Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 132: Stealing people directly? Then let’s start a war!

This is really grasping the core of the problem. No matter how fancy the opponent's moves are, just hold on to one point!

"As expected of a Chinese who has been fighting for a long time, this fighting method has indeed captured the essence of the ancestors."

Su Yi sighed. Jiang Xiaoci reminded him of this matter yesterday, and today it was used vividly by many survivors.

In the public opinion offensive, the best thing to use is not popular science, not explanation, not proof, but asking the other party.

Only by letting the other party fall into the link of continuous explanation and self-proof can the offensive and defensive situation be effectively reversed.

However, Su Yi still found some problems as he watched.

He noticed that several familiar shelter names appeared from time to time, occasionally popping up to add fuel to the fire.

"These guys seem to be from the Little White Bear Shelter? There are also a few residents of the community!"

"Is it Xiaoci's arrangement?"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and he suddenly realized.

Jiang Xiaoci is not the type to stand and take a beating. The other party dared to stir up public opinion disputes, and Jiang Xiaoci played a trick of giving the other party a taste of his own medicine.

While the rescue team was deployed, the "water army" was arranged to join the chat channel battlefield, supplemented by the rescue team's real behavior as evidence to counterattack the other party's public opinion position.

As long as there is a beginning of a dispute, there will be voices of doubt.

Once the voice of doubt is raised, people will not believe what both sides say, but will only look at what both sides do specifically.

As time goes by, the survivors who have been blessed by the rescue team will naturally join this public opinion offensive spontaneously.

Jiang Xiaoci only needs to send someone to take the lead, and the rest of the process will naturally be completed by the majority of survivors.

For a lunch, Su Yi spent it in a cheerful atmosphere of eating melons.

This buddy in the city center also enjoyed the feeling of Su Yi yesterday, the kind of deep feeling of being unable to defend himself and being criticized by thousands of people.

"The truth will always come out."

Su Yi closed the chat channel with satisfaction, just as he was about to continue to work hard and increase the rescue efforts.


The communication terminal device in the room rang.

The screen of the communication terminal lit up, and Wang Shi's steady voice came from it.

"Sir, I have important intelligence to report."

Wang Shi has a remote communication module of future technology, which can easily contact Su Yi directly.


Su Yi rushed to the terminal and asked.

"I disguised myself as a survivor and went to the gathering place in the city center. Just five minutes ago, I found that there was a large-scale personnel mobilization in the gathering place in the city center, and armed personnel were gathering one after another."

The information sent by Wang Shi made Su Yi stunned on the spot: "Gathering armed forces?"

"Is he going to attack me?"

Su Yi touched his chin. Is this the opponent's countermeasure?

To beat me directly and eliminate the competitor from the physical level?

This method is indeed good, but the question is why the opponent thinks that he can eliminate the Jinling commander?

This is the third strongest person in the national list certified by the country. Anyone with a little brain knows that it is not an easy thing to eliminate Su Yi.

Although this possibility is not high, Su Yi is still vigilant.

He doesn't know exactly what the other party's talent is, so he can't take it lightly.

"I guess it's unlikely."

Wang Shi paused and whispered, "Please wait a little longer, sir. I'll go collect more intelligence information."

Su Yi asked, "How to collect it?"

Wang Shi: "Eavesdrop."


Su Yi was stunned and couldn't help but smile.

It's really a simple and unpretentious means of collecting intelligence!

However, judging from the future technology module that Wang Shi has mastered, it is indeed too easy for him to eavesdrop on the intelligence information in the city center.

Su Yi didn't wait too long.

About three minutes later, Wang Shi's voice came from the communication terminal again.

"Sir, it has been preliminarily confirmed that the other party's combat target this time is not us."

"Who is that?"

"Survivors in the city."

Wang Shi said in a deep voice: "Due to the reversal of public opinion on the chat channel this morning, the other party has fallen into a disadvantage. They have realized that propaganda alone can no longer attract more survivors."

"There was not a single survivor who came to surrender this morning. They decided to imitate the measures of the rescue team in our gathering place from the afternoon, send out armed forces, and search and abduct external survivors into the gathering place."


Su Yi was shocked: "Just start to rob people?"

Su Yi reacted almost instantly. The other party's approach was obviously too anxious.

This was only a morning of public opinion disadvantage, and the other party didn't even have the idea of ​​continuing to quibble and disrupt the situation. They were going to use force to rob people directly!

This was obviously a broken jar approach. The other party's reaction was too extreme.

"Sure enough, [Population] is indeed the most important factor for the opponent, the reason for his strength, and also the fatal limitation of him!"

Su Yi murmured: "He is so anxious because there is no new population for only half a day. It seems that this factor is quite fatal to him."

"Sir, what should I do?"

Wang Shi asked: "Should I continue to lurk, or take action to stop it?"

"Are you sure?"

Su Yi pondered: "I heard from Chen Dafeng that they have immunity to physical damage. Can your magnetic field suppression method work?"

"Not sure."

Wang Shi shook his head: "I have not observed their fighting style, so I can't estimate what the so-called immunity means are; in addition, I haven't found out who their leader is, he is hiding too deep; they are also very wary of newcomers and have not provided any help or intelligence other than basic food."

"If you are not sure, continue to lurk and hide!"

Su Yi quickly made up his mind: "Notify me as soon as there is news. You are a knife I buried, and I am not in a hurry to use it now."

"Yes, sir."

Wang Shi responded in silence and continued to lurk.

Su Yi quickly dialed another communication number and remotely contacted Jiang Xiaoci who was dispatching the rescue operation: "Xiaoci, Wang Shi has sent back information."

Su Yi told Wang Shi everything he said, and Jiang Xiaoci's soft voice came from the communication section: "Sir, what do you think?"

"He must have a problem! The more anxious he is, the more we should keep up with the pace!"

Su Yi did not hesitate: "Send troops to rescue people, the more he wants to snatch people, the more I will not let him snatch! Even if we have to fight, I will never let him snatch!"

"I agree with your idea, sir."

Jiang Xiaoci smiled and said: "Contain them in a hurry, use the dragging tactic."

"But we still need to be on guard against whether the other party has a deeper plan, deceives us with false appearances, and deliberately behaves like this, but actually has other plans."

Jiang Xiaoci always thinks deeply, and Su Yi can't help but laugh: "Xiaoci, I don't think they are as smart as you think, not everyone is as powerful as you."

"Sir, there are countless strange people in the world, and we can't take it lightly."

"Xiaoci is right, I accept it humbly! Hahaha!"


Jiang Xiaoci smiled helplessly, and after communicating the details with Su Yi, he turned around and began to issue orders.

The 20,000-man army came out in full force, and the rescue team was originally formed with the community gathering place as the core to spread outward, and carried out a sweeping rescue in layers.

Under Jiang Xiaoci's new order, she drew 10,000 rescue forces, temporarily suspended the rescue work, and reorganized the troops on the spot, assembled the army, and went straight to the gathering place in the city center from four directions!

Su Yi was the first to learn of Jiang Xiaoci's order. He originally thought that Jiang Xiaoci would block the gathering place in the city center from all sides and resolutely prevent the other party from dispersing into the city.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaoci did not intend to do so.

"Sir, blocking them will inevitably lead to a direct conflict with them. This method is not good for us when we don't know the strength of the enemy."

"What do you plan to do?"

"Let their team disperse into the city, and then ambush them when they come back."

Jiang Xiaoci paused, and there was a chilling smile hidden in his cold voice: "Use more people to fight less, occupy the advantage, and attack separately."

"They will disturb the people and arouse public resentment if they rob people."

"And the heroes who appear when there is public resentment are the real heroes."

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