blast them to death for me. I'll fill them up for you later.

Wu Sen's order made everyone excited. There were continuous explosions. Even Wu Sen himself took out a very special revolver.

The caliber of this pistol is very large, like a hand cannon.

Wu Sen hit the mouthparts and the previously shattered carapace with two consecutive shots.

Boom boom boom.

The huge explosion will destroy the ghost crab that lost the protection of its carapace, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere. This powerful third-level alien species finally fell.

Nais, it's a fall, I'll make a fortune this time!

Seeing the ghost crab fall, the members of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical shouted excitedly. No one was unhappy with such a smooth operation.

Of course, except Chu Qi.

After the ghost crab fell, the members of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical began to work in groups of three to hunt the rainbow-blooded mosquitoes hiding around.

Without the protection of ghost crabs, alien species such as rainbow-blooded mosquitoes have no strong fighting power at all, and can only be harvested ruthlessly by the well-equipped Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team members.

No one in the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team noticed that while they were hunting the blood mosquitoes, a pair of triangular eyes stuck out of the swamp not far away, observing them carefully.

The Zimu Water Lemon is an otter-like monster. Compared with other fifth-level lord-level alien species, its size is not particularly huge.

It's only about 5 meters long, not counting its tail. It has both water and soil characteristics, and can even travel through muddy swamps.

This sounds like a swamp animal species, but the true form of the mother-in-law water lemon is actually a deformed species, and it is a regenerated aberration.

Under its thick fur, there is a very scary face, with teeth as messy as a forest of knives, and stinky tear pits. It is simply ugly to the extreme.

Zi Mu Shu Meng does not mean that mother and son act together.

It has an abdominal belt, and the core of the abdominal belt is the true body of Zimu Water Lemon, which is also the source of its distortion.

If the core is not destroyed, the mother-child water lemon will regenerate crazily and never die.

The core in the abdominal girdle is like a child protected by the mother, so it is called the mother-in-law lemon.

This is important information obtained at the expense of a team of hunting talents.

Usually, Zimumumei feeds on ghost crabs, but sometimes she also goes to the Gravel Wasteland to eat other alien species as a snack.

At this time, Alphabet Shuimeng was lurking next to the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team, scanning the bodies of the swamp ghost crabs while sizing up the members of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical.

His dark eyes kept moving, as if he was thinking, which one is more delicious, a group of rare humans or a ready-made ghost crab.

Chu Qi, stop collecting the blood sacs. Dispose of the corpse of the ghost crab. Remove the crab paste and eyeballs. We will take them away.

Collecting blood sacs is a very profitable job. The company stipulates that you can take away 25% of the income from outings, so everyone wants to collect blood sacs. This is related to future income and resources.

Chu Qi also needed a lot of resources, so she glanced at Wu Sen, who was also looking at her.

Wu Sen's idea is very simple. Chu Qi can just come and ask him. Don't you agree? It doesn't matter, there are many women with strong tempers, and they will become honest after a while.

However, Chu Qi did not seem to show dissatisfaction, but silently nodded in compliance.

For her, a pure body is an important bargaining chip, and this important bargaining chip should not be wasted here, on Wu Sen.

When she returns this time, the inspection of Blue Sky Biotechnology Corporation will come, and then it will be her chance to turn around.

Chu Qi remained vigilant and silently walked towards the ghost crab. After confirming that the ghost crab was dead, he began to cut its eyeballs.

At the same moment, the Zimu Shuimeng hiding in the swamp seemed to have made a decision. It began to walk through the swamp and approached the team of Blue Sky Pharmaceutical.

It has eaten too many ghost crabs, and there is no point in eating them again. This kind of food for humans is still relatively rare. Although its life energy is not high, it is fresh and delicious.

Chu Qi, who had just cut off a ghost crab's eyeball, suddenly found a big bulge swimming by his feet. The bulge was still rapidly approaching the crowd.

What is that? A bubble in the swamp? No, this bubble is horizontal, this direction?

While she was still wondering, the bulge began to swell.


Zimu Shuimeng suddenly burst out of the swamp, revealing his terrifying and twisted face in the crowd, and then bit off half of the body of the man in front of him.

The sudden scene shocked everyone. They stopped what they were doing and started to run away crazily.

This, couldn't be a water lemon, right? A mother-of-pearl water lemon, it's really a mother-of-a-kind water lemon, run!

The same goes for Chu Qi. She seemed to be prepared for it. She grabbed one of the ghost crab's eyeballs and ran towards the gravel wilderness.

Having prepared stamina potions in advance, she should be able to maintain her running speed for a long time.

Before coming to the C13 area, they all did their homework. Although Zimu Shuimeng is not particularly powerful among the fifth-level mutants, it can even be said to be a very weak lord-level mutant.

But the lord level is the lord level, and it is definitely not something that miscellaneous fish like them can handle.

The lord level represents the king of this region. Only the extremely powerful team of hunters, as well as the elites of the inner ring military police and the church can deal with such alien species.

When a private team from a company like them in the fourth ring encounters a level 5 alien species, the only thing they can do is run.

It's early February now. Wouldn't Zimu Shuimeng be hibernating? Some idiot gave this information.

How do I know...ah!

Before the second person could finish speaking, he was dragged into the swamp by Shui Meng.

Level 5 alien species are extremely powerful in terms of speed, strength, and explosive power. Facing such a monster, everyone can only run.

A level 5 alien species rushed into the crowd, and the result could only be two words: indiscriminate killing.

With one scratch and one bite, Zimu Shuimeng killed two more people.

Wu Sen had a gloomy look on his face, UU Reading Originally, this operation went very smoothly, but the appearance of Shuimeng, the mother-in-law, made everything come to nothing.

It's not just a matter of income. The current situation is that if Shui Meng is not dealt with properly, he himself may die here.

Give me all the blast bombs.


Wu Sen took the detonating bombs handed over by other team members, pulled the tabs of more than a dozen detonating bombs in succession, and threw them at Shuimeng.

These detonating bombs did not explode immediately when they hit the mother-in-law Shui Meng. Shui Meng picked up the small cylinder out of curiosity.

Carefully hold it between your fingertips with two fingers and hold it in front of your eyes for observation.


The bright light instantly irritated the eyes of the mother-child Shuimeng. It was a creature accustomed to moving in the dark swamp, and this flash made it even more unbearable.

Yeah yeah!

Shuimeng screamed and kept shaking its head. The strong light stung its eyes too much, which also gave Wu Sen and the others time to escape.

Because of the speed of escape, many people threw away their luggage, leaving only weapons, blood bags, and a little food.

They don't need to be the fastest, but at least they can run a little faster than other companions. It doesn't matter where they are, whether they are dead Taoist friends or poor Taoists.

At this time, men's physical advantage began to become apparent. Among the female team members, except Chu Qi, who ran in front, several other female team members fell at the end of the team.

The eyes of the mother-in-law Shuimeng behind her gradually returned to clarity. She first glanced at the corpse of the ghost crab. It was a pity not to eat the ready-made food.

But it looked at the members of the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team who had already run away, and the anger that flashed in its eyes from the shock was still greater than the desire for food.

It plunged into the swamp and swam quickly towards the Blue Sky Pharmaceutical team.

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