Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 136 When the general is away, I am the rule!

People are complex and cannot be divided into absolute good and evil.

You cannot completely judge a person's goodness or badness by listening to his words and observing his actions.

People are changing all the time.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

There are evil people who are at large, and there are also criminals who are brought to justice.

There are good people who are wronged, and there are also songs praising heroes.

There is no absolute in human nature, only the current behavior is absolute.

In Su Yi's opinion, Chen Dafeng is definitely not a good person!

This guy is so arrogant that he disdains to conceal the fact that he has killed so many people, and even shows signs of being proud of it.

Even if he is not a pervert who has committed many crimes, he is at least a thug who has killed countless people.

But as a leader, Su Yi should treat everyone differently during special periods.

What Chen Dafeng did yesterday was definitely not a human thing.

But what he did today was barely decent.

After Su Yi noticed Jiang Xiaoci's arrangement, he immediately connected to Chen Dafeng's perspective and watched Chen Dafeng's actions silently.

Su Yi watched Chen Dafeng threaten the team in the city center gathering place, and watched him crush the heads of some rebels without hesitation.

He saw his terrifying speed of almost teleporting, and heard his voice silently counting work points.

Chen Dafeng's starting point was not pure. He was not like the soldiers in Su Yi's gathering place, who had a simple mentality of protecting the people.

He wanted to gain more voice and status in front of Su Yi purely because of Jiang Xiaoci's promise and the system of the gathering place, and he also had the intention of enjoying the massacre openly.

But no matter what, what Chen Dafeng did at this moment was beneficial to the people.

Chen Dafeng didn't know that Su Yi was silently observing him. He was busy running around the major armies that were besieged on the front line. He did not fully implement Jiang Xiaoci's action to fight back.

In Jiang Xiaoci's plan, Chen Dafeng only needs to lead the team to intercept the returning team in the designated area and rescue the abducted survivors.

Jiang Xiaoci did not force Chen Dafeng to rescue a certain number of people, and did not even need him to arrange the overall situation on the front line. He just gave him the title of commander-in-chief in name, with the intention of appeasing Chen Dafeng's emotions.

But Chen Dafeng did not think so. Jiang Xiaoci had promised to give him work points according to the number of rescues!

The entire rescue team was full of military personnel from talent units, and he was the only resident of the gathering place who could enjoy the work point system.

He was Chen Dafeng, a big boss in the city. He certainly could not do physical work like other residents to earn work points all day long!

He could not lose face.

But he had a need for work points, so he could only earn enough points in this rare opportunity.

Just intercept the captives of the returning team?

How could that be enough!

Is my appetite so small?

One wave of captives is not enough!

Stop these guys and let them continue to kidnap people! Then I will continue to rescue them!

Oh, yes, I, Chen Dafeng, want to find a bug!

If they dare not obey, then kill them!

Threatening to kill the hostages is useless. Before they take action, I can save the hostages and then kill them with the most cruel means! Deter the rest!

My Chen Dafeng's reputation must be heard throughout the city! Let everyone know that I am an irresistible and powerful existence!


Why should I stop them and not let them kill the hostages?

Let them kill the hostages, and then kill them, doesn't it make me look more cold and ruthless?

Doesn't it make me more deterrent by doing this? Am I not threatened by anything?

What does the life and death of those ordinary people have to do with me? Why should I save them? !

Oh, yes, it's for work points.

Although a person only has a few work points, but a little adds up to a lot, this thing is not easy to earn.


Su Yi noticed the subtle changes in Chen Dafeng's mentality. Because of his parasitic talent, Su Yi could feel the subtle changes in Chen Dafeng's emotions.

This man seemed to enjoy the feeling of standing on the right side.

Whenever the rescued looked at him with excited eyes, and couldn't help praising and thanking him, Chen Dafeng would feel a little happy and his vanity was rising.

This was a feeling that even Chen Dafeng himself did not notice, although he still treated the gratitude of every survivor with a blank expression, and even resisted it, with a condescending disdain.

But he could not deny that such emotions were emerging in his heart, and they were becoming more and more frequent, making him more and more accustomed to his new identity and position.

Perhaps Chen Dafeng himself noticed it, but he would probably not admit it.

Su Yi also understood that people's personalities are not easy to change, but habits and behaviors can be slowly replaced over time.

Even Chen Dafeng, who is as strong as Superman, is no exception. He is still a human being.

Supermen are in different living environments and are affected by different atmospheres, so there will be a distinction between righteous Supermen and evil Homelanders.

Under Chen Dafeng's brutal methods, no team in the city center dared to resist.

Chen Dafeng knew clearly that after leaving the gathering place, they would not be able to resist him without the protection of that guy's talent.

In the doomsday, no one wants to die casually.

Especially in front of a cruel person like Chen Dafeng, obedient is the only choice.

Time passed slowly.

Night fell, and it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

The first convoy that met Chen Dafeng returned, and this was the fifth batch of survivors they brought back.

This time, the survivors were all sitting in the car. Although their faces were nervous, they were still able to whisper to each other.

The captain stood in the car without even a seat, his face was gloomy and his eyes were full of exhaustion.

He remained silent.

The convoy approached the street again and saw the mad devil in the sky again.

At this time, Chen Dafeng's voice would be heard inexplicably in an empty place.

"Yo, here we come."

On the roof of a car, Chen Dafeng shook the butt of his cigarette and signaled to the captain: "Unload the goods, and move more smoothly."

There was obviously no one on the roof of the car just a second ago, but Chen Dafeng appeared magically.

No one knew how fast he moved, not even the accompanying soldiers.

They clearly learned on the walkie-talkie that Chen Dafeng was in another team a few streets away a second ago, and the staff officer had just picked up the communication device to complete the notification of the return of the team ahead.

The next second, Chen Dafeng came back.

"Hurry up and wait!"

Chen Dafeng scolded the front: "I have something to do later, don't make me wait!"

No one dared to ignore Chen Dafeng's order. He had killed the noisy woman in the motorcade an hour ago.

In front of everyone, he simply crushed his head.

There was no torture, it was just as simple as crushing an ant.

Chen Dafeng's aloof indifference and rough methods were not concealed at all, but they shocked the rest of the team even more.

What Chen Dafeng didn't expect the most was that he was already so cruel, and he had already tried his best to maintain his "killing without batting an eye" villain persona.

But among the crowd protecting him behind the soldiers, there would still be cheers after he killed someone.

When he killed the woman, Chen Dafeng even saw the blind young man raising his arms and shouting wildly, cheering the loudest and applauding the hardest.

From that moment on, Chen Dafeng seemed to feel that.

It seems that killing is not an exclusive behavior of villains.

Killing a specific person at a specific time seems to be more satisfying than simply killing someone.

After all, when he usually kills people, no one is waving flags, applauding, and looking at him with admiration.

It was not a look of fear, but of respect and excitement.

As if he were a great master.


The convoy captain nodded tiredly, and led the team members to silently repeat the previous actions, escorting the prisoners out of the car and handing them over to the soldiers.


Compared to this group of residents, it seems that they themselves are more like prisoners.

"Brother Feng..."

After the captain delivered the last person, he finally plucked up the courage and lowered his voice, still not daring to raise his head to look at Chen Dafeng: "Can we leave... This is already the fifth batch, and there shouldn't be many on this street. Personal."


Chen Dafeng glanced sideways at the captain and asked indifferently.

The captain nodded helplessly: "Brother Feng, if you need it, I will come out to help you tomorrow... Today, I really can't bear it anymore."

He tried his best to keep his attitude down, without any of the high spirits, arrogance and rudeness he had during the day and afternoon.

The first batch of rescued people looked up at this scene and felt extremely relieved in their hearts!

"Damn, look at this idiot! He's so groveling, as ridiculous as a dog!"

"Hey! That buddy, weren't you very crazy during the day? Didn't you step on people like dogs? Where was your anger during the day?"

"Brother, please recover! I really like your unruly temperament during the day! I think you are handsome!"

"Hahahaha! Does he dare? We don't dare even if we borrow his courage!"

"Captain Chen is standing in front of him! Who is Captain Chen? He is a fucking hero, saving the people from fire and water! He is a national disaster hero! How dare you jump?"

There was noise and ridicule in the crowd, and the roar of laughter filled the night sky, filling the surroundings with a cheerful atmosphere.

This is a vengeful mockery, born of the simplest ideas of the people.

After all, you just oppressed me, shouldn't I be allowed to laugh at you?

The captain of the convoy remained silent, allowing a thousand people to criticize and ridicule him.

How dare he reply, Chen Dafeng is right in front of him.

God knows how this murderous maniac is in the commander's team, why is such a notorious guy recruited?

"You're tired when you say you're tired?"

Chen Dafeng glanced at the team captain lightly, and he also heard the jeers and praises from the crowd.

There was a slight sense of relief in his heart.


I, Chen Dafeng, can be a hero someday!

Who can believe this if told?

He heard too many desperate pleas for mercy, but in the end he found that people's praise and worship were even more beautiful.

"Brother Feng, there is really no one left."

The team leader lowered his head and his voice became more respectful: "I searched several times, but there really wasn't anyone left. The whole street was basically searched."

"Oh, there's no one left."

Chen Dafeng touched his chin. He believed what the team captain said. After all, this place was close to the city center.

Many people have already been absorbed by the city center, and not many people remain.

"Okay, since there's no one left, forget it."

Chen Dafeng nodded. The team captain was trembling in his heart and looked excited: "Brother Feng, can I leave now?"

"Go? Where?"

Chen Dafeng looked at the people in the convoy with a smile: "The search for people has come to an end, let's move on to the next process."

" process?"

The captain of the convoy felt uneasy, he took a few steps back involuntarily, and looked at Chen Dafeng with fear: "Brother Feng, what do you want to do?!"

"Have you never seen anti-Japanese movies?"

Chen Dafeng frowned at him and criticized him seriously: "People like you are like traitors! You are making trouble in the doomsday, and you are also a traitor! How do you deal with people like you when the plot of the movie reaches this point?"

"Of course it's a public trial!"

Chen Dafeng raised his head "Come on, notify them to start the public trial!"

"Whatever bad things these guys did, you can report them! Reporting is effective!"

"If it's not excessive, I'll let them go!"

"If it's too excessive, I'll kill them all!"


The staff officer nodded, hesitated for a moment and reminded: "Captain Chen, this should not be in line with the rules of the gathering place. The trial requires physical evidence and witnesses. We have to bring people back for the trial. There is a special temporary court in the gathering place."

"What rules are not rules!"

Chen Dafeng's voice was stern and loud: "When a general is away, he is not subject to military orders! I am the rule now!"

I, Chen Dafeng, still pay attention to rules when killing people?

Give them face and say it's a public trial, don't give them face and just kill them!


In the crowd, the blind young man shouted excitedly.

He heard it, and he almost jumped up: "Captain Chen! You are a good man! You are the master of the people!"

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