Doomsday: It Turns Out That My Appearance Is Only For Zombies

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 The Cost of Picking Up Girls Is High

Two hours later, the team reached its destination.

What Tang Tian imagined here is different. It is not an oasis in the downwind area. The oasis in the downwind area generally has seasonality.

The number of days in the oasis is about two-thirds of the year, and the rest of the time is also dry, but it is not as severe as the desert drought.

And the oasis in front of you is a huge deep pit!

Surrounded by a rock unique to the desert, known as lapis lazuli, itself is also in the downwind area, which causes the climate here to be very different from the desert outside.

Although the precipitation is also very small, because it is connected to an underground river, the environment is favorable.

If it weren’t for the mutants, this place would definitely be a holy place that everyone yearns for.

According to the team commander Liao Zhong.

There are three paths down the pit, and the one they took is in the middle.

Tang Tian raised his head and glanced, the other two roads were not visible at present, because the scope of the deep pit was too large.

The gradient going down is relatively steep, and it is impossible to drive. The team can only throw the car on it and choose to walk down.

The team of Tang Tian three people is among them.

As soon as they went down, they saw a lot of mutants.

“Everyone spread out a little, follow me, and kill any mutants that don’t have long eyes along the way.” Liao Zhong instructed.

This is also the best way for everyone to come here to earn extra money.

There are many people, and there is a lot of power, and there will even be a special situation where several teams hunt and kill one.

Although the wind snake is more rewarding, it has organized hunting every year for so many years, but still nothing.

Gradually, everyone didn’t have much hope for the wind snake.

The range below the pit is also very large, similar to a valley, but the light is much more transparent and open.

In the middle is a small river connected to the underground river with clear water.

Everyone spread out, almost pushing the valley forward, and Liao Zhong’s instructions came from the communicator from time to time.

Everyone is instructed to keep communication open.

Report any problems anytime.

Tang Tian’s three-person team was near the edge, and the danger was relatively high. Bai Yiyi and Fatty followed behind Tang Tian, watching the surroundings carefully all the way.

Tang Tian doesn’t care, and walks forward carelessly.

The unparalleled domain spreads out a little, and what is around is clear at a glance, and you don’t need to look at it. As for the mutant, he is too lazy to kill.

Today’s Tang Tian can’t be said to be floating, but the variants below the S level are really useless to him.

Corpse core, he is not rare.

Not long after gone.

“Be careful, three hundred meters ahead, there is a B-level variant, a crocodile, lying in ambush in the puddle.~. Tang Tian suddenly reminded.

The fat man was on his left, away from the mutant.

Moreover, the fat man who was greedy for life and fear of death directly propped up his earth wall protective cover, and basically there would not be any major problems.

What Tang Tian wanted to remind was Bai Yiyi.

This little girl is timid and weak, if she is bitten to death by the crocodile mutant in front of her, Tang Tian will feel somewhat uneasy, and she will remind her if she can remind.

“Oh, I see, thank you Captain.” Bai Yiyi said hurriedly.

His expression became more alert.

Fatty looked at Tang Tian in surprise for a while.

“Honey, boss, you know that there are mutants lying in wait three hundred meters away? How did you see it?”

Tang Tian did not explain, just remained silent.

It’s not that I can’t fight, it’s more a lazy answer.

His goal is the wind snake, and nothing else has anything to do with him.

Keep going.

The distance of 300 meters is getting closer.

Both Fatty and Bai Yiyi were extremely nervous, and their steps slowed down a lot.

But Tang Tian doesn’t care and just moves forward.

“Boss, be careful, it’s almost here!

“Captain, you…you walk slowly.””

The two couldn’t help reminding.

Tang Tian did not respond, and continued to move forward.

The big move he made deliberately has indeed successfully attracted the attention of the crocodile.

It’s almost time.


The crocodile jumped out from the puddle, without any sign at all, just opened his big mouth and bit towards Tang Tian.

Tang Tian was speechless for a while.

This fucking blind man, can’t see Laozi’s beauty? Just jump on it!

He looked up speechlessly, only to find that the crocodile opened its mouth from the moment it jumped up, covering its eyes, obviously unable to see the sky-defying appearance of Tang Tian.

Although it is a crocodile, the speed at which the B-level mutant suddenly burst out is still very terrifying.

Bitter as lightning!

Fatty’s face changed greatly with fright.

The surrounding crowd was also taken aback, and they hurriedly defended by the sudden situation.

To Tang Tian’s surprise, among them, only Bai Yiyi rushed over in a hurry, standing beside Tang Tian, his hands suddenly put on a strange posture.

It seems to be protecting Tang Tian.


An F-class came up to protect an S-class against B-class mutants, isn’t this courting death?

But next second.

Tang Tian suddenly felt a little strange.

His unparalleled domain seemed to have some wonderful changes when Bai Yiyi put on that strange pose.

But too late to think about it.

The crocodile has already jumped in front of him.

Tang Tian stretched out his hand directly and slapped the crocodile’s head.

The power of this slap is terrifying.


The crocodile was beaten to the ground, unable to move.

The huge body twitched a few times, but stopped moving.

And Tang Tian’s strange feeling just now disappeared, she turned her head and looked at Bai Yiyi, she also put away her movements.

Looking at the dead body of the mutant that had no movement on the ground, Bai Yiyi was still pale with fright, and her slightly bulging chest heaved violently.

That one just now, was Bai Yiyi’s ability?

Tang Tian is a little strange, but he couldn’t perceive it carefully just now, and now he doesn’t want to perceive anymore.

On the contrary, Bai Yiyi stunned and rushed up to protect Tang Tian, making Tang Tian touched quite a lot, and people’s hearts are full of flesh.

Tang Tian asked himself, if he was a member of the team, even if the captain was a fairy who descended to the earth, the country would fall to the ground, Tang Tian would not use his life to save it.

He squatted down, took out the core of the mutant, looked at it in his hand, and threw it to Bai Yiyi.

|This is yours. ”


Bai Yiyi’s face changed greatly: ‘This…this…this is too precious, captain, I…I can’t have it.

Bai Yiyi’s face changed greatly with fright.

The crowd around them even looked at it with fiery eyes. It was a B-level run-in. If you take it back and sell it, it will cost at least 10 million yuan!

I rely on, more than 10 million will be sent directly to people?

Who is this, so generous?

Or is it to pick up girls? But the cost of picking up girls is too high!

“Boss, this… this is not my share.” Fatty also recovered at this time, and hurriedly trotted over and asked.

“In the moment of the battle just now, you protected yourself, and it was Bai Yiyi who rushed up, so what does this corpse have to do with you?” Tang Tian said indifferently.

Fatty was stunned, although he didn’t dare to say anything, the viciousness in the depths of his eyes disappeared in a flash.

Tang Tian sneered in his heart, sure enough, the temporary teammates are just unreliable.

However, if this fat man is smart, it is best not to act rashly, otherwise, his end will be very miserable.

As for Bai Yiyi, Tang Tian casually threw the corpse core.

“If you don’t want it, throw it away.”

throw away?

Throwing away a priceless B-grade corpse?


Bai Yiyi hurriedly put it away carefully and shouted excitedly, “Thank you, Captain!”

“Don’t thank me, you deserve it.”

Tang Tian said lightly, being able to take his life to help, this is indeed what he deserves, as for the corpse core, it is not exaggerated to shrink, Tang Tian casually put thousands of them on his body, throwing things like garbage, for him , and a stone is no different.

“Also, remember, in the world of the weak and the strong, no one is worthy of your life, not even your teammates. If you don’t do it for yourself, you will be punished by the heavens and the earth. In the future… be smarter.

Bai Yiyi was stunned and blinked, but she didn’t seem to understand the essence of this sentence.

Shaking his head, he didn’t care.

As for Fatty, at this moment, he exchanged glances with the other two teams around him.

In their eyes, the greedy expressions flashed away, and each nodded tacitly.

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