Doomsday Game: Buy the whole world from the subway station

Chapter 13 Upgrading the hideout facilities, uninvited guests

[Ventilation Duct] Level 1

Type: Hideout Facility

Effect: Hideout air circulation +30%, ensuring basic survival needs.

Construction requirements: [Hideout Security] Level 1, Screwdriver x1, Duct Tape x1, Doomsday Coin 20,000 yuan

Construction time: 30 minutes


[Bathroom] Level 1

Type: Hideout Facility.

Effect: Wound healing speed +20%, probability of infection -20%.

Construction requirements: Waterproof coating x1, toilet paper x1, soap x1, basin x1, Doomsday Coin 30,000 yuan

Construction time: 1 hour.


The construction requirements of these two hideout facilities have been fully met.

As the construction materials disappear, construction begins.

The most critical facility now is the [Ventilation Duct]. Only after the [Ventilation Duct] is built, the two rare facility drawings obtained by Tang Yu can be started.

And these two facilities are also what Tang Yu is most concerned about.


Type: Rare Hideout Facility.

Effect 1: Build a fireplace for heating in the rest area of ​​the hideout, and the indoor temperature of the hideout will increase by 10℃-50℃.

Effect 2: Every 2 hours of burning, there is a 60% chance to remove a negative abnormal state from the survivor.

Construction requirements: [Ventilation Duct] Level 1, [Rest Area] Level 1, 30,000 Doomsday Coins, 30 units of stone, 10 bolts, 10 nuts

Construction time: 1 hour.


[Ventilation Duct Renovation Drawings - Safety Type]

Type: Rare facility in the hideout.

Effect: Renovate the structure of the [Ventilation Duct] facility in the hideout, ventilation performance +40%, indoor harmful gas exhaust speed +30%.

Construction requirements: [Ventilation Duct] Level 1, 10,000 Doomsday Coins, 1 heat insulation coating, 1 exhaust fan.

Construction time: 2 hours.


Half an hour later, while Tang Yu was waiting excitedly, the [Ventilation Duct] was finally completed.

I saw a square 30x30cm vent on the roof of the hiding place near the rest area wall.

Standing under the vent, Tang Yu could even feel a slight cool breeze.

Without hesitation, he chose to build [fireplace] and [ventilation duct - safe type].

Stones, bolts, nuts, heat-insulating paint, exhaust fans all disappeared, along with 40,000 doomsday coins.

The construction of the facilities in the hiding place has begun.

After half a day, Tang Yu had reached 1pm.

He looked at his health data and found that he would need some time to recover.

He simply lay down on the bed and took a nap.

Two hours later, when Tang Yu woke up again, it was almost 4am.

His physical strength had been fully restored, and he simply ate and drank to replenish his body energy.

The facilities of [bathroom] [fireplace] [ventilation duct - safe type] have all been built.

A small room of about 2 square meters was separated from the bathroom, with a toilet and a sink.

The appearance of the fireplace is very rough, and the top of the fireplace is completely through the roof.

An exhaust fan is installed at the ventilation duct, which is now rotating slowly.

After checking the facilities, Tang Yu began to put on his equipment again and check his weapons and ammunition.

Yesterday, because of the refugees he encountered, he only searched the lounge and locker room of the subway station and hurriedly returned to the hiding place with the spoils.

Now he is going to collect the remaining supplies in the station control room and the supplies in several other rooms. If he can find a chassis, he also needs to check whether he can find the [graphics card].

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. He just put on the bulletproof vest and his movements stagnated, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Because in the virtual map of the subway station in his mind, two lights emitting a faint red light lit up.

What surprised Tang Yu the most was the direction in which the two people entered the station, which was the subway tunnel he took when he went to Red Romance before.

"Is this a tail following me?"

Tang Yu pondered slightly. The other party emitted a red light. If it really came for him, it was obviously not well-intentioned.

After quickly equipping himself with weapons and ammunition, he left the hiding place and walked carefully in the direction of the person coming in his military boots.

"Brother, are you sure that guy came from here?" The skinny man tightly grasped the dagger in his hand and whispered to the strong man in front of him with his back against the wall.

Hearing this, the strong man stopped and looked back at his younger brother.

"You are the one who talks too much. I saw that man climb up the platform with my own eyes. Do you want to do it? If not, get out!"

"Boss, why don't you do it? If you do, that man has a gun in his hand! How can we beat him!"

Hearing the younger brother's words, the strong man sneered.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the younger brother, he took out a pistol from his backpack space!

"This..... Boss! Where did you get the pistol?"

"Where else can I get it? I bought it. That Tang Yu is really a sand coin. I exchanged a gun for some useless rags."

"Fuck, the pistol from Yu Shen!!"

The strong man showed a disdainful look.

"Yu Shen is just a piece of shit. He just got lucky. Now I have a gun too. Look, I will show you around."

"Okay, stop talking, be careful, as long as we kill that guy, we will be rich!"

The station fell into silence again, leaving only the sound of two people walking against the wall.

And in the room separated from them by a wall.

Tang Yu listened to the conversation between the two people outside, and his eyes showed a playful expression.


The skinny monkey and the strong man groped their way to the station control room.

Walked into the control room.

The skinny monkey saw a mobile phone dropped in the corner at a glance.

He was delighted, and while the strong man didn't notice, he quickly put it into the backpack space.

The strong man looked back.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah....Boss, I didn't do anything! I've been following you!"

"Why are you following me? Let's collect supplies separately! Whatever we can find is good."

The two of them rummaged through the boxes in the control room separately.

"Oh my god, boss, there is food, I'm starving!" The skinny monkey saw a bag of instant noodles dropped on the ground and started to eat it.

The strong man ignored the thin monkey, but went directly to the computer case, looked back at the thin monkey who was eating, and showed a mocking expression in his eyes.

Then he opened the case by himself.

CPU fan x1

Power supply unit x1

Capacitor x1

Computer CPU processor x1


The case was opened one after another, and all the electronic components inside went into the strong man's backpack.

But the strong man frowned.

"Fuck, there are four cases, why is there not a single graphics card!"

Before entering the doomsday game, the strong man once bought intelligence about the doomsday world on the black market, which mentioned that the graphics card would be one of the most expensive items after surviving the first disaster.

So the strong man has been consciously collecting graphics cards since entering the game.

But unfortunately, so far, he has opened no less than 20 cases, but no graphics card has been found, which makes him a little anxious.

He looked at the last case, and he no longer had any hope in his heart.

But the next moment he opened the computer case, his eyes widened with surprise.

"Damn it! I got rich!"

But the next second, he heard a rush of wind behind his head!

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