Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 73 Wherever the soldiers go, the bandits will flee! With justice in hand, it's easy to

Faced with many survivors' requests to join the army, Lin Yue did not agree immediately.

She also has her own worries. If the army is filled with too many untalented soldiers, how can the army's loyalty and system be guaranteed?

This thing cannot entirely rely on people's consciousness.

Even if you want to be a soldier, you must receive training and ideological edification, and you must continue to grow day and night before you can be effective.

Training for a thousand days can only be used in a moment.

Lin Yue did not dare to make a decision easily, so he could only send people to appease the people and promised to provide channels and opportunities to join the army in the future.

As for now, the most important thing is to collect supplies, accept survivors, and figure out the actual situation in these blocks.

Fortunately, although the number of this group of survivors gradually increased, and the number of survivors who came to find the army along the way tended to exceed a thousand, they did not become a burden.

They were very conscious. After properly arranging the old and weak people, the adult men consciously followed the team in a group.

He didn't make any noise, stayed out of the sun, and didn't casually ask for food or drink from the troops until the critical moment.

At this moment, the endurance in the bones of the Chinese people was brought into full play.

The army has discipline and the people have consciousness.

In special times, of course we must be more conscious and try not to cause trouble to the army.

In the next half hour, Lin Yue drove the military vehicle team directly to the entrance of the snack street.

According to Wang Daniu's intelligence information, the two large supermarkets in the current block have basically been emptied of food and drinking water, leaving only some inedible daily necessities and home appliances.

It is unclear whether there is any place for food, just a few small cold storages.

One of the cold storage warehouses is located in a restaurant chain in the snack street. Faced with the collection of many materials, Lin Yue naturally has to ensure the collection of food first.

According to Wang Daniu, those waves of thugs included people who had the means to generate electricity, and they secured the refrigeration facilities for the cold storage as soon as the apocalypse broke out.

This matter is not a secret, it is widely circulated among the survivors in the surrounding neighborhood.

Although the [Power Generation] talent only mastered one cold storage, the remaining cold storages also relied on him for power generation, and they had to pay tribute to him at regular intervals to ensure that the power was maintained.

"Team Lin, Wang Daniu just said that there may be a group of people near the cold storage and they have been occupying the cold storage."

"Well, let's send people to explore the road first, and then the subsequent combatants will advance in a street fighting formation."

Lin Yue ordered in a cold voice that she could not give up collecting supplies just because there were thugs ahead.

Su Yi had just told her that Jiang Xiaoci had already driven out all the trucks from the gathering place, some of them went to the police station to take over supplies, and some of the empty trucks were already on the way to chase the military vehicles.

Lin Yue did not allow himself to return empty-handed, which was irresponsible to the many survivors in the gathering place.

"Wang Daniu!"

The chief of staff put down the walkie-talkie and called Wang Daniu, who was secretly bragging and spanking with the survivors.


Wang Daniu responded in a loud voice, and the chief of staff ordered: "Take your men and lead the charge! Enter the snack street! Whether you can atone for your sins depends on your performance!"

"Snipers and follow-up soldiers will support you at any time. Once you encounter an enemy, you have the right to decide whether to kill them on the spot!"

"Remember, you are mine now, so be bold in what you do! If you are tricked by someone, it will also be my shame!"


Wang Daniu's face was filled with excitement. He turned around and took a few young people from the same village with him and dived directly into the snack street.

Military glory is right in front of you!

Wang Daniu was eager to meet his enemies more than anyone else. He thought that he would have to kill a few villains to better prove his worth and loyalty.

The originally bustling snack street was now in a mess and chaos.

There were messy tables and chairs and oil stains everywhere, the smell was overwhelming, and all kinds of small flying insects were flying in the sky.

This place has not been cleaned for a long time and has long since become a place of stench. Wang Daniu could even see scattered human corpses lying on the street while walking.

Some of them starved to death while searching for supplies, and some had obvious injuries from fighting to death.

The entire snack street no longer has the fireworks smell of the past, but looks a bit dull and scary under the red sun.

Wang Daniu took the lead. Relying on his super physical fitness, he was not afraid of the black guns that might be hidden in the dark.

The soldiers behind Wang Daniu also entered the scene quickly, using a coordinated tactical formation to continuously inspect and search the complex terrain of the snack street, and constantly inspect the buildings and stores on both sides of the street.

Strangely enough, hundreds of soldiers poured into the snack street, but no living human beings were found.

Not to mention the enemy, not even the survivors were discovered.

Until Wang Daniu took the lead to walk to the large chain restaurant where the cold storage was located and got into it, Wang Daniu's voice came from Lin Yue's walkie-talkie soon.

"Report! There is no sign of any human activity. It seems that the place is deserted."

"According to previous intelligence, there should be some people stationed here for a long time to look after the cold storage, but now there is no one inside or outside the building."

"I checked it carefully to confirm that it was correct, but I found some freshly opened cans on the table. I haven't even taken two bites of them. These people must have just escaped not long ago."

Wang Daniu asked: "Do you want to pursue me?"


Lin Yue shook his head and ordered calmly: "Continue to carefully check the area around the cold storage and be alert to ambushes and sneak attacks."

"Team 1, Team 2, go in and open the cold storage."

"The rest of you, spread out around the streets and be on alert."

"Snipers, keep an eye on the surrounding information."

Lin Yue was very cautious. She didn't want to suffer at the hands of a strange talent. Since he ran away and didn't want to face the regular army head-on, she wouldn't chase him.

It was important to get the supplies first.

After a while, the dull voice of the sniper came from Lin Yue's intercom.

"Sniper position No. 3 found the figure of suspected fleeing thugs. About 20 people were about 800 meters away from the convoy, holding pistols, machetes and other weapons, and were quickly moving away from the snack street."

Lin Yue weighed the intercom in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect that the military identity under the inherited strategy would not only make the survivors trust naturally, but also have the effect of deterring the thugs.

These people didn't dare to face Lin Yue's troops head-on. When they found that the target of the military vehicle was the cold storage, they simply abandoned the cold storage and ran away.

To be honest, this saved Lin Yue a lot of trouble.

All military actions must have military objectives.

Killing is not the goal, taking key supplies is Lin Yue's main task.

Being able to take the target supplies and population without bloodshed is a scene that Lin Yue is happy to see.

In the next two hours, Lin Yue sent soldiers to take turns to enter the cold storage to carry supplies.

She did not let everyone go in. The terrain of the snack street is complex and narrow. Once the whole army enters and is ambushed by special talents, the loss may be too great.

At least half of the troops are left on standby in the open area outside, so that they can not only watch over and take care of the survivors of the team, but also support the front troops at any time.

Due to the lack of manpower for carrying, the work of carrying continued until dark.

While carrying supplies, the large trucks from the gathering place also slowly drove over, and several soldiers with the team also took in some new survivors on the way.

It is worth mentioning that there are more supplies in the cold storage than expected.

In addition to the refrigerated poultry and frozen foods that should have been there, there are also a large number of various drinking water and food that were obviously carried from supermarkets, which are stored in the cold storage.

These supplies were more than Lin Yue expected. All kinds of food were available, and even basic daily medicines were available. The entire cold storage was filled to the brim.

According to a rough estimate, if they were thrifty, they could at least meet the weekly living needs of hundreds of people.

"They ran away, which was a bargain for us."

The chief of staff looked at the soldiers who were constantly carrying supplies, and the smile on his face was very satisfied: "We won without fighting, and we got a lot of supplies for free."

"Wang Daniu, you did a good job this time, and I will remember you."


Wang Daniu was overjoyed and hurriedly called his nephews to join the team carrying supplies.

When the supplies were transported, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yue looked at the time and decided to continue collecting supplies around. The army had night vision combat equipment, but the thugs might not have it.

Night operations were actually very advantageous for the army.

As for the survivors collected along the way, Lin Yue asked them to board the truck and return to the gathering place under the escort of a small number of soldiers.

When the survivors returned to the community with the truck, Sister Li and others had already set up several registration tables, with electric fans blowing and standing air conditioners next to them, waiting in the night.

As the trucks slowly drove into the community, more and more survivors got out of the cars. At first glance, they saw survivors like them coming from all directions.

Without saying a word, these people got on the car and started to carry supplies.

There were men and women, old and young in the crowd, most of them had ruddy faces and neat clothes. They talked and laughed with each other while carrying various materials and items up and down, and then stored them in categories under the arrangement of the specialist.

"Things that are not resistant to high temperatures should be placed in the building with electricity first! Don't make a mistake!"

"Put the ones that are durable over here, hey hey! Don't put them randomly, who! Put them down, don't eat them secretly!"

"Little bastard, whose child is this! Why are you so greedy? Didn't you have enough food at night?"

"Sorry, sorry... son, come here quickly! Don't make trouble!"

The crowd was noisy, and the entire community entrance was brightly lit and bustling with people.

The lively scene made the survivors who had just arrived at the community feel as if they had returned to peacetime.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, they had never seen so many survivors together.

Even if they spied on the clusters of humans by the windows on weekdays, they were all criminals who did evil, not normal people.

"Comrade, what..."

A young man politely asked the staff nearby: "We are new here, how does the government plan to arrange us?"


The staff glanced at the material list in his hand and raised his head casually: "I just joined not long ago. This doesn't seem to be a government rescue office. I guess it's a temporary military district, and it's all managed by soldiers."

"As for the arrangements, you can ask them."

The staff raised his hand and pointed, and saw several girls holding up temporary wooden signs, waving them and shouting: "Welcome new refugees! Return to your new home!"

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