Doomsday Game: I become stronger by staying at home!

Chapter 79 Man-eating plants! The whole city is occupied!


"My hand! It's biting my hand!"

After the frightening and shrill screams broke out, Su Yi suddenly became nervous and rushed to the monitoring equipment in the room to check.

In the surveillance screen, Su Yi could clearly see the crowd in the hall in chaos.

Everyone gathered around a man whose right hand was broken and bleeding. He was rolling on the ground in pain, and his broken right palm was attached to the wall.

"What the hell is that!"

Wang Daniu yelled in the crowd and pointed at the wall. The crowd also moved away in fear, as if there was something scary on the wall.

Su Yi adjusted the surveillance camera and after zooming in, he found that it was a layer of strange, slippery dark green objects attached to the wall.

It spread silently and continued to expand visibly to the naked eye. By the time people discovered it, it had already covered an entire wall without even realizing it.

Its appearance looks like ordinary lichen, or some kind of carpet, with an ominous aura.

The man's severed palm was attached to the wall. To be precise, it was firmly absorbed by the green fungus carpet. Countless small waving tentacles stretched out from the slippery carpet, and they wrapped the severed palm crazily. Devouring hungrily.

In less than half a minute, an adult man's palm was swallowed up by the fungus on the spot.

And everyone was even more horrified to find that as the man's palm was swallowed, these green carpets seemed to be infused with more nutrients and began to grow wildly!

They began to spread out of the walls at a speed visible to the naked eye, toward the floor, toward the ceiling... They were constantly getting closer to the crowd!

It's like a group of ferocious beasts that have found their prey!

Danger is approaching quickly!

"This is a man-eating fungus, something that eats people!"

"It's not an infectious disease, it's a fucking plant crisis!"

"Shoot! Shoot quickly!"

Frightened screams came from the crowd, and everyone panicked. Only the calm people loudly reminded the surrounding soldiers to shoot quickly.

The soldiers did not fire immediately, but quickly came out to defend the crowd behind them.

Later, Lin Yue decisively ordered: "Test the attack! Stop them from getting close to the crowd!"

"Bang! Bang!"

The single pistol bullet came out first. The fiery bullet spun through the air and hit the wall, making a "puff" sound.

Su Yi looked very carefully through the ultra-clear camera. The bullet successfully penetrated into the wall's carpet, sputtering out green juice. On the surface, it did not cause any effective damage to the carpet.

On the contrary, it irritated the bacteria carpet, causing it to continuously extend its tiny tentacles, trying hard to break away from the main body and stretch in the direction of the soldier who fired the gun.


Wang Daniu held a saber and cut off these tiny tentacles immediately.

When they were separated from the creep tissue, they fell to the ground and were still alive, twisting wildly.

The crowd shunned away, staring at the tentacles on the ground with fear and nervousness.

After a while, they turned into a pool of green juice, and then, under the evaporation of the high temperature climate, they quickly turned into a wisp of green mist and dissipated in the air.

"Bullet attacks have little effect, but these things seem to die on their own after being separated from the main body."

Jiang Xiaoci looked at Lin Yue while making analysis.

Lin Yue looked serious and ordered sternly: "First team, bayonets! Cut them off!"


Ten warriors came out, armed with sabers, and walked towards the fungus carpet without fear, slashing with their sabers from a relatively safe distance.

They smoothly cut off part of the fungus carpet on the wall and let it fall to the ground. Sure enough, it turned into green juice and evaporated on the spot.

But the damaged part of the wall carpet that was quickly cut off quickly grew back visible to the naked eye, just like a gecko with a broken arm that can quickly heal its injured body.

"It has a very strong recovery ability and is very lethal to humans. It is relatively difficult to deal with."

Jiang Xiaoci frowned slightly and murmured: "But if it's just like this, it doesn't seem to be too difficult to control. We still need to try more methods to find the most effective way to restrain this group of bacteria."

At this moment, the door of the building was opened, and several soldiers quickly ran in from the outside and reported in a deep voice.


"There are many green unknown vines outside, which are also suspected to be mushroom carpets!"

"We don't know it, but it seems to be very aggressive and will extend its tiny tentacles to attack living people!"

Lin Yue looked at the soldiers and asked in a deep voice: "How many are there outside?"

"a lot of!"

A communications soldier took out the drone monitoring equipment he carried and showed it in front of Lin Yue. She and the soldiers around her saw what was outside the building on the communications screen.

A large number of fungus blankets have covered most of the roads in the community, and green fungi have also appeared in the green plant areas of the community.

Even outside every building in the community, there is a carpet covering and spreading.

Even the streets in the distance are not immune. Under the drone's bird's-eye view search, wherever the drone "sees" is a vast ocean of green!

The whole city seemed to fall in an instant!

This group of weird plants appeared out of nowhere and covered most of the city in a very short period of time, and continued to expand to more hidden corners of the city.

Whether it's streets, buildings, sewers, city pipes, etc... these ghost things are everywhere!

Wherever everyone can see, everything is densely green, filled with slippery and sticky fungi that are constantly squirming and spreading!

"This is too much!"

Jiang Xiaoci's expression changed slightly, and she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

With the crazy aggressiveness and terrifying self-healing ability of the fungal blanket, as well as the characteristics of rapid spread, this is definitely a terrible threat no less than the first round of high-temperature doomsday!

"Continue to experiment with means to restrain man-eating fungi!"

Jiang Xiaoci ordered Lin Yue: "I will go to find the gentleman, his safety is the most important!"


Lin Yue nodded and glanced at the chief of staff beside him: "Take three teams upstairs and make sure the safety of the leader."

"Team Lin, there are already two teams on standby upstairs."

"Keep sending people! He is our leader, and safety issues cannot be ignored!"


The chief of staff saluted on the spot and immediately called on the personnel to go upstairs.

Wang Daniu at the side volunteered: "Chief of Staff! I'll go too. I'm not afraid of these ghosts. I'll clean them up!"


The Chief of Staff glanced at Lin Yue and saw that she had no objection, so he reluctantly nodded and agreed: "You come with me and lead the team to clean up all the man-eating fungi on the floor where the chief is!"


Wang Daniu was overjoyed. He relied on his strong physical fitness and was not panicked at all. Compared with the current danger, he hoped to get closer to the mysterious chief.

The closer to the leader, the closer to the core of power.

If the chief can appreciate it, then I will definitely be promoted!


Why don't you worry about the current danger? Don't you think the chief will fall into the second round of crisis?

What a joke!

Even I, Wang Daniu, am not afraid of these fungal blankets. Will the mysterious chief be afraid? Will he fall here?

Don't be funny. Instead of worrying about this problem, it's better to think about how to perform well in front of the chief!

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